// // $Id: QKQuery.m 3432 2011-09-27 00:21:35Z stuart02 $ // // QKQuery.h // QueryKit // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on September 4, 2011 // Copyright (c) 2011 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #import "QKQuery.h" static NSString *QKNoQueryTypeException = @"QKNoQueryType"; static NSString *QKNoQueryTableException = @"QKNoQueryTable"; @interface QKQuery () - (void)_validateRequiements; - (NSString *)_buildQuery; - (NSString *)_buildFieldList; - (NSString *)_buildConstraints; - (NSString *)_buildGroupByClause; - (NSString *)_buildOrderByClause; - (NSString *)_buildUpdateClause; - (NSString *)_buildSelectOptions; - (BOOL)_addString:(NSString *)string toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array; @end @implementation QKQuery @synthesize _database; @synthesize _table; @synthesize _parameters; @synthesize _queryType; @synthesize _fields; @synthesize _updateParameters; @synthesize _quoteFields; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Initialization + (QKQuery *)queryTable:(NSString *)table { return [[[QKQuery alloc] initWithTable:table] autorelease]; } + (QKQuery *)selectQueryFromTable:(NSString *)table { QKQuery *query = [[[QKQuery alloc] initWithTable:table] autorelease]; [query setQueryType:QKSelectQuery]; return query; } - (id)initWithTable:(NSString *)table { if ((self = [super init])) { [self setTable:table]; [self setFields:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]]; [self setUpdateParameters:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]]; [self setParameters:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]]; [self setQueryType:(QKQueryType)-1]; [self setQuoteFields:NO]; _orderDescending = NO; _groupByFields = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _orderByFields = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _query = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; } return self; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public API /** * Requests that the query be built. * * @return The generated query. */ - (NSString *)query { return _query ? [self _buildQuery] : @""; } /** * Clears anything this instance should know about the query it's building. */ - (void)clear { [self setTable:nil]; [self setDatabase:nil]; [self setQueryType:(QKQueryType)-1]; [_fields removeAllObjects]; [_parameters removeAllObjects]; [_updateParameters removeAllObjects]; [_groupByFields removeAllObjects]; [_orderByFields removeAllObjects]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Fields /** * Shortcut for adding a new field to this query. */ - (void)addField:(NSString *)field { [self _addString:field toArray:_fields]; } /** * Convenience method for adding more than one field. * * @param The array (of strings) of fields to add. */ - (void)addFields:(NSArray *)fields { for (NSString *field in fields) { [self addField:field]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Parameters /** * Adds the supplied parameter. * * @param parameter The parameter to add. */ - (void)addParameter:(QKQueryParameter *)parameter { if ([parameter field] && ([[parameter field] length] > 0) && ((NSInteger)[parameter operator] > -1) && [parameter value]) { [_parameters addObject:parameter]; } } /** * Convenience method for adding a new parameter. */ - (void)addParameter:(NSString *)field operator:(QKQueryOperator)operator value:(id)value { [self addParameter:[QKQueryParameter queryParamWithField:field operator:operator value:value]]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Update Parameters /** * Adds the supplied update parameter. * * @param parameter The parameter to add. */ - (void)addFieldToUpdate:(QKQueryUpdateParameter *)parameter { if ([parameter field] && ([[parameter field] length] > 0) && [parameter value]) { [_updateParameters addObject:parameter]; } } /** * Convenience method for adding a new update parameter. */ - (void)addFieldToUpdate:(NSString *)field toValue:(id)value { [self addFieldToUpdate:[QKQueryUpdateParameter queryUpdateParamWithField:field value:value]]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Grouping /** * Adds the supplied field to the query's GROUP BY clause. */ - (void)groupByField:(NSString *)field { [self _addString:field toArray:_groupByFields]; } /** * Convenience method for adding more than one field to the query's GROUP BY clause. */ - (void)groupByFields:(NSArray *)fields { for (NSString *field in fields) { [self groupByField:field]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Ordering /** * Adds the supplied field to the query's ORDER BY clause. */ - (void)orderByField:(NSString *)field descending:(BOOL)descending { _orderDescending = descending; [self _addString:field toArray:_orderByFields]; } /** * Convenience method for adding more than one field to the query's ORDER BY clause. */ - (void)orderByFields:(NSArray *)fields descending:(BOOL)descending { for (NSString *field in fields) { [self orderByField:field descending:descending]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private API /** * Validates that everything necessary to build the query has been set. */ - (void)_validateRequiements { if (_queryType == -1) { [NSException raise:QKNoQueryTypeException format:@"Attempt to build query with no query type specified."]; } if (!_table || [_table length] == 0) { [NSException raise:QKNoQueryTableException format:@"Attempt to build query with no query table specified."]; } } /** * Builds the actual query. */ - (NSString *)_buildQuery { [self _validateRequiements]; BOOL isSelect = _queryType == QKSelectQuery; BOOL isInsert = _queryType == QKInsertQuery; BOOL isUpdate = _queryType == QKUpdateQuery; BOOL isDelete = _queryType == QKDeleteQuery; NSString *fields = [self _buildFieldList]; if (isSelect) { [_query appendFormat:@"SELECT %@ FROM ", fields]; } else if (isInsert) { [_query appendString:@"INSERT INTO "]; } else if (isUpdate) { [_query appendString:@"UPDATE "]; } else if (isDelete) { [_query appendString:@"DELETE FROM "]; } if (_database && [_database length] > 0) { [_query appendFormat:@"%@.", _database]; } [_query appendString:_table]; if (isUpdate) { [_query appendFormat:@" %@", [self _buildUpdateClause]]; } if ([_parameters count] > 0) { [_query appendFormat:@" WHERE %@", [self _buildConstraints]]; } if (isSelect) { [_query appendString:[self _buildSelectOptions]]; } return _query; } /** * Builds the string representation of the query's field list. */ - (NSString *)_buildFieldList { NSMutableString *fields = [NSMutableString string]; if ([_fields count] == 0) { [fields appendString:@"*"]; return fields; } for (NSString *field in _fields) { field = [field stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; if ([field length] == 0) continue; if (_quoteFields) { [fields appendString:@"`"]; } [fields appendString:field]; if (_quoteFields) { [fields appendString:@"`"]; } [fields appendString:@", "]; } if ([fields hasSuffix:@", "]) { [fields setString:[fields substringToIndex:([fields length] - 2)]]; } return fields; } /** * Builds the string representation of the query's constraints. */ - (NSString *)_buildConstraints { NSMutableString *constraints = [NSMutableString string]; if ([_parameters count] == 0) return constraints; for (QKQueryParameter *param in _parameters) { [constraints appendFormat:@"%@", param]; [constraints appendString:@" AND "]; } if ([constraints hasSuffix:@" AND "]) { [constraints setString:[constraints substringToIndex:([constraints length] - 5)]]; } return constraints; } /** * Builds the string representation of the query's GROUP BY clause. * * @return The GROUP BY clause */ - (NSString *)_buildGroupByClause { NSMutableString *groupBy = [NSMutableString string]; if ([_groupByFields count] == 0) return groupBy; [groupBy appendString:@"GROUP BY "]; for (NSString *field in _groupByFields) { [groupBy appendString:field]; [groupBy appendString:@", "]; } if ([groupBy hasSuffix:@", "]) { [groupBy setString:[groupBy substringToIndex:([groupBy length] - 2)]]; } return groupBy; } /** * Builds the string representation of the query's ORDER BY clause. * * @return The ORDER BY clause */ - (NSString *)_buildOrderByClause { NSMutableString *orderBy = [NSMutableString string]; if ([_orderByFields count] == 0) return orderBy; [orderBy appendString:@"ORDER BY "]; for (NSString *field in _orderByFields) { [orderBy appendString:field]; [orderBy appendString:@", "]; } if ([orderBy hasSuffix:@", "]) { [orderBy setString:[orderBy substringToIndex:([orderBy length] - 2)]]; } [orderBy appendString:_orderDescending ? @" DESC" : @" ASC"]; return orderBy; } /** * Builds the string representation of the query's UPDATE parameters. * * @return The fields to be updated */ - (NSString *)_buildUpdateClause { NSMutableString *update = [NSMutableString string]; if ([_updateParameters count] == 0) return update; [update appendString:@"SET "]; for (QKQueryUpdateParameter *param in _updateParameters) { [update appendFormat:@"%@, ", param]; } if ([update hasSuffix:@", "]) { [update setString:[update substringToIndex:([update length] - 2)]]; } return update; } /** * Builds any SELECT specific query constraints, namely ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses. * * @return The query clauses (if any). */ - (NSString *)_buildSelectOptions { NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string]; NSString *groupBy = [self _buildGroupByClause]; NSString *orderBy = [self _buildOrderByClause]; if ([groupBy length] > 0) { [string appendFormat:@" %@", groupBy]; } if ([orderBy length] > 0) { [string appendFormat:@" %@", orderBy]; } return string; } /** * Adds the supplied string to the supplied array, but only if the length is greater than zero. * * @param string The string to add to the array * @param array The array to add the string to * * @return A BOOL indicating whether or not the string was added. */ - (BOOL)_addString:(NSString *)string toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array { BOOL result = NO; if (!string || !array) return result; string = [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; if ([string length] > 0) { [array addObject:string]; result = YES; } return result; } #pragma mark - /** * Same as calling -query. */ - (NSString *)description { return [self query]; } #pragma mark - - (void)dealloc { if (_table) [_table release], _table = nil; if (_database) [_database release], _database = nil; if (_query) [_query release], _query = nil; if (_parameters) [_parameters release], _parameters = nil; if (_fields) [_fields release], _fields = nil; if (_updateParameters) [_updateParameters release], _updateParameters = nil; if (_groupByFields) [_groupByFields release], _groupByFields = nil; if (_orderByFields) [_orderByFields release], _orderByFields = nil; [super dealloc]; } @end