1050 9J61 677 949.46 353.00 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES NSObject FirstResponder NSApplication 268 YES 268 {{20, 518}, {138, 17}} YES 67239488 272630784 Transparent Controls LucidaGrande 1.300000e+01 1044 6 System controlColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2OQA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA 12 {{20, 516}, {582, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{106, 373}, {63, 18}} YES -2080244224 131072 Check LucidaGrande-Bold 1.100000e+01 16 1211912703 130 NSImage NSSwitch NSSwitch 200 25 268 {{395, 458}, {100, 22}} YES -2076049856 133120 LucidaGrande 1.100000e+01 16 109199615 129 400 75 Item 1 1048576 2147483647 1 NSImage NSMenuCheckmark NSImage NSMenuMixedState _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES Item 2 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: Item 3 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 1 YES YES 2 268 {{108, 286}, {96, 15}} YES -2080244224 131072 LucidaGrande 1.100000e+01 3100 1.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 5.000000e+01 0.000000e+00 0 1 NO NO 268 {{103, 454}, {81, 28}} YES 67239424 134348800 Button -2038284033 129 200 25 4364 YES 2304 YES 4352 {240, 135} YES -2147483392 {{-26, 0}, {16, 17}} YES 2.370000e+02 4.000000e+01 1.000000e+03 75628032 0 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5OQA 6 System headerTextColor 337772096 2048 Text Cell 6 System controlBackgroundColor 1 MSAxIDEAA 3 YES YES 3.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 6 System gridColor 3 MC41AA 2.000000e+01 -692060160 4 15 0 YES {240, 135} 4 MSAwLjE0AA 4 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {15, 120}} _doScroller: 9.925373e-01 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {225, 15}} 1 _doScroller: 5.714286e-01 {{398, 199}, {240, 135}} 528 QSAAAEEgAABBsAAAQbAAAA 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentButton 0 0 0 YES YES {{20, 430}, {80, 80}} Transparent Button (HUD) 4F24C31E-C382-4B82-B3C2-3285017ADD6F Button for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Button for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). YES YES NSFont NSParagraphStyle YES Helvetica 1.200000e+01 16 4 Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentPopUpButton 0 0 0 YES YES {{310, 430}, {80, 80}} Transparent Pop Up Button (HUD) AF3C0ED2-BF58-45A7-8960-A37D8CF230E6 Pop-up button for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Pop-up button for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentCheckbox 0 0 0 YES YES {{20, 342}, {80, 80}} Transparent Check Box (HUD) A39224B0-B5D2-4D6D-854E-938511A6152E Check box for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Check box for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentSlider 0 0 0 YES YES {{20, 254}, {80, 80}} Transparent Horizontal Slider (HUD) 746DB67C-37BB-4C61-A84E-A57E23607AFE Horizontal slider for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Horizontal slider for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentLabel 0 0 0 YES YES {{310, 342}, {80, 80}} Transparent Label (HUD) EC285393-CFF0-4711-8EF0-586BB955CA87 Label for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Label for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentTableView 0 0 0 YES YES {{310, 254}, {80, 80}} Transparent Table View (HUD) FDB83576-2468-4324-A58F-7E706FD396FB Table view for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Table view for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentCheckboxCell 0 0 0 YES YES {{20, 166}, {80, 80}} Transparent Check Box Cell (HUD) C8192A0A-8DD8-47E3-8EB9-EC8AB6842CC2 Check box cell for use in transparent views. Check box cell for use in transparent views. Transparent Controls 0 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{18, 24}, {44, 32}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-TransparentTextView 0 0 0 YES YES {{310, 102}, {80, 80}} Transparent Text View (HUD) EBF4A84F-3790-478C-9C09-AE6F0747EF77 Text view for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Text view for use in transparent panels (HUD windows). Transparent Controls 0 256 YES 2304 YES 2322 YES YES Apple HTML pasteboard type Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type Apple URL pasteboard type CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D6F6F76 CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x75726C20 NSColor pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NSStringPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT RTFD pasteboard type NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type NeXT font pasteboard type NeXT ruler pasteboard type WebURLsWithTitlesPboardType {225, 180} Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium adipisicing pecu, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Et harumd und lookum like Greek to me, dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen legum odioque civiuda YES YES YES NSColor NSFont NSParagraphStyle YES 1 MC45MDE5NjA3OSAwLjkwMTk2MDc5IDAuOTAxOTYwNzkAA LucidaGrande 1.000000e+01 2843 3 YES 0.000000e+00 5.600000e+01 1.120000e+02 1.680000e+02 2.240000e+02 2.800000e+02 3.360000e+02 3.920000e+02 4.480000e+02 5.040000e+02 5.600000e+02 6.160000e+02 6.720000e+02 7.280000e+02 7.840000e+02 8.400000e+02 8.960000e+02 9.520000e+02 1.008000e+03 1.064000e+03 1.120000e+03 1.176000e+03 1.232000e+03 1.288000e+03 1.344000e+03 1.400000e+03 1.456000e+03 1.512000e+03 1.568000e+03 1.624000e+03 1.680000e+03 1.736000e+03 YES YES NSColor NSFont NSParagraphStyle YES LucidaGrande-Bold 1.000000e+01 16 3 YES GQAEAQgADAEiAAcBhAQAA YES 6 2.250000e+02 1 10983 YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES 6 System selectedTextBackgroundColor 6 System selectedTextColor YES YES NSColor NSUnderline YES 1 MCAwIDEAA 6 {480, 1e+07} {223, 0} {225, 135} {4, -5} 1 2 256 {{225, 0}, {15, 135}} YES _doScroller: 7.500000e-01 256 {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} 1 _doScroller: 1.000000e+00 9.456522e-01 {{398, 47}, {240, 135}} 592 268 {{395, 375}, {38, 14}} YES 68288064 272761856 Label {686, 555} NSView 67239424 131072 Check 1211912703 130 200 25 YES draggedView 149 draggedView 150 draggedView 151 draggedView 152 draggedView 175 representedObject 179 draggedView 190 draggedView 195 YES 0 YES -2 RmlsZSdzIE93bmVyA -1 First Responder -3 Application 7 YES Library Objects 41 YES 42 45 YES 47 YES 50 YES 52 YES 53 56 60 YES 61 YES 62 63 64 71 76 98 YES 99 100 101 YES 103 YES 106 132 142 YES 143 YES 144 YES 145 YES 146 YES 139 YES 140 93 YES 94 89 YES 90 91 YES 92 95 YES 96 160 YES 176 YES 177 178 YES 180 YES 183 YES 184 185 YES 186 187 188 191 YES 192 193 YES 194 YES YES -1.IBPluginDependency -2.IBPluginDependency -3.IBPluginDependency 100.IBPluginDependency 101.CustomClassName 101.IBPluginDependency 103.IBPluginDependency 106.CustomClassName 106.IBPluginDependency 132.CustomClassName 132.IBPluginDependency 142.IBPluginDependency 143.IBPluginDependency 144.IBPluginDependency 145.IBPluginDependency 146.IBPluginDependency 160.IBPluginDependency 178.IBPluginDependency 180.IBPluginDependency 185.CustomClassName 185.IBPluginDependency 186.CustomClassName 186.IBPluginDependency 187.IBPluginDependency 188.IBPluginDependency 193.IBPluginDependency 194.CustomClassName 194.IBPluginDependency 41.IBPluginDependency 42.IBPluginDependency 45.CustomClassName 45.IBPluginDependency 47.CustomClassName 47.IBPluginDependency 50.CustomClassName 50.IBPluginDependency 52.CustomClassName 52.IBPluginDependency 53.CustomClassName 53.IBPluginDependency 56.CustomClassName 56.IBPluginDependency 60.CustomClassName 60.IBPluginDependency 61.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 61.IBPluginDependency 62.IBPluginDependency 63.IBPluginDependency 64.IBPluginDependency 7.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 7.IBPluginDependency 7.IBUserGuides 7.WindowOrigin 7.editorWindowContentRectSynchronizationRect 71.CustomClassName 71.IBPluginDependency 76.IBPluginDependency 98.CustomClassName 98.IBPluginDependency 99.CustomClassName 99.IBPluginDependency YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentTableView com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentTableViewCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentCheckboxCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin BWTransparentScrollView com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentScroller com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentTextFieldCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentCheckbox com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentPopUpButton com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentSlider com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentButton com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentButtonCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentSliderCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentPopUpButtonCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{931, 621}, {100, 54}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{480, 260}, {686, 555}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES {332, 343} {{403, 401}, {264, 327}} BWTransparentCheckboxCell com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentScrollView com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin BWTransparentScroller com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES YES YES 195 YES BWTransparentButton NSButton IBProjectSource BWTransparentButton.h BWTransparentButtonCell NSButtonCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentButtonCell.h BWTransparentCheckbox NSButton IBProjectSource BWTransparentCheckbox.h BWTransparentCheckboxCell NSButtonCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentCheckboxCell.h BWTransparentPopUpButton NSPopUpButton IBProjectSource BWTransparentPopUpButton.h BWTransparentPopUpButtonCell NSPopUpButtonCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentPopUpButtonCell.h BWTransparentScrollView NSScrollView IBProjectSource BWTransparentScrollView.h BWTransparentScroller NSScroller IBProjectSource BWTransparentScroller.h BWTransparentSlider NSSlider IBProjectSource BWTransparentSlider.h BWTransparentSliderCell NSSliderCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentSliderCell.h BWTransparentTableView NSTableView IBProjectSource BWTransparentTableView.h BWTransparentTableViewCell NSTextFieldCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentTableViewCell.h BWTransparentTextFieldCell NSTextFieldCell IBProjectSource BWTransparentTextFieldCell.h NSView IBProjectSource NSView+BWAdditions.h 0 BWToolkit.xcodeproj 3