1050 9G55 677 949.43 353.00 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES NSObject FirstResponder NSApplication 268 YES 268 {{20, 290}, {138, 17}} YES 67239488 272630784 Controllers LucidaGrande 1.300000e+01 1044 6 System controlColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2OQA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA 12 {{20, 288}, {224, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxAA 3 2 0 NO 268 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{16, 16}, {48, 48}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage Library-SheetController 0 0 0 YES YES {{20, 202}, {80, 80}} Sheet Controller FB2E7CB9-EA98-4C6F-B4EE-7CFA4E1599D2 Controller object for loading and dismissing sheets. Controller object for loading and dismissing sheets. To use, connect its outlets and actions. Optionally, you can connect the delegate outlet if you want to execute code when an action occurs on the sheet. The delegate should implement the method -(BOOL)shouldCloseSheet:(id)sender. YES YES YES NSFont NSParagraphStyle YES Helvetica 1.200000e+01 16 4 YES YES NSFont NSLigature NSParagraphStyle YES Monaco 1.200000e+01 16 4 YES YES NSColor NSFont NSLigature NSParagraphStyle YES 1 MC42NjY2NjY2OSAwLjA1MDk4MDM5MyAwLjU2ODYyNzQ4AA YES YES NSColor NSFont NSLigature NSParagraphStyle YES 1 MC4zNjA3ODQzMiAwLjE0OTAxOTYxIDAuNjAwMDAwMDIAA YES YES NSColor NSFont NSLigature NSParagraphStyle YES 1 MC4yNDcwNTg4MiAwLjQzMTM3MjU1IDAuNDU0OTAxOTYAA 9wEAAgEEAhUBBwMBBA Controllers 0 {264, 327} NSView BWSheetController YES representedObject 56 YES 0 YES -2 RmlsZSdzIE93bmVyA -1 First Responder -3 Application 7 YES Library Objects 41 YES 42 46 47 53 YES 54 YES 55 YES YES -1.IBPluginDependency -2.IBPluginDependency -3.IBPluginDependency 41.IBPluginDependency 42.IBPluginDependency 46.IBPluginDependency 47.IBPluginDependency 53.IBPluginDependency 7.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 7.IBPluginDependency 7.IBUserGuides 7.WindowOrigin 7.editorWindowContentRectSynchronizationRect YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilderKit com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBSDKPlugin {{549, 235}, {264, 327}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES {332, 343} {{403, 401}, {264, 327}} YES YES YES YES YES YES 56 YES BWSheetController NSObject YES YES closeSheet: messageDelegateAndCloseSheet: openSheet: YES id id id YES YES delegate parentWindow sheet YES id NSWindow NSWindow IBProjectSource BWSheetController.h NSView IBProjectSource NSView+BWAdditions.h NSWindow IBProjectSource NSWindow+BWAdditions.h NSWindow IBProjectSource NSWindow-NSTimeMachineSupport.h 0 BWToolkit.xcodeproj 3