From 39acc61f00b719f69179e6add1513bb8886bd0e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rowanbeentje Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 23:33:59 +0000 Subject: - Remove all BWToolKit views from the Bundle Editor window, replacing with normal equivalents and a SPSplitView - Remove the ShortcutRecorder instance defined in Interface Builder from the Bundle Editor window, replacing with an instance set up from code. This removes the only dependency on the Shortcut Recorder .ibplugin, making it no longer necessary for building the project. --- Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib | 11995 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 6004 insertions(+), 5991 deletions(-) (limited to 'Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib') diff --git a/Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib b/Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib index 66d2969f..be24d2c3 100644 --- a/Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib +++ b/Interfaces/English.lproj/BundleEditor.xib @@ -1,5994 +1,6007 @@ - - 1050 - 10K540 - 823 - 1038.36 - 461.00 - - YES - - YES - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard - - - YES - 823 - 1.2.5 - 1 - - - - YES - - - - - YES - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard - - - - YES - - YES - - - YES - - - - YES - - SPBundleEditorController - - - FirstResponder - - - NSApplication - - - 15 - 2 - {{341, 207}, {900, 550}} - 611844096 - Bundle Editor - SPWindow - - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - {730, 494} - - - 256 - - YES - - - 4370 - - YES - - - 272 - - YES - - - 290 - - YES - - - 292 - {{-1, -1}, {32, 25}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134217728 - - - LucidaGrande - 13 - 1044 - - - -2041822977 - 402653219 - - NSImage - button_add - - - a - 400 - 75 - - - - - 292 - {{30, -1}, {32, 25}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134217728 - - - - -2042347265 - 268435491 - - NSImage - button_remove - - -  - 400 - 75 - - - - - 292 - {{61, -1}, {32, 24}} - - YES - - 71433792 - 134219776 - - - -2038284033 - 134217891 - - Gw - 400 - 75 - - - YES - - - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - NSImage - NSActionTemplate - - - NSImage - NSMenuCheckmark - - - NSImage - NSMenuMixedState - - _popUpItemAction: - - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - Duplicate Bundle - d - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - Reveal Bundle in Finder - O - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - Export Bundle… - - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - YES - YES - - - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - Undelete Default Bundles… - - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - Reload Bundles without Saving - - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - - YES - 1 - YES - YES - - - - {{0, 2}, {142, 23}} - - YES - YES - NO - 0 - - - - 4370 - - YES - - - 2304 - - YES - - - 4370 - {143, 529} - - YES - - - -2147483392 - {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} - - - YES - - bundleName - 140 - 16 - 1000 - - 75628096 - 2048 - - - LucidaGrande - 11 - 3100 - - - 3 - MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA - - - 6 - System - headerTextColor - - 3 - MAA - - - - - 337772096 - 133120 - Text Cell - - - - 6 - System - controlBackgroundColor - - 3 - MC42NjY2NjY2ODY1AA - - - - 6 - System - controlTextColor - - - - 3 - YES - YES - - - - 3 - 0.0 - - 6 - System - _sourceListBackgroundColor - - 1 - MC44MzkyMTU2OTU5IDAuODY2NjY2Njc0NiAwLjg5ODAzOTIyMTgAA - - - - 6 - System - gridColor - - 3 - MC41AA - - - 20 - 1128267776 - - - SPBundleEditorOutlineView - 5 - 15 - 0 - YES - 1 - 1 - 14 - - - {{1, 1}, {143, 529}} - - - - - 4 - - - - -2147483392 - {{-100, -100}, {15, 102}} - - - _doScroller: - 0.99585062265396118 - - - - -2147483392 - {{-100, -100}, {192, 15}} - - 1 - - _doScroller: - 0.98947370052337646 - - - {{-2, 22}, {145, 531}} - - - 530 - - - - QSAAAEEgAABBoAAAQaAAAA - - - {142, 552} - - NSView - - - - 4370 - - YES - - - 274 - - YES - - - 2304 - - YES - - - 2322 - - YES - - YES - Apple HTML pasteboard type - Apple PDF pasteboard type - Apple PICT pasteboard type - Apple PNG pasteboard type - Apple URL pasteboard type - CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D6F6F76 - NSColor pasteboard type - NSFilenamesPboardType - NSStringPboardType - NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type - NeXT RTFD pasteboard type - NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type - NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type - NeXT font pasteboard type - NeXT ruler pasteboard type - WebURLsWithTitlesPboardType - public.url - - - {715, 289} - - - - - - - - - - - YES - - - 134 - - - - 715 - 1 - - - 11299 - 0 - - - 3 - MQA - - - YES - - YES - NSBackgroundColor - NSColor - - - YES - - 6 - System - selectedTextBackgroundColor - - - - 6 - System - selectedTextColor - - - - - - - YES - - YES - NSColor - NSCursor - NSUnderline - - - YES - - 1 - MCAwIDEAA - - - {8, -8} - 13 - - - - - - - 6 - {1e+07, 1e+07} - {223, 289} - - - - {{1, 1}, {715, 289}} - - - - - - {4, -5} - 1 - - 4 - - - - -2147483392 - {{701, 1}, {15, 289}} - - - _doScroller: - 0.9965517520904541 - - - - -2147483392 - {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} - - 1 - - _doScroller: - 1 - 0.94565218687057495 - - - {{20, 52}, {717, 291}} - - - 530 - - - - - - - 266 - {{23, 518}, {556, 14}} - - YES - - 67239488 - 4327424 - [bundle summary] - - - - 6 - System - controlColor - - - - 6 - System - headerColor - - - - - - - 265 - {{579, 510}, {163, 28}} - - YES - - 604110336 - 134348800 - Bundle Info - - - -2038284033 - 129 - - - 200 - 25 - - - - - 268 - {{411, 487}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 292 - {{17, 21}, {248, 18}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 131072 - Disable Bundle - - - 1211912703 - 2 - - NSImage - NSSwitch - - - NSSwitch - - - - 200 - 25 - - - - - 289 - {{617, 15}, {125, 28}} - - 1 - YES - - 67239424 - 134348800 - Save - - - -2038284033 - 268435585 - - s - 200 - 25 - - - - - 289 - {{494, 15}, {125, 28}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134348800 - Cancel - - - -2038284033 - 129 - - - 200 - 25 - - - - - 268 - {{127, 436}, {157, 22}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 262144 - - - LucidaGrande - 9 - 3614 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{411, 394}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 268 - {{411, 394}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 268 - {{126, 369}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 268 - {{126, 487}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 268 - {{126, 394}, {159, 22}} - - YES - - -2076049856 - 133120 - - - 109199615 - 129 - - - 400 - 75 - - YES - - OtherViews - - YES - - - - -1 - 1 - YES - YES - 2 - - - - - 289 - {{465, 16}, {25, 25}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134348800 - - - - -2038415105 - 161 - - - 200 - 25 - - - - - 268 - {{332, 400}, {32, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 138544128 - AND - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{332, 400}, {32, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 138544128 - OR - - - - - - - - - 266 - {{414, 464}, {323, 19}} - - YES - - -1804468671 - 272761856 - - - [sub menu category] - - YES - - 6 - System - textBackgroundColor - - - - 6 - System - textColor - - - - - - - 268 - {{287, 493}, {122, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Trigger: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{21, 374}, {103, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Output: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{287, 466}, {122, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Menu Category: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{21, 492}, {103, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Bundle Scope: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{17, 351}, {447, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 4326400 - Command: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{21, 400}, {103, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Input: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{287, 439}, {122, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Tooltip: - - - - - - - - - 266 - {{414, 437}, {323, 19}} - - YES - - -1804468671 - 272761856 - - - [menu label tooltip] - - YES - - - - - - - 268 - {{21, 466}, {103, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 71435264 - Menu Label: - - - - - - - - - 268 - {{129, 464}, {153, 19}} - - YES - - -1804468671 - 272761856 - - - [menu label name] - - YES - - - - - - {{143, 0}, {757, 552}} - - NSView - - - {{0, -2}, {900, 552}} - - YES - 2 - SPBundleEditorSplitView - - 1 - MC42NjY2NjY2ODY1IDAuNjY2NjY2Njg2NSAwLjY2NjY2NjY4NjUAA - - YES - - YES - - YES - - - - - YES - - - - - - YES - - YES - - - - - YES - - - - - - YES - - YES - - - - - YES - - - - - - YES - - YES - - - - - YES - - - - - 0 - NO - - - {900, 550} - - - {{0, 0}, {1440, 878}} - {730, 516} - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - SPBundleEditor - - - - - YES - - - Bundle Info - - 2147483647 - - - - - - Duplicate - d - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - Reveal Bundle in Finder - O - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - - _popUpItemAction: - - - - YES - YES - - - 2147483647 - - - - - - Remove Selected Bundle - CA - 1048576 - 2147483647 - - - - - - - 27 - 2 - {{140, 260}, {341, 198}} - 611844096 - Window - NSPanel - - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - {341, 198} - - - 256 - - YES - - - 274 - - YES - - - 2304 - - YES - - - 256 - {341, 121} - - YES - - - 256 - {341, 17} - - - - - - -2147483392 - {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} - - - - YES - - 338 - 40 - 1000 - - 75628096 - 2048 - - - - 3 - MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA - - - - - 337772096 - 2048 - Text Cell - - - - - - 3 - YES - YES - - - - 3 - 2 - - 6 - System - _sourceListBackgroundColor - - 1 - MC44MzkyMTU2OTU5IDAuODY2NjY2Njc0NiAwLjg5ODAzOTIyMTgAA - - - - 17 - 1111490560 - - - 4 - 15 - 0 - YES - 1 - 1 - - - {{1, 17}, {341, 121}} - - - - - 4 - - - - -2147483392 - {{224, 17}, {15, 102}} - - - _doScroller: - 0.99180328845977783 - - - - -2147483392 - {{1, 119}, {223, 15}} - - 1 - - _doScroller: - 0.99707603454589844 - - - - 2304 - - YES - - - {{1, 0}, {341, 17}} - - - - - 4 - - - - {{-1, 60}, {343, 139}} - - - 562 - - - - - - QSAAAEEgAABBmAAAQZgAAA - - - - 289 - {{213, 12}, {114, 32}} - - 1 - YES - - 67239424 - 134217728 - Undelete - - - -2038284033 - 129 - - DQ - 200 - 25 - - - - - 289 - {{99, 12}, {114, 32}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134217728 - Close - - - -2038284033 - 129 - - Gw - 200 - 25 - - - - {341, 198} - - {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} - {341, 214} - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - - - - YES - bundleName - disabled - name - command - contact - author - description - - YES - - YES - YES - YES - _children_ - - - 15 - 2 - {{196, 266}, {297, 244}} - 611844096 - Window - NSWindow - - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - {297, 244} - - - 256 - - YES - - - 268 - {{41, 207}, {45, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 272761856 - Author: - - - - - - - - - 266 - {{91, 205}, {186, 19}} - - YES - - -1804468671 - 272761856 - - - - YES - - - - - - - 268 - {{37, 182}, {49, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 272761856 - Contact: - - - - - - - - - 266 - {{91, 180}, {186, 19}} - - YES - - -1804468671 - 272761856 - - - - YES - - - - - - - 268 - {{17, 158}, {69, 14}} - - YES - - 68288064 - 272761856 - Description: - - - - - - - - - 274 - - YES - - - 2304 - - YES - - - 2322 - {255, 92} - - - - - - - - - - - YES - - - 134 - - - - 255 - 1 - - - 2305 - 0 - - - - YES - - YES - NSBackgroundColor - NSColor - - - YES - - - - - - - YES - - YES - NSColor - NSCursor - NSUnderline - - - YES - - - - - - - - 6 - {463, 1e+07} - {223, 92} - - - - {{1, 1}, {255, 92}} - - - - - - 4 - - - - -2147483392 - {{245, 1}, {11, 92}} - - 256 - - _doScroller: - 1 - 0.85256409645080566 - - - - -2147483392 - {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} - - 1 - - _doScroller: - 1 - 0.94565218687057495 - - - {{20, 56}, {257, 94}} - - - 530 - - - - - - - 289 - {{186, 13}, {96, 28}} - - YES - - 67239424 - 134348800 - Close - - - -2038284033 - 129 - - DQ - 200 - 25 - - - - {297, 244} - - {{0, 0}, {1680, 1028}} - {297, 266} - {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} - - - - - YES - - - delegate - - - - 523 - - - - window - - - - 527 - - - - addCommandBundle: - - - - 827 - - - - removeCommandBundle: - - - - 828 - - - - duplicateCommandBundle: - - - - 829 - - - - delegate - - - - 833 - - - - nameTextField - - - - 834 - - - - inputPopupButton - - - - 836 - - - - fallbackLabelField - - - - 837 - - - - inputFallbackPopupButton - - - - 838 - - - - outputPopupButton - - - - 848 - - - - categoryTextField - - - - 849 - - - - delegate - - - - 851 - - - - keyEquivalentField - - - - 852 - - - - showHelp: - - - - 853 - - - - saveAndCloseWindow: - - - - 875 - - - - revealCommandBundleInFinder: - - - - 877 - - - - removeButton - - - - 878 - - - - revealInFinderMenuItem - - - - 879 - - - - duplicateMenuItem - - - - 880 - - - - revealCommandBundleInFinder: - - - - 905 - - - - duplicateCommandBundle: - - - - 906 - - - - removeCommandBundle: - - - - 910 - - - - inputPopupButtonChanged: - - - - 911 - - - - inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: - - - - 916 - - - - saveBundle: - - - - 921 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 950 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 951 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 952 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 953 - - - - scopeButtonChanged: - - - - 955 - - - - scopePopupButton - - - - 956 - - - - reloadBundles: - - - - 959 - - - - commandsOutlineView - - - - 971 - - - - dataSource - - - - 976 - - - - delegate - - - - 977 - - - - commandBundleTreeController - - - - 983 - - - - value: arrangedObjects.bundleName - - - - - - value: arrangedObjects.bundleName - value - arrangedObjects.bundleName - 2 - - - 985 - - - - value: selection.tooltip - - - - - - value: selection.tooltip - value - selection.tooltip - 2 - - - 989 - - - - value: selection.internalKeyEquivalent - - - - - - value: selection.internalKeyEquivalent - value - selection.internalKeyEquivalent - 2 - - - 990 - - - - menu - - - - 991 - - - - addButton - - - - 992 - - - - delegate - - - - 993 - - - - value: selection.disabled - - - - - - value: selection.disabled - value - selection.disabled - 2 - - - 999 - - - - value: - - - - - - value: - value - - 2 - - - 1027 - - - - disabledCheckbox - - - - 1028 - - - - helpButton - - - - 1036 - - - - saveButton - - - - 1037 - - - - cancelButton - - - - 1038 - - - - commandLabelField - - - - 1039 - - - - tooltipTextField - - - - 1072 - - - - triggerPopupButton - - - - 1086 - - - - triggerButtonChanged: - - - - 1087 - - - - withBlobLabelField - - - - 1090 - - - - withBlobPopupButton - - - - 1096 - - - - withBlobButtonChanged: - - - - 1097 - - - - performClose: - - - - 1098 - - - - undeleteDefaultBundles: - - - - 1100 - - - - undeleteTableView - - - - 1116 - - - - dataSource - - - - 1119 - - - - delegate - - - - 1120 - - - - undeleteSheet - - - - 1123 - - - - closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: - - - - 1124 - - - - closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: - - - - 1125 - - - - delegate - - - - 1126 - - - - initialFirstResponder - - - - 1127 - - - - delegate - - - - 1128 - - - - splitView - - - - 1130 - - - - authorTextField - - - - 1150 - - - - contactTextField - - - - 1151 - - - - descriptionTextView - - - - 1152 - - - - metaInfoSheet - - - - 1153 - - - - displayBundleMetaInfo: - - - - 1158 - - - - closeSheet: - - - - 1159 - - - - displayBundleMetaInfo: - - - - 1160 - - - - value: - - - - - - value: - value - - 2 - - - 1162 - - - - value: - - - - - - value: - value - - 2 - - - 1164 - - - - value: selection.description - - - - - - value: selection.description - value - selection.description - 2 - - - 1166 - - - - displayMetaInfoButton - - - - 1167 - - - - value: selection.category - - - - - - value: selection.category - value - selection.category - - NSNullPlaceholder - optional - - 2 - - - 1170 - - - - metaInfoSummary - - - - 1173 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1183 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1186 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1191 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1194 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1199 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1202 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1205 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1208 - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - - - - - - enabled: selection.disabled - enabled - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1211 - - - - fontBold: selection.disabled - - - - - - fontBold: selection.disabled - fontBold - selection.disabled - 2 - - - 1213 - - - - commandTextView - - - - 1219 - - - - commandScrollView - - - - 1220 - - - - commandScrollView - - - - 1221 - - - - delegate - - - - 1222 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1227 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1228 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1229 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1231 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1232 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1233 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1234 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1235 - - - - nextKeyView - - - - 1236 - - - - value: selection.command - - - - - - value: selection.command - value - selection.command - 2 - - - 1241 - - - - editable: selection.disabled - - - - - - editable: selection.disabled - editable - selection.disabled - - NSValueTransformerName - NSNegateBoolean - - 2 - - - 1244 - - - - - YES - - 0 - - - - - - -2 - - - File's Owner - - - -1 - - - First Responder - - - -3 - - - Application - - - 521 - - - YES - - - - Bundle Editor Window - - - 522 - - - YES - - - - - - 683 - - - YES - - - - - - - 685 - - - YES - - - - - Bundle Table View - - - 730 - - - YES - - - - - - - - 731 - - - YES - - - - - - 732 - - - YES - - - - - - 733 - - - YES - - - - - - 734 - - - - - 735 - - - - - 736 - - - YES - - - - - - 737 - - - YES - - - - - - - - - - - - 738 - - - - - 741 - - - - - 876 - - - - - 899 - - - YES - - - - - - - - Outline Context Menu - - - 903 - - - - - 904 - - - - - 908 - - - - - 909 - - - - - 920 - - - - - 957 - - - - - 958 - - - - - 982 - - - - - 962 - - - YES - - - - - - - - 965 - - - YES - - - - - - 964 - - - - - 963 - - - - - 967 - - - YES - - - - - - 970 - - - - - 994 - - - - - 1099 - - - - - 1101 - - - YES - - - - Undelete Default Bundles Sheet - - - 1102 - - - YES - - - - - - - - 1103 - - - YES - - - - - - - - - 1104 - - - - - 1105 - - - - - 1106 - - - YES - - - - - - 1108 - - - YES - - - - - - 1111 - - - - - 1112 - - - YES - - - - - - 1113 - - - - - 1114 - - - YES - - - - - - 1115 - - - - - 1118 - - - - - 1132 - - - YES - - - - Meta Info - - - 1133 - - - YES - - - - - - - - - - - - 1134 - - - YES - - - - - - 1135 - - - - - 1136 - - - YES - - - - - - 1137 - - - - - 1138 - - - YES - - - - - - 1139 - - - YES - - - - - - 1140 - - - - - 1141 - - - - - 1142 - - - YES - - - - - - 1143 - - - - - 1144 - - - YES - - - - - - - - 1145 - - - - - 1146 - - - - - 1147 - - - - - 1148 - - - YES - - - - - - 1149 - - - - - 686 - - - YES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bundle Content View - - - 932 - - - YES - - - - Pop Up Button (Input) - - - 933 - - - YES - - - - - - 934 - - - - - 936 - - - YES - - - - - - 937 - - - - - 1156 - - - YES - - - - - - 1157 - - - - - 1091 - - - YES - - - - Pop Up Button (Input Fallback) - - - 1092 - - - YES - - - - - - 1093 - - - - - 780 - - - YES - - - - Pop Up Button (Input Fallback) - - - 781 - - - YES - - - - - - 782 - - - - - 804 - - - YES - - - - - - 824 - - - - - 1088 - - - YES - - - - - - 1089 - - - - - 795 - - - YES - - - - - - 796 - - - - - 797 - - - YES - - - - - - 798 - - - - - 768 - - - YES - - - - Pop Up Button (Input) - - - 769 - - - YES - - - - - - 770 - - - - - 695 - - - YES - - - - Text Field (Menu Label) - - - 696 - - - - - 690 - - - YES - - - - - - 703 - - - - - 1083 - - - YES - - - - - - 1084 - - - - - 1077 - - - YES - - - - - - 1078 - - - YES - - - - - - 1079 - - - - - 774 - - - YES - - - - Pop Up Button (Output) - - - 775 - - - YES - - - - - - 776 - - - - - 800 - - - YES - - - - - - 801 - - - - - 799 - - - YES - - - - Text Field (Tooltip) - - - 802 - - - - - 691 - - - YES - - - - Text Field (Menu Category) - - - 702 - - - - - 817 - - - YES - - - - - - 818 - - - - - 859 - - - YES - - - - - - 860 - - - - - 996 - - - YES - - - - - - 997 - - - - - 788 - - - YES - - - - - - 789 - - - - - 693 - - - YES - - - - - - 700 - - - - - 692 - - - YES - - - - - - 701 - - - - - 938 - - - YES - - - - - - 939 - - - - - 1171 - - - YES - - - - - - 1172 - - - - - 1214 - - - YES - - - - - - - - 1215 - - - - - 1216 - - - - - 1217 - - - - - - - YES - - YES - -3.IBPluginDependency - 1077.IBPluginDependency - 1077.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1078.IBPluginDependency - 1079.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 1079.IBPluginDependency - 1083.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 1083.IBPluginDependency - 1083.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1084.IBPluginDependency - 1088.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 1088.IBPluginDependency - 1088.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1089.IBPluginDependency - 1091.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 1091.IBPluginDependency - 1091.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1092.IBPluginDependency - 1093.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 1093.IBPluginDependency - 1099.IBPluginDependency - 1101.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 1101.IBPluginDependency - 1101.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect - 1101.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch - 1101.windowTemplate.hasMinSize - 1101.windowTemplate.minSize - 1102.IBPluginDependency - 1103.IBPluginDependency - 1104.IBPluginDependency - 1105.IBPluginDependency - 1106.IBPluginDependency - 1108.IBPluginDependency - 1111.IBPluginDependency - 1112.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 1112.IBPluginDependency - 1113.IBPluginDependency - 1114.IBPluginDependency - 1115.IBPluginDependency - 1132.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 1132.IBPluginDependency - 1132.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect - 1132.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch - 1132.windowTemplate.hasMinSize - 1132.windowTemplate.minSize - 1133.IBPluginDependency - 1134.IBPluginDependency - 1134.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1135.IBPluginDependency - 1136.IBPluginDependency - 1136.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1137.IBPluginDependency - 1138.IBPluginDependency - 1138.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1139.IBPluginDependency - 1139.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1140.IBPluginDependency - 1141.IBPluginDependency - 1142.IBPluginDependency - 1142.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1143.IBPluginDependency - 1144.IBPluginDependency - 1145.IBPluginDependency - 1146.IBPluginDependency - 1147.IBPluginDependency - 1148.IBPluginDependency - 1148.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1149.IBPluginDependency - 1156.IBPluginDependency - 1156.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1157.IBPluginDependency - 1171.IBPluginDependency - 1171.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1172.IBPluginDependency - 1214.IBPluginDependency - 1214.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 1215.IBPluginDependency - 1216.IBPluginDependency - 1217.CustomClassName - 1217.IBPluginDependency - 521.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 521.IBPluginDependency - 521.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect - 521.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch - 521.windowTemplate.hasMinSize - 521.windowTemplate.minSize - 522.IBPluginDependency - 683.IBPluginDependency - 683.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 685.IBPluginDependency - 686.IBPluginDependency - 686.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 690.IBPluginDependency - 690.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 691.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 691.IBPluginDependency - 691.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 692.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 692.IBPluginDependency - 692.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 693.IBPluginDependency - 693.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 695.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 695.IBPluginDependency - 695.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 696.IBPluginDependency - 700.IBPluginDependency - 701.IBPluginDependency - 702.IBPluginDependency - 703.IBPluginDependency - 730.IBPluginDependency - 731.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 731.IBPluginDependency - 732.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 732.IBPluginDependency - 733.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 733.IBPluginDependency - 734.IBPluginDependency - 735.IBPluginDependency - 736.IBPluginDependency - 737.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 737.IBPluginDependency - 738.IBPluginDependency - 741.IBPluginDependency - 768.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 768.IBPluginDependency - 768.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 769.IBPluginDependency - 770.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 770.IBPluginDependency - 774.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 774.IBPluginDependency - 774.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 775.IBPluginDependency - 776.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 776.IBPluginDependency - 780.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 780.IBPluginDependency - 780.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 781.IBPluginDependency - 782.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 782.IBPluginDependency - 788.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 788.IBPluginDependency - 788.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 789.IBPluginDependency - 795.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 795.IBPluginDependency - 795.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 796.IBPluginDependency - 797.IBPluginDependency - 797.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 798.IBPluginDependency - 799.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 799.IBPluginDependency - 799.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 800.IBPluginDependency - 800.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 801.IBPluginDependency - 802.IBPluginDependency - 804.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 804.IBPluginDependency - 804.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 817.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 817.IBPluginDependency - 817.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 818.IBPluginDependency - 859.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 859.IBPluginDependency - 860.IBPluginDependency - 876.IBPluginDependency - 899.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 899.IBPluginDependency - 903.IBPluginDependency - 904.IBPluginDependency - 908.IBPluginDependency - 909.IBPluginDependency - 920.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 920.IBPluginDependency - 932.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey - 932.IBPluginDependency - 932.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 933.IBPluginDependency - 934.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect - 934.IBPluginDependency - 936.IBPluginDependency - 936.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 937.IBPluginDependency - 938.IBPluginDependency - 938.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 939.IBPluginDependency - 957.IBPluginDependency - 958.IBPluginDependency - 962.IBPluginDependency - 963.IBPluginDependency - 964.IBPluginDependency - 965.CustomClassName - 965.IBPluginDependency - 967.IBPluginDependency - 970.IBPluginDependency - 982.IBPluginDependency - 994.IBPluginDependency - 996.IBPluginDependency - 996.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform - 997.IBPluginDependency - - - YES - - - - P4AAAL+AAABCmgAAwt4AAA - - - {{321, 332}, {167, 4}} - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Alphanumeric character string which inserts the favorite query string after expansion by pressing the ⇥ key. - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAwtoAAA - - - - YES - - - YES - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABD7AAAwwwAAA - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Choose the handling of BLOB fields - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwu4AAA - - - {{652, 644}, {159, 6}} - - - {{446, 443}, {341, 198}} - - {{446, 443}, {341, 198}} - - - {341, 198} - - - - - - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Undelete selected default Bundles (↩) - - - - - - - {{607, 482}, {297, 244}} - - {{607, 482}, {297, 244}} - - - {297, 244} - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAwwsAAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABChgAAww4AAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBsAAAwwYAAA - - - - P4AAAL+AAABCkAAAwwkAAA - - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABCkgAAwxEAAA - - - - - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDOgAAwmAAAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABD7IAAw+MAAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDIAAAw9+AAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABD2QAAw84AAA - - - - SPBundleCommandTextView - - {{109, 206}, {900, 550}} - - {{109, 206}, {900, 550}} - - - {730, 494} - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - - P4AAAL+AAAAAAAAAxBEAAA - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - - AUMPAAAAAAAAA - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDggAAwhgAAA - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Enter a menu category which will be displayed as submenu containing the Bundle command - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDzgAAw8uAAA - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Alphanumeric character string which inserts the favorite query string after expansion by pressing the ⇥ key. - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDmgAAw8oAAA - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBqAAAw8iAAA - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Enter the menu label name - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDAQAAw8oAAA - - - - - - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - (⌥⎋) - - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Remove selected Bundle (⌘⌫) - - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Add Bundle (⌥⌘A) - - - - - - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - {{212, 94}, {243, 115}} - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Choose the input source for the command. The desired data will be available as UTF-8 encoded file whose name will be passed as shell variable SP_BUNDLE_INPUT which will be piped to the script (STDIN) - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwxAAAA - - - {{211, 598}, {167, 4}} - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Choose the output action of the Bundle command - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABCmgAAwwoAAA - - - {{211, 312}, {167, 4}} - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Choose the fallback input source if nothing was selected - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwu4AAA - - - {{430, 598}, {167, 4}} - - - YES - - - YES - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABCigAAw6UAAA - - - - YES - - - YES - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABD7AAAwwwAAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDXgAAww4AAA - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Enter the tooltip for the Bundle command menu item - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDAwAAw72AAA - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDawAAw8YAAA - - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Click to record a shortcut for the Bundle command (Please note, not every shortcut will work due to global or Sequel Pro key bindings) - - - net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard - - AUPAgABDpgAAA - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Close the Bundle Editor without saving - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABDvgAAwiQAAA - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Save any changes and close the Bundle Editor (⌘S) - - - - - - {{721, 663}, {261, 93}} - - - - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Save the selected Bundle to disk - - - - - ToolTip - - ToolTip - - Choose the scope on which the Bundle command will run - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABC3gAAw9GAAA - - - {{675, 675}, {111, 6}} - - - - P4AAAL+AAABAwAAAw9EAAA - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAw5oAAA - - - - - - - - SPOutlineView - - - - - - - - P4AAAL+AAABBqAAAw+0AAA - - - - - - YES - - - YES - - - - - YES - - - YES - - - - 1244 - - - - YES - - BWAnchoredPopUpButtonCell - NSPopUpButtonCell - - IBUserSource - - - - - NSApplication - - IBProjectSource - Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabDragAssistant.h - - - - NSMenu - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPMenuAdditions.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Frameworks/MCPKit/MCPFoundationKit/MCPNull.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarCell.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarControl.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarController.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPConnectionController.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPContentFilterManager.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPImageView.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPMainThreadTrampoline.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPNotLoaded.h - - - - NSObject - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPQueryFavoriteManager.h - - - - NSObject - - toggleCollapse: - id - - - toggleCollapse: - - toggleCollapse: - id - - - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPTablesList.h - - - - NSTextView - - YES - - YES - doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - doRemoveDiacritics: - doSelectionLowerCase: - doSelectionTitleCase: - doSelectionUpperCase: - doTranspose: - executeBundleItemForInputField: - insertNULLvalue: - moveSelectionLineDown: - moveSelectionLineUp: - selectCurrentLine: - selectCurrentWord: - selectEnclosingBrackets: - - - YES - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - - - - YES - - YES - doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - doRemoveDiacritics: - doSelectionLowerCase: - doSelectionTitleCase: - doSelectionUpperCase: - doTranspose: - executeBundleItemForInputField: - insertNULLvalue: - moveSelectionLineDown: - moveSelectionLineUp: - selectCurrentLine: - selectCurrentWord: - selectEnclosingBrackets: - - - YES - - doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - id - - - doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - id - - - doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: - id - - - doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: - id - - - doRemoveDiacritics: - id - - - doSelectionLowerCase: - id - - - doSelectionTitleCase: - id - - - doSelectionUpperCase: - id - - - doTranspose: - id - - - executeBundleItemForInputField: - id - - - insertNULLvalue: - id - - - moveSelectionLineDown: - id - - - moveSelectionLineUp: - id - - - selectCurrentLine: - id - - - selectCurrentWord: - id - - - selectEnclosingBrackets: - id - - - - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPTextViewAdditions.h - - - - NSWindow - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPWindowAdditions.h - - - - SPBundleCommandTextView - NSTextView - - commandScrollView - NSScrollView - - - commandScrollView - - commandScrollView - NSScrollView - - - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPBundleCommandTextView.h - - - - SPBundleEditorController - NSWindowController - - YES - - YES - addCommandBundle: - closeSheet: - closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: - displayBundleMetaInfo: - duplicateCommandBundle: - inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: - inputPopupButtonChanged: - outputPopupButtonChanged: - performClose: - reloadBundles: - removeCommandBundle: - revealCommandBundleInFinder: - saveAndCloseWindow: - saveBundle: - scopeButtonChanged: - showHelp: - triggerButtonChanged: - undeleteDefaultBundles: - withBlobButtonChanged: - - - YES - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - id - - - - YES - - YES - addCommandBundle: - closeSheet: - closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: - displayBundleMetaInfo: - duplicateCommandBundle: - inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: - inputPopupButtonChanged: - outputPopupButtonChanged: - performClose: - reloadBundles: - removeCommandBundle: - revealCommandBundleInFinder: - saveAndCloseWindow: - saveBundle: - scopeButtonChanged: - showHelp: - triggerButtonChanged: - undeleteDefaultBundles: - withBlobButtonChanged: - - - YES - - addCommandBundle: - id - - - closeSheet: - id - - - closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: - id - - - displayBundleMetaInfo: - id - - - duplicateCommandBundle: - id - - - inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: - id - - - inputPopupButtonChanged: - id - - - outputPopupButtonChanged: - id - - - performClose: - id - - - reloadBundles: - id - - - removeCommandBundle: - id - - - revealCommandBundleInFinder: - id - - - saveAndCloseWindow: - id - - - saveBundle: - id - - - scopeButtonChanged: - id - - - showHelp: - id - - - triggerButtonChanged: - id - - - undeleteDefaultBundles: - id - - - withBlobButtonChanged: - id - - - - - YES - - YES - addButton - authorTextField - cancelButton - categoryTextField - commandBundleTreeController - commandLabelField - commandScrollView - commandTextView - commandsOutlineView - contactTextField - descriptionTextView - disabledCheckbox - displayMetaInfoButton - duplicateMenuItem - fallbackLabelField - helpButton - inputFallbackPopupButton - inputPopupButton - keyEquivalentField - metaInfoSheet - metaInfoSummary - nameTextField - outputPopupButton - removeButton - revealInFinderMenuItem - saveButton - scopePopupButton - splitView - tooltipTextField - triggerPopupButton - undeleteSheet - undeleteTableView - withBlobLabelField - withBlobPopupButton - - - YES - NSButton - NSTextField - NSButton - NSTextField - NSTreeController - NSTextField - NSScrollView - SPBundleCommandTextView - SPOutlineView - NSTextField - NSTextView - NSButton - NSButton - NSMenuItem - NSTextField - NSButton - NSPopUpButton - NSPopUpButton - SRRecorderControl - NSWindow - NSTextField - NSTextField - NSPopUpButton - NSButton - NSMenuItem - NSButton - NSPopUpButton - BWSplitView - NSTextField - NSPopUpButton - NSWindow - NSTableView - NSTextField - NSPopUpButton - - - - YES - - YES - addButton - authorTextField - cancelButton - categoryTextField - commandBundleTreeController - commandLabelField - commandScrollView - commandTextView - commandsOutlineView - contactTextField - descriptionTextView - disabledCheckbox - displayMetaInfoButton - duplicateMenuItem - fallbackLabelField - helpButton - inputFallbackPopupButton - inputPopupButton - keyEquivalentField - metaInfoSheet - metaInfoSummary - nameTextField - outputPopupButton - removeButton - revealInFinderMenuItem - saveButton - scopePopupButton - splitView - tooltipTextField - triggerPopupButton - undeleteSheet - undeleteTableView - withBlobLabelField - withBlobPopupButton - - - YES - - addButton - NSButton - - - authorTextField - NSTextField - - - cancelButton - NSButton - - - categoryTextField - NSTextField - - - commandBundleTreeController - NSTreeController - - - commandLabelField - NSTextField - - - commandScrollView - NSScrollView - - - commandTextView - SPBundleCommandTextView - - - commandsOutlineView - SPOutlineView - - - contactTextField - NSTextField - - - descriptionTextView - NSTextView - - - disabledCheckbox - NSButton - - - displayMetaInfoButton - NSButton - - - duplicateMenuItem - NSMenuItem - - - fallbackLabelField - NSTextField - - - helpButton - NSButton - - - inputFallbackPopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - inputPopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - keyEquivalentField - SRRecorderControl - - - metaInfoSheet - NSWindow - - - metaInfoSummary - NSTextField - - - nameTextField - NSTextField - - - outputPopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - removeButton - NSButton - - - revealInFinderMenuItem - NSMenuItem - - - saveButton - NSButton - - - scopePopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - splitView - BWSplitView - - - tooltipTextField - NSTextField - - - triggerPopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - undeleteSheet - NSWindow - - - undeleteTableView - NSTableView - - - withBlobLabelField - NSTextField - - - withBlobPopupButton - NSPopUpButton - - - - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPBundleEditorController.h - - - - SPOutlineView - NSOutlineView - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPOutlineView.h - - - - SPWindow - NSWindow - - IBProjectSource - Source/SPWindow.h - - - - - YES - - BWAnchoredButtonBar - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/BWAnchoredButtonBar.h - - - - BWAnchoredPopUpButton - NSPopUpButton - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/BWAnchoredPopUpButton.h - - - - BWAnchoredPopUpButtonCell - NSPopUpButtonCell - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/BWAnchoredPopUpButtonCell.h - - - - BWSplitView - NSSplitView - - toggleCollapse: - id - - - toggleCollapse: - - toggleCollapse: - id - - - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/BWSplitView.h - - - - NSActionCell - NSCell - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSActionCell.h - - - - NSApplication - NSResponder - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSApplication.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSApplicationScripting.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSColorPanel.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSHelpManager.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPageLayout.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.h - - - - NSApplication - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSApplication+BWAdditions.h - - - - NSButton - NSControl - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButton.h - - - - NSButtonCell - NSActionCell - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButtonCell.h - - - - NSCell - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSCell.h - - - - NSControl - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSControl.h - - - - NSController - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSController.h - - - - NSFormatter - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSFormatter.h - - - - NSMenu - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenu.h - - - - NSMenuItem - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItem.h - - - - NSMenuItemCell - NSButtonCell - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItemCell.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSAccessibility.h - - - - NSObject - - - - NSObject - - - - NSObject - - - - NSObject - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDictionaryController.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDragging.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSFontManager.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSFontPanel.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueBinding.h - - - - NSObject - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSNibLoading.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSOutlineView.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPasteboard.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSSavePanel.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableView.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSToolbarItem.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSView.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSArchiver.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSClassDescription.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSError.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSFileManager.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueCoding.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueObserving.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyedArchiver.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSObject.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSObjectScripting.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSPortCoder.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSRunLoop.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptClassDescription.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptKeyValueCoding.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptObjectSpecifiers.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptWhoseTests.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSThread.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURL.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURLConnection.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURLDownload.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Growl.framework/Headers/GrowlApplicationBridge.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Print.framework/Headers/PDEPluginInterface.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - PrintCore.framework/Headers/PDEPluginInterface.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRRecorderCell.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRRecorderControl.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRValidator.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Sparkle.framework/Headers/SUAppcast.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - Sparkle.framework/Headers/SUUpdater.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebDownload.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebEditingDelegate.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebFrameLoadDelegate.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebJavaPlugIn.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPlugin.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPluginContainer.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPolicyDelegate.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebResourceLoadDelegate.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebScriptObject.h - - - - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - WebKit.framework/Headers/WebUIDelegate.h - - - - NSObjectController - NSController - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSObjectController.h - - - - NSOutlineView - NSTableView - - - - NSPanel - NSWindow - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPanel.h - - - - NSPopUpButton - NSButton - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButton.h - - - - NSPopUpButtonCell - NSMenuItemCell - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButtonCell.h - - - - NSResponder - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSInterfaceStyle.h - - - - NSResponder - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSResponder.h - - - - NSScrollView - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScrollView.h - - - - NSScroller - NSControl - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScroller.h - - - - NSSplitView - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSSplitView.h - - - - NSTableColumn - NSObject - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableColumn.h - - - - NSTableHeaderView - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableHeaderView.h - - - - NSTableView - NSControl - - - - NSText - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSText.h - - - - NSTextField - NSControl - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextField.h - - - - NSTextFieldCell - NSActionCell - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextFieldCell.h - - - - NSTextView - NSText - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextView.h - - - - NSTreeController - NSObjectController - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTreeController.h - - - - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSClipView.h - - - - NSView - - - - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSRulerView.h - - - - NSView - NSResponder - - - - NSView - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSView+BWAdditions.h - - - - NSWindow - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDrawer.h - - - - NSWindow - NSResponder - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindow.h - - - - NSWindow - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindowScripting.h - - - - NSWindow - - IBFrameworkSource - BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSWindow+BWAdditions.h - - - - NSWindowController - NSResponder - - showWindow: - id - - - showWindow: - - showWindow: - id - - - - IBFrameworkSource - AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindowController.h - - - - SRRecorderCell - NSActionCell - - delegate - id - - - delegate - - delegate - id - - - - - - SRRecorderControl - NSControl - - delegate - id - - - delegate - - delegate - id - - - - - - - 0 - IBCocoaFramework - - - - - - - - - - - - - YES - ../../sequel-pro.xcodeproj - 3 - - YES - - YES - NSActionTemplate - NSMenuCheckmark - NSMenuMixedState - NSSwitch - button_add - button_remove - - - YES - {10, 10} - {9, 8} - {7, 2} - {15, 15} - {32, 23} - {32, 23} - - - + + 1050 + 11E53 + 851 + 1138.47 + 569.00 + + YES + + YES + + com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit + net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard + + + YES + 851 + 1.2.5 + 1 + + + + YES + + + YES + net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard + + com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit + + + YES + + YES + + + YES + + + + YES + + SPBundleEditorController + + + FirstResponder + + + NSApplication + + + 15 + 2 + {{341, 207}, {900, 550}} + 611844096 + Bundle Editor + SPWindow + + + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + {730, 494} + + + 256 + + YES + + + 4370 + + YES + + + 274 + + YES + + + 290 + + YES + + YES + Apple PDF pasteboard type + Apple PICT pasteboard type + Apple PNG pasteboard type + NSFilenamesPboardType + NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type + NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type + + + {{0, 2.5}, {142, 22}} + + YES + + 130560 + 33554432 + + NSImage + button_bar_spacer + + 0 + 1 + 0 + NO + + YES + + + + 289 + + YES + + YES + Apple PDF pasteboard type + Apple PICT pasteboard type + Apple PNG pasteboard type + NSFilenamesPboardType + NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type + NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type + + + {{127, 2}, {15, 22}} + + _NS:2165 + YES + + 130560 + 33554432 + + NSImage + button_bar_handle + + _NS:2165 + 0 + 1 + 0 + NO + + YES + + + + 292 + {{61, 0}, {36, 25}} + + _NS:791 + YES + + 71433792 + 134350848 + + LucidaGrande + 11 + 3088 + + _NS:791 + + -2044051201 + 35 + + + 400 + 75 + + + YES + + + 1048576 + 2147483647 + 1 + + NSImage + button_action + + + NSImage + NSMenuCheckmark + + + NSImage + NSMenuMixedState + + _popUpItemAction: + + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + Duplicate Bundle + d + 1048576 + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + Reveal Bundle in Finder + O + 1048576 + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + Export Bundle… + + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + YES + YES + + + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + Undelete Default Bundles… + + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + Reload Bundles without Saving + + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + + LucidaGrande + 13 + 1040 + + + YES + 1 + YES + YES + + + + + 292 + {{30, 0}, {32, 25}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134217728 + + + + -2042347265 + 268435491 + + NSImage + button_remove + + +  + 400 + 75 + + + + + 4370 + + YES + + + 2304 + + YES + + + 4370 + {143, 528} + + YES + + + -2147483392 + {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} + + + YES + + bundleName + 140 + 16 + 1000 + + 75628096 + 2048 + + + + 3 + MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA + + + 6 + System + headerTextColor + + 3 + MAA + + + + + 337772096 + 133120 + Text Cell + + + + 6 + System + controlBackgroundColor + + 3 + MC42NjY2NjY2NjY3AA + + + + 6 + System + controlTextColor + + + + 3 + YES + YES + + + + 3 + 0.0 + + 6 + System + _sourceListBackgroundColor + + 6 + System + alternateSelectedControlColor + + 1 + MCAwIDEAA + + + + + 6 + System + gridColor + + 3 + MC41AA + + + 20 + 1128267776 + + + SPBundleEditorOutlineView + 5 + 15 + 0 + YES + 1 + 1 + 1 + 14 + + + {{1, 1}, {143, 528}} + + + + 4 + + + + -2147483392 + {{-100, -100}, {15, 102}} + + + _doScroller: + 0.99585062265396118 + + + + -2147483392 + {{-100, -100}, {192, 15}} + + 1 + + _doScroller: + 0.98947370052337646 + + + {{-2, 23}, {145, 530}} + + 133650 + + + + QSAAAEEgAABBoAAAQaAAAA + + + + 292 + {{-1, 0}, {32, 25}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134217728 + + + + -2041822977 + 402653219 + + NSImage + button_add + + + a + 400 + 75 + + + + {142, 552} + + + + + 4370 + + YES + + + 274 + + YES + + + 2304 + + YES + + + 2322 + {715, 289} + + + + + + + + + + + YES + + + 134 + + + + 715 + 1 + + + 100674595 + 0 + + + 3 + MQA + + + YES + + YES + NSBackgroundColor + NSColor + + + YES + + 6 + System + selectedTextBackgroundColor + + + + 6 + System + selectedTextColor + + + + + + + YES + + YES + NSColor + NSCursor + NSUnderline + + + YES + + + {8, -8} + 13 + + + + + + + 1 + + 6 + {10000000, 10000000} + {223, 289} + + + + {{1, 1}, {715, 289}} + + + + + {4, -5} + 1 + + 4 + + + + -2147483392 + {{701, 1}, {15, 289}} + + + _doScroller: + 0.9965517520904541 + + + + -2147483392 + {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} + + 1 + + _doScroller: + 1 + 0.94565218687057495 + + + {{20, 52}, {717, 291}} + + 133650 + + + + + + + 266 + {{23, 518}, {556, 14}} + + YES + + 67239488 + 4327424 + [bundle summary] + + + + 6 + System + controlColor + + + + 6 + System + headerColor + + + + + + + 265 + {{579, 510}, {163, 28}} + + YES + + 604110336 + 134348800 + Bundle Info + + + -2038284033 + 129 + + + 200 + 25 + + + + + 268 + {{411, 487}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 292 + {{17, 21}, {248, 18}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 131072 + Disable Bundle + + + 1211912703 + 2 + + NSImage + NSSwitch + + + NSSwitch + + + + 200 + 25 + + + + + 289 + {{617, 15}, {125, 28}} + + 1 + YES + + 67239424 + 134348800 + Save + + + -2038284033 + 268435585 + + s + 200 + 25 + + + + + 289 + {{494, 15}, {125, 28}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134348800 + Cancel + + + -2038284033 + 129 + + + 200 + 25 + + + + + 268 + {{127, 436}, {157, 22}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 262144 + [Shortcut recorder placeholder] + + LucidaGrande + 9 + 3600 + + + + + + + 268 + {{411, 394}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 268 + {{411, 394}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 268 + {{126, 369}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 268 + {{126, 487}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 268 + {{126, 394}, {159, 22}} + + YES + + -2076049856 + 133120 + + + 109199615 + 129 + + + 400 + 75 + + YES + + OtherViews + + YES + + + + -1 + 1 + YES + YES + 2 + + + + + 289 + {{465, 16}, {25, 25}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134348800 + + + + -2038415105 + 161 + + + 200 + 25 + + + + + 268 + {{332, 400}, {32, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 138544128 + AND + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{332, 400}, {32, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 138544128 + OR + + + + + + + + + 266 + {{414, 464}, {323, 19}} + + YES + + -1804468671 + 272761856 + + + [sub menu category] + + YES + + 6 + System + textBackgroundColor + + + + 6 + System + textColor + + + + + + + 268 + {{287, 493}, {122, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Trigger: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{21, 374}, {103, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Output: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{287, 466}, {122, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Menu Category: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{21, 492}, {103, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Bundle Scope: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{17, 351}, {447, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 4326400 + Command: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{21, 400}, {103, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Input: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{287, 439}, {122, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Tooltip: + + + + + + + + + 266 + {{414, 437}, {323, 19}} + + YES + + -1804468671 + 272761856 + + + [menu label tooltip] + + YES + + + + + + + 268 + {{21, 466}, {103, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 71435264 + Menu Label: + + + + + + + + + 268 + {{129, 464}, {153, 19}} + + YES + + -1804468671 + 272761856 + + + [menu label name] + + YES + + + + + + {{143, 0}, {757, 552}} + + + + {{0, -2}, {900, 552}} + + YES + 2 + SPBundleEditorSplitView + + + {900, 550} + + {{0, 0}, {1440, 878}} + {730, 516} + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + SPBundleEditor + YES + + + + + YES + + + Bundle Info + + 2147483647 + + + + + + Duplicate + d + 1048576 + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + Reveal Bundle in Finder + O + 1048576 + 2147483647 + + + _popUpItemAction: + + + + YES + YES + + + 2147483647 + + + + + + Remove Selected Bundle + CA + 1048576 + 2147483647 + + + + + + + 27 + 2 + {{140, 260}, {341, 198}} + 611844096 + Window + NSPanel + + + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + {341, 198} + + + 256 + + YES + + + 274 + + YES + + + 2304 + + YES + + + 256 + {341, 121} + + YES + + + 256 + {341, 17} + + + + + + -2147483392 + {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} + + + + YES + + 338 + 40 + 1000 + + 75628096 + 2048 + + + + 3 + MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA + + + + + 337772096 + 2048 + Text Cell + + + + + + 3 + YES + YES + + + + 3 + 2 + + 6 + System + _sourceListBackgroundColor + + + + 17 + 1111490560 + + + 4 + 15 + 0 + YES + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + {{1, 17}, {341, 121}} + + + + + 4 + + + + -2147483392 + {{224, 17}, {15, 102}} + + + _doScroller: + 0.99180328845977783 + + + + -2147483392 + {{1, 119}, {223, 15}} + + 1 + + _doScroller: + 0.99707603454589844 + + + + 2304 + + YES + + + {{1, 0}, {341, 17}} + + + + + 4 + + + + {{-1, 60}, {343, 139}} + + + 133682 + + + + + QSAAAEEgAABBmAAAQZgAAA + + + + 289 + {{213, 12}, {114, 32}} + + 1 + YES + + 67239424 + 134217728 + Undelete + + + -2038284033 + 129 + + DQ + 200 + 25 + + + + + 289 + {{99, 12}, {114, 32}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134217728 + Close + + + -2038284033 + 129 + + Gw + 200 + 25 + + + + {341, 198} + + {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} + {341, 214} + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + YES + + + + YES + bundleName + disabled + name + command + contact + author + description + + YES + + YES + YES + YES + _children_ + + + 15 + 2 + {{196, 266}, {297, 244}} + 611844096 + Window + NSWindow + + + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + {297, 244} + + + 256 + + YES + + + 268 + {{41, 207}, {45, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 272761856 + Author: + + + + + + + + + 266 + {{91, 205}, {186, 19}} + + YES + + -1804468671 + 272761856 + + + + YES + + + + + + + 268 + {{37, 182}, {49, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 272761856 + Contact: + + + + + + + + + 266 + {{91, 180}, {186, 19}} + + YES + + -1804468671 + 272761856 + + + + YES + + + + + + + 268 + {{17, 158}, {69, 14}} + + YES + + 68288064 + 272761856 + Description: + + + + + + + + + 274 + + YES + + + 2304 + + YES + + + 2322 + {255, 92} + + + + + + + + + + + YES + + + 134 + + + + 255 + 1 + + + 100665601 + 0 + + + + YES + + YES + NSBackgroundColor + NSColor + + + YES + + + + + + + YES + + YES + NSColor + NSCursor + NSUnderline + + + YES + + + + + + + + 0 + + 6 + {463, 10000000} + {223, 92} + + + + {{1, 1}, {255, 92}} + + + + + + 4 + + + + -2147483392 + {{245, 1}, {11, 92}} + + 256 + + _doScroller: + 1 + 0.85256409645080566 + + + + -2147483392 + {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} + + 1 + + _doScroller: + 1 + 0.94565218687057495 + + + {{20, 56}, {257, 94}} + + + 133650 + + + + + + + 289 + {{186, 13}, {96, 28}} + + YES + + 67239424 + 134348800 + Close + + + -2038284033 + 129 + + DQ + 200 + 25 + + + + {297, 244} + + {{0, 0}, {1680, 1028}} + {297, 266} + {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} + YES + + + + + YES + + + delegate + + + + 523 + + + + window + + + + 527 + + + + addCommandBundle: + + + + 827 + + + + removeCommandBundle: + + + + 828 + + + + delegate + + + + 833 + + + + nameTextField + + + + 834 + + + + inputPopupButton + + + + 836 + + + + fallbackLabelField + + + + 837 + + + + inputFallbackPopupButton + + + + 838 + + + + outputPopupButton + + + + 848 + + + + categoryTextField + + + + 849 + + + + delegate + + + + 851 + + + + keyEquivalentField + + + + 852 + + + + showHelp: + + + + 853 + + + + saveAndCloseWindow: + + + + 875 + + + + removeButton + + + + 878 + + + + revealCommandBundleInFinder: + + + + 905 + + + + duplicateCommandBundle: + + + + 906 + + + + removeCommandBundle: + + + + 910 + + + + inputPopupButtonChanged: + + + + 911 + + + + inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: + + + + 916 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 950 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 951 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 952 + + + + scopeButtonChanged: + + + + 955 + + + + scopePopupButton + + + + 956 + + + + commandsOutlineView + + + + 971 + + + + dataSource + + + + 976 + + + + delegate + + + + 977 + + + + commandBundleTreeController + + + + 983 + + + + value: arrangedObjects.bundleName + + + + + + value: arrangedObjects.bundleName + value + arrangedObjects.bundleName + 2 + + + 985 + + + + value: selection.tooltip + + + + + + value: selection.tooltip + value + selection.tooltip + 2 + + + 989 + + + + value: selection.internalKeyEquivalent + + + + + + value: selection.internalKeyEquivalent + value + selection.internalKeyEquivalent + 2 + + + 990 + + + + menu + + + + 991 + + + + addButton + + + + 992 + + + + delegate + + + + 993 + + + + value: selection.disabled + + + + + + value: selection.disabled + value + selection.disabled + 2 + + + 999 + + + + value: + + + + + + value: + value + + 2 + + + 1027 + + + + disabledCheckbox + + + + 1028 + + + + helpButton + + + + 1036 + + + + saveButton + + + + 1037 + + + + cancelButton + + + + 1038 + + + + commandLabelField + + + + 1039 + + + + tooltipTextField + + + + 1072 + + + + triggerPopupButton + + + + 1086 + + + + triggerButtonChanged: + + + + 1087 + + + + withBlobLabelField + + + + 1090 + + + + withBlobPopupButton + + + + 1096 + + + + withBlobButtonChanged: + + + + 1097 + + + + performClose: + + + + 1098 + + + + undeleteTableView + + + + 1116 + + + + dataSource + + + + 1119 + + + + delegate + + + + 1120 + + + + undeleteSheet + + + + 1123 + + + + closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: + + + + 1124 + + + + closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: + + + + 1125 + + + + delegate + + + + 1126 + + + + initialFirstResponder + + + + 1127 + + + + delegate + + + + 1128 + + + + splitView + + + + 1130 + + + + authorTextField + + + + 1150 + + + + contactTextField + + + + 1151 + + + + descriptionTextView + + + + 1152 + + + + metaInfoSheet + + + + 1153 + + + + displayBundleMetaInfo: + + + + 1158 + + + + closeSheet: + + + + 1159 + + + + displayBundleMetaInfo: + + + + 1160 + + + + value: + + + + + + value: + value + + 2 + + + 1162 + + + + value: + + + + + + value: + value + + 2 + + + 1164 + + + + value: selection.description + + + + + + value: selection.description + value + selection.description + 2 + + + 1166 + + + + displayMetaInfoButton + + + + 1167 + + + + value: selection.category + + + + + + value: selection.category + value + selection.category + + NSNullPlaceholder + optional + + 2 + + + 1170 + + + + metaInfoSummary + + + + 1173 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1183 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1186 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1191 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1194 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1199 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1202 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1205 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1208 + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + + + + + + enabled: selection.disabled + enabled + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1211 + + + + fontBold: selection.disabled + + + + + + fontBold: selection.disabled + fontBold + selection.disabled + 2 + + + 1213 + + + + commandTextView + + + + 1219 + + + + commandScrollView + + + + 1220 + + + + commandScrollView + + + + 1221 + + + + delegate + + + + 1222 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1227 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1228 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1229 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1231 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1232 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1233 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1234 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1235 + + + + nextKeyView + + + + 1236 + + + + value: selection.command + + + + + + value: selection.command + value + selection.command + 2 + + + 1241 + + + + editable: selection.disabled + + + + + + editable: selection.disabled + editable + selection.disabled + + NSValueTransformerName + NSNegateBoolean + + 2 + + + 1244 + + + + duplicateCommandBundle: + + + + 1275 + + + + saveBundle: + + + + 1276 + + + + undeleteDefaultBundles: + + + + 1277 + + + + revealCommandBundleInFinder: + + + + 1278 + + + + reloadBundles: + + + + 1279 + + + + duplicateMenuItem + + + + 1280 + + + + revealInFinderMenuItem + + + + 1281 + + + + additionalDragHandleView + + + + 1282 + + + + + YES + + 0 + + + + + + -2 + + + File's Owner + + + -1 + + + First Responder + + + -3 + + + Application + + + 521 + + + YES + + + + Bundle Editor Window + + + 522 + + + YES + + + + + + 683 + + + YES + + + + + + + 685 + + + YES + + + + + + + + + Bundle Table View + + + 899 + + + YES + + + + + + + + Outline Context Menu + + + 903 + + + + + 904 + + + + + 908 + + + + + 909 + + + + + 982 + + + + + 962 + + + YES + + + + + + + + 965 + + + YES + + + + + + 964 + + + + + 963 + + + + + 967 + + + YES + + + + + + 970 + + + + + 994 + + + + + 1101 + + + YES + + + + Undelete Default Bundles Sheet + + + 1102 + + + YES + + + + + + + + 1103 + + + YES + + + + + + + + + 1104 + + + + + 1105 + + + + + 1106 + + + YES + + + + + + 1108 + + + YES + + + + + + 1111 + + + + + 1112 + + + YES + + + + + + 1113 + + + + + 1114 + + + YES + + + + + + 1115 + + + + + 1118 + + + + + 1132 + + + YES + + + + Meta Info + + + 1133 + + + YES + + + + + + + + + + + + 1134 + + + YES + + + + + + 1135 + + + + + 1136 + + + YES + + + + + + 1137 + + + + + 1138 + + + YES + + + + + + 1139 + + + YES + + + + + + 1140 + + + + + 1141 + + + + + 1142 + + + YES + + + + + + 1143 + + + + + 1144 + + + YES + + + + + + + + 1145 + + + + + 1146 + + + + + 1147 + + + + + 1148 + + + YES + + + + + + 1149 + + + + + 686 + + + YES + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bundle Content View + + + 932 + + + YES + + + + Pop Up Button (Input) + + + 933 + + + YES + + + + + + 934 + + + + + 936 + + + YES + + + + + + 937 + + + + + 1156 + + + YES + + + + + + 1157 + + + + + 1091 + + + YES + + + + Pop Up Button (Input Fallback) + + + 1092 + + + YES + + + + + + 1093 + + + + + 780 + + + YES + + + + Pop Up Button (Input Fallback) + + + 781 + + + YES + + + + + + 782 + + + + + 804 + + + YES + + + + + + 824 + + + + + 1088 + + + YES + + + + + + 1089 + + + + + 795 + + + YES + + + + + + 796 + + + + + 797 + + + YES + + + + + + 798 + + + + + 768 + + + YES + + + + Pop Up Button (Input) + + + 769 + + + YES + + + + + + 770 + + + + + 695 + + + YES + + + + Text Field (Menu Label) + + + 696 + + + + + 690 + + + YES + + + + + + 703 + + + + + 1083 + + + YES + + + + + + 1084 + + + + + 1077 + + + YES + + + + + + 1078 + + + YES + + + + + + 1079 + + + + + 774 + + + YES + + + + Pop Up Button (Output) + + + 775 + + + YES + + + + + + 776 + + + + + 800 + + + YES + + + + + + 801 + + + + + 799 + + + YES + + + + Text Field (Tooltip) + + + 802 + + + + + 691 + + + YES + + + + Text Field (Menu Category) + + + 702 + + + + + 817 + + + YES + + + + + + 818 + + + + + 859 + + + YES + + + + + + 860 + + + + + 996 + + + YES + + + + + + 997 + + + + + 788 + + + YES + + + + + + 789 + + + + + 693 + + + YES + + + + + + 700 + + + + + 692 + + + YES + + + + + + 701 + + + + + 938 + + + YES + + + + + + 939 + + + + + 1171 + + + YES + + + + + + 1172 + + + + + 1214 + + + YES + + + + + + + + 1215 + + + + + 1216 + + + + + 1217 + + + + + 1245 + + + YES + + + + + + 1246 + + + + + 733 + + + YES + + + + + + 734 + + + + + 732 + + + YES + + + + + + 735 + + + + + 1247 + + + YES + + + + + + 1248 + + + YES + + + + + + 1249 + + + YES + + + + + + + + + + + + 1250 + + + + + 1267 + + + YES + + + + + + 1268 + + + + + 1269 + + + + + 1270 + + + + + 1271 + + + + + 1272 + + + + + 1273 + + + + + 1274 + + + + + + + YES + + YES + -3.IBPluginDependency + 1077.IBPluginDependency + 1077.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1078.IBPluginDependency + 1079.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 1079.IBPluginDependency + 1083.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 1083.IBPluginDependency + 1083.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1084.IBPluginDependency + 1088.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 1088.IBPluginDependency + 1088.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1089.IBPluginDependency + 1091.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 1091.IBPluginDependency + 1091.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1092.IBPluginDependency + 1093.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 1093.IBPluginDependency + 1101.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 1101.IBPluginDependency + 1101.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect + 1101.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch + 1101.windowTemplate.hasMinSize + 1101.windowTemplate.minSize + 1102.IBPluginDependency + 1103.IBPluginDependency + 1104.IBPluginDependency + 1105.IBPluginDependency + 1106.IBPluginDependency + 1108.IBPluginDependency + 1111.IBPluginDependency + 1112.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 1112.IBPluginDependency + 1113.IBPluginDependency + 1114.IBPluginDependency + 1115.IBPluginDependency + 1132.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 1132.IBPluginDependency + 1132.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect + 1132.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch + 1132.windowTemplate.hasMinSize + 1132.windowTemplate.minSize + 1133.IBPluginDependency + 1134.IBPluginDependency + 1134.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1135.IBPluginDependency + 1136.IBPluginDependency + 1136.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1137.IBPluginDependency + 1138.IBPluginDependency + 1138.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1139.IBPluginDependency + 1139.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1140.IBPluginDependency + 1141.IBPluginDependency + 1142.IBPluginDependency + 1142.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1143.IBPluginDependency + 1144.IBPluginDependency + 1145.IBPluginDependency + 1146.IBPluginDependency + 1147.IBPluginDependency + 1148.IBPluginDependency + 1148.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1149.IBPluginDependency + 1156.IBPluginDependency + 1156.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1157.IBPluginDependency + 1171.IBPluginDependency + 1171.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1172.IBPluginDependency + 1214.IBPluginDependency + 1214.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1215.IBPluginDependency + 1216.IBPluginDependency + 1217.CustomClassName + 1217.IBPluginDependency + 1245.IBPluginDependency + 1245.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1246.IBPluginDependency + 1247.IBPluginDependency + 1247.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1248.IBPluginDependency + 1249.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 1249.IBPluginDependency + 1250.IBPluginDependency + 1267.IBPluginDependency + 1267.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 1268.IBPluginDependency + 1269.IBPluginDependency + 1270.IBPluginDependency + 1271.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 1271.IBPluginDependency + 1272.IBPluginDependency + 1273.IBPluginDependency + 1274.IBPluginDependency + 521.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 521.IBPluginDependency + 521.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect + 521.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch + 521.windowTemplate.hasMinSize + 521.windowTemplate.minSize + 522.IBPluginDependency + 683.CustomClassName + 683.IBPluginDependency + 683.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 685.IBPluginDependency + 686.IBPluginDependency + 686.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 690.IBPluginDependency + 690.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 691.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 691.IBPluginDependency + 691.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 692.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 692.IBPluginDependency + 692.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 693.IBPluginDependency + 693.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 695.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 695.IBPluginDependency + 695.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 696.IBPluginDependency + 700.IBPluginDependency + 701.IBPluginDependency + 702.IBPluginDependency + 703.IBPluginDependency + 732.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 732.IBPluginDependency + 732.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 733.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 733.IBPluginDependency + 733.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 734.IBPluginDependency + 735.IBPluginDependency + 768.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 768.IBPluginDependency + 768.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 769.IBPluginDependency + 770.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 770.IBPluginDependency + 774.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 774.IBPluginDependency + 774.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 775.IBPluginDependency + 776.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 776.IBPluginDependency + 780.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 780.IBPluginDependency + 780.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 781.IBPluginDependency + 782.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 782.IBPluginDependency + 788.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 788.IBPluginDependency + 788.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 789.IBPluginDependency + 795.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 795.IBPluginDependency + 795.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 796.IBPluginDependency + 797.IBPluginDependency + 797.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 798.IBPluginDependency + 799.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 799.IBPluginDependency + 799.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 800.IBPluginDependency + 800.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 801.IBPluginDependency + 802.IBPluginDependency + 804.CustomClassName + 804.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 804.IBPluginDependency + 804.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 817.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 817.IBPluginDependency + 817.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 818.IBPluginDependency + 824.CustomClassName + 859.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 859.IBPluginDependency + 860.IBPluginDependency + 899.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 899.IBPluginDependency + 903.IBPluginDependency + 904.IBPluginDependency + 908.IBPluginDependency + 909.IBPluginDependency + 932.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey + 932.IBPluginDependency + 932.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 933.IBPluginDependency + 934.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect + 934.IBPluginDependency + 936.IBPluginDependency + 936.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 937.IBPluginDependency + 938.IBPluginDependency + 938.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 939.IBPluginDependency + 962.IBPluginDependency + 963.IBPluginDependency + 964.IBPluginDependency + 965.CustomClassName + 965.IBPluginDependency + 967.IBPluginDependency + 970.IBPluginDependency + 982.IBPluginDependency + 994.IBPluginDependency + 996.IBPluginDependency + 996.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform + 997.IBPluginDependency + + + YES + + + + P4AAAL+AAABCmgAAwt4AAA + + + {{321, 332}, {167, 4}} + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Alphanumeric character string which inserts the favorite query string after expansion by pressing the ⇥ key. + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAwtoAAA + + + + YES + + + YES + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABD7AAAwwwAAA + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Choose the handling of BLOB fields + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwu4AAA + + + {{652, 644}, {159, 6}} + + {{446, 443}, {341, 198}} + + {{446, 443}, {341, 198}} + + + {341, 198} + + + + + + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Undelete selected default Bundles (↩) + + + + + + + {{607, 482}, {297, 244}} + + {{607, 482}, {297, 244}} + + + {297, 244} + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAwwsAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABChgAAww4AAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBsAAAwwYAAA + + + + P4AAAL+AAABCkAAAwwkAAA + + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABCkgAAwxEAAA + + + + + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDOgAAwmAAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABD7IAAw+MAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDIAAAw9+AAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABD2QAAw84AAA + + + + SPBundleCommandTextView + + + + AUCgAABC6gAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABB8AAAwbAAAA + + + {{159, 106}, {243, 123}} + + + + + AUMRgABCkgAAA + + + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Save the selected Bundle to disk + + + + + + + {{106, 211}, {900, 550}} + + {{106, 211}, {900, 550}} + + + {730, 494} + + SPSplitView + com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit + + P4AAAL+AAAAAAAAAxBEAAA + + com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit + com.brandonwalkin.BWToolkit + + AUMPAAAAAAAAA + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDggAAwhgAAA + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Enter a menu category which will be displayed as submenu containing the Bundle command + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDzgAAw8uAAA + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Alphanumeric character string which inserts the favorite query string after expansion by pressing the ⇥ key. + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDmgAAw8oAAA + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBqAAAw8iAAA + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Enter the menu label name + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDAQAAw8oAAA + + + + + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Remove selected Bundle (⌘⌫) + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABB8AAAwbAAAA + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Add Bundle (⌥⌘A) + + + + + P4AAAL+AAAC/gAAAwbAAAA + + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Choose the input source for the command. The desired data will be available as UTF-8 encoded file whose name will be passed as shell variable SP_BUNDLE_INPUT which will be piped to the script (STDIN) + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwxAAAA + + + {{211, 598}, {167, 4}} + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Choose the output action of the Bundle command + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABCmgAAwwoAAA + + + {{211, 312}, {167, 4}} + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Choose the fallback input source if nothing was selected + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDl4AAwu4AAA + + + {{430, 598}, {167, 4}} + + + YES + + + YES + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABCigAAw6UAAA + + + + YES + + + YES + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABD7AAAwwwAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDXgAAww4AAA + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Enter the tooltip for the Bundle command menu item + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDAwAAw72AAA + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDawAAw8YAAA + + + + SRRecorderControl + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Click to record a shortcut for the Bundle command (Please note, not every shortcut will work due to global or Sequel Pro key bindings) + + + net.wafflesoftware.ShortcutRecorder.IB.Leopard + + AUPAgABDpgAAA + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Close the Bundle Editor without saving + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABDvgAAwiQAAA + + + SRRecorderCell + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Save any changes and close the Bundle Editor (⌘S) + + + + + {{721, 663}, {261, 93}} + + + + + + + ToolTip + + ToolTip + + Choose the scope on which the Bundle command will run + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABC3gAAw9GAAA + + + {{675, 675}, {111, 6}} + + + + P4AAAL+AAABAwAAAw9EAAA + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBiAAAw5oAAA + + + + + + SPOutlineView + + + + + + + + P4AAAL+AAABBqAAAw+0AAA + + + + + + YES + + + YES + + + + + YES + + + YES + + + + 1282 + + + + YES + + NSApplication + + IBProjectSource + Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabDragAssistant.h + + + + NSMenu + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPMenuAdditions.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarCell.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarControl.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Frameworks/PSMTabBar/PSMTabBarController.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPConnectionController.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPContentFilterManager.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPImageView.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPMainThreadTrampoline.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPNotLoaded.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPObjectAdditions.h + + + + NSObject + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPQueryFavoriteManager.h + + + + NSTextView + + YES + + YES + doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + doRemoveDiacritics: + doSelectionLowerCase: + doSelectionTitleCase: + doSelectionUpperCase: + doTranspose: + executeBundleItemForInputField: + insertNULLvalue: + moveSelectionLineDown: + moveSelectionLineUp: + selectCurrentLine: + selectCurrentWord: + selectEnclosingBrackets: + + + YES + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + + + + YES + + YES + doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + doRemoveDiacritics: + doSelectionLowerCase: + doSelectionTitleCase: + doSelectionUpperCase: + doTranspose: + executeBundleItemForInputField: + insertNULLvalue: + moveSelectionLineDown: + moveSelectionLineUp: + selectCurrentLine: + selectCurrentWord: + selectEnclosingBrackets: + + + YES + + doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + id + + + doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + id + + + doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: + id + + + doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: + id + + + doRemoveDiacritics: + id + + + doSelectionLowerCase: + id + + + doSelectionTitleCase: + id + + + doSelectionUpperCase: + id + + + doTranspose: + id + + + executeBundleItemForInputField: + id + + + insertNULLvalue: + id + + + moveSelectionLineDown: + id + + + moveSelectionLineUp: + id + + + selectCurrentLine: + id + + + selectCurrentWord: + id + + + selectEnclosingBrackets: + id + + + + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPTextViewAdditions.h + + + + NSWindow + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPWindowAdditions.h + + + + SPBundleCommandTextView + NSTextView + + commandScrollView + NSScrollView + + + commandScrollView + + commandScrollView + NSScrollView + + + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPBundleCommandTextView.h + + + + SPBundleEditorController + NSWindowController + + YES + + YES + addCommandBundle: + closeSheet: + closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: + displayBundleMetaInfo: + duplicateCommandBundle: + inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: + inputPopupButtonChanged: + outputPopupButtonChanged: + performClose: + reloadBundles: + removeCommandBundle: + revealCommandBundleInFinder: + saveAndCloseWindow: + saveBundle: + scopeButtonChanged: + showHelp: + triggerButtonChanged: + undeleteDefaultBundles: + withBlobButtonChanged: + + + YES + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + id + + + + YES + + YES + addCommandBundle: + closeSheet: + closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: + displayBundleMetaInfo: + duplicateCommandBundle: + inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: + inputPopupButtonChanged: + outputPopupButtonChanged: + performClose: + reloadBundles: + removeCommandBundle: + revealCommandBundleInFinder: + saveAndCloseWindow: + saveBundle: + scopeButtonChanged: + showHelp: + triggerButtonChanged: + undeleteDefaultBundles: + withBlobButtonChanged: + + + YES + + addCommandBundle: + id + + + closeSheet: + id + + + closeUndeleteDefaultBundlesSheet: + id + + + displayBundleMetaInfo: + id + + + duplicateCommandBundle: + id + + + inputFallbackPopupButtonChanged: + id + + + inputPopupButtonChanged: + id + + + outputPopupButtonChanged: + id + + + performClose: + id + + + reloadBundles: + id + + + removeCommandBundle: + id + + + revealCommandBundleInFinder: + id + + + saveAndCloseWindow: + id + + + saveBundle: + id + + + scopeButtonChanged: + id + + + showHelp: + id + + + triggerButtonChanged: + id + + + undeleteDefaultBundles: + id + + + withBlobButtonChanged: + id + + + + + YES + + YES + addButton + authorTextField + cancelButton + categoryTextField + commandBundleTreeController + commandLabelField + commandScrollView + commandTextView + commandsOutlineView + contactTextField + descriptionTextView + disabledCheckbox + displayMetaInfoButton + duplicateMenuItem + fallbackLabelField + helpButton + inputFallbackPopupButton + inputPopupButton + keyEquivalentField + metaInfoSheet + metaInfoSummary + nameTextField + outputPopupButton + removeButton + revealInFinderMenuItem + saveButton + scopePopupButton + splitView + tooltipTextField + triggerPopupButton + undeleteSheet + undeleteTableView + withBlobLabelField + withBlobPopupButton + + + YES + NSButton + NSTextField + NSButton + NSTextField + NSTreeController + NSTextField + NSScrollView + SPBundleCommandTextView + SPOutlineView + NSTextField + NSTextView + NSButton + NSButton + NSMenuItem + NSTextField + NSButton + NSPopUpButton + NSPopUpButton + SRRecorderControl + NSWindow + NSTextField + NSTextField + NSPopUpButton + NSButton + NSMenuItem + NSButton + NSPopUpButton + SPSplitView + NSTextField + NSPopUpButton + NSWindow + NSTableView + NSTextField + NSPopUpButton + + + + YES + + YES + addButton + authorTextField + cancelButton + categoryTextField + commandBundleTreeController + commandLabelField + commandScrollView + commandTextView + commandsOutlineView + contactTextField + descriptionTextView + disabledCheckbox + displayMetaInfoButton + duplicateMenuItem + fallbackLabelField + helpButton + inputFallbackPopupButton + inputPopupButton + keyEquivalentField + metaInfoSheet + metaInfoSummary + nameTextField + outputPopupButton + removeButton + revealInFinderMenuItem + saveButton + scopePopupButton + splitView + tooltipTextField + triggerPopupButton + undeleteSheet + undeleteTableView + withBlobLabelField + withBlobPopupButton + + + YES + + addButton + NSButton + + + authorTextField + NSTextField + + + cancelButton + NSButton + + + categoryTextField + NSTextField + + + commandBundleTreeController + NSTreeController + + + commandLabelField + NSTextField + + + commandScrollView + NSScrollView + + + commandTextView + SPBundleCommandTextView + + + commandsOutlineView + SPOutlineView + + + contactTextField + NSTextField + + + descriptionTextView + NSTextView + + + disabledCheckbox + NSButton + + + displayMetaInfoButton + NSButton + + + duplicateMenuItem + NSMenuItem + + + fallbackLabelField + NSTextField + + + helpButton + NSButton + + + inputFallbackPopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + inputPopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + keyEquivalentField + SRRecorderControl + + + metaInfoSheet + NSWindow + + + metaInfoSummary + NSTextField + + + nameTextField + NSTextField + + + outputPopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + removeButton + NSButton + + + revealInFinderMenuItem + NSMenuItem + + + saveButton + NSButton + + + scopePopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + splitView + SPSplitView + + + tooltipTextField + NSTextField + + + triggerPopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + undeleteSheet + NSWindow + + + undeleteTableView + NSTableView + + + withBlobLabelField + NSTextField + + + withBlobPopupButton + NSPopUpButton + + + + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPBundleEditorController.h + + + + SPOutlineView + NSOutlineView + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPOutlineView.h + + + + SPSplitView + NSSplitView + + toggleCollapse: + id + + + toggleCollapse: + + toggleCollapse: + id + + + + YES + + YES + additionalDragHandleView + collapseToggleButton + + + YES + NSView + NSButton + + + + YES + + YES + additionalDragHandleView + collapseToggleButton + + + YES + + additionalDragHandleView + NSView + + + collapseToggleButton + NSButton + + + + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPSplitView.h + + + + SPWindow + NSWindow + + IBProjectSource + Source/SPWindow.h + + + + + YES + + NSActionCell + NSCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSActionCell.h + + + + NSApplication + NSResponder + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSApplication.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSApplicationScripting.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSColorPanel.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSHelpManager.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPageLayout.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.h + + + + NSApplication + + IBFrameworkSource + BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSApplication+BWAdditions.h + + + + NSButton + NSControl + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButton.h + + + + NSButtonCell + NSActionCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButtonCell.h + + + + NSCell + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSCell.h + + + + NSControl + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSControl.h + + + + NSController + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSController.h + + + + NSFormatter + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSFormatter.h + + + + NSImageCell + NSCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSImageCell.h + + + + NSImageView + NSControl + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSImageView.h + + + + NSMenu + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenu.h + + + + NSMenuItem + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItem.h + + + + NSMenuItemCell + NSButtonCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItemCell.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSAccessibility.h + + + + NSObject + + + + NSObject + + + + NSObject + + + + NSObject + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDictionaryController.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDragging.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSFontManager.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSFontPanel.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueBinding.h + + + + NSObject + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSNibLoading.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSOutlineView.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPasteboard.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSSavePanel.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableView.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSToolbarItem.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSView.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSArchiver.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSClassDescription.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSError.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSFileManager.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueCoding.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyValueObserving.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSKeyedArchiver.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSObject.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSObjectScripting.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSPortCoder.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSRunLoop.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptClassDescription.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptKeyValueCoding.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptObjectSpecifiers.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSScriptWhoseTests.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSThread.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURL.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURLConnection.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURLDownload.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Growl.framework/Headers/GrowlApplicationBridge.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Print.framework/Headers/PDEPluginInterface.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + PrintCore.framework/Headers/PDEPluginInterface.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRRecorderCell.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRRecorderControl.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + ShortcutRecorder.framework/Headers/SRValidator.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Sparkle.framework/Headers/SUAppcast.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + Sparkle.framework/Headers/SUUpdater.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebDownload.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebEditingDelegate.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebFrameLoadDelegate.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebJavaPlugIn.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPlugin.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPluginContainer.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebPolicyDelegate.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebResourceLoadDelegate.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebScriptObject.h + + + + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + WebKit.framework/Headers/WebUIDelegate.h + + + + NSObjectController + NSController + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSObjectController.h + + + + NSOutlineView + NSTableView + + + + NSPanel + NSWindow + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPanel.h + + + + NSPopUpButton + NSButton + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButton.h + + + + NSPopUpButtonCell + NSMenuItemCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButtonCell.h + + + + NSResponder + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSInterfaceStyle.h + + + + NSResponder + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSResponder.h + + + + NSScrollView + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScrollView.h + + + + NSScroller + NSControl + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScroller.h + + + + NSSplitView + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSSplitView.h + + + + NSTableColumn + NSObject + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableColumn.h + + + + NSTableHeaderView + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableHeaderView.h + + + + NSTableView + NSControl + + + + NSText + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSText.h + + + + NSTextField + NSControl + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextField.h + + + + NSTextFieldCell + NSActionCell + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextFieldCell.h + + + + NSTextView + NSText + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextView.h + + + + NSTreeController + NSObjectController + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTreeController.h + + + + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSClipView.h + + + + NSView + + + + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSRulerView.h + + + + NSView + NSResponder + + + + NSView + + IBFrameworkSource + BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSView+BWAdditions.h + + + + NSWindow + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSDrawer.h + + + + NSWindow + NSResponder + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindow.h + + + + NSWindow + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindowScripting.h + + + + NSWindow + + IBFrameworkSource + BWToolkitFramework.framework/Headers/NSWindow+BWAdditions.h + + + + NSWindowController + NSResponder + + showWindow: + id + + + showWindow: + + showWindow: + id + + + + IBFrameworkSource + AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindowController.h + + + + SRRecorderCell + NSActionCell + + delegate + id + + + delegate + + delegate + id + + + + + + SRRecorderControl + NSControl + + delegate + id + + + delegate + + delegate + id + + + + + + + 0 + IBCocoaFramework + + + + + + + + + + + + + YES + ../../sequel-pro.xcodeproj + 3 + + YES + + YES + NSMenuCheckmark + NSMenuMixedState + NSSwitch + button_action + button_add + button_bar_handle + button_bar_spacer + button_remove + + + YES + {11, 11} + {10, 3} + {15, 15} + {32, 23} + {32, 23} + {15, 23} + {10, 23} + {32, 23} + + + -- cgit v1.2.3