path: root/TableDocument.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TableDocument.m')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/TableDocument.m b/TableDocument.m
index 0beb77c4..b1e1f66a 100644
--- a/TableDocument.m
+++ b/TableDocument.m
@@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ alert-sheets when no success
-- (IBAction)connect:(id)sender
invoked when user hits the connect-button of the connectSheet
stops modal session with code:
@@ -163,39 +161,43 @@ stops modal session with code:
3 when no connection to db
4 when hostField and socketField are empty
+- (IBAction)connect:(id)sender
- int code;
- [connectProgressBar startAnimation:self];
- code = 0;
- if ( [[hostField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] && [[socketField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] ) {
- code = 4;
+ int code;
+ [connectProgressBar startAnimation:self];
+ [connectProgressStatusText setHidden:NO];
+ [connectProgressStatusText display];
+ code = 0;
+ if ( [[hostField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] && [[socketField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] ) {
+ code = 4;
+ } else {
+ if ( ![[socketField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] ) {
+ //connect to socket
+ mySQLConnection = [[CMMCPConnection alloc] initToSocket:[socketField stringValue]
+ withLogin:[userField stringValue]
+ password:[passwordField stringValue]];
+ [hostField setStringValue:@"localhost"];
} else {
- if ( ![[socketField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] ) {
- //connect to socket
- mySQLConnection = [[CMMCPConnection alloc] initToSocket:[socketField stringValue]
- withLogin:[userField stringValue]
- password:[passwordField stringValue]];
- [hostField setStringValue:@"localhost"];
- } else {
- //connect to host
- mySQLConnection = [[CMMCPConnection alloc] initToHost:[hostField stringValue]
- withLogin:[userField stringValue]
- password:[passwordField stringValue]
- usingPort:[portField intValue]];
- }
- if ( ![mySQLConnection isConnected] )
- code = 2;
- if ( !code && ![[databaseField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] )
- if ( ![mySQLConnection selectDB:[databaseField stringValue]] )
- code = 3;
- if ( !code )
- code = 1;
+ //connect to host
+ mySQLConnection = [[CMMCPConnection alloc] initToHost:[hostField stringValue]
+ withLogin:[userField stringValue]
+ password:[passwordField stringValue]
+ usingPort:[portField intValue]];
- [NSApp stopModalWithCode:code];
- [connectProgressBar stopAnimation:self];
+ if ( ![mySQLConnection isConnected] )
+ code = 2;
+ if ( !code && ![[databaseField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] )
+ if ( ![mySQLConnection selectDB:[databaseField stringValue]] )
+ code = 3;
+ if ( !code )
+ code = 1;
+ }
+ [NSApp stopModalWithCode:code];
+ [connectProgressBar stopAnimation:self];
+ [connectProgressStatusText setHidden:YES];
- (IBAction)closeSheet:(id)sender