path: root/Source/SPTableContent.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPTableContent.m')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPTableContent.m b/Source/SPTableContent.m
index e7f9a5be..8b52958d 100644
--- a/Source/SPTableContent.m
+++ b/Source/SPTableContent.m
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
#import "SPTableContent.h"
+#import "SPTableContentFilter.h"
#import "SPDatabaseDocument.h"
#import "SPTableStructure.h"
#import "SPTableInfo.h"
@@ -66,6 +67,8 @@
#import <pthread.h>
#import <SPMySQL/SPMySQL.h>
+static NSString *SPTableFilterSetDefaultOperator = @"SPTableFilterSetDefaultOperator";
@interface SPTableContent ()
- (BOOL)cancelRowEditing;
@@ -571,7 +574,7 @@
[filterTableData setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[columnDefinition objectForKey:@"name"], @"name",
[columnDefinition objectForKey:@"typegrouping"], @"typegrouping",
- [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", nil], @"filter",
+ [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", nil], SPTableContentFilterKey,
nil] forKey:[columnDefinition objectForKey:@"datacolumnindex"]];
@@ -2524,8 +2527,6 @@
#pragma mark -
-// Additional methods
* Sets the connection (received from SPDatabaseDocument) and makes things that have to be done only once
@@ -3328,7 +3329,7 @@
[sheet orderOut:self];
- if([contextInfo isEqualToString:@"setdefaultoperator"]) {
+ if([contextInfo isEqualToString:SPTableFilterSetDefaultOperator]) {
if(returnCode) {
if(filterTableDefaultOperator) [filterTableDefaultOperator release];
NSString *newOperator = [filterTableSetDefaultOperatorValue stringValue];
@@ -3559,11 +3560,13 @@
[filterTableView abortEditing];
- if(filterTableData && [filterTableData count]) {
+ if (filterTableData && [filterTableData count]) {
// Clear filter data
- for(NSNumber *col in [filterTableData allKeys])
- [[filterTableData objectForKey:col] setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", nil] forKey:@"filter"];
+ for (NSNumber *col in [filterTableData allKeys])
+ {
+ [[filterTableData objectForKey:col] setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", nil] forKey:SPTableContentFilterKey];
+ }
[filterTableView reloadData];
[filterTableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] byExtendingSelection:NO];
@@ -3571,8 +3574,6 @@
// Reload table
[self filterTable:nil];
@@ -3593,6 +3594,7 @@
[filterTableWhereClause setCompletionWasReinvokedAutomatically:NO];
[filterTableWhereClause insertText:@""];
[filterTableWhereClause didChangeText];
[[filterTableView window] makeFirstResponder:filterTableView];
@@ -3607,13 +3609,15 @@
if (filterTableNegate) {
[filterTableQueryTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"WHERE NOT query", @"Title of filter preview area when the query WHERE is negated")];
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
[filterTableQueryTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"WHERE query", @"Title of filter preview area when the query WHERE is normal")];
// If live search is set perform filtering
- if([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState)
+ if ([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState) {
[self filterTable:filterTableFilterButton];
+ }
@@ -3629,8 +3633,9 @@
[filterTableDistinctCheckbox setState:(filterTableDistinct) ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
// If live search is set perform filtering
- if([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState)
+ if ([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState) {
[self filterTable:filterTableFilterButton];
+ }
@@ -3645,13 +3650,16 @@
[filterTableWindow makeFirstResponder:filterTableView];
// Load history
- if([prefs objectForKey:SPFilterTableDefaultOperatorLastItems]) {
+ if ([prefs objectForKey:SPFilterTableDefaultOperatorLastItems]) {
NSMutableArray *lastItems = [NSMutableArray array];
- NSString *defaultItem = @"LIKE '%@%'";
- [lastItems addObject:defaultItem];
+ [lastItems addObject:@"LIKE '%@%'"];
- for(NSString* item in [prefs objectForKey:SPFilterTableDefaultOperatorLastItems])
+ for (NSString* item in [prefs objectForKey:SPFilterTableDefaultOperatorLastItems])
+ {
[lastItems addObject:item];
+ }
[filterTableSetDefaultOperatorValue removeAllItems];
[filterTableSetDefaultOperatorValue addItemsWithObjectValues:lastItems];
@@ -3662,7 +3670,7 @@
- contextInfo:@"setdefaultoperator"];
+ contextInfo:SPTableFilterSetDefaultOperator];
@@ -3676,8 +3684,9 @@
// If live search is set perform filtering
- if([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState)
+ if ([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState) {
[self filterTable:filterTableFilterButton];
+ }
@@ -3705,7 +3714,7 @@
* Provide a getter for the table's sort column name
-- (NSString *) sortColumnName
+- (NSString *)sortColumnName
if (!sortCol || !dataColumns) return nil;
@@ -3715,7 +3724,7 @@
* Provide a getter for the table current sort order
-- (BOOL) sortColumnIsAscending
+- (BOOL)sortColumnIsAscending
return !isDesc;
@@ -4234,194 +4243,6 @@
return YES;
- * Escape passed operator for usage as filterTableDefaultOperator
- */
-- (NSString*)escapeFilterTableDefaultOperator:(NSString*)anOperator
- if(anOperator == nil) return @"";
- NSMutableString *newOp = [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:[anOperator length]] autorelease];
- [newOp setString:anOperator];
- [newOp replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:@"%" withString:@"%%"];
- [newOp replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:@"(?<!`)@(?!=`)" withString:@"%@"];
- return newOp;
- * Update WHERE clause in Filter Table Window
- *
- * @param currentValue If currentValue == nil take the data from filterTableData, if currentValue == filterTableSearchAllFields
- * generate a WHERE clause to search in all given fields, if currentValue == a string take this string as table cell data of the
- * currently edited table cell
- */
-- (void)updateFilterTableClause:(id)currentValue
-#ifndef SP_REFACTOR
- NSMutableString *clause = [NSMutableString string];
- NSInteger numberOfRows = [self numberOfRowsInTableView:filterTableView];
- NSInteger numberOfCols = [[filterTableView tableColumns] count];
- NSInteger numberOfValues = 0;
- NSRange opRange, defopRange;
- BOOL lookInAllFields = NO;
- NSString *re1 = @"^\\s*(<[=>]?|>=?|!?=|≠|≤|≥)\\s*(.*?)\\s*$";
- NSString *re2 = @"^\\s*(.*)\\s+(.*?)\\s*$";
- NSInteger editedRow = [filterTableView editedRow];
- if(currentValue == filterTableSearchAllFields) {
- numberOfRows = 1;
- lookInAllFields = YES;
- }
- [filterTableWhereClause setString:@""];
- for(NSInteger i=0; i<numberOfRows; i++) {
- numberOfValues = 0;
- for(NSInteger anIndex=0; anIndex<numberOfCols; anIndex++) {
- NSString *filterCell;
- NSDictionary *filterCellData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[filterTableData objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",anIndex]]];
- // Take filterTableData
- if(currentValue == nil) {
- filterCell = NSArrayObjectAtIndex([filterCellData objectForKey:@"filter"], i);
- // Take last edited value to create the OR clause
- } else if(lookInAllFields) {
- if(lastEditedFilterTableValue && [lastEditedFilterTableValue length]) {
- filterCell = lastEditedFilterTableValue;
- } else {
- [filterTableWhereClause setString:@""];
- [filterTableWhereClause insertText:@""];
- [filterTableWhereClause scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
- // If live search is set perform filtering
- if([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState)
- [self filterTable:filterTableFilterButton];
- }
- // Take value from currently edited table cell
- } else if([currentValue isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]){
- if(i == editedRow && anIndex == [[NSArrayObjectAtIndex([filterTableView tableColumns], [filterTableView editedColumn]) identifier] integerValue])
- filterCell = (NSString*)currentValue;
- else
- filterCell = NSArrayObjectAtIndex([filterCellData objectForKey:@"filter"], i);
- }
- if([filterCell length]) {
- // Recode special operators
- filterCell = [filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:@"^\\s*≠" withString:@"!="];
- filterCell = [filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:@"^\\s*≤" withString:@"<="];
- filterCell = [filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:@"^\\s*≥" withString:@">="];
- if(numberOfValues)
- [clause appendString:(lookInAllFields) ? @" OR " : @" AND "];
- NSString *fieldName = [[filterCellData objectForKey:@"name"] backtickQuotedString];
- NSString *filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName = [filterTableDefaultOperator stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"`@`" withString:fieldName];
- opRange = [filterCell rangeOfString:@"`@`"];
- defopRange = [filterTableDefaultOperator rangeOfString:@"`@`"];
- // if cell data begins with ' or " treat it as it is
- // by checking if default operator by itself contains a ' or " - if so
- // remove first and if given the last ' or "
- if([filterCell isMatchedByRegex:@"^\\s*['\"]"]) {
- if([filterTableDefaultOperator isMatchedByRegex:@"['\"]"]) {
- NSArray *matches = [filterCell arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:@"^\\s*(['\"])(.*)\\1\\s*$"];
- if([matches count] && [matches = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches,0) count] == 3) {
- [clause appendFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%@ %@", filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName], fieldName, NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 2)];
- } else {
- matches = [filterCell arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:@"^\\s*(['\"])(.*)\\s*$"];
- if([matches count] && [matches = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches,0) count] == 3)
- [clause appendFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%@ %@", filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName], fieldName, NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 2)];
- }
- } else {
- [clause appendFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%@ %@", filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName], fieldName, filterCell];
- }
- }
- // if cell contains the field name placeholder
- else if(opRange.length || defopRange.length) {
- filterCell = [filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"`@`" withString:fieldName];
- if(defopRange.length)
- [clause appendFormat:filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName, [filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"`@`" withString:fieldName]];
- else
- [clause appendString:[filterCell stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"`@`" withString:fieldName]];
- }
- // if cell is equal to NULL
- else if([filterCell isMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^\\s*null\\s*$"]) {
- [clause appendFormat:@"%@ IS NULL", fieldName];
- }
- // if cell starts with an operator
- else if([filterCell isMatchedByRegex:re1]) {
- NSArray *matches = [filterCell arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:re1];
- if([matches count] && [matches = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches,0) count] == 3)
- [clause appendFormat:@"%@ %@ %@", fieldName, NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 1), NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 2)];
- }
- // if cell consists of at least two words treat the first as operator and the rest as argument
- else if([filterCell isMatchedByRegex:re2]) {
- NSArray *matches = [filterCell arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:re2];
- if([matches count] && [matches = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches,0) count] == 3)
- [clause appendFormat:@"%@ %@ %@", fieldName, [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 1) uppercaseString], NSArrayObjectAtIndex(matches, 2)];
- }
- // apply the default operator
- else {
- [clause appendFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%@ %@", filterTableDefaultOperatorWithFieldName], fieldName, filterCell];
- }
- numberOfValues++;
- }
- }
- if(numberOfValues)
- [clause appendString:@"\nOR\n"];
- }
- // Remove last " OR " if any
- if([clause length] > 3)
- [filterTableWhereClause setString:[clause substringToIndex:([clause length]-4)]];
- else
- [filterTableWhereClause setString:@""];
- // Update syntax highlighting and uppercasing
- [filterTableWhereClause insertText:@""];
- [filterTableWhereClause scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
- // If live search is set perform filtering
- if([filterTableLiveSearchCheckbox state] == NSOnState)
- [self filterTable:filterTableFilterButton];
- * Makes the content filter field have focus by making it the first responder.
- */
-- (void)makeContentFilterHaveFocus
- NSDictionary *filter = [[contentFilters objectForKey:compareType] objectAtIndex:[[compareField selectedItem] tag]];
- if([filter objectForKey:@"NumberOfArguments"]) {
- NSUInteger numOfArgs = [[filter objectForKey:@"NumberOfArguments"] integerValue];
- switch(numOfArgs) {
- case 2:
- [[firstBetweenField window] makeFirstResponder:firstBetweenField];
- break;
- case 1:
- [[argumentField window] makeFirstResponder:argumentField];
- break;
- default:
- [[compareField window] makeFirstResponder:compareField];
- }
- }
- (void)setFieldEditorSelectedRange:(NSRange)aRange
[tableContentView setFieldEditorSelectedRange:aRange];