path: root/Source/SPSplitView.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPSplitView.m')
1 files changed, 1094 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPSplitView.m b/Source/SPSplitView.m
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index 00000000..87392712
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+++ b/Source/SPSplitView.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPSplitView.m
+// sequel-pro
+// Created by Rowan Beentje on April 25, 2012
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Rowan Beentje. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+// conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+#import "SPSplitView.h"
+#import "SPDateAdditions.h"
+@interface SPSplitView (Private_API)
+- (void)_initCustomProperties;
+- (void)_ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex;
+- (NSArray *)_suggestedSizesForTargetSize:(CGFloat)targetSize respectingSpringsAndStruts:(BOOL)respectStruts respectingConstraints:(BOOL)respectConstraints;
+- (CGFloat)_startPositionOfView:(NSView *)aView;
+- (CGFloat)_lengthOfView:(NSView *)aView;
+- (void)_setStartPosition:(CGFloat)newOrigin ofView:(NSView *)aView;
+- (void)_setLength:(CGFloat)newLength ofView:(NSView *)aView;
+- (BOOL)_isViewResizable:(NSView *)aView;
+@interface SPSplitViewHelperView : NSView
+ NSView *wrappedView;
+- (id)initReplacingView:(NSView *)aView;
+- (void)restoreOriginalView;
+@interface SPSplitViewAnimationRetainCycleBypass : NSObject
+ SPSplitView *parentSplitView;
+- (id)initWithParent:(SPSplitView *)aSplitView;
+- (void)_animationStep:(NSTimer *)aTimer;
+@implementation SPSplitView
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Setup and teardown
+- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
+ if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) {
+ [self _initCustomProperties];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
+ if ((self = [super initWithCoder:coder])) {
+ [self _initCustomProperties];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)awakeFromNib
+ [super awakeFromNib];
+ delegate = [super delegate];
+ [super setDelegate:self];
+ [self adjustSubviews];
+ [collapseToggleButton setState:(collapsibleSubviewCollapsed?NSOnState:NSOffState)];
+- (void)dealloc
+ [viewMinimumSizes release];
+ [viewMaximumSizes release];
+ if (animationTimer) [animationTimer invalidate], [animationTimer release], animationTimer = nil;
+ if (animationRetainCycleBypassObject) [animationRetainCycleBypassObject release], animationRetainCycleBypassObject = nil;
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ [super dealloc];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Collapsible subview management
+ * Set the index of the collapsible subview; pass in NSNotFound as the index
+ * to unset an existing subview.
+ */
+- (void)setCollapsibleSubviewIndex:(NSUInteger)subviewIndex
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex == subviewIndex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (subviewIndex > [[self subviews] count]) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Specified a collpasible subview index which doesn't exist"];
+ }
+ // If an existing collapsible subview exists, and the view is collapsed,
+ // expand the old view before proceeding
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex != NSNotFound && collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:NO animate:NO];
+ }
+ collapsibleSubviewIndex = subviewIndex;
+ [collapseToggleButton setState:NSOffState];
+ collapsibleSubviewCollapsed = NO;
+ * Set a button which controls the state of the collapsible subview; if this is set,
+ * the button state will automatically be set as the subview collapses or expands.
+ * This can also be set using the IBOutlet.
+ */
+- (void)setToggleCollapseButton:(NSButton *)aButton
+ collapseToggleButton = aButton;
+ [collapseToggleButton setState:(collapsibleSubviewCollapsed?NSOnState:NSOffState)];
+ * Return whether the collapsible subview is collapsed or collapsing.
+ */
+- (BOOL)isCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex == NSNotFound) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return collapsibleSubviewCollapsed;
+ * Return whether the specified subview is collapsed, overriding the original method for
+ * the collapsible subview set on this object; note that for the subview collapsible by
+ * this class, YES is returned only if the subview is fully collapsed, not when animating.
+ */
+- (BOOL)isSubviewCollapsed:(NSView *)subview
+ NSUInteger subviewIndex = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex == NSNotFound || subviewIndex != collapsibleSubviewIndex) {
+ return [super isSubviewCollapsed:subview];
+ }
+ return collapsibleSubviewCollapsed && !animationTimer;
+ * Toggle the collapse state, using animation.
+ */
+- (IBAction)toggleCollapse:(id)sender
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:!collapsibleSubviewCollapsed animate:YES];
+ * Trigger a collapsible subview collapse or expand, optionally animating the transition.
+ * This is the master collapse/expand method, called by any other methods to perform the work.
+ */
+- (void)setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:(BOOL)shouldCollapse animate:(BOOL)shouldAnimate
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex == NSNotFound || shouldCollapse == collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ collapsibleSubviewCollapsed = shouldCollapse;
+ [collapseToggleButton setState:(shouldCollapse?NSOnState:NSOffState)];
+ NSView *viewToAnimate = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex];
+ animationStartSize = [self _lengthOfView:viewToAnimate];
+ if (shouldCollapse) {
+ // If collapsing, ensure the original view is wrapped in a helper view to avoid
+ // animation resizes of the contained view. (Uncollapses will already be wrapped.)
+ if (![viewToAnimate isMemberOfClass:[SPSplitViewHelperView class]]) {
+ [[[SPSplitViewHelperView alloc] initReplacingView:viewToAnimate] autorelease];
+ viewToAnimate = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex];
+ }
+ animationTargetSize = 0;
+ } else {
+ animationTargetSize = [self _lengthOfView:[[viewToAnimate subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
+ }
+ // If not animating, update the view at once
+ if (!shouldAnimate) {
+ [self adjustSubviews];
+ // Otherwise, start an animation.
+ } else {
+ if (animationTimer) [animationTimer invalidate], [animationTimer release], animationTimer = nil;
+ if (animationRetainCycleBypassObject) [animationRetainCycleBypassObject release], animationRetainCycleBypassObject = nil;
+ animationStartTime = [NSDate monotonicTimeInterval];
+ // Determine the animation length, in seconds, starting with a quarter of a second
+ animationDuration = 0.25f;
+ // Make it a slow animation if appropriate
+ if ([[NSApp currentEvent] type] == NSLeftMouseUp && [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) {
+ animationDuration *= 10;
+ }
+ // Modify the duration by the proportion of any interrupted animation
+ CGFloat fullViewSize = [self _lengthOfView:[[viewToAnimate subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
+ if (shouldCollapse) {
+ animationDuration *= animationStartSize / fullViewSize;
+ } else {
+ animationDuration *= (animationTargetSize - animationStartSize) / fullViewSize;
+ }
+ // Create an object to avoid NSTimer retain cycles
+ animationRetainCycleBypassObject = [[SPSplitViewAnimationRetainCycleBypass alloc] initWithParent:self];
+ // Start an animation at 30fps
+ animationTimer = [[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:(1.f/30.f) target:animationRetainCycleBypassObject selector:@selector(_animationStep:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
+ [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:animationTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Additional drag handle view
+ * Set an additional view, the frame rect of which will be used to provide an additional
+ * drag handle to reposition the *first* divider.
+ * This can also be set using the IBOutlet.
+ */
+- (void)setAdditionalDragHandleView:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([aView window] != [self window]) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Additional drag handle must be in the same window as the split view"];
+ }
+ additionalDragHandleView = aView;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Constraint management
+ * Set the minimum size of a view at the specified index. Note that indexes cannot be kept
+ * in sync with subsequent view deletions/additions, so these will continue to apply to the
+ * specified index and not the view originally at that index.
+ */
+- (void)setMinSize:(CGFloat)newMinSize ofSubviewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)subviewIndex
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:subviewIndex];
+ // Verify against the max size
+ if (newMinSize > [[viewMaximumSizes objectAtIndex:subviewIndex] floatValue]) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Minimum size for a subview specified as larger than the maximum size"];
+ }
+ [viewMinimumSizes replaceObjectAtIndex:subviewIndex withObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newMinSize]];
+ * Set the minimum size of a view at the specified index. Note that indexes cannot be kept
+ * in sync with subsequent view deletions/additions, so these will continue to apply to the
+ * specified index and not the view originally at that index.
+ */
+- (void)setMaxSize:(CGFloat)newMaxSize ofSubviewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)subviewIndex
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:subviewIndex];
+ // Verify against the max size
+ if (newMaxSize < [[viewMinimumSizes objectAtIndex:subviewIndex] floatValue]) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Maximum size for a subview specified as smaller than the minimum size"];
+ }
+ [viewMaximumSizes replaceObjectAtIndex:subviewIndex withObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newMaxSize]];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Sizing
+ * adjustSubviews adjusts the sizes of the subviews so they fill up the splitview fully.
+ * With no constraints and no collapsible subviews, all the subviews are resized
+ * proportionally; however this override method handles constraints and collapsible subviews,
+ * as well as animating collapses when driven by a timer.
+ *
+ * When resizing starts, non-resizable subviews are first left at their default sizes,
+ * and other views are resized proportionally. If those views hit constraints set on the
+ * object via setMinSize: or setMaxSize:, the constraints are respected, and other views
+ * continue to be resized.
+ *
+ * If that resize process cannot cope with the size change, non-resizable subviews are
+ * resized, respecting constraints set via setMinSize: or setMaxSize:.
+ *
+ * If all constraints are hit, then resizing will start to exceed the constraints.
+ */
+- (void)adjustSubviews
+ CGFloat totalAvailableSize = [self _lengthOfView:self];
+ NSUInteger i, viewCount = [[self subviews] count];
+ // Amend the total length by non-hidden dividers
+ for (i = 0; i < viewCount - 1; i++) {
+ if (![self splitView:self shouldHideDividerAtIndex:i]) {
+ totalAvailableSize -= [self dividerThickness];
+ }
+ }
+ // Start by checking for valid sizes complying with all constraints
+ NSArray *viewSizes = [self _suggestedSizesForTargetSize:totalAvailableSize respectingSpringsAndStruts:YES respectingConstraints:YES];
+ // If that didn't produce a valid result, allow resizing of non-resizable views
+ if (!viewSizes) {
+ viewSizes = [self _suggestedSizesForTargetSize:totalAvailableSize respectingSpringsAndStruts:NO respectingConstraints:YES];
+ }
+ // If that still didn't produce a valid result, resort to resizing all views
+ if (!viewSizes) {
+ viewSizes = [self _suggestedSizesForTargetSize:totalAvailableSize respectingSpringsAndStruts:NO respectingConstraints:NO];
+ }
+ // Safety check
+ if ([viewSizes count] < [[self subviews] count]) {
+ [super adjustSubviews];
+ return;
+ }
+ CGFloat splitViewBreadth;
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ splitViewBreadth = [self frame].size.height;
+ } else {
+ splitViewBreadth = [self frame].size.width;
+ }
+ // Apply the size changes to the views.
+ CGFloat originPosition = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < viewCount; i++) {
+ NSView *eachSubview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:i];
+ CGFloat viewSize = [[viewSizes objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
+ NSRect viewFrame = [eachSubview frame];
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ viewFrame.origin.x = roundf(originPosition);
+ viewFrame.size.width = roundf(viewSize);
+ viewFrame.size.height = splitViewBreadth;
+ } else {
+ viewFrame.origin.y = roundf(originPosition);
+ viewFrame.size.width = splitViewBreadth;
+ viewFrame.size.height = roundf(viewSize);
+ }
+ [eachSubview setFrame:viewFrame];
+ originPosition += viewSize;
+ if ((i + 1) < viewCount && ![self splitView:self shouldHideDividerAtIndex:(i + 1)]) {
+ originPosition += [self dividerThickness];
+ }
+ }
+ // Invalidate the cursor rects
+ [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Delegate method overrides
+ * Handle requests to collapse a particular subview. If a subview is collapsible,
+ * by default this will return YES for that subview and NO for all others.
+ * The delegate can override this if necessary.
+ */
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView canCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:canCollapseSubview:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView canCollapseSubview:subview];
+ }
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex != NSNotFound && [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex] == subview) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return NO;
+ * Handle requests as to whether a subview should be collapsed as a result of
+ * a double-click on a divider. If a subview is collapsible, by default this
+ * will return NO, but an animated collapse/expand will be triggered instead to
+ * perform the same action with animation.
+ * The delegate can override this if necessary.
+ */
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:shouldCollapseSubview:forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView shouldCollapseSubview:subview forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ // If there's no collapsible subview, don't allow collapse
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex == NSNotFound) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Ensure the divider is adjacent to the collapsible view
+ if ((NSUInteger)dividerIndex != collapsibleSubviewIndex && (NSUInteger)dividerIndex != (collapsibleSubviewIndex - 1)) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Trigger an animated collapse and prevent the original collapse
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:YES animate:YES];
+ return NO;
+ * While the collapsible subview is collapsed, hide the adjacent divider.
+ *
+ * Forwards requests on to the original delegate to allow overrides.
+ */
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldHideDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:shouldHideDividerAtIndex:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView shouldHideDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ // If there's no collapsible subview, or it's not hidden, don't hide any dividers
+ if (!collapsibleSubviewCollapsed || collapsibleSubviewIndex == NSNotFound) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Only hide one divider adjacent to the collapsible view
+ if ((collapsibleSubviewIndex == 0 && dividerIndex > 0) || (collapsibleSubviewIndex > 0 && (NSUInteger)(dividerIndex + 1) != collapsibleSubviewIndex)) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // If the collapsible subview is fully collapsed, hide the divider
+ if (!animationTimer) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return NO;
+ * Handle delegate requests for a minimum size for the splitview above or to the left of
+ * the supplied divider index, using the minimum constraints supplied via setMinSize: if
+ * present.
+ *
+ * Only the two views adjacent to the supplied divider index are currently considered.
+ *
+ * Forwards requests on to the original delegate to allow overrides.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMinimumPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView constrainMinCoordinate:proposedMinimumPosition ofSubviewAt:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ NSView *aView;
+ CGFloat preMinPosition = 0, postMaxPosition = 0;
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)];
+ // If the preceeding view is not resizable, treat it as fixed position
+ aView = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ if (![self _isViewResizable:aView]) {
+ preMinPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + [self _lengthOfView:aView];
+ } else {
+ // Check the minimum size of the preceeding view
+ CGFloat preMinSize = [[viewMinimumSizes objectAtIndex:dividerIndex] floatValue];
+ if (preMinSize) {
+ preMinPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + preMinSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the following view is not resizable, treat it as fixed position
+ aView = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)];
+ if (![self _isViewResizable:aView]) {
+ postMaxPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] - [self dividerThickness];
+ } else {
+ // Check the maximum size of the following view
+ CGFloat postMaxSize = [[viewMaximumSizes objectAtIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)] floatValue];
+ if (postMaxSize != FLT_MAX) {
+ postMaxPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + [self _lengthOfView:aView] - postMaxSize - [self dividerThickness];
+ }
+ }
+ CGFloat suggestedMinimum = fmaxf(preMinPosition, postMaxPosition);
+ if (suggestedMinimum > proposedMinimumPosition) {
+ return suggestedMinimum;
+ }
+ return proposedMinimumPosition;
+ * Handle delegate requests for a maximum size for the splitview above or to the left of
+ * the supplied divider index, using the maximum constraints supplied via setMaxSize: if
+ * present.
+ *
+ * Only the two views adjacent to the supplied divider index are currently considered.
+ *
+ * Forwards requests on to the original delegate to allow overrides.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMaximumPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView constrainMaxCoordinate:proposedMaximumPosition ofSubviewAt:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ NSView *aView;
+ CGFloat preMaxPosition = FLT_MAX, postMinPosition = FLT_MAX;
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)];
+ // If the preceeding view is not resizable, treat it as fixed position
+ aView = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ if (![self _isViewResizable:aView]) {
+ preMaxPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + [self _lengthOfView:aView];
+ } else {
+ // Check the maximum size of the preceeding view
+ CGFloat preMaxSize = [[viewMaximumSizes objectAtIndex:dividerIndex] floatValue];
+ if (preMaxSize != FLT_MAX) {
+ preMaxPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + preMaxSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the following view is not resizable, treat it as fixed position
+ aView = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)];
+ if (![self _isViewResizable:aView]) {
+ postMinPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] - [self dividerThickness];
+ } else {
+ // Check the minimum size of the following view
+ CGFloat postMinSize = [[viewMinimumSizes objectAtIndex:(dividerIndex + 1)] floatValue];
+ if (postMinSize) {
+ postMinPosition = [self _startPositionOfView:aView] + [self _lengthOfView:aView] - postMinSize - [self dividerThickness];
+ }
+ }
+ CGFloat suggestedMaximum = fminf(preMaxPosition, postMinPosition);
+ if (suggestedMaximum < proposedMaximumPosition) {
+ return suggestedMaximum;
+ }
+ return proposedMaximumPosition;
+ * If an additional drag handle is set - in the nib or in code - return its rect as an
+ * additional effective rect.
+ *
+ * Forwards requests on to the original delegate to allow overrides.
+ */
+- (NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ // If a view is set, return its frame in the splitview coordinate system
+ if (additionalDragHandleView) {
+ NSRect dragRect = [additionalDragHandleView frame];
+ dragRect.origin = [self convertPoint:dragRect.origin fromView:[additionalDragHandleView superview]];
+ return dragRect;
+ }
+ return NSZeroRect;
+ * Listen to view resize delegate notifications, to track collapses triggered by dragging
+ * a view to zero size.
+ *
+ * Also forwards the event on to the delegate for further handling.
+ */
+- (void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)notification
+ // If the collapsible subview was collapsed using (for example) a drag,
+ // track the collapse correctly.
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex != NSNotFound && !collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ if ([[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex] isHidden]) {
+ [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex] setHidden:NO];
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:YES animate:NO];
+ }
+ }
+ // Do the same for expansions
+ if (collapsibleSubviewIndex != NSNotFound && collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ if (!animationTimer && [self _lengthOfView:[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:collapsibleSubviewIndex]]) {
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:NO animate:NO];
+ }
+ }
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitViewDidResizeSubviews:)]) {
+ [delegate splitViewDidResizeSubviews:notification];
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Delegate method forwarding
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainSplitPosition:(CGFloat)proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView constrainSplitPosition:proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ return proposedPosition;
+- (NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView effectiveRect:(NSRect)proposedEffectiveRect forDrawnRect:(NSRect)drawnRect ofDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:effectiveRect:forDrawnRect:ofDividerAtIndex:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView effectiveRect:proposedEffectiveRect forDrawnRect:drawnRect ofDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ }
+ return proposedEffectiveRect;
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:(NSView *)view
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:)]) {
+ return [(id)delegate splitView:splitView shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:view];
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (void)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:(NSSize)oldSize
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:)]) {
+ return [delegate splitView:splitView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:oldSize];
+ }
+ return [self adjustSubviews];
+- (void)splitViewWillResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)notification
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitViewWillResizeSubviews:)]) {
+ [delegate splitViewWillResizeSubviews:notification];
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Private API
+@implementation SPSplitView (Private_API)
+- (void)_initCustomProperties
+ collapseToggleButton = nil;
+ additionalDragHandleView = nil;
+ collapsibleSubviewIndex = NSNotFound;
+ collapsibleSubviewCollapsed = NO;
+ animationStartTime = 0;
+ animationTimer = nil;
+ animationRetainCycleBypassObject = nil;
+ // Set up the maximum and minimum length arrays. Note that because there are no
+ // notifications for subviews being removed, these cannot be kept in sync with the
+ // actual view count - so these are only set via index, not view, and length-checked
+ // on every use for safety.
+ NSUInteger l = [[self subviews] count];
+ viewMinimumSizes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:l];
+ viewMaximumSizes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:l];
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:l-1];
+ * Add default sizing information for a new subview up to at least a specified index;
+ * no maximum or minimum sizes for the subviews, but ensuring the arrays are set up.
+ */
+- (void)_ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex
+ if ([viewMinimumSizes count] > anIndex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (NSUInteger i = [viewMinimumSizes count]; i <= anIndex; i++) {
+ [viewMinimumSizes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0]];
+ [viewMaximumSizes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:FLT_MAX]];
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+ * Generate an array of suggested view lengths along the split view lengthwise axis,
+ * respecting spring/strut or min/max size constraints as appropriate.
+ * If the supplied constraints cannot be respected, returns nil.
+ */
+- (NSArray *)_suggestedSizesForTargetSize:(CGFloat)targetSize respectingSpringsAndStruts:(BOOL)respectStruts respectingConstraints:(BOOL)respectConstraints
+ NSUInteger i;
+ NSUInteger subviewCount = [[self subviews] count];
+ NSView *eachSubview;
+ BOOL viewIsAnimating;
+ float viewLength, sizeDifference, totalGive, changedLength;
+ float totalCurrentSize = 0;
+ float resizeProportionTotal = 1.f;
+ float *originalSizes = malloc(subviewCount * sizeof(float));
+ float *minSizes = malloc(subviewCount * sizeof(float));
+ float *maxSizes = malloc(subviewCount * sizeof(float));
+ BOOL *sizesCalculated;
+ float *resizeProportions;
+ NSMutableArray *outputSizes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:subviewCount];
+ [self _ensureDefaultSubviewSizesToIndex:(subviewCount + 1)];
+ // Step through all the views, first getting a list of their initial sizes, as well as
+ // performing any animation-related cleanup
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ eachSubview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:i];
+ viewLength = [self _lengthOfView:eachSubview];
+ viewIsAnimating = (i == collapsibleSubviewIndex && animationTimer);
+ // Determine the min and max sizes for this view.
+ if (i == collapsibleSubviewIndex && collapsibleSubviewCollapsed && !viewIsAnimating) {
+ minSizes[i] = 0.f;
+ maxSizes[i] = 0.f;
+ } else if (i == collapsibleSubviewIndex && !viewLength && animationTargetSize && [eachSubview isKindOfClass:[SPSplitViewHelperView class]]) {
+ minSizes[i] = animationTargetSize;
+ maxSizes[i] = animationTargetSize;
+ } else if (respectStruts && ![self _isViewResizable:eachSubview]) {
+ minSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ maxSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ } else if (respectConstraints) {
+ minSizes[i] = [[viewMinimumSizes objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
+ maxSizes[i] = [[viewMaximumSizes objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
+ } else {
+ minSizes[i] = 0.f;
+ maxSizes[i] = FLT_MAX;
+ }
+ // If this isn't the collapsible subview, or if there's no collapse animation, measure
+ // the view and continue.
+ if (!viewIsAnimating) {
+ originalSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ totalCurrentSize += viewLength;
+ [outputSizes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:viewLength]];
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The collapsible subview is collapsing or uncollapsing. Prepare to update the sizes...
+ double currentTime = [NSDate monotonicTimeInterval];
+ float animationProgress = (float)((currentTime - animationStartTime) / animationDuration);
+ if (animationProgress > 1) animationProgress = 1;
+ // If the animation has reached the end, ensure completion tasks are run
+ if (animationProgress == 1) {
+ if (animationTimer) [animationTimer invalidate], [animationTimer release], animationTimer = nil;
+ if (animationRetainCycleBypassObject) [animationRetainCycleBypassObject release], animationRetainCycleBypassObject = nil;
+ // If uncollapsing, restore the original view and remove the helper
+ if (!collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ [(SPSplitViewHelperView *)eachSubview restoreOriginalView];
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate the size for this point in the animation
+ if (collapsibleSubviewCollapsed) {
+ viewLength = animationStartSize * (1 - animationProgress);
+ } else {
+ viewLength = animationStartSize + ((animationTargetSize - animationStartSize) * animationProgress);
+ }
+ viewLength = roundf(viewLength);
+ // Max and min should always be clamped to the animated view size
+ minSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ maxSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ // Insert the modified view size
+ totalCurrentSize += viewLength;
+ originalSizes[i] = viewLength;
+ [outputSizes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:viewLength]];
+ }
+ sizeDifference = targetSize - totalCurrentSize;
+ // Compare the min/max lengths to the target length and see if there's sufficient give
+ // as well as working out the resize proportions
+ totalGive = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ if (sizeDifference > 0) {
+ if (maxSizes[i] == FLT_MAX) {
+ totalGive = FLT_MAX;
+ break;
+ }
+ totalGive += maxSizes[i] - originalSizes[i];
+ } else {
+ totalGive += originalSizes[i] - minSizes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // If there isn't sufficient give, return nil to allow a retry with fewer constraints
+ if (totalGive < fabsf(sizeDifference)) {
+ free(originalSizes);
+ free(minSizes);
+ free(maxSizes);
+ return nil;
+ }
+ // Set up some arrays for fast lookups
+ sizesCalculated = malloc(subviewCount * sizeof(BOOL));
+ resizeProportions = malloc(subviewCount * sizeof(float));
+ // Prepopulate them
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ sizesCalculated[i] = NO;
+ if (!totalCurrentSize) {
+ resizeProportions[i] = 0.f;
+ } else {
+ resizeProportions[i] = originalSizes[i] / totalCurrentSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // In a loop, determine whether any constraints would be hit, and if so, match them
+ // and update remaining proportions.
+ BOOL iteratingConstraints = YES;
+ while (iteratingConstraints) {
+ iteratingConstraints = NO;
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ if (sizesCalculated[i]) continue;
+ // Check whether the size constraints are reached for this view. If so, record the
+ // limited view size, and break the loop.
+ viewLength = originalSizes[i] + (sizeDifference * resizeProportions[i]/resizeProportionTotal);
+ if (viewLength > maxSizes[i] || viewLength < minSizes[i]) {
+ // Track the change in size, if any
+ if (viewLength > maxSizes[i]) {
+ changedLength = maxSizes[i];
+ } else {
+ changedLength = minSizes[i];
+ }
+ sizeDifference = sizeDifference + originalSizes[i] - changedLength;
+ // Alter the overall proportion total modifier
+ resizeProportionTotal -= resizeProportions[i];
+ // Amend the output size and prepare to re-loop from the start
+ [outputSizes replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:changedLength]];
+ sizesCalculated[i] = YES;
+ iteratingConstraints = YES;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If, after any changes, all the remaining subview proportions are 0, resize
+ // them equally.
+ BOOL allSubviewsZeroSized = YES;
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ if (sizesCalculated[i]) continue;
+ if (resizeProportions[i] > 0.f) {
+ allSubviewsZeroSized = NO;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allSubviewsZeroSized) {
+ resizeProportionTotal = 1.f;
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ if (sizesCalculated[i]) continue;
+ resizeProportions[i] = 1.f / subviewCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All constraints have now been dealt with; populate all other output sizes proportionally.
+ for (i = 0; i < subviewCount; i++) {
+ if (sizesCalculated[i]) continue;
+ viewLength = originalSizes[i] + (sizeDifference * resizeProportions[i]/resizeProportionTotal);
+ [outputSizes replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:viewLength]];
+ }
+ // Clean up and return
+ free(originalSizes);
+ free(minSizes);
+ free(maxSizes);
+ free(sizesCalculated);
+ free(resizeProportions);
+ return outputSizes;
+#pragma mark -
+ * Retrieve the start position of a view, using the lengthwise axis of the splitview.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)_startPositionOfView:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ return [aView frame].origin.x;
+ }
+ return [aView frame].origin.y;
+ * Retrieve the length of a view, along the lengthwise axis of the splitview.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)_lengthOfView:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ return [aView frame].size.width;
+ }
+ return [aView frame].size.height;
+ * Update the start position of a view, using the lengthwise axis of the splitview.
+ */
+- (void)_setStartPosition:(CGFloat)newOrigin ofView:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ return [aView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(newOrigin, [aView frame].origin.y)];
+ }
+ return [aView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint([aView frame].origin.x, newOrigin)];
+ * Update the length of a view, along the lengthwise axis of the splitview.
+ */
+- (void)_setLength:(CGFloat)newLength ofView:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ return [aView setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(newLength, [aView frame].size.height)];
+ }
+ return [aView setFrameSize:NSMakeSize([aView frame].size.width, newLength)];
+#pragma mark -
+ * Determine whether the supplied view is defined as resizable along the split view's
+ * lengthwise axis in the xib files - whether springs/struts constrain resizing.
+ */
+- (BOOL)_isViewResizable:(NSView *)aView
+ if ([self isVertical]) {
+ return ([aView autoresizingMask] & NSViewWidthSizable);
+ }
+ return ([aView autoresizingMask] & NSViewHeightSizable);
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Animation transition view class
+@implementation SPSplitViewHelperView
+ * Initialise the helper view with a specified view; the helper view replaces the
+ * specified view, adding it as a subview to maintain the same appearance, and then
+ * can be animated without affecting the contained view.
+ */
+- (id)initReplacingView:(NSView *)aView
+ self = [super initWithFrame:[aView frame]];
+ if (!self) return nil;
+ // Retain the wrapped view while this view exists
+ wrappedView = [aView retain];
+ // Copy over the autoresizing mask from the wrapped view to this view, to keep the same
+ // draw appearance during the resize.
+ [self setAutoresizingMask:[wrappedView autoresizingMask]];
+ // Set the wrapped view to flexible margin, edge dependent on view ordering
+ if ([[[wrappedView superview] subviews] indexOfObject:wrappedView]) {
+ [wrappedView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin];
+ } else {
+ [wrappedView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMaxYMargin];
+ }
+ // Swap the views
+ [[wrappedView superview] replaceSubview:wrappedView with:self];
+ [wrappedView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0, 0)];
+ [self addSubview:wrappedView];
+ return self;
+ * Restore the original view once the animation is complete. This should only
+ * be called when the view height has been restored.
+ */
+- (void)restoreOriginalView
+ // Safety checks
+ if (!wrappedView || ![self frame].size.height || ![self frame].size.width) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check for a first responder to restore, using the "true" first responder for field editors
+ NSResponder *firstResponderToRestore = [[self window] firstResponder];
+ if ([firstResponderToRestore respondsToSelector:@selector(isFieldEditor)] && [(NSText *)firstResponderToRestore isFieldEditor]) {
+ firstResponderToRestore = [(NSText *)firstResponderToRestore delegate];
+ }
+ if (![firstResponderToRestore isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] || ![(NSView *)firstResponderToRestore isDescendantOf:wrappedView]) {
+ firstResponderToRestore = nil;
+ }
+ // Restore the view's original resize mark now that the size changes are complete
+ [wrappedView setAutoresizingMask:[self autoresizingMask]];
+ // Replace this view with the original wrapped view
+ [wrappedView removeFromSuperview];
+ [[self superview] replaceSubview:self with:wrappedView];
+ // Restore the first responder if appropriate
+ if (firstResponderToRestore) {
+ [[self window] makeFirstResponder:firstResponderToRestore];
+ }
+ [wrappedView release], wrappedView = nil;
+- (void)dealloc
+ if (wrappedView) [wrappedView release], wrappedView = nil;
+ [super dealloc];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Retain cycle avoidance class
+@implementation SPSplitViewAnimationRetainCycleBypass
+- (id)initWithParent:(SPSplitView *)aSplitView
+ self = [super init];
+ if (!self) return nil;
+ // Keep a weak link to the parent
+ parentSplitView = aSplitView;
+ return self;
+- (void)_animationStep:(NSTimer *)aTimer
+ [parentSplitView adjustSubviews];