path: root/Source/SPFieldMapperController.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPFieldMapperController.m')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPFieldMapperController.m b/Source/SPFieldMapperController.m
index e70a7c25..b77ca98e 100644
--- a/Source/SPFieldMapperController.m
+++ b/Source/SPFieldMapperController.m
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#import "SPTextView.h"
#import "SPTableView.h"
#import "SPCategoryAdditions.h"
+#import "RegexKitLite.h"
#define SP_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_STRING NSLocalizedString(@"%ld of %@%lu records", @"Label showing the index of the selected CSV row")
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ static const NSString *SPTableViewSqlColumnID = @"sql";
[pc setURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:sourcePath]];
if([pc pathComponentCells])
[fileSourcePath setPathComponentCells:[pc pathComponentCells]];
- [fileSourcePath setDoubleAction:@selector(goBackToFileChooser:)];
+ [fileSourcePath setDoubleAction:@selector(goBackToFileChooserFromPathControl:)];
[onupdateTextView setDelegate:theDelegate];
windowMinWidth = [[self window] minSize].width;
@@ -700,15 +701,24 @@ static const NSString *SPTableViewSqlColumnID = @"sql";
if(possibleImports < 1) return;
+ // Set all operators to doNotImport
+ [fieldMappingOperatorArray removeAllObjects];
+ for(i=0; i < [fieldMappingTableColumnNames count]; i++)
+ [fieldMappingOperatorArray addObject:doNotImport];
switch([[alignByPopup selectedItem] tag]) {
case 0: // file order
- for(i=0; i<possibleImports; i++)
+ for(i=0; i<possibleImports; i++) {
[fieldMappingArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]];
+ [fieldMappingOperatorArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:doImport];
+ }
case 1: // reversed file order
- for(i=possibleImports; i>=0; i--)
+ for(i=possibleImports; i>=0; i--) {
[fieldMappingArray replaceObjectAtIndex:possibleImports-i withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]];
+ [fieldMappingOperatorArray replaceObjectAtIndex:possibleImports-i withObject:doImport];
+ }
case 2: // try to align header and table target field names via Levenshtein distance
[self matchHeaderNames];
@@ -763,14 +773,21 @@ static const NSString *SPTableViewSqlColumnID = @"sql";
+- (IBAction)goBackToFileChooserFromPathControl:(id)sender
+ [gobackButton performSelector:@selector(performClick:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0f];
- (IBAction)goBackToFileChooser:(id)sender
[NSApp endSheet:[self window] returnCode:[sender tag]];
- if([sourcePath hasPrefix:SPImportClipboardTempFileNamePrefix]) {
+ if([sourcePath hasPrefix:SPImportClipboardTempFileNamePrefix])
[theDelegate importFromClipboard];
- } else {
+ else
[theDelegate importFile];
- }
- (IBAction)newTable:(id)sender
@@ -1365,34 +1382,84 @@ static const NSString *SPTableViewSqlColumnID = @"sql";
NSMutableArray *tableHeaderNames = [NSMutableArray array];
[tableHeaderNames setArray:fieldMappingTableColumnNames];
+ // Create a distance matrix for each file-table name
+ // distance will be calculated by using Levenshtein distance minus common prefix and suffix length
+ // and minus the length of a fuzzy regex search for a common sequence of characters
NSInteger i,j;
- NSMutableArray *matchedHeaderNames = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSMutableArray *distMatrix = [NSMutableArray array];
for(i=0; i < [tableHeaderNames count]; i++) {
- CGFloat minDist = 1e6;
+ CGFloat minDist = 1e6;
NSInteger minIndex = 0;
+ CGFloat dist = 1e6;
for(j=0; j < [fileHeaderNames count]; j++) {
id fileHeaderName = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(fileHeaderNames,j);
if([fileHeaderName isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || [fileHeaderName isSPNotLoaded]) continue;
NSString *headerName = [(NSString*)fileHeaderName lowercaseString];
- CGFloat dist = [[NSArrayObjectAtIndex(tableHeaderNames,i) lowercaseString] levenshteinDistanceWithWord:headerName];
- if(dist < minDist && ![matchedHeaderNames containsObject:headerName]) {
- minDist = dist;
- minIndex = j;
+ NSString *tableHeadName = [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(tableHeaderNames,i) lowercaseString];
+ dist = [tableHeadName levenshteinDistanceWithWord:headerName];
+ // if dist > 0 subtract the length of common prefixes, suffixes, and in common sequence characters
+ if(dist > 0.0) {
+ dist -= [[tableHeadName commonPrefixWithString:headerName options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] length];
+ dist -= [[tableHeadName commonPrefixWithString:headerName options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch|NSBackwardsSearch] length];
+ NSMutableString *fuzzyRegexp = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
+ NSInteger i;
+ unichar c;
+ for(i=0; i<[headerName length]; i++) {
+ c = [headerName characterAtIndex:i];
+ if (c == '.' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '{' || c == '}')
+ [fuzzyRegexp appendFormat:@".*?\\%c",c];
+ else
+ [fuzzyRegexp appendFormat:@".*?%c",c];
+ }
+ dist -= [tableHeadName rangeOfRegex:fuzzyRegexp].length;
+ [fuzzyRegexp release];
+ } else {
+ // Levenshtein distance == 0 means that both names are equal set dist to
+ // a large negative number since dist can be negative due to search for in common chars
+ dist = -1e6;
- if(dist == 0.0f) [matchedHeaderNames addObject:headerName];
+ [distMatrix addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ [NSNumber numberWithFloat:dist], @"dist",
+ NSStringFromRange(NSMakeRange(i,j)), @"match",
+ (NSString*)fileHeaderName, @"file",
+ NSArrayObjectAtIndex(tableHeaderNames,i), @"table",
+ nil]];
- [fieldMappingArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:minIndex]];
- [fieldMappingOperatorArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:doImport];
- // If a pair with distance 0 was found set doNotImport to those fields which are still mapped
- // to such csv file header name
- if([matchedHeaderNames count])
- for(i=0; i < [tableHeaderNames count]; i++) {
- NSString *mappedFileHeaderName = [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(fileHeaderNames, [[fieldMappingArray objectAtIndex:i] integerValue]) lowercaseString];
- if([matchedHeaderNames containsObject:mappedFileHeaderName] && ![mappedFileHeaderName isEqualToString:[NSArrayObjectAtIndex(tableHeaderNames, i) lowercaseString]])
- [fieldMappingOperatorArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:doNotImport];
+ // Sort the matrix according distance
+ NSSortDescriptor *sortByDistance = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"dist" ascending:TRUE] autorelease];
+ [distMatrix sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:sortByDistance, nil]];
+ NSMutableArray *matchedFile = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSMutableArray *matchedTable = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSInteger cnt = 0;
+ for(NSDictionary* m in distMatrix) {
+ if(![matchedFile containsObject:[m objectForKey:@"file"]] && ![matchedTable containsObject:[m objectForKey:@"table"]]) {
+ NSRange match = NSRangeFromString([m objectForKey:@"match"]);
+ // Set best match
+ [fieldMappingArray replaceObjectAtIndex:match.location withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:match.length]];
+ [fieldMappingOperatorArray replaceObjectAtIndex:match.location withObject:doImport];
+ // Remember matched pair
+ [matchedTable addObject:[m objectForKey:@"table"]];
+ [matchedFile addObject:[m objectForKey:@"file"]];
+ cnt++;
+ // break if all file names are mapped
+ if(cnt >= [fileHeaderNames count]) break;
+ }