path: root/Source/SPAppController.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPAppController.m')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPAppController.m b/Source/SPAppController.m
index 9614bb6d..ba0257e1 100644
--- a/Source/SPAppController.m
+++ b/Source/SPAppController.m
@@ -48,7 +48,12 @@
_sessionURL = nil;
aboutController = nil;
_spfSessionDocData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ bundleItems = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
+ bundleCategories = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
+ bundleUsedScopes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
+ bundleKeyEquivalents = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
[NSApp setDelegate:self];
@@ -103,6 +108,8 @@
// Report any crashes
[[FRFeedbackReporter sharedReporter] reportIfCrash];
+ [self reloadBundles:self];
@@ -845,7 +852,94 @@
- (IBAction)reloadBundles:(id)sender
+ NSString *bundlePath = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] applicationSupportDirectoryForSubDirectory:SPBundleSupportFolder createIfNotExists:NO error:nil];
+ if(bundlePath) {
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ NSArray *foundBundles = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:bundlePath error:&error];
+ if (foundBundles && [foundBundles count]) {
+ [bundleItems removeAllObjects];
+ [bundleUsedScopes removeAllObjects];
+ [bundleCategories removeAllObjects];
+ [bundleKeyEquivalents removeAllObjects];
+ for(NSString* bundle in foundBundles) {
+ if(![[[bundle pathExtension] lowercaseString] isEqualToString:[SPUserBundleFileExtension lowercaseString]]) continue;
+ NSError *readError = nil;
+ NSString *convError = nil;
+ NSPropertyListFormat format;
+ NSDictionary *cmdData = nil;
+ NSString *infoPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@", bundlePath, bundle, SPBundleFileName];
+ NSData *pData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:infoPath options:NSUncachedRead error:&readError];
+ cmdData = [[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:pData
+ mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListImmutable format:&format errorDescription:&convError] retain];
+ if(!cmdData || readError != nil || [convError length] || !(format == NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 || format == NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0)) {
+ NSLog(@"“%@/%@” file couldn't be read.", bundle, SPBundleFileName);
+ NSBeep();
+ if (cmdData) [cmdData release];
+ } else {
+ if([cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileNameKey] && [[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileNameKey] length] && [cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileScopeKey])
+ {
+ NSArray *scopes = [[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileScopeKey] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
+ for(NSString *scope in scopes) {
+ if(![bundleUsedScopes containsObject:scope]) {
+ [bundleUsedScopes addObject:scope];
+ [bundleItems setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:scope];
+ [bundleCategories setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:scope];
+ [bundleKeyEquivalents setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] forKey:scope];
+ }
+ if([cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey] && ![bundleCategories containsObject:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey]])
+ [[bundleCategories objectForKey:scope] addObject:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey]];
+ }
+ NSMutableDictionary *aDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ [aDict setObject:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileNameKey] forKey:SPBundleInternLabelKey];
+ [aDict setObject:infoPath forKey:SPBundleInternPathToFileKey];
+ if([cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileKeyEquivalentKey] && [[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileKeyEquivalentKey] length]) {
+ NSString *theKey = [cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileKeyEquivalentKey];
+ NSString *theChar = [theKey substringFromIndex:[theKey length]-1];
+ NSString *theMods = [theKey substringToIndex:[theKey length]-1];
+ NSUInteger mask = 0;
+ if([theMods rangeOfString:@"^"].length)
+ mask = mask | NSControlKeyMask;
+ if([theMods rangeOfString:@"@"].length)
+ mask = mask | NSCommandKeyMask;
+ if([theMods rangeOfString:@"~"].length)
+ mask = mask | NSAlternateKeyMask;
+ if(![[theChar lowercaseString] isEqualToString:theChar])
+ mask = mask | NSShiftKeyMask;
+ for(NSString* scope in scopes)
+ [[bundleKeyEquivalents objectForKey:scope] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[theChar lowercaseString],
+ [NSNumber numberWithInteger:mask], infoPath, nil] forKey:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileKeyEquivalentKey]];
+ [aDict setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:theChar, [NSNumber numberWithInteger:mask], nil] forKey:SPBundleInternKeyEquivalentKey];
+ }
+ if([cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileTooltipKey] && [[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileTooltipKey] length])
+ [aDict setObject:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileTooltipKey] forKey:SPBundleFileTooltipKey];
+ if([cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey] && [[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey] length])
+ [aDict setObject:[cmdData objectForKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey] forKey:SPBundleFileCategoryKey];
+ for(NSString* scope in scopes)
+ [[bundleItems objectForKey:scope] addObject:aDict];
+ }
+ if (cmdData) [cmdData release];
+ }
+ }
+ NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:SPBundleInternLabelKey ascending:YES] autorelease];
+ for(NSString* scope in [bundleItems allKeys]) {
+ [[bundleItems objectForKey:scope] sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]];
+ [[bundleCategories objectForKey:scope] sortUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
#pragma mark -
@@ -982,6 +1076,21 @@
return @"";
+- (NSArray *)bundleCategoriesForScope:(NSString*)scope
+ return [bundleCategories objectForKey:scope];
+- (NSArray *)bundleItemsForScope:(NSString*)scope
+ return [bundleItems objectForKey:scope];
+- (NSDictionary *)bundleKeyEquivalentsForScope:(NSString*)scope
+ return [bundleKeyEquivalents objectForKey:scope];
* Sparkle updater delegate method. Called just before the updater relaunches Sequel Pro and we need to make
* sure that no sheets are currently open, which will prevent the app from being quit.
@@ -1010,15 +1119,20 @@
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ if(bundleItems) [bundleItems release];
+ if(bundleUsedScopes) [bundleUsedScopes release];
+ if(bundleCategories) [bundleCategories release];
+ if(bundleKeyEquivalents) [bundleKeyEquivalents release];
[prefsController release], prefsController = nil;
if (aboutController) [aboutController release], aboutController = nil;
if (bundleEditorController) [bundleEditorController release], bundleEditorController = nil;
if (_sessionURL) [_sessionURL release], _sessionURL = nil;
if (_spfSessionDocData) [_spfSessionDocData release], _spfSessionDocData = nil;
[super dealloc];