path: root/SSHTunnel.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SSHTunnel.m')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SSHTunnel.m b/SSHTunnel.m
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a2d8e1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SSHTunnel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// SSHTunnel.m
+// SSH Tunnel Manager 2
+// Created by Yann Bizeul on Wed Nov 19 2003.
+// Copyright (c) 2003 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
+#import "SSHTunnel.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+// start diff lorenz textor
+#define T_START NSLocalizedString(@"T_START",@"")
+#define T_STOP NSLocalizedString(@"T_STOP",@"")
+#define S_IDLE NSLocalizedString(@"S_IDLE",@"")
+#define S_CONNECTING NSLocalizedString(@"S_CONNECTING",@"")
+#define S_CONNECTED NSLocalizedString(@"S_CONNECTED",@"")
+#define S_AUTH NSLocalizedString(@"S_AUTH",@"")
+#define S_PORT NSLocalizedString(@"S_PORT",@"")
+#define T_START @"START: %@"
+#define T_STOP @"STOP: %@"
+#define S_IDLE @"Idle"
+#define S_CONNECTING @"Connecting..."
+#define S_CONNECTED @"Connected"
+#define S_AUTH @"Authenticated"
+#define S_PORT "Port %@ forwarded"
+// end diff lorenz textor
+@implementation SSHTunnel
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Initialization
+ return [ self initWithName:@"New Tunnel"];
+ NSDictionary *dictionary = [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: NO ],@"compression",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: YES ],@"connAuth",
+ @"", @"connHost",
+ aName, @"connName",
+ @"", @"connPort",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: NO ],@"connRemote",
+ @"", @"connUser",
+ @"3des", @"encryption",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: NO ],@"socks4",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithInt: 1080 ], @"socks4p",
+ [ NSArray array ], @"tunnelsLocal",
+ [ NSArray array ], @"tunnelsRemote",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: NO ],@"v1", nil
+ ];
+ return [ self initWithDictionary: dictionary ];
+ NSEnumerator *e;
+ NSString *key;
+ self = [ super init ];
+ e = [[ aDictionary allKeys ] objectEnumerator ];
+ while (key = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ [ self setValue: [ aDictionary objectForKey: key ] forKey: key ];
+ }
+ code = 0;
+ if ([[ self valueForKey: @"autoConnect" ] boolValue ])
+ [ self startTunnel ];
+ return self;
+ return [[ SSHTunnel alloc ] initWithName: aName ];
+ return [[ SSHTunnel alloc ] initWithDictionary: aDictionary ];
+ NSMutableArray *newArray;
+ SSHTunnel *currentTunnel;
+ NSEnumerator *e;
+ NSDictionary *currentTunnelDictionary;
+ newArray = [ NSMutableArray array ];
+ e = [ anArray objectEnumerator ];
+ while (currentTunnelDictionary = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ currentTunnel = [ SSHTunnel tunnelFromDictionary: currentTunnelDictionary ];
+ [ newArray addObject: currentTunnel ];
+ }
+ return [[ newArray copy ] autorelease ];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Adding and removing port redir.
+ NSMutableArray *tempTunnelsLocal = [ NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: tunnelsLocal ];
+ [ tempTunnelsLocal addObject: aDictionary ];
+ [ tunnelsLocal release ];
+ tunnelsLocal = [ tempTunnelsLocal copy ];
+- (void)removeLocal:(int)index
+ NSMutableArray *tempLocalTunnels = [ tunnelsLocal mutableCopy ];
+ [ tempLocalTunnels removeObjectAtIndex: index ];
+ [ tunnelsLocal release ];
+ tunnelsLocal = [ tempLocalTunnels copy ];
+ [ tempLocalTunnels release ];
+ NSMutableArray *tempTunnelsRemote = [ NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: tunnelsRemote ];
+ [ tempTunnelsRemote addObject: aDictionary ];
+ [ tunnelsRemote release ];
+ tunnelsRemote = [ tempTunnelsRemote copy ];
+- (void)removeRemote:(int)index
+ NSMutableArray *tempRemoteTunnels = [ tunnelsRemote mutableCopy ];
+ [ tempRemoteTunnels removeObjectAtIndex: index ];
+ [ tunnelsRemote release ];
+ tunnelsRemote = [ tempRemoteTunnels copy ];
+ [ tempRemoteTunnels release ];
+- (void)setLocalValue:(NSString*)aValue ofTunnel:(int)index forKey:(NSString*)key
+ NSMutableArray *tempLocalTunnel;
+ NSMutableDictionary *tempCurrentTunnel;
+ tempLocalTunnel = [tunnelsLocal mutableCopy];
+ tempCurrentTunnel = [[ tempLocalTunnel objectAtIndex: index ] mutableCopy ];
+ [ tempCurrentTunnel setObject: aValue forKey: key ];
+ [ tempLocalTunnel replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[tempCurrentTunnel copy ]];
+ [ tempCurrentTunnel release ];
+ [ tunnelsLocal release ];
+ tunnelsLocal = [ tempLocalTunnel copy ];
+- (void)setRemoteValue:(NSString*)aValue ofTunnel:(int)index forKey:(NSString*)key
+ NSMutableArray *tempRemoteTunnel;
+ NSMutableDictionary *tempCurrentTunnel;
+ tempRemoteTunnel = [tunnelsRemote mutableCopy];
+ tempCurrentTunnel = [[ tempRemoteTunnel objectAtIndex: index ] mutableCopy ];
+ [ tempCurrentTunnel setObject: aValue forKey: key ];
+ [ tempRemoteTunnel replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[tempCurrentTunnel copy ]];
+ [ tempCurrentTunnel release ];
+ [ tunnelsRemote release ];
+ tunnelsRemote = [ tempRemoteTunnel copy ];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Execution related
+- (void)startTunnel
+// NSDictionary *t;
+// NSEnumerator *e;
+// BOOL asRoot = NO;
+ if ([ self isRunning ])
+ return;
+ shouldStop = NO;
+ /*
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-N" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-v" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-p" ];
+ if ([ connPort length ])
+ [ arguments addObject: connPort];
+ else
+ [ arguments addObject: @"22" ];
+ if (connRemote)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-g" ];
+ if (compression)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-C" ];
+ if (v1)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-1" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-c"];
+ if (encryption)
+ [ arguments addObject: encryption];
+ else
+ [ arguments addObject: @"3des"];
+ if (socks4 && socks4p != nil)
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-D" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [ socks4p stringValue ]];
+ }
+ [ arguments addObject: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@",
+ connUser, connHost ]
+ ];
+ NSString *hostPort;
+ e = [ tunnelsLocal objectEnumerator ];
+ while (t = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-L" ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"hostport"] isEqualTo: @"" ])
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"port" ];
+ else
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"hostport" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@",
+ [ t objectForKey:@"port"],
+ [ t objectForKey:@"host"],
+ hostPort
+ ] ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"port"] intValue] < 1024)
+ asRoot=YES;
+ }
+ e = [ tunnelsRemote objectEnumerator ];
+ while (t = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-R" ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"hostport"] isEqualTo: @"" ])
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"port" ];
+ else
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"hostport" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@",
+ [ t objectForKey:@"port"],
+ [ t objectForKey:@"host"],
+ hostPort
+ ]];
+ }
+ args = [ NSMutableDictionary dictionary ];
+ [ args setObject: arguments forKey:@"arguments" ];
+ [ args setObject: [ NSNumber numberWithBool: connAuth ] forKey: @"handleAuth" ];
+ [ args setObject: connName forKey:@"tunnelName" ];
+ [ args setObject: [ NSNumber numberWithBool: asRoot ] forKey: @"asRoot" ];
+ [ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(launchTunnel:)
+ toTarget: self
+ withObject: args ];
+ */
+ [ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(launchTunnel:)
+ toTarget: self
+ withObject: nil ];
+// [ arguments release ];
+- (void)stopTunnel
+ if (! [ self isRunning ])
+ return;
+ shouldStop=YES;
+ [ self setValue: nil forKey: @"status" ];
+ [ task terminate ];
+ code = 0;
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ];
+- (void)toggleTunnel
+ if ([ self isRunning ])
+ [ self stopTunnel ];
+ else
+ [ self startTunnel ];
+- (void)launchTunnel:(id)foo;
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ if (task)
+ [ task release ];
+ task = [[ NSTask alloc ] init ];
+ NSMutableDictionary *environment = [ NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: [[ NSProcessInfo processInfo ] environment ]];
+ NSString *pathToAuthentifier = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource: @"askForPass" ofType: @"sh" ];
+ if (socks4)
+ [ task setLaunchPath: [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource: @"ssh" ofType: @"" ]];
+ else
+ [ task setLaunchPath: @"/usr/bin/ssh" ];
+ [ task setArguments: [ self arguments ]];
+ if (connAuth)
+ {
+ [ environment removeObjectForKey: @"SSH_AGENT_PID" ];
+ [ environment removeObjectForKey: @"SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ];
+ [ environment setObject: pathToAuthentifier forKey: @"SSH_ASKPASS" ];
+ [ environment setObject:@":0" forKey:@"DISPLAY" ];
+ }
+ [ environment setObject: connName forKey: @"TUNNEL_NAME" ];
+ [ task setEnvironment: environment ];
+ stdErrPipe = [[ NSPipe alloc ] init ];
+ [ task setStandardError: stdErrPipe ];
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(stdErr:)
+ name: @"NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification"
+ object:[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading]];
+ [[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading] waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify ];
+ NSLog(T_START,connName);
+ [ self setValue: S_CONNECTING forKey: @"status" ];
+ code = 1;
+ [ task launch ];
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ];
+ [ task waitUntilExit ];
+ sleep(1);
+ code = 0;
+ [ self setValue: S_IDLE forKey: @"status" ];
+ NSLog(T_STOP,connName);
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
+ name: @"NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification"
+ object:[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading]];
+ [ task release ];
+ task = nil;
+ [ stdErrPipe release ];
+ stdErrPipe = nil;
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ];
+ if (! shouldStop)
+ [ self startTunnel ];
+ [ pool release ];
+- (void)stdErr:(NSNotification*)aNotification
+ NSData *data = [[ aNotification object ] availableData ];
+ NSString *log = [[ NSString alloc ] initWithData: data encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding ];
+ BOOL wait = YES;
+ if ([ log length ])
+ {
+ //NSLog(log);
+ NSArray *lines = [ log componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n" ];
+ NSEnumerator *e = [ lines objectEnumerator ];
+ NSString *line;
+ while (line = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Entering interactive session." ].location != NSNotFound)
+ {
+ code = 2;
+ [ self setValue: S_CONNECTED forKey: @"status"];
+ }
+ if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Authentication succeeded" ].location != NSNotFound)
+ [ self setValue: S_AUTH forKey: @"status"];
+ if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Connections to local port" ].location != NSNotFound)
+ {
+ NSScanner *s;
+ NSString *port;
+ s = [ NSScanner scannerWithString:log];
+ [ s scanUpToString: @"Connections to local port " intoString: nil ];
+ [ s scanString: @"Connections to local port " intoString: nil ];
+ [ s scanUpToString: @"forwarded" intoString:&port];
+ [ self setValue: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"Port %@ forwarded", port ] forKey: @"status"];
+ }
+ if ([ line rangeOfString:@"closed by remote host." ].location != NSNotFound)
+ {
+ [ task terminate];
+ [ self setValue: @"Connection closed" forKey: @"status"];
+ wait = NO;
+ }
+ [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ];
+ }
+ if (wait)
+ [[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading ] waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify ];
+ }
+ [ log release] ;
+- (BOOL)isRunning
+ if ([ task isRunning ])
+ return YES;
+ return NO;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Getting tunnel informations
+- (NSString *)status
+ if (status)
+ return status;
+ return S_IDLE;
+- (NSArray*)arguments
+ NSMutableArray *arguments;
+ NSEnumerator *e;
+ NSDictionary *t;
+ BOOL asRoot;
+ arguments = [ NSMutableArray array ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-N" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-v" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-p" ];
+ if ([ connPort length ])
+ [ arguments addObject: connPort];
+ else
+ [ arguments addObject: @"22" ];
+ if (connRemote)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-g" ];
+ if (compression)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-C" ];
+ if (v1)
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-1" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-c"];
+ if (encryption)
+ [ arguments addObject: encryption];
+ else
+ [ arguments addObject: @"3des"];
+ if (socks4 && socks4p != nil)
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-D" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [ socks4p stringValue ]];
+ }
+ [ arguments addObject: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@",
+ connUser, connHost ]
+ ];
+ NSString *hostPort;
+ e = [ tunnelsLocal objectEnumerator ];
+ while (t = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-L" ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"hostport"] isEqualTo: @"" ])
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"port" ];
+ else
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"hostport" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@",
+ [ t objectForKey:@"port"],
+ [ t objectForKey:@"host"],
+ hostPort
+ ] ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"port"] intValue] < 1024)
+ asRoot=YES;
+ }
+ e = [ tunnelsRemote objectEnumerator ];
+ while (t = [ e nextObject ])
+ {
+ [ arguments addObject: @"-R" ];
+ if ([[ t objectForKey:@"hostport"] isEqualTo: @"" ])
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"port" ];
+ else
+ hostPort = [ t objectForKey:@"hostport" ];
+ [ arguments addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@",
+ [ t objectForKey:@"port"],
+ [ t objectForKey:@"host"],
+ hostPort
+ ]];
+ }
+ return [[ arguments copy ] autorelease ];
+- (NSDictionary*)dictionary
+ return [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: compression ],@"compression",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: connAuth ],@"connAuth",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: autoConnect ],@"autoConnect",
+ connHost, @"connHost",
+ connName, @"connName",
+ connPort, @"connPort",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: connRemote ],@"connRemote",
+ connUser, @"connUser",
+ encryption, @"encryption",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: socks4 ],@"socks4",
+ socks4p, @"socks4p",
+ tunnelsLocal, @"tunnelsLocal",
+ tunnelsRemote, @"tunnelsRemote",
+ [ NSNumber numberWithBool: v1 ],@"v1", nil
+ ];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Key/Value coding
+- (NSImage*)icon
+ switch (code)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return [ NSImage imageNamed: @"offState" ];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return [ NSImage imageNamed: @"middleState" ];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return [ NSImage imageNamed: @"onState" ];
+ break;
+ }
+ return [ NSImage imageNamed: @"offState" ];
+- (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key
+ NSLog(@"key %@ undefined",key);
+- (id)valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key
+ return nil;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Misc.
+ [ self stopTunnel ];
+ [ tunnelsLocal release ];
+ [ tunnelsRemote release ];
+ [ task release ];
+ [ stdErrPipe release ];
+ [ connName release ];
+ [ status release ];
+ [ connPort release ];
+ [ encryption release ];
+ [ socks4p release ];
+ [ connUser release ];
+ [ connHost release ];
+ // start diff lorenz textor
+ [super dealloc];
+ // end diff lorenz textor