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Diffstat (limited to 'Resources/ru.lproj/Credits.rtf')
-rwxr-xr-x | Resources/ru.lproj/Credits.rtf | 172 |
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Resources/ru.lproj/Credits.rtf b/Resources/ru.lproj/Credits.rtf new file mode 100755 index 00000000..26d06081 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/ru.lproj/Credits.rtf @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 +{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f1\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} +{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red25\green25\blue25;\red0\green27\blue199;} +\vieww8580\viewh12860\viewkind0 +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\f0\b\fs22 \cf2 \uc0\u1056 \u1072 \u1079 \u1088 \u1072 \u1073 \u1086 \u1090 \u1095 \u1080 \u1082 \u1080 +\b0 \cf0 \ +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.abhibeckert.com/"}}{\fldrslt \uc0\u1040 \u1073 \u1093 \u1080 \u1041 \u1077 \u1082 \u1077 \u1088 \u1090 }} (Abhi Beckert)\ +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://mattlangtree.com.au/"}}{\fldrslt \uc0\u1052 \u1101 \u1090 \u1051 \u1101 \u1085 \u1075 \u1090 \u1088 \u1080 }} (Matt Langtree)\ +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.benperry.com.au/"}}{\fldrslt B\uc0\u1101 \u1085 \u1055 \u1101 \u1088 \u1080 }} (Ben Perry)\ +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.markltownsend.com"}}{\fldrslt \uc0\u1052 \u1072 \u1088 \u1082 \u1058 \u1072 \u1091 \u1085 \u1089 \u1101 \u1085 \u1076 }} (Mark Townsend)\ +\uc0\u1056 \u1086 \u1091 \u1072 \u1085 \u1041 \u1077 \u1085 \u1090 \u1080 \u1076 \u1078 (Rowan Beentje)\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://stuconnolly.com/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1057 \u1090 \u1102 \u1072 \u1088 \u1076 \u1050 \u1086 \u1085 \u1085 \u1086 \u1083 \u1083 \u1080 }} (Stuart Connolly)\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://marius.me.uk/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1052 \u1072 \u1088 \u1080 \u1091 \u1089 \u1059 \u1088 \u1089 \u1072 \u1095 }} (Marius Ursache)\ +\uc0\u1071 \u1082 \u1086 \u1073 \u1069 \u1075 \u1077 \u1088 (Jakob Egger)\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.bibiko.de/"}}{\fldrslt \cf3 \ul \ulc3 \uc0\u1043 \u1072 \u1085 \u1089 -\u1049 \u1086 \u1088 \u1075 \u1041 \u1080 \u1073 \u1080 \u1082 \u1086 }} (Hans-J\'f6rg Bibiko)\ +\uc0\u1044 \u1078 \u1080 \u1084 \u1053 \u1072 \u1081 \u1090 (Jim Knight)\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.rekowski.info"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1044 \u1101 \u1074 \u1080 \u1076 \u1056 \u1077 \u1082 \u1086 \u1074 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1081 }} (David Rekowski)\ +\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc + +\b \cf0 \uc0\u1055 \u1077 \u1088 \u1077 \u1074 \u1086 \u1076 \u1099 : +\b0 \ + +\b \uc0\u1053 \u1077 \u1084 \u1077 \u1094 \u1082 \u1080 \u1081 \u1103 \u1079 \u1099 \u1082 +\b0 \ +\uc0\u1052 \u1072 \u1082 \u1089 \u1051 \u1086 \u1088 \u1084 \u1072 \u1085 (Max Lohrmann)\ +\uc0\u1087 \u1086 \u1084 \u1086 \u1075 \u1072 \u1083 \ +\uc0\u1043 \u1072 \u1085 \u1089 -\u1049 \u1086 \u1088 \u1075 \u1041 \u1080 \u1073 \u1080 \u1082 \u1086 (Hans-J\'f6rg Bibiko)\ +\ + +\b \uc0\u1056 \u1091 \u1089 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1081 \u1103 \u1079 \u1099 \u1082 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc + +\b0 \cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1083 \u1077 \u1082 \u1089 \u1072 \u1085 \u1076 \u1088 \u1042 \u1072 \u1089 \u1080 \u1083 \u1100 \u1077 \u1074 (Alexander Vasiliev) \ +\uc0\u1087 \u1086 \u1084 \u1086 \u1075 \u1072 \u1083 \u1080 \ +\uc0\u1071 \u1088 \u1086 \u1089 \u1083 \u1072 \u1074 \u1050 \u1086 \u1085 \u1094 \u1077 \u1074 \u1086 \u1081 (Jaroslav Koncevojj)\ +\uc0\u1044 \u1084 \u1080 \u1090 \u1088 \u1080 \u1081 \u1052 \u1077 \u1076 \u1103 \u1085 \u1085 \u1080 \u1082 (Dmitry Medyannik)\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf2 \uc0\u1056 \u1072 \u1079 \u1088 \u1072 \u1073 \u1086 \u1090 \u1095 \u1080 \u1082 \u1080 \u1087 \u1088 \u1077 \u1076 \u1099 \u1076 \u1091 \u1097 \u1080 \u1093 \u1074 \u1077 \u1088 \u1089 \u1080 \u1081 +\b0 \cf0 \ +\uc0\u1051 \u1086 \u1088 \u1077 \u1085 \u1089 \u1058 \u1077 \u1082 \u1089 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 (Lorenz Textor) <lorenz@textor.ch>\ +\uc0\u1044 \u1078 \u1077 \u1092 \u1057 \u1082 \u1088 \u1080 \u1089 \u1072 \u1082 (Jeff Skrysak)\ +\ + +\b \cf2 \uc0\u1056 \u1072 \u1079 \u1088 \u1072 \u1073 \u1086 \u1090 \u1095 \u1080 \u1082 \u1080 \cf0 \uc0\u1076 \u1086 \u1087 \u1086 \u1083 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1080 \u1081 +\b0 \ +\uc0\u1057 \u1077 \u1088 \u1078 \u1050 \u1086 \u1093 \u1077 \u1085 (Serge Cohen)\ +\uc0\u1080 \u1041 \u1077 \u1088 \u1085 \u1072 \u1088 \u1076 \u1052 \u1101 \u1085 \u1096 \u1085 (Bertrand Mansion)\ +( +\f1 SMySQL framework +\f0 )\ +\ +\uc0\u1058 \u1088 \u1080 \u1089 \u1090 \u1072 \u1085 \u1054 `\u1058 \u1080 \u1088 \u1085 \u1080 (Tristan O'Tierney)\ +\uc0\u1050 \u1086 \u1090 \u1072 \u1088 \u1086 \u1060 \u1091 \u1085 \u1072 \u1082 \u1086 \u1096 \u1080 (Kotaro Funakoshi)\ +\uc0\u1044 \u1101 \u1074 \u1080 \u1076 \u1041 \u1091 \u1082 \u1089 \u1090 \u1086 \u1085 (David Buxton)\ +\uc0\u1057 \u1090 \u1102 \u1072 \u1088 \u1090 \u1041 . \u1043 \u1083 \u1077 \u1085 (Stuart B. Glenn)\ +\uc0\u1044 \u1078 \u1077 \u1081 \u1089 \u1086 \u1085 \u1061 \u1086 \u1083 \u1092 \u1086 \u1088 \u1076 (Jason Hallford)\ +\uc0\u1050 \u1072 \u1088 \u1089 \u1090 \u1077 \u1085 \u1041 \u1083 \u1091 \u1084 (Carsten Bl\'fcm)\ +\uc0\u1040 \u1085 \u1076 \u1088 \u1101 \u1057 \u1072 \u1083 \u1086 \u1084 \u1086 \u1085 \u1080 (Andrea Salomoni)\ +\uc0\u1043 \u1088 \u1077 \u1075 \u1061 \u1091 \u1083 \u1101 \u1085 \u1076 \u1089 (Greg Hulands)\ +\uc0\u1055 \u1086 \u1083 \u1050 \u1080 \u1084 (Paul Kim)\ +( +\f1 NoodleLineNumberView +\f0 )\ +\ +\uc0\u1040 \u1083 \u1077 \u1082 \u1089 \u1050 \u1080 \u1085 \u1075 (Alex King)\ +\uc0\u1052 \u1101 \u1090 \u1044 \u1078 \u1077 \u1084 \u1084 \u1077 \u1083 \u1100 (Matt Gemmell)\ +( +\f1 MGTemplateEngine +\f0 )\ +\ +Joachim M\'e5rtensson, Allan Odgaard\ +( +\f1 TMDIncrementalPopUp +\f0 )\ +\ +\uc0\u1062 \u1080 \u1072 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1042 \u1086 \u1083 \u1096 (Ci\'e1ran Walsh)\ +\uc0\u1080 \u1040 \u1083 \u1072 \u1085 \u1054 \u1076 \u1075 \u1072 \u1088 \u1076 (Allan Odgaard)\ +( +\f1 TMDHTMLtip +\f0 )\ +\ +\uc0\u1052 \u1101 \u1090 \u1043 \u1077 \u1083 \u1083 \u1072 \u1085 \u1075 \u1077 \u1088 (Matt Gallagher)\ +( +\f1 NSFileManagerAddition +\f0 )\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 RegexKitLite +\b0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +\cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2008-2010\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://regexkit.sourceforge.net/RegexKitLite/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1044 \u1078 \u1086 \u1085 \u1069 \u1085 \u1078 \u1077 \u1083 \u1093 \u1072 \u1090 }} (John Engelhart)\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 AQDataExtension +\b0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +\cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2005\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://aquaticmac.com/cocoa.php"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1051 \u1091 \u1082 \u1072 \u1089 \u1053 \u1100 \u1102 \u1084 \u1072 \u1085 }} (Lucas Newman)\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 BWToolkitFramework +\b0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +\cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2009\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://brandonwalkin.com/bwtoolkit/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1041 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1076 \u1086 \u1085 \u1042 \u1086 \u1083 \u1082 \u1080 \u1085 }} (Brandon Walkin)\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 FeedbackReporter +\b0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +\cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2009\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://vafer.org/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1058 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1090 \u1077 \u1085 \u1050 \u1091 \u1088 \u1076 \u1090 }} (Torsten Curdt)\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 ShortcutRecorderFramework +\b0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +\cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2006-2010\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://code.google.com/p/shortcutrecorder/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1044 \u1078 \u1077 \u1089 \u1087 \u1077 \u1088 , \u1044 \u1072 \u1091 \u1077 \u1088 , \u1050 \u1080 \u1088 \u1082 \u1087 \u1072 \u1090 \u1088 \u1080 \u1082 }}\ +(Jesper, Dauer, Kirkpatrick)\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural + +\b \cf0 Sparkle\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc + +\b0 \cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1074 \u1090 \u1086 \u1088 \u1089 \u1082 \u1080 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \'a9 2006\ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 \uc0\u1069 \u1085 \u1076 \u1080 \u1052 \u1101 \u1090 \u1100 \u1102 \u1096 \u1072 \u1082 }} (Andy Matuschak)\ +\uc0\u1042 \u1089 \u1077 \u1087 \u1088 \u1072 \u1074 \u1072 \u1089 \u1086 \u1093 \u1088 \u1072 \u1085 \u1077 \u1085 \u1099 .\ +\ +\pard\pardeftab720\qc + +\b \cf0 \uc0\u1054 \u1092 \u1086 \u1088 \u1084 \u1083 \u1077 \u1085 \u1080 \u1077 +\b0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\qc\pardirnatural +\cf0 \uc0\u1048 \u1082 \u1086 \u1085 \u1082 \u1080 \u1085 \u1072 \u1088 \u1080 \u1089 \u1086 \u1074 \u1072 \u1085 \u1099 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://nadesign.net/"}}{\fldrslt \uc0\u1053 \u1072 \u1042 \u1086 \u1085 \u1075 \u1086 \u1084 }} (Na Wong)\ +\uc0\u1080 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.benperry.com.au/"}}{\fldrslt \uc0\u1041 \u1101 \u1085 \u1086 \u1084 \u1055 \u1101 \u1088 \u1080 }} (Ben Perry)\ +\ +\uc0\u1048 \u1085 \u1090 \u1077 \u1088 \u1092 \u1077 \u1081 \u1089 \u1087 \u1088 \u1086 \u1075 \u1088 \u1072 \u1084 \u1084 \u1099 \ +\uc0\u1088 \u1072 \u1079 \u1088 \u1072 \u1073 \u1086 \u1090 \u1072 \u1085 \u1082 \u1086 \u1084 \u1072 \u1085 \u1076 \u1086 \u1081 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.sequelpro.com/"}}{\fldrslt Sequel Pro}}.\ +}
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