path: root/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection.m')
1 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection.m b/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection.m
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index 00000000..4968266d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection.m
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPMySQLConnection.m
+// SPMySQLFramework
+// Created by Rowan Beentje (rowan.beent.je) on January 8, 2012
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Rowan Beentje. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+// conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+#import "SPMySQL Private APIs.h"
+#include <mach/mach_time.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <SystemConfiguration/SCNetworkReachability.h>
+#pragma mark Class constants
+// The default connection options for MySQL connections
+const NSUInteger SPMySQLConnectionOptions =
+ CLIENT_COMPRESS | // Enable protocol compression - almost always a win
+ CLIENT_INTERACTIVE | // Mark ourselves as an interactive client
+ CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS; // Multiple result support (very basic, but present)
+// List of permissible ciphers to use for SSL connections
+@implementation SPMySQLConnection
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Synthesized properties
+@synthesize delegate;
+@synthesize proxy;
+@synthesize host;
+@synthesize username;
+@synthesize password;
+@synthesize port;
+@synthesize useSocket;
+@synthesize socketPath;
+@synthesize useSSL;
+@synthesize sslKeyFilePath;
+@synthesize sslCertificatePath;
+@synthesize sslCACertificatePath;
+@synthesize timeout;
+@synthesize useKeepAlive;
+@synthesize keepAliveInterval;
+@synthesize mysqlConnectionThreadId;
+@synthesize retryQueriesOnConnectionFailure;
+@synthesize delegateQueryLogging;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Initialisation and teardown
+ * Initialise the SPMySQLConnection object, setting up class defaults.
+ *
+ * Typically initialisation would be followed by setting the connection details
+ * and then calling -connect.
+ */
+- (id)init
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ mySQLConnection = NULL;
+ state = SPMySQLDisconnected;
+ userTriggeredDisconnect = NO;
+ isReconnecting = NO;
+ mysqlConnectionThreadId = 0;
+ initialConnectTime = 0;
+ port = 3306;
+ // Default to socket connections if no other details have been provided
+ useSocket = YES;
+ // Start with no proxy
+ proxy = nil;
+ proxyStateChangeNotificationsIgnored = NO;
+ // Start with no selected database
+ database = nil;
+ // Set a timeout of 30 seconds, with keepalive on and acting every sixty seconds
+ timeout = 30;
+ useKeepAlive = YES;
+ keepAliveInterval = 60;
+ keepAlivePingFailures = 0;
+ lastKeepAliveTime = 0;
+ keepAlivePingThread = NULL;
+ keepAlivePingThreadActive = NO;
+ keepAliveLastPingSuccess = NO;
+ keepAliveLastPingBlocked = NO;
+ // Set up default encoding variables
+ encoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"utf8"];
+ stringEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding;
+ encodingUsesLatin1Transport = NO;
+ previousEncoding = nil;
+ previousEncodingUsesLatin1Transport = NO;
+ // Initialise default delegate settings
+ delegateSupportsWillQueryString = NO;
+ delegateSupportsConnectionLost = NO;
+ delegateQueryLogging = YES;
+ // Delegate disconnection decisions
+ reconnectionRetryAttempts = 0;
+ lastDelegateDecisionForLostConnection = SPMySQLConnectionLostDisconnect;
+ delegateDecisionLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
+ // Set up the connection lock
+ connectionLock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition:SPMySQLConnectionIdle];
+ [connectionLock setName:@"SPMySQLConnection query lock"];
+ // Ensure the server detail records are initialised
+ serverVersionString = nil;
+ // Start with a blank error state
+ queryErrorID = 0;
+ queryErrorMessage = nil;
+ // Start with empty cancellation details
+ lastQueryWasCancelled = NO;
+ lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect = NO;
+ // Empty or reset the timing variables
+ lastConnectionUsedTime = 0;
+ lastQueryExecutionTime = 0;
+ // Default to editable query size of 1MB
+ maxQuerySize = 1048576;
+ maxQuerySizeIsEditable = YES;
+ maxQuerySizeEditabilityChecked = NO;
+ queryActionShouldRestoreMaxQuerySize = NSNotFound;
+ // Default to allowing queries to be automatically retried if the connection drops
+ // while running them
+ retryQueriesOnConnectionFailure = YES;
+ // Start the ping keepalive timer
+ if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
+ [self _initKeepAlivePingTimer];
+ } else {
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_initKeepAlivePingTimer) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ * Object deallocation.
+ */
+- (void) dealloc
+ userTriggeredDisconnect = YES;
+ // Unset the delegate
+ [self setDelegate:nil];
+ // Disconnect if appropriate (which should also disconnect any proxy)
+ [self disconnect];
+ // Clean up the connection proxy, if any
+ if (proxy) {
+ [proxy setConnectionStateChangeSelector:NULL delegate:nil];
+ [proxy release];
+ }
+ // Ensure the query lock is unlocked, thereafter setting to nil in case of pending calls
+ if ([connectionLock condition] != SPMySQLConnectionIdle) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ }
+ [connectionLock release], connectionLock = nil;
+ [encoding dealloc];
+ if (previousEncoding) [previousEncoding release], previousEncoding = nil;
+ if (database) [database release], database = nil;
+ if (serverVersionString) [serverVersionString release], serverVersionString = nil;
+ if (queryErrorMessage) [queryErrorMessage release], queryErrorMessage = nil;
+ [keepAliveTimer invalidate];
+ [keepAliveTimer release];
+ [delegateDecisionLock release];
+ [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
+ [super dealloc];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Connection and disconnection
+ * Trigger a connection to the specified host, if any, using any connection details
+ * that have been set.
+ * Returns whether the connection was successful.
+ */
+- (BOOL)connect
+ // If a connection is already active in some form, throw an exception
+ if (state != SPMySQLDisconnected) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Attempted to connect a connection that is not disconnected."];
+ return NO;
+ }
+ state = SPMySQLConnecting;
+ // Lock the connection for safety
+ [self _lockConnection];
+ // Attempt the connection
+ mySQLConnection = [self _makeRawMySQLConnectionWithEncoding:encoding isMasterConnection:YES];
+ // If the connection failed, reset state and return
+ if (!mySQLConnection) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ state = SPMySQLDisconnected;
+ return NO;
+ }
+ // Successfully connected - record connected state and reset tracking variables
+ state = SPMySQLConnected;
+ userTriggeredDisconnect = NO;
+ reconnectionRetryAttempts = 0;
+ initialConnectTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ mysqlConnectionThreadId = mySQLConnection->thread_id;
+ lastConnectionUsedTime = 0;
+ // Update SSL state
+ connectedWithSSL = NO;
+ if (useSSL) connectedWithSSL = (mysql_get_ssl_cipher(mySQLConnection))?YES:NO;
+ if (useSSL && !connectedWithSSL) {
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(connectionFellBackToNonSSL:)]) {
+ [delegate connectionFellBackToNonSSL:self];
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset keepalive variables
+ lastKeepAliveTime = 0;
+ keepAlivePingFailures = 0;
+ // Clear the connection error record
+ [self _updateLastErrorID:NSNotFound];
+ [self _updateLastErrorMessage:nil];
+ // Unlock the connection
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ // Update connection variables to be in sync with the server state. As this performs
+ // a query, ensure the connection is still up afterwards (!)
+ [self _updateConnectionVariables];
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected) return NO;
+ // Update the maximum query size
+ [self _updateMaxQuerySize];
+ return YES;
+ * Reconnect to the currently "active" - but possibly disconnected - connection, using the
+ * stored details.
+ * Error checks extensively - if this method fails, it will ask how to proceed and loop depending
+ * on the status, not returning control until either a connection has been established or
+ * the connection and document have been closed.
+ * Runs its own autorelease pool as sometimes called in a thread following proxy changes
+ * (where the return code doesn't matter).
+ */
+- (BOOL)reconnect
+ if (userTriggeredDisconnect) return NO;
+ NSAutoreleasePool *reconnectionPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ // Check whether a reconnection attempt is already being made - if so, wait
+ // and return the status of that reconnection attempt. This improves threaded
+ // use of the connection by preventing reconnect races.
+ if (isReconnecting) {
+ // Loop in a panel runloop mode until the reconnection has processed; if an iteration
+ // takes less than the requested 0.1s, sleep instead.
+ while (isReconnecting) {
+ uint64_t loopIterationStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1]];
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t) < 0.1) {
+ usleep(100000 - (useconds_t)(1000000 * _elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t)));
+ }
+ }
+ [reconnectionPool drain];
+ return (state == SPMySQLConnected);
+ }
+ isReconnecting = YES;
+ // Store certain details about the connection, so that if the reconnection is successful
+ // they can be restored. This has to be treated separately from _restoreConnectionDetails
+ // as a full connection reinitialises certain values from the server.
+ NSString *preReconnectEncoding = [NSString stringWithString:encoding];
+ BOOL preReconnectEncodingUsesLatin1 = encodingUsesLatin1Transport;
+ NSString *preReconnectDatabase = nil;
+ if (database) preReconnectDatabase = [NSString stringWithString:database];
+ // If there is a connection proxy, temporarily disassociate the state change action
+ if (proxy) proxyStateChangeNotificationsIgnored = YES;
+ // Close the connection if it's active
+ [self disconnect];
+ // Lock the connection while waiting for network and proxy
+ [self _lockConnection];
+ // If no network is present, wait for a short time for one to become available
+ [self _waitForNetworkConnectionWithTimeout:10];
+ // If there is a proxy, attempt to reconnect it in blocking fashion
+ if (proxy) {
+ uint64_t loopIterationStart_t, proxyWaitStart_t;
+ // If the proxy is not yet idle after requesting a disconnect, wait for a short time
+ // to allow it to disconnect.
+ if ([proxy state] != SPMySQLProxyIdle) {
+ proxyWaitStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ while ([proxy state] != SPMySQLProxyIdle) {
+ loopIterationStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ // If the connection timeout has passed, break out of the loop
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(proxyWaitStart_t) > timeout) break;
+ // Allow events to process for 0.25s, sleeping to completion on early return
+ [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.25]];
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t) < 0.25) {
+ usleep(250000 - (useconds_t)(1000000 * _elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Request that the proxy re-establishes its connection
+ [proxy connect];
+ // Wait while the proxy connects
+ proxyWaitStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ while (1) {
+ loopIterationStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ // If the proxy has connected, record the new local port and break out of the loop
+ if ([proxy state] == SPMySQLProxyConnected) {
+ port = [proxy localPort];
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the proxy connection attempt time has exceeded the timeout, break of of the loop.
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(proxyWaitStart_t) > (timeout + 1)) {
+ [proxy disconnect];
+ break;
+ }
+ // Process events for a short time, allowing dialogs to be shown but waiting for
+ // the proxy. Capture how long this interface action took, standardising the
+ // overall time.
+ [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.25]];
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t) < 0.25) {
+ usleep((useconds_t)(250000 - (1000000 * _elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopIterationStart_t))));
+ }
+ // Extend the connection timeout by any interface time
+ if ([proxy state] == SPMySQLProxyWaitingForAuth) {
+ proxyWaitStart_t += mach_absolute_time() - loopIterationStart_t;
+ }
+ }
+ // Having in theory performed the proxy connect, update state
+ previousProxyState = [proxy state];
+ proxyStateChangeNotificationsIgnored = NO;
+ }
+ // Unlock the connection
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ // If not using a proxy, or if the proxy successfully connected, trigger a connection
+ if (!proxy || [proxy state] == SPMySQLProxyConnected) {
+ [self connect];
+ }
+ // If the connection failed, retry the reconnection or cancel as appropriate.
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected) {
+ // Default to attempting another reconnect
+ SPMySQLConnectionLostDecision connectionLostDecision = SPMySQLConnectionLostReconnect;
+ // If the delegate supports the decision process, ask it how to proceed
+ if (delegateSupportsConnectionLost) {
+ connectionLostDecision = [self _delegateDecisionForLostConnection];
+ // Otherwise default to reconnect, but only a set number of times to prevent a runaway loop
+ } else {
+ if (reconnectionRetryAttempts < 5) {
+ connectionLostDecision = SPMySQLConnectionLostReconnect;
+ } else {
+ connectionLostDecision = SPMySQLConnectionLostDisconnect;
+ }
+ reconnectionRetryAttempts++;
+ }
+ switch (connectionLostDecision) {
+ case SPMySQLConnectionLostDisconnect:
+ [self _updateLastErrorMessage:NSLocalizedString(@"User triggered disconnection", @"User triggered disconnection")];
+ userTriggeredDisconnect = YES;
+ isReconnecting = NO;
+ [reconnectionPool release];
+ return NO;
+ default:
+ isReconnecting = NO;
+ [reconnectionPool release];
+ return [self reconnect];
+ }
+ }
+ // If the connection was successfully established, restore the connection
+ // state if appropriate.
+ if (preReconnectDatabase) {
+ [self selectDatabase:preReconnectDatabase];
+ }
+ [self setEncoding:preReconnectEncoding];
+ [self setEncodingUsesLatin1Transport:preReconnectEncodingUsesLatin1];
+ isReconnecting = NO;
+ [reconnectionPool release];
+ return YES;
+ * Trigger a disconnection if the connection is currently active.
+ */
+- (void)disconnect
+ // Only continue if a connection is active
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected && state != SPMySQLConnecting) return;
+ state = SPMySQLDisconnecting;
+ // If a query is active, cancel it
+ [self cancelCurrentQuery];
+ // Allow any pings or cancelled queries to complete, inside a time limit of ten seconds
+ uint64_t disconnectStartTime_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ do {
+ usleep(100000);
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(disconnectStartTime_t) > 10) break;
+ } while (![self _tryLockConnection]);
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ if (keepAlivePingThread != NULL) pthread_cancel(keepAlivePingThread), keepAlivePingThread = NULL;
+ // Close the underlying MySQL connection if it still appears to be active, and not reading
+ // or writing. While this may result in a leak of the MySQL object, it prevents crashes
+ // due to attempts to close a blocked/stuck connection.
+ if (!mySQLConnection->net.reading_or_writing && mySQLConnection->net.vio && mySQLConnection->net.buff) {
+ mysql_close(mySQLConnection);
+ }
+ mySQLConnection = NULL;
+ // If using a connection proxy, disconnect that too
+ if (proxy) {
+ [proxy performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(disconnect) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
+ }
+ // Clear host-specific information
+ if (serverVersionString) [serverVersionString release], serverVersionString = nil;
+ if (database) [database release], database = nil;
+ state = SPMySQLDisconnected;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Connection state
+ * Retrieve whether the connection instance is connected to the remote host.
+ * Returns NO if the connection is still in process, YES if a disconnection is
+ * being actively performed.
+ */
+- (BOOL)isConnected
+ return (state == SPMySQLConnected || state == SPMySQLDisconnecting);
+ * Returns YES if the MCPConnection is connected to a server via SSL, NO otherwise.
+ */
+- (BOOL)isConnectedViaSSL
+ if (![self isConnected]) return NO;
+ return connectedWithSSL;
+ * Checks whether the connection to the server is still active. This verifies
+ * the connection using a ping, and if the connection is found to be down attempts
+ * to quickly restore it, including the previous state.
+ */
+- (BOOL)checkConnection
+ // If the connection is not seen as active, don't proceed
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected) return NO;
+ // Similarly, if the connection is currently locked, that indicates it's in use. This
+ // could be because queries are actively being run, or that a ping is running.
+ if ([connectionLock condition] == SPMySQLConnectionBusy) {
+ // If a ping thread is not active queries are being performed - return success.
+ if (!keepAlivePingThreadActive) return YES;
+ // If a ping thread is active, wait for it to complete before checking the connection
+ while (keepAlivePingThreadActive) {
+ usleep(10000);
+ }
+ }
+ // Confirm whether the connection is still responding by using a ping
+ BOOL connectionVerified = [self _pingConnectionUsingLoopDelay:400];
+ // If the connection didn't respond, trigger a reconnect. This will automatically
+ // attempt to reconnect once, and if that fails will ask the user how to proceed - whether
+ // to keep reconnecting, or whether to disconnect.
+ if (!connectionVerified) {
+ connectionVerified = [self reconnect];
+ }
+ return connectionVerified;
+ * Retrieve the time elapsed since the connection was established, in seconds.
+ * This time is retrieved in a monotonically increasing fashion and is high
+ * precision; it is used internally for query timing, and is reset on reconnections.
+ * If no connection is currently active, returns -1.
+ */
+- (double)timeConnected
+ if (initialConnectTime == 0) return -1;
+ return _elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(initialConnectTime);
+ * Returns YES if the user chose to disconnect at the last "connection failure"
+ * prompt, NO otherwise. This can be used to alter behaviour in response to state
+ * changes.
+ */
+- (BOOL)userTriggeredDisconnect
+ return userTriggeredDisconnect;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark General connection utilities
++ (NSString *)findSocketPath
+ NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ NSArray *possibleSocketLocations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
+ @"/tmp/mysql.sock", // Default
+ @"/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock", // MAMP default location
+ @"/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock", // XAMPP default location
+ @"/var/mysql/mysql.sock", // Mac OS X Server default
+ @"/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", // Darwinports MySQL
+ @"/opt/local/var/run/mysql4/mysqld.sock", // Darwinports MySQL 4
+ @"/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", // Darwinports MySQL 5
+ @"/usr/local/zend/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock", // Zend Server CE (see Issue #1251)
+ @"/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", // As used on Debian/Gentoo
+ @"/var/tmp/mysql.sock", // As used on FreeBSD
+ @"/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", // As used by Fedora
+ @"/opt/local/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", // Alternate fedora
+ nil];
+ for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [possibleSocketLocations count]; i++) {
+ if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[possibleSocketLocations objectAtIndex:i]])
+ return [possibleSocketLocations objectAtIndex:i];
+ }
+ return nil;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Private API
+@implementation SPMySQLConnection (PrivateAPI)
+ * Make a connection using the class connection settings, returning a MySQL
+ * connection object on success.
+ */
+- (MYSQL *)_makeRawMySQLConnectionWithEncoding:(NSString *)encodingName isMasterConnection:(BOOL)isMaster
+ // Set up the MySQL connection object
+ MYSQL *theConnection = mysql_init(NULL);
+ if (!theConnection) return NULL;
+ // Disable automatic reconnection, as it's handled in-framework to preserve
+ // options, encodings and connection state.
+ my_bool falseMyBool = FALSE;
+ mysql_options(theConnection, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &falseMyBool);
+ // Set the connection timeout
+ mysql_options(theConnection, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (const void *)&timeout);
+ // Set the connection encoding
+ mysql_options(theConnection, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, [encodingName UTF8String]);
+ // Set up the connection variables in the format MySQL needs, from the class-wide variables
+ const char *theHost = NULL;
+ const char *theUsername = "";
+ const char *thePassword = NULL;
+ const char *theSocket = NULL;
+ if (host) theHost = [self _cStringForString:host];
+ if (username) theUsername = [self _cStringForString:username];
+ // If a password was supplied, use it; otherwise ask the delegate if appropriate
+ if (password) {
+ thePassword = [self _cStringForString:password];
+ } else if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(keychainPasswordForConnection:)]) {
+ thePassword = [self _cStringForString:[delegate keychainPasswordForConnection:self]];
+ }
+ // If set to use a socket and a socket was supplied, use it; otherwise, search for a socket to use
+ if (useSocket) {
+ if (socketPath) {
+ theSocket = [self _cStringForString:socketPath];
+ } else {
+ theSocket = [self _cStringForString:[SPMySQLConnection findSocketPath]];
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply SSL if appropriate
+ if (useSSL) {
+ const char *theSSLKeyFilePath = NULL;
+ const char *theSSLCertificatePath = NULL;
+ const char *theCACertificatePath = NULL;
+ if (sslKeyFilePath) {
+ theSSLKeyFilePath = [[sslKeyFilePath stringByExpandingTildeInPath] UTF8String];
+ }
+ if (sslCertificatePath) {
+ theSSLCertificatePath = [[sslCertificatePath stringByExpandingTildeInPath] UTF8String];
+ }
+ if (sslCACertificatePath) {
+ theCACertificatePath = [[sslCACertificatePath stringByExpandingTildeInPath] UTF8String];
+ }
+ mysql_ssl_set(theConnection, theSSLKeyFilePath, theSSLCertificatePath, theCACertificatePath, NULL, SPMySQLSSLPermissibleCiphers);
+ }
+ MYSQL *connectionStatus = mysql_real_connect(theConnection, theHost, theUsername, thePassword, NULL, (unsigned int)port, theSocket, SPMySQLConnectionOptions);
+ // If the connection failed, return NULL
+ if (theConnection != connectionStatus) {
+ // If the connection is the master connection, record the error state
+ if (isMaster) {
+ [self _updateLastErrorMessage:[self _stringForCString:mysql_error(theConnection)]];
+ [self _updateLastErrorID:mysql_errno(theConnection)];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Ensure automatic reconnection is disabled for older versions
+ theConnection->reconnect = 0;
+ // Successful connection - return the handle
+ return theConnection;
+ * Loop while a connection isn't available; allows blocking while the network is disconnected
+ * or still connecting (eg Airport still coming up after sleep).
+ */
+- (BOOL)_waitForNetworkConnectionWithTimeout:(double)timeoutSeconds
+ BOOL hostReachable;
+ Boolean flagsValid;
+ SCNetworkReachabilityRef reachabilityTarget;
+ SCNetworkConnectionFlags reachabilityStatus;
+ // Set up the reachability target - the host is not important, and is not connected to.
+ reachabilityTarget = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(NULL, "dev.mysql.com");
+ // In a loop until success or the timeout, test reachability
+ uint64_t loopStart_t = mach_absolute_time();
+ while (1) {
+ // Check reachability
+ flagsValid = SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(reachabilityTarget, &reachabilityStatus);
+ hostReachable = flagsValid ? YES : NO;
+ // Ensure that the network is reachable
+ if (hostReachable && !(reachabilityStatus & kSCNetworkFlagsReachable)) hostReachable = NO;
+ // Ensure that Airport is up/connected if present
+ if (hostReachable && (reachabilityStatus & kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionRequired)) hostReachable = NO;
+ // If the host *is* reachable, return success
+ if (hostReachable) return YES;
+ // If the timeout has been exceeded, break out of the loop
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(loopStart_t) >= timeoutSeconds) break;
+ // Sleep before the next loop iteration
+ usleep(250000);
+ }
+ // All checks failed - return failure
+ return NO;
+ * Update connection variables from the server, collecting state and ensuring
+ * settings like encoding are in sync.
+ */
+- (void)_updateConnectionVariables
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected && state != SPMySQLConnecting) return;
+ // Retrieve all variables from the server in a single query
+ SPMySQLResult *theResult = [self queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES"];
+ if (![theResult numberOfRows]) return;
+ // SHOW VARIABLES can return binary results on certain MySQL 4 versions; ensure string output
+ [theResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES];
+ // Convert the result set into a variables dictionary
+ [theResult setDefaultRowReturnType:SPMySQLResultRowAsArray];
+ NSMutableDictionary *variables = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ for (NSArray *variableRow in theResult) {
+ [variables setObject:[variableRow objectAtIndex:1] forKey:[variableRow objectAtIndex:0]];
+ }
+ // Copy the server version string to the instance variable
+ if (serverVersionString) [serverVersionString release], serverVersionString = nil;
+ serverVersionString = [[variables objectForKey:@"version"] retain];
+ // Get the connection encoding. Although a specific encoding may have been requested on
+ // connection, it may be overridden by init_connect commands or connection state changes.
+ // Default to latin1 for older server versions.
+ NSString *retrievedEncoding = @"latin1";
+ if ([variables objectForKey:@"character_set_results"]) {
+ retrievedEncoding = [variables objectForKey:@"character_set_results"];
+ } else if ([variables objectForKey:@"character_set"]) {
+ retrievedEncoding = [variables objectForKey:@"character_set"];
+ }
+ // Update instance variables
+ if (encoding) [encoding release];
+ encoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:retrievedEncoding];
+ stringEncoding = [SPMySQLConnection stringEncodingForMySQLCharset:[self _cStringForString:encoding]];
+ encodingUsesLatin1Transport = NO;
+ // Check the interactive timeout - if it's below five minutes, increase it to ten
+ // to imprive timeout/keepalive behaviour
+ if ([variables objectForKey:@"interactive_timeout"]) {
+ if ([[variables objectForKey:@"interactive_timeout"] integerValue] < 300) {
+ [self queryString:@"SET interactive_timeout=600"];
+ }
+ }
+ [variables release];
+ * Restore the connection encoding details as necessary based on previously set
+ * details.
+ */
+- (void)_restoreConnectionVariables
+ mysqlConnectionThreadId = mySQLConnection->thread_id;
+ initialConnectTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ [self selectDatabase:database];
+ [self setEncoding:encoding];
+ [self setEncodingUsesLatin1Transport:encodingUsesLatin1Transport];
+ * If thirty seconds have passed since the last time the connection was
+ * used, check the connection.
+ * This minimises the impact of continuous additional connection checks -
+ * each of which requires a round trip to the server - but handles most
+ * network issues.
+ * Returns whether the connection is considered still valid.
+ */
+- (BOOL)_checkConnectionIfNecessary
+ // If the connection was recently used, return success
+ if (_elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(lastConnectionUsedTime) < 30) return YES;
+ // Otherwise check the connection
+ return [self checkConnection];