path: root/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection Categories/Querying & Preparation.m
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diff --git a/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection Categories/Querying & Preparation.m b/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection Categories/Querying & Preparation.m
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+++ b/Frameworks/SPMySQLFramework/Source/SPMySQLConnection Categories/Querying & Preparation.m
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+// $Id$
+// Querying & Preparation.m
+// SPMySQLFramework
+// Created by Rowan Beentje (rowan.beent.je) on January 14, 2012
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Rowan Beentje. All rights reserved.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+// conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+#import "SPMySQLConnection.h"
+#import "SPMySQL Private APIs.h"
+@implementation SPMySQLConnection (Querying_and_Preparation)
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Data preparation
+ * See also the NSString methods mySQLTickQuotedString and mySQLBacktickQuotedString,
+ * added via an NSString category; however these methods are safer and more complete
+ * as they use the current connection encoding to quote characters.
+ */
+ * Take a string, escapes any special character, and surrounds it with single quotes
+ * for safe use within a query; correctly escapes any characters within the string
+ * using the current connection encoding.
+ */
+- (NSString *)escapeAndQuoteString:(NSString *)theString
+ return SPMySQLConnectionEscapeString(self, theString, YES);
+ * Take a string and escapes any special character for safe use within a query; correctly
+ * escapes any characters within the string using the current connection encoding.
+ * Allows control over whether to also wrap the string in single quotes.
+ */
+- (NSString *)escapeString:(NSString *)theString includingQuotes:(BOOL)includeQuotes
+ // Return nil strings untouched
+ if (!theString) return theString;
+ // To correctly escape the string, an active connection is required, so verify.
+ if (state == SPMySQLDisconnected || state == SPMySQLConnecting) {
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(noConnectionAvailable:)]) {
+ [delegate noConnectionAvailable:self];
+ }
+ return nil;
+ }
+ if (![self _checkConnectionIfNecessary]) return nil;
+ // Perform a lossy conversion to bytes, using NSData to do the hard work. Preserves
+ // nul characters correctly.
+ NSData *cData = [theString dataUsingEncoding:stringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
+ NSUInteger cDataLength = [cData length];
+ // Create a buffer for mysql_real_escape_string to place the converted string into;
+ // the max length is 2*length (if every character was quoted) + 2 (quotes/terminator).
+ // Adding quotes in this way makes the logic below *slightly* harder to follow but
+ // makes the addition of the quotes almost free, which is much nicer when building
+ // lots of strings.
+ char *escBuffer = (char *)malloc((cDataLength * 2) + 2);
+ // Use mysql_real_escape_string to perform the escape, starting one character in
+ NSUInteger escapedLength = mysql_real_escape_string(mySQLConnection, escBuffer+1, [cData bytes], cDataLength);
+ // Set up an NSData object to allow conversion back to NSString while preserving
+ // any nul characters contained in the string.
+ NSData *escapedData;
+ if (includeQuotes) {
+ // Add quotes if requested
+ escBuffer[0] = '\'';
+ escBuffer[escapedLength+1] = '\'';
+ escapedData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:escBuffer length:escapedLength+2 freeWhenDone:NO];
+ } else {
+ escapedData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:escBuffer+1 length:escapedLength freeWhenDone:NO];
+ }
+ // Convert to the string to return
+ NSString *escapedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:escapedData encoding:stringEncoding];
+ // Free up any memory and return
+ free(escBuffer);
+ return [escapedString autorelease];
+ * Take NSData and hex-encodes the contents for safe transmission to a server,
+ * preserving all bytes whatever the encoding. Surrounds the hex-encoded resulting
+ * string with single quotes and precedes it with the hex-marker X for safe inclusion
+ * in a query.
+ */
+- (NSString *)escapeAndQuoteData:(NSData *)theData
+ return SPMySQLConnectionEscapeData(self, theData, YES);
+ * Takes NSData and hex-encodes the contents for safe transmission to a server,
+ * preserving all bytes whatever the encoding.
+ * Allows control over whether to also wrap the string in single quotes and a
+ * preceding X (X'...') for safe use in queries.
+ */
+- (NSString *)escapeData:(NSData *)theData includingQuotes:(BOOL)includeQuotes
+ // Return nil datas as nil strings
+ if (!theData) return nil;
+ NSUInteger dataLength = [theData length];
+ // Create a buffer for mysql_real_escape_string to place the converted string into;
+ // the max length is 2*length (if every character was quoted) + 3 (quotes/terminator).
+ // Adding quotes in this way makes the logic below *slightly* harder to follow but
+ // makes the addition of the quotes almost free, which is much nicer when building
+ // lots of strings.
+ char *hexBuffer = (char *)malloc((dataLength * 2) + 3);
+ // Use mysql_hex_string to perform the escape, starting two characters in
+ NSUInteger hexLength = mysql_hex_string(hexBuffer+2, [theData bytes], dataLength);
+ // Set up the return NSString
+ NSString *hexString;
+ if (includeQuotes) {
+ // Add quotes if requested
+ hexBuffer[0] = 'X';
+ hexBuffer[1] = '\'';
+ hexBuffer[hexLength+2] = '\'';
+ hexString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:hexBuffer length:hexLength+3 encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ } else {
+ hexString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:hexBuffer+2 length:hexLength encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ }
+ // Free up any memory and return
+ free(hexBuffer);
+ return [hexString autorelease];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Queries
+ * Run a query, provided as a string, on the active connection in the current connection
+ * encoding. Stores all the results before returning the complete result set.
+ */
+- (SPMySQLResult *)queryString:(NSString *)theQueryString
+ return SPMySQLConnectionQueryString(self, theQueryString, stringEncoding, SPMySQLResultAsResult);
+ * Run a query, provided as a string, on the active connection in the current connection
+ * encoding. Returns the result as a fast streaming query set, where not all the results
+ * may be available at time of return.
+ */
+- (SPMySQLFastStreamingResult *)streamingQueryString:(NSString *)theQueryString
+ return SPMySQLConnectionQueryString(self, theQueryString, stringEncoding, SPMySQLResultAsFastStreamingResult);
+ * Run a query, provided as a string, on the active connection in the current connection
+ * encoding. Returns the result as a streaming query set, where not all the results may
+ * be available at time of return.
+ * Supports a flag specifying whether streaming should be low-memory blocking (results are
+ * read from the server as the code retrives them, possibly blocking other queries on the
+ * server) or fast streaming (results are cached in the result object as fast as possible,
+ * freeing up the server even in the local rows are still being read from the result object).
+ * Will return a SPMySQLStreamingResult or SPMySQLFastStreamingResult as appropriate.
+ */
+- (id)streamingQueryString:(NSString *)theQueryString useLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:(BOOL)fullStreaming
+ return SPMySQLConnectionQueryString(self, theQueryString, stringEncoding, fullStreaming?SPMySQLResultAsLowMemStreamingResult:SPMySQLResultAsFastStreamingResult);
+ * Run a query, provided as a string, on the active connection. The query and its result
+ * set are interpreted according to the supplied encoding, which should usually match
+ * the connection encoding.
+ * The result type desired can be specified, supporting either standard or streaming
+ * result sets.
+ */
+- (id)queryString:(NSString *)theQueryString usingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)theEncoding withResultType:(SPMySQLResultType)theReturnType
+ double queryExecutionTime;
+ lastQueryWasCancelled = NO;
+ lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect = NO;
+ // Check the connection state - if no connection is available, log an
+ // error and return.
+ if (state == SPMySQLDisconnected || state == SPMySQLConnecting) {
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(queryGaveError:connection:)]) {
+ [delegate queryGaveError:@"No connection available!" connection:self];
+ }
+ if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(noConnectionAvailable:)]) {
+ [delegate noConnectionAvailable:self];
+ }
+ return nil;
+ }
+ // Check the connection if necessary, returning nil if the query couldn't be validated
+ if (![self _checkConnectionIfNecessary]) return nil;
+ // Determine whether a maximum query size needs to be restored from a previous query
+ if (queryActionShouldRestoreMaxQuerySize != NSNotFound) {
+ [self _restoreMaximumQuerySizeAfterQuery];
+ }
+ // If delegate logging is enabled, and the protocol is implemented, inform the delegate
+ if (delegateQueryLogging && delegateSupportsWillQueryString) {
+ [delegate willQueryString:theQueryString connection:self];
+ }
+ // Retrieve a C-style query string from the supplied NSString
+ NSUInteger cQueryStringLength;
+ const char *cQueryString = _cStringForStringWithEncoding(theQueryString, theEncoding, &cQueryStringLength);
+ // Check the query length against the current maximum query length. If it is
+ // larger, the query would error (and probably cause a disconnect), so if
+ // the maximum size is editable, increase it and reconnect.
+ if (cQueryStringLength > maxQuerySize) {
+ queryActionShouldRestoreMaxQuerySize = maxQuerySize;
+ if (![self _attemptMaxQuerySizeIncreaseTo:(cQueryStringLength + 1024)]) {
+ queryActionShouldRestoreMaxQuerySize = NSNotFound;
+ return nil;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare to enter a loop to run the query, allowing reattempts if appropriate
+ NSUInteger queryAttemptsAllowed = 1;
+ if (retryQueriesOnConnectionFailure) queryAttemptsAllowed++;
+ int queryStatus;
+ // Lock the connection while it's actively in use
+ [self _lockConnection];
+ while (queryAttemptsAllowed > 0) {
+ // While recording the overall execution time (including network lag!), run
+ // the raw query
+ uint64_t queryStartTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ queryStatus = mysql_real_query(mySQLConnection, cQueryString, cQueryStringLength);
+ queryExecutionTime = _elapsedSecondsSinceAbsoluteTime(queryStartTime);
+ lastConnectionUsedTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ // If the query succeeded, no need to re-attempt.
+ if (!queryStatus) {
+ break;
+ // If the query failed, determine whether to reattempt the query
+ } else {
+ // Prevent retries if the query was cancelled or not a connection error
+ if (lastQueryWasCancelled && ![SPMySQLConnection isErrorIDConnectionError:mysql_errno(mySQLConnection)]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Query has failed - check the connection
+ if (![self checkConnection]) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ queryAttemptsAllowed--;
+ }
+ unsigned long long theAffectedRowCount = mysql_affected_rows(mySQLConnection);
+ id theResult = nil;
+ // On success, if there is a query result, retrieve the result data type
+ if (!queryStatus && mysql_field_count(mySQLConnection)) {
+ MYSQL_RES *mysqlResult;
+ switch (theReturnType) {
+ // For standard result sets, retrieve all the results now, and afterwards
+ // update the affected row count.
+ case SPMySQLResultAsResult:
+ mysqlResult = mysql_store_result(mySQLConnection);
+ theResult = [[SPMySQLResult alloc] initWithMySQLResult:mysqlResult stringEncoding:theEncoding];
+ theAffectedRowCount = mysql_affected_rows(mySQLConnection);
+ break;
+ // For fast streaming and low memory streaming result sets, set up the result
+ case SPMySQLResultAsLowMemStreamingResult:
+ mysqlResult = mysql_use_result(mySQLConnection);
+ theResult = [[SPMySQLStreamingResult alloc] initWithMySQLResult:mysqlResult stringEncoding:theEncoding connection:self];
+ break;
+ case SPMySQLResultAsFastStreamingResult:
+ mysqlResult = mysql_use_result(mySQLConnection);
+ theResult = [[SPMySQLFastStreamingResult alloc] initWithMySQLResult:mysqlResult stringEncoding:theEncoding connection:self];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Record the error state now, as it may be affected by subsequent clean-up queries
+ NSString *theErrorMessage = [self _stringForCString:mysql_error(mySQLConnection)];
+ NSUInteger theErrorID = mysql_errno(mySQLConnection);
+ // If the query was cancelled, override the error state
+ if (lastQueryWasCancelled) {
+ theErrorMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"Query cancelled.", @"Query cancelled error");
+ theErrorID = 1317;
+ }
+ // Unlock the connection if appropriate - if not a streaming result type.
+ if (![theResult isKindOfClass:[SPMySQLStreamingResult class]]) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ // Also perform restore if appropriate
+ if (queryActionShouldRestoreMaxQuerySize != NSNotFound) {
+ [self _restoreMaximumQuerySizeAfterQuery];
+ }
+ }
+ // Update error string and ID
+ [self _updateLastErrorMessage:theErrorMessage];
+ [self _updateLastErrorID:theErrorID];
+ // Store the result time on the response object
+ [theResult _setQueryExecutionTime:queryExecutionTime];
+ return [theResult autorelease];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Query information
+ * Returns the number of rows changed, deleted, inserted, or selected by
+ * the last query.
+ */
+- (unsigned long long)rowsAffectedByLastQuery
+ return lastQueryAffectedRowCount;
+ * Returns the insert ID for the previous query which inserted a row. Note that
+ * this value persists through other SELECT/UPDATE etc queries.
+ */
+- (unsigned long long)lastInsertID
+ return lastQueryInsertID;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Retrieving connection and query error state
+ * Return whether the last query errored or not.
+ */
+- (BOOL)queryErrored
+ return (queryErrorMessage)?YES:NO;
+ * If the last query (or connection) triggered an error, returns the error
+ * message as a string; if the last query did not error, nil is returned.
+ */
+- (NSString *)lastErrorMessage
+ return queryErrorMessage;
+ * If the last query (or connection) triggered an error, returns the error
+ * ID; if the last query did not error, 0 is returned.
+ */
+- (NSUInteger)lastErrorID
+ return queryErrorID;
+ * Determines whether a supplied error ID can be classed as a connection error.
+ */
++ (BOOL)isErrorIDConnectionError:(NSUInteger)theErrorID
+ switch (theErrorID) {
+ case 2001: // CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR
+ case 2002: // CR_CONNECTION_ERROR
+ case 2003: // CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR
+ case 2004: // CR_IPSOCK_ERROR
+ case 2005: // CR_UNKNOWN_HOST
+ case 2006: // CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR
+ case 2007: // CR_VERSION_ERROR
+ case 2009: // CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO
+ case 2013: // CR_SERVER_LOST
+ case 2027: // CR_MALFORMED_PACKET
+ case 2032: // CR_DATA_TRUNCATED
+ case 2048: // CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE
+ case 2050: // CR_FETCH_CANCELED
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return NO;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Query cancellation
+ * Cancel the currently running query. This tries to kill the current query,
+ * and if that isn't possible - for example, on MySQL < 5 or if the current user
+ * does not have the relevant permissions - resets the connection.
+ */
+- (void)cancelCurrentQuery
+ // If not connected, no action is required
+ if (state != SPMySQLConnected && state != SPMySQLDisconnecting) return;
+ // Check whether a query is actually being performed - if not, return
+ if ([self _tryLockConnection]) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ return;
+ }
+ // Mark that the last query was cancelled to prevent query retries from occurring
+ lastQueryWasCancelled = YES;
+ // The query cancellation cannot occur on the connection actively running a query
+ // so set up a new connection to run the KILL command.
+ MYSQL *killerConnection = [self _makeRawMySQLConnectionWithEncoding:@"utf8" isMasterConnection:NO];
+ // If the new connection was successfully set up, use it to run a KILL command.
+ if (killerConnection) {
+ NSStringEncoding aStringEncoding = [SPMySQLConnection stringEncodingForMySQLCharset:mysql_character_set_name(killerConnection)];
+ BOOL killQuerySupported = [self serverVersionIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo:5 minorVersion:0 releaseVersion:0];
+ // Build the kill query
+ NSMutableString *killQuery = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"KILL"];
+ if (killQuerySupported) [killQuery appendString:@" QUERY"];
+ [killQuery appendFormat:@" %lu", mySQLConnection->thread_id];
+ // Convert to a C string
+ NSUInteger killQueryCStringLength;
+ const char *killQueryCString = [SPMySQLConnection _cStringForString:killQuery usingEncoding:aStringEncoding returningLengthAs:&killQueryCStringLength];
+ // Run the query
+ int killQueryStatus = mysql_real_query(killerConnection, killQueryCString, killQueryCStringLength);
+ // Close the temporary connection
+ mysql_close(killerConnection);
+ // If the kill query succeeded, the active query was cancelled.
+ if (killQueryStatus == 0) {
+ // On MySQL < 5, the entire connection will have been reset. Ensure it's
+ // restored.
+ if (!killQuerySupported) {
+ [self checkConnection];
+ lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect = YES;
+ } else {
+ lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect = NO;
+ }
+ // Ensure the tracking bool is re-set to cover encompassed queries and return
+ lastQueryWasCancelled = YES;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ NSLog(@"SPMySQL Framework: query cancellation failed due to cancellation query error (status %d)", killQueryStatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ NSLog(@"SPMySQL Framework: query cancellation failed because connection failed");
+ }
+ // A full reconnect is required at this point to force a cancellation. As the
+ // connection may have finished processing the query at this point (depending how
+ // long the connection attempt took), check whether we can skip the reconnect.
+ if ([self _tryLockConnection]) {
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state == SPMySQLDisconnecting) return;
+ // Reset the connection with a reconnect. Unlock the connection beforehand,
+ // to allow the reconnect, but lock it again afterwards to restore the expected
+ // state (query execution process should unlock as appropriate).
+ [self _unlockConnection];
+ [self reconnect];
+ [self _lockConnection];
+ // Reset tracking bools to cover encompassed queries
+ lastQueryWasCancelled = YES;
+ lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect = YES;
+ * Returns whether the last query was cancelled using cancelCurrentQuery.
+ */
+- (BOOL)lastQueryWasCancelled
+ return lastQueryWasCancelled;
+ * If the last query was cancelled, returns whether that query cancellation
+ * required the connection to be reset or whether the query was successfully
+ * cancelled leaving the connection intact.
+ * If the last query was not cancelled, this will return NO.
+ */
+- (BOOL)lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect
+ return lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Private API
+@implementation SPMySQLConnection (Querying_and_Preparation_Private_API)
+ * Retrieves all remaining results and discards them.
+ * This is necessary to correctly process multiple result sets on the connection - as
+ * we currently don't fully support multiple result, this at least allows the connection
+ * to function after running statements with multiple result sets.
+ */
+- (void)_flushMultipleResultSets
+ // Repeat as long as there are results
+ while (!mysql_next_result(mySQLConnection)) {
+ MYSQL_RES *eachResult = mysql_use_result(mySQLConnection);
+ // Ensure the result is really a result
+ if (eachResult) {
+ // Retrieve and discard all rows
+ while (mysql_fetch_row(eachResult));
+ // Free the result set
+ mysql_free_result(eachResult);
+ }
+ }
+ * Update the MySQL error message for this connection. If an error is supplied
+ * it will be stored and returned to anything asking the instance for the last
+ * error; if no error is supplied, the connection will be used to derive (or clear)
+ * the error string.
+ */
+- (void)_updateLastErrorMessage:(NSString *)theErrorMessage
+ // If an error message wasn't supplied, select one from the connection
+ if (!theErrorMessage) {
+ theErrorMessage = [self _stringForCString:mysql_error(mySQLConnection)];
+ }
+ // Clear the last error message stored on the instance
+ if (queryErrorMessage) [queryErrorMessage release], queryErrorMessage = nil;
+ // If we have an error message *with a length*, update the instance error message
+ if (theErrorMessage && [theErrorMessage length]) {
+ queryErrorMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:theErrorMessage];
+ }
+ * Update the MySQL error ID for this connection. If an error ID is supplied,
+ * it will be stored and returned to anything asking the instance for the last
+ * error; if an NSNotFound error ID is supplied, the connection will be used to
+ * set the error ID. Note that an error ID of 0 corresponds to no error.
+ */
+- (void)_updateLastErrorID:(NSUInteger)theErrorID
+ // If NSNotFound was supplied as the ID, ask the connection for the last error
+ if (theErrorID == NSNotFound) {
+ queryErrorID = mysql_errno(mySQLConnection);
+ // Otherwise, update the error ID with the supplied ID
+ } else {
+ queryErrorID = theErrorID;
+ }
+@end \ No newline at end of file