diff options
5 files changed, 156 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf b/Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf
index 532e2788..bca3b853 100644
--- a/Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf
+++ b/Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;\f2\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;
\f0\b\fs30 \cf2 Current Developers
\b0\fs22 \cf0 \
@@ -32,13 +33,14 @@ French\
\b0 \cf0 Micha\'ebl Gallego\
\cf0 With Help From\
\cf0 Dominique Guardiola\
Fr\'e9d\'e9ric Latour\
S\'e9bastien Guy\
-Lou Ferrand
+Lou Ferrand\
+et al.
\b \
\b0 \
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ Max Lohrmann\
\f1\b0 \cf0 \'8c\'b4 \'90\'bd
\f0 \
\cf0 With Help From\
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ Max Lohrmann\
\b0 \cf0 \uc0\u1040 \u1083 \u1077 \u1082 \u1089 \u1072 \u1085 \u1076 \u1088 \u1042 \u1072 \u1089 \u1080 \u1083 \u1100 \u1077 \u1074 \
\cf0 With Help From\
\cf0 \uc0\u1071 \u1088 \u1086 \u1089 \u1083 \u1072 \u1074 \u1050 \u1086 \u1085 \u1094 \u1077 \u1074 \u1086 \u1081 \
@@ -75,24 +77,38 @@ Max Lohrmann\
+\b \cf0 Spanish\
+\b0 \cf0 Juan Pablo Atienza Mart\'ednez\
+\cf0 With Help From\
+\cf0 Pablo Oneto\
+Jaime Martin\
+Samuel Abraham de Vega Garc\'eda\
+et al.\
\b \cf0 Swedish
\b0 \
Peter H\'e4ggstrand\
\b\fs30 \cf0 Past Developers
\fs28 \
\b0\fs22 \cf0 \
Lorenz Textor <lorenz@textor.ch>\
Jeff Skrysak\
\b\fs30 \cf0 Additional Code\
\b0\fs22 \cf0 \
Serge Cohen and\
@@ -127,14 +143,14 @@ Matt Gallagher\
\f2\fs24 NSFileManagerAddition
\f0\fs22 )\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.linville.org/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 Aaron Linville}}\
Tim Davis\
\f2\fs24 BGHUDButtonCell
\f0\fs22 )\
\b \cf0 RegexKitLite
\b0 \
@@ -142,10 +158,10 @@ Tim Davis\
\cf0 Copyright (c) 2008-2010\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://regexkit.sourceforge.net/RegexKitLite/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 John Engelhart}}\
\cf0 All rights reserved.\
\b \cf0 AQDataExtension
\b0 \
@@ -153,36 +169,36 @@ Tim Davis\
\cf0 Copyright (c) 2005\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://aquaticmac.com/cocoa.php"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 Lucas Newman}}\
\cf0 All rights reserved.\
\b \cf0 FeedbackReporter
\b0 \
Copyright (c) 2009\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://vafer.org/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 Torsten Curdt}}\
\cf0 All rights reserved.\
\b \cf0 ShortcutRecorderFramework
\b0 \
Copyright (c) 2006-2010\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://code.google.com/p/shortcutrecorder/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 Jesper, Dauer, Kirkpatrick}}\
\cf0 All rights reserved.\
\b \cf0 Sparkle\
\b0 \cf0 Copyright \'a9 2006\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 Andy Matuschak}}\
All rights reserved.\
@@ -192,7 +208,7 @@ All rights reserved.\
\b0\fs22 \cf0 \
\cf0 Icon by {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://kenichiyoshida.jp/"}}{\fldrslt Kenichi Yoshida}}, with thanks to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://panic.com/"}}{\fldrslt Panic}}\
GUI design by {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.sequelpro.com/"}}{\fldrslt Sequel Pro}} team.\
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/SPDataAdditions.m b/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
index ab0bfb01..351ef4d8 100644
--- a/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
+++ b/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
string = @"-- cannot display --";
else if ([string length] > 255) {
- string = [string substringToIndex:255];
+ string = [[string substringToIndex:254] stringByAppendingString:@"…"];
return string;
diff --git a/Source/SPTableContentDataSource.m b/Source/SPTableContentDataSource.m
index 21743464..321469e5 100644
--- a/Source/SPTableContentDataSource.m
+++ b/Source/SPTableContentDataSource.m
@@ -108,8 +108,12 @@
if ([value isNSNull])
return [prefs objectForKey:SPNullValue];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
- return [value shortStringRepresentationUsingEncoding:[mySQLConnection stringEncoding]];
+ if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
+ if ([tableContentView shouldUseFieldEditorForRow:rowIndex column:columnIndex]) {
+ return [value shortStringRepresentationUsingEncoding:[mySQLConnection stringEncoding]];
+ }
+ return [value stringRepresentationUsingEncoding:[mySQLConnection stringEncoding]];
+ }
if ([value isSPNotLoaded])
return NSLocalizedString(@"(not loaded)", @"value shown for hidden blob and text fields");
diff --git a/Source/SPTablesList.h b/Source/SPTablesList.h
index 8d267c71..07c0cf0c 100644
--- a/Source/SPTablesList.h
+++ b/Source/SPTablesList.h
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@
- (IBAction) updateFilter:(id)sender;
// Task interaction
-- (void) startDocumentTaskForTab:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
-- (void) endDocumentTaskForTab:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
-- (void) setTableListSelectability:(BOOL)isSelectable;
+- (void)startDocumentTaskForTab:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
+- (void)endDocumentTaskForTab:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
+- (void)setTableListSelectability:(BOOL)isSelectable;
- (BOOL)isTableNameValid:(NSString *)tableName forType:(SPTableType)tableType;
- (BOOL)isTableNameValid:(NSString *)tableName forType:(SPTableType)tableType ignoringSelectedTable:(BOOL)ignoreSelectedTable;
diff --git a/Source/SPTablesList.m b/Source/SPTablesList.m
index 93ebfe91..7887b167 100644
--- a/Source/SPTablesList.m
+++ b/Source/SPTablesList.m
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
@interface SPTablesList ()
-- (void)_removeTable;
+- (void)_removeTable:(NSNumber *)force;
- (void)_truncateTable;
- (void)_addTable;
@@ -439,8 +439,7 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
- (IBAction)removeTable:(id)sender
- if (![tablesListView numberOfSelectedRows])
- return;
+ if (![tablesListView numberOfSelectedRows]) return;
[[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] endEditingFor:nil];
@@ -466,56 +465,76 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
NSUInteger currentIndex = [indexes lastIndex];
if ([tablesListView numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
- if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeView)
+ if ([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeView) {
tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"view", @"view");
- else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeTable)
+ }
+ else if ([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeTable) {
tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"table", @"table");
- else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeProc)
+ }
+ else if ([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeProc) {
tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"procedure", @"procedure");
- else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeFunc)
+ }
+ else if ([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeFunc) {
tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"function", @"function");
+ }
[alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete %@ '%@'?", @"delete table/view message"), tblTypes, [filteredTables objectAtIndex:[tablesListView selectedRow]]]];
[alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to delete the %@ '%@'? This operation cannot be undone.", @"delete table/view informative message"), tblTypes, [filteredTables objectAtIndex:[tablesListView selectedRow]]]];
else {
BOOL areTableTypeEqual = YES;
NSInteger lastType = [[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue];
while (currentIndex != NSNotFound)
- if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue]!=lastType)
- {
+ if ([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] != lastType) {
areTableTypeEqual = NO;
currentIndex = [indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex];
- if(areTableTypeEqual)
+ if (areTableTypeEqual)
- switch(lastType) {
+ switch (lastType) {
case SPTableTypeTable:
- tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"tables", @"tables");
- break;
+ tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"tables", @"tables");
+ break;
case SPTableTypeView:
- tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"views", @"views");
- break;
+ tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"views", @"views");
+ break;
case SPTableTypeProc:
- tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"procedures", @"procedures");
- break;
+ tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"procedures", @"procedures");
+ break;
case SPTableTypeFunc:
- tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"functions", @"functions");
- break;
+ tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"functions", @"functions");
+ break;
- } else
+ }
+ else {
tblTypes = NSLocalizedString(@"items", @"items");
+ }
[alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete selected %@?", @"delete tables/views message"), tblTypes]];
[alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to delete the selected %@? This operation cannot be undone.", @"delete tables/views informative message"), tblTypes]];
+ NSButton *button = [alert suppressionButton];
+ [button setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Force delete (disables integrity checks)", @"force table deletion button text")];
+ [button setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Disables foreign key checks (FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS) before deletion and re-enables them afterwards.", @"force table deltion button text tooltip")];
+ [button setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
+ [[button cell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
+ [alert setShowsSuppressionButton:YES];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:SPRemoveTable];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
+ modalDelegate:self
+ didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
+ contextInfo:SPRemoveTable];
#ifndef SP_REFACTOR /* whole table operations */
@@ -554,8 +573,6 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
[copyTableMessageField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Duplicate %@ '%@' to:", @"duplicate object message"), tableType, [self tableName]]];
- //open copyTableSheet
[copyTableNameField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_copy", [filteredTables objectAtIndex:[tablesListView selectedRow]]]];
[copyTableContentSwitch setState:NSOffState];
@@ -679,7 +696,9 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
else if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:SPRemoveTable]) {
if (returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
- [self performSelector:@selector(_removeTable) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
+ [self performSelector:@selector(_removeTable:)
+ withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[(NSAlert *)sheet suppressionButton] state]]
+ afterDelay:0.0];
@@ -2045,90 +2064,113 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
* Removes the selected object (table, view, procedure, function, etc.) from the database and tableView.
-- (void)_removeTable
+- (void)_removeTable:(NSNumber *)force
NSIndexSet *indexes = [tablesListView selectedRowIndexes];
[tablesListView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet] byExtendingSelection:NO];
- // get last index
+ // Get last index
NSUInteger currentIndex = [indexes lastIndex];
+ if ([force boolValue]) {
+ [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0"];
+ }
while (currentIndex != NSNotFound)
- if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeView) {
- [mySQLConnection queryString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DROP VIEW %@",
- [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex] backtickQuotedString]
- ]];
- } else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeTable) {
- [mySQLConnection queryString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DROP TABLE %@",
- [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex] backtickQuotedString]
- ]];
- } else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeProc) {
- [mySQLConnection queryString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DROP PROCEDURE %@",
- [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex] backtickQuotedString]
- ]];
- } else if([[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue] == SPTableTypeFunc) {
- [mySQLConnection queryString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DROP FUNCTION %@",
- [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex] backtickQuotedString]
- ]];
+ NSString *objectIdentifier = @"";
+ NSString *databaseObject = [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex] backtickQuotedString];
+ NSInteger objectType = [[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:currentIndex] integerValue];
+ if (objectType == SPTableTypeView) {
+ objectIdentifier = @"VIEW";
+ }
+ else if (objectType == SPTableTypeTable) {
+ objectIdentifier = @"TABLE";
+ else if (objectType == SPTableTypeProc) {
+ objectIdentifier = @"PROCEDURE";
+ }
+ else if (objectType == SPTableTypeFunc) {
+ objectIdentifier = @"FUNCTION";
+ }
+ [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"DROP %@ %@", objectIdentifier, databaseObject]];
// If no error is recorded, the table was successfully dropped - remove it from the list
if (![mySQLConnection queryErrored]) {
- //dropped table with success
+ // Dropped table with success
if (isTableListFiltered) {
NSInteger unfilteredIndex = [tables indexOfObject:[filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex]];
[tables removeObjectAtIndex:unfilteredIndex];
[tableTypes removeObjectAtIndex:unfilteredIndex];
[filteredTables removeObjectAtIndex:currentIndex];
[filteredTableTypes removeObjectAtIndex:currentIndex];
// Get next index (beginning from the end)
currentIndex = [indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex];
+ }
// Otherwise, display an alert - and if there's tables left, ask whether to proceed
- } else {
+ else {
NSAlert *alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
if ([indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex] == NSNotFound) {
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button")];
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Continue", @"continue button")];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Stop", @"stop button")];
+ NSString *databaseError = [mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage];
+ NSString *userMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't delete '%@'.\n\nMySQL said: %@", @"message of panel when an item cannot be deleted");
+ // Try to provide a more helpful message
+ if ([databaseError rangeOfString:@"a foreign key constraint fails" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound) {
+ userMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't delete '%@'.\n\nSelecting the 'Force delete' option may prevent this issue, but may leave the database in an inconsistent state.\n\nMySQL said: %@",
+ @"message of panel when an item cannot be deleted including informative message about using force deletion");
+ }
[alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error")];
- [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't delete '%@'.\n\nMySQL said: %@", @"message of panel when an item cannot be deleted"), [filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex], [mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]]];
+ [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:userMessage, [filteredTables objectAtIndex:currentIndex], [mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]]];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle];
if ([indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex] == NSNotFound) {
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil];
currentIndex = NSNotFound;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
NSInteger choice = [alert runModal];
- if (choice == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
- currentIndex = [indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex];
- } else {
- currentIndex = NSNotFound;
- }
+ currentIndex = choice == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn ? [indexes indexLessThanIndex:currentIndex] : NSNotFound;
+ if ([force boolValue]) {
+ [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1"];
+ }
- // Remove the isolated "current selection" item for filtered lists if appropriate
- if (isTableListFiltered && [filteredTables count] > 1
- && [[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:[filteredTableTypes count]-1] integerValue] == SPTableTypeNone
- && [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:[filteredTables count]-1] isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(@"CURRENT SELECTION",@"header for current selection in filtered list")])
+ // Remove the isolated 'current selection' item for filtered lists if appropriate
+ if (isTableListFiltered &&
+ [filteredTables count] > 1 &&
+ [[filteredTableTypes objectAtIndex:[filteredTableTypes count] - 1] integerValue] == SPTableTypeNone &&
+ [[filteredTables objectAtIndex:[filteredTables count] - 1] isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(@"CURRENT SELECTION",@"header for current selection in filtered list")])
[filteredTables removeLastObject];
[filteredTableTypes removeLastObject];
[tablesListView reloadData];
[tablesListView deselectAll:self];
- // set window title
[tableDocumentInstance updateWindowTitle:self];
@@ -2136,7 +2178,10 @@ static NSString *SPDuplicateTable = @"SPDuplicateTable";
// Query the structure of all databases in the background (mainly for completion)
- [NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:@"SPNavigatorController database structure querier" target:[tableDocumentInstance databaseStructureRetrieval] selector:@selector(queryDbStructureWithUserInfo:) object:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"forceUpdate", nil]];
+ [NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:@"SPNavigatorController database structure querier"
+ target:[tableDocumentInstance databaseStructureRetrieval]
+ selector:@selector(queryDbStructureWithUserInfo:)
+ object:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"forceUpdate", nil]];
#ifndef SP_REFACTOR /* operations performed on whole tables */