path: root/Source
diff options
authorstuconnolly <stuart02@gmail.com>2010-11-09 18:19:12 +0000
committerstuconnolly <stuart02@gmail.com>2010-11-09 18:19:12 +0000
commit1af63b378e644ceef6e26918b0a1d693bcc232f8 (patch)
tree8bbf8a8e07266bbff51d35dca1d89a0c41c97016 /Source
parentd10ca821ae2f3ab62daf92f5e9bde58bf796e36c (diff)
First changes towards changing the initial connection view's favorites table list to an outline view in order to support grouping favorites. Future changes include creating a favorites data controller, including migrating favorites storage to their own plist in the app support directory as well as support for grouping favorites.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
10 files changed, 458 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPConnectionController.h b/Source/SPConnectionController.h
index 3dd0563e..2a618fad 100644
--- a/Source/SPConnectionController.h
+++ b/Source/SPConnectionController.h
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
#import <MCPKit/MCPKit.h>
-#import "SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h"
+#import "SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h"
-@class SPDatabaseDocument, SPKeychain, SPSSHTunnel, BWAnchoredButtonBar;
+@class SPDatabaseDocument, SPKeychain, SPSSHTunnel, BWAnchoredButtonBar, SPFavoriteNode;
@interface NSObject (BWAnchoredButtonBar)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
@interface SPConnectionController : NSObject
- id <SPConnectionControllerDelegate> delegate;
+ id <SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol> delegate;
SPDatabaseDocument *tableDocument;
NSView *databaseConnectionSuperview;
@@ -133,9 +133,11 @@
BOOL mySQLConnectionCancelled;
SPFavoritesSortItem previousSortItem, currentSortItem;
+ SPFavoriteNode *favoritesRoot;
-@property (readwrite, assign) id <SPConnectionControllerDelegate> delegate;
+@property (readwrite, assign) id <SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol> delegate;
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger type;
@property (readwrite, retain) NSString *name;
@property (readwrite, retain) NSString *host;
diff --git a/Source/SPConnectionController.m b/Source/SPConnectionController.m
index d356bc89..ce2acd3f 100644
--- a/Source/SPConnectionController.m
+++ b/Source/SPConnectionController.m
@@ -32,10 +32,13 @@
#import "SPAlertSheets.h"
#import "SPKeychain.h"
#import "SPSSHTunnel.h"
+#import "SPFavoriteNode.h"
+#import "SPTableTextFieldCell.h"
@interface SPConnectionController (PrivateAPI)
- (void)_sortFavorites;
+- (void)_buildFavoritesTree;
- (void)_restoreConnectionInterface;
- (void)_mySQLConnectionEstablished;
- (void)_initiateMySQLConnectionInBackground;
@@ -122,6 +125,9 @@
// Load favorites
[self updateFavorites];
+ // Expand the favorites heading
+ [favoritesTable expandItem:[[favoritesRoot children] objectAtIndex:0]];
// Register an observer for changes within the favorites
[prefs addObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavorites options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL];
@@ -823,7 +829,7 @@
* Sorts the favorites table view based on the selected sort by item.
- (void)sortFavorites:(id)sender
previousSortItem = currentSortItem;
currentSortItem = [[sender menu] indexOfItem:sender];
@@ -858,14 +864,21 @@
- (void)updateFavorites
[favoritesTable deselectAll:self];
if (favorites) [favorites release];
if ([prefs objectForKey:SPFavorites]) {
favorites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[prefs objectForKey:SPFavorites]];
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
favorites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- [favorites insertObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:NSLocalizedString(@"FAVORITES", @"Favorites title at the top of the sidebar") forKey:@"name"] atIndex:0];
+ [self _buildFavoritesTree];
[favoritesTable reloadData];
+ [favoritesTable expandItem:[[favoritesRoot children] objectAtIndex:0]];
@@ -887,6 +900,7 @@
// Update key-value properties from the selected favourite, using empty strings where not found
NSDictionary *fav = [self selectedFavorite];
[self setType:([fav objectForKey:@"type"] ? [[fav objectForKey:@"type"] integerValue] : SPTCPIPConnection)];
[self setName:([fav objectForKey:@"name"] ? [fav objectForKey:@"name"] : @"")];
[self setHost:([fav objectForKey:@"host"] ? [fav objectForKey:@"host"] : @"")];
@@ -956,10 +970,9 @@
- (id)selectedFavorite
- if ([favoritesTable selectedRow] == -1)
- return nil;
+ if ([favoritesTable selectedRow] == -1) return nil;
- return [favorites objectAtIndex:[favoritesTable selectedRow]];
+ return [favorites objectAtIndex:([favoritesTable selectedRow] - 1)];
@@ -1066,194 +1079,6 @@
#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark TableView drag & drop delegate methods
-- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView writeRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rowIndexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
- NSData *archivedData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:rowIndexes];
- [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:favoritesPBoardType] owner:self];
- [pboard setData:archivedData forType:favoritesPBoardType];
- return YES;
-- (NSDragOperation)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedRow:(NSInteger)row proposedDropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
- if (row == 0) return NSDragOperationNone;
- if ([info draggingSource] == aTableView)
- {
- [aTableView setDropRow:row dropOperation:NSTableViewDropAbove];
- return NSDragOperationMove;
- }
- return NSDragOperationNone;
-- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info row:(NSInteger)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
- BOOL acceptedDrop = NO;
- if ((row == 0) || ([info draggingSource] != aTableView)) return acceptedDrop;
- // Disable all automatic sorting
- currentSortItem = -1;
- reverseFavoritesSort = NO;
- [prefs setInteger:currentSortItem forKey:SPFavoritesSortedBy];
- [prefs setBool:NO forKey:SPFavoritesSortedInReverse];
- // Remove sort descriptors
- [favorites sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray array]];
- // Uncheck sort by menu items
- for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in [[favoritesSortByMenuItem submenu] itemArray])
- {
- [menuItem setState:NSOffState];
- }
- NSPasteboard* pboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
- NSData* rowData = [pboard dataForType:favoritesPBoardType];
- NSIndexSet* rowIndexes = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:rowData];
- NSInteger dragRow = [rowIndexes firstIndex];
- NSInteger defaultConnectionRow = [prefs integerForKey:SPLastFavoriteIndex];
- if (defaultConnectionRow == dragRow)
- {
- [prefs setInteger:row forKey:SPLastFavoriteIndex];
- }
- NSMutableDictionary *draggedFavorite = [favorites objectAtIndex:dragRow];
- [favorites removeObjectAtIndex:dragRow];
- if (row > dragRow)
- {
- row--;
- }
- [favorites insertObject:draggedFavorite atIndex:row];
- [aTableView reloadData];
- // reset the prefs with the new order
- NSMutableArray *reorderedFavorites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:favorites];
- [reorderedFavorites removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- [prefs setObject:reorderedFavorites forKey:SPFavorites];
- [[[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
- [reorderedFavorites release];
- [self updateFavorites];
- [aTableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
- acceptedDrop = YES;
- return acceptedDrop;
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Favorites tableview datasource methods
- * Returns the number of favorites to display
- */
-- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
- return [favorites count];
- * Returns the favorite names to be displayed in the table
- */
-- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex
- return [[favorites objectAtIndex:rowIndex] objectForKey:@"name"];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Favorites tableview delegate methods
- * Loads a favorite, if any are selected.
- */
-- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- if ([favoritesTable numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
- [self updateFavoriteSelection:self];
- [addToFavoritesButton setEnabled:NO];
- } else {
- [addToFavoritesButton setEnabled:YES];
- }
- * Display the title row
- */
-- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView isGroupRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
- return (rowIndex == 0);
- * Don't allow the title row to be selected
- */
-- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView shouldSelectRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
- return (rowIndex != 0);
- * Set the title row to display with extra height
- */
-- (CGFloat)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView heightOfRow:(NSInteger)row
- return (row == 0) ? 25 : 17;
- * Control the display of rows within the favorites table
- */
-- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView willDisplayCell:(id)aCell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex
- [(ImageAndTextCell*)aCell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
- if (rowIndex == 0) {
- [(ImageAndTextCell *)aCell setIndentationLevel:0];
- } else {
- [(ImageAndTextCell *)aCell setIndentationLevel:1];
- }
- if([favoritesTable isEnabled])
- [(ImageAndTextCell *)aCell setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
- else
- [(ImageAndTextCell *)aCell setTextColor:[NSColor grayColor]];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark SplitView delegate methods
- * When the split view is resized, trigger a resize in the hidden table
- * width as well, to keep the connection view and connected view in synch.
- * Use this rather than splitViewDidResizeSubviews: as the latter is not
- * forwarded by the BWAnchoredButtonBar.
- */
-- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainSplitPosition:(CGFloat)proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
- [databaseConnectionView setPosition:[[[connectionSplitView subviews] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0];
- return proposedPosition;
- * Return the maximum possible size of the splitview.
- */
-- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMax ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
- return (proposedMax - 445);
- * Return the minimum possible size of the splitview.
- */
-- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMin ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
- return (proposedMin + 80);
-#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Menu Validation
-(BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
@@ -1316,12 +1141,50 @@
[favorites removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[favorites sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]];
[favorites insertObject:first atIndex:0];
+ // Rebuild the favorites tree
+ [self _buildFavoritesTree];
[favoritesTable reloadData];
+ [favoritesTable expandItem:[[favoritesRoot children] objectAtIndex:0]];
[first release];
+ *
+ */
+- (void)_buildFavoritesTree
+ if (favoritesRoot) [favoritesRoot release], favoritesRoot = nil;
+ favoritesRoot = [[SPFavoriteNode alloc] init];
+ SPFavoriteNode *favoritesNode = [[SPFavoriteNode alloc] init];
+ [favoritesNode setIsGroup:YES];
+ [favoritesNode setFavorite:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:NSLocalizedString(@"FAVORITES", @"Favorites title at the top of the sidebar") forKey:@"name"]];
+ for (NSDictionary *favorite in favorites)
+ {
+ SPFavoriteNode *node2 = [[SPFavoriteNode alloc] init];
+ [node2 setFavorite:favorite];
+ [node2 setIsGroup:NO];
+ [[favoritesNode children] addObject:node2];
+ [node2 release];
+ }
+ [[favoritesRoot children] addObject:favoritesNode];
+ [favoritesNode release];
* Restores the connection interface to its original state.
- (void)_restoreConnectionInterface
diff --git a/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h
index dc5e8a45..0a7323cb 100644
--- a/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h
+++ b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h
@@ -24,26 +24,12 @@
// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
- * @protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegate SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h
+ * @category SPConnectionControllerDelegate SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h
* @author Stuart Connolly http://stuconnolly.com/
- * Connection controller delegate protocol.
+ * Connection controller delegate/data source category.
-@protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegate
- * Called when the connection controller starts initiating the connection process.
- *
- * @param controller The calling connection controller
- */
-- (void)connectionControllerInitiatingConnection:(id)controller;
- * Called when the connection controller's connection attempt failed.
- *
- * @param controller The calling connection controller
- */
-- (void)connectionControllerConnectAttemptFailed:(id)controller;
+@implementation SPConnectionController (SPConnectionControllerDelegate)
diff --git a/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.m b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7384d859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPConnectionControllerDelegate.m
+// sequel-pro
+// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on November 9, 2010
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+#import "SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h"
+@implementation SPConnectionController (SPConnectionControllerDelegate)
+/*#pragma mark -
+ #pragma mark TableView drag & drop delegate methods
+ - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView writeRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rowIndexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
+ {
+ NSData *archivedData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:rowIndexes];
+ [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:favoritesPBoardType] owner:self];
+ [pboard setData:archivedData forType:favoritesPBoardType];
+ return YES;
+ }
+ - (NSDragOperation)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedRow:(NSInteger)row proposedDropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
+ {
+ if (row == 0) return NSDragOperationNone;
+ if ([info draggingSource] == aTableView)
+ {
+ [aTableView setDropRow:row dropOperation:NSTableViewDropAbove];
+ return NSDragOperationMove;
+ }
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ }
+ - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info row:(NSInteger)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
+ {
+ BOOL acceptedDrop = NO;
+ if ((row == 0) || ([info draggingSource] != aTableView)) return acceptedDrop;
+ // Disable all automatic sorting
+ currentSortItem = -1;
+ reverseFavoritesSort = NO;
+ [prefs setInteger:currentSortItem forKey:SPFavoritesSortedBy];
+ [prefs setBool:NO forKey:SPFavoritesSortedInReverse];
+ // Remove sort descriptors
+ [favorites sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray array]];
+ // Uncheck sort by menu items
+ for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in [[favoritesSortByMenuItem submenu] itemArray])
+ {
+ [menuItem setState:NSOffState];
+ }
+ NSPasteboard* pboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
+ NSData* rowData = [pboard dataForType:favoritesPBoardType];
+ NSIndexSet* rowIndexes = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:rowData];
+ NSInteger dragRow = [rowIndexes firstIndex];
+ NSInteger defaultConnectionRow = [prefs integerForKey:SPLastFavoriteIndex];
+ if (defaultConnectionRow == dragRow)
+ {
+ [prefs setInteger:row forKey:SPLastFavoriteIndex];
+ }
+ NSMutableDictionary *draggedFavorite = [favorites objectAtIndex:dragRow];
+ [favorites removeObjectAtIndex:dragRow];
+ if (row > dragRow)
+ {
+ row--;
+ }
+ [favorites insertObject:draggedFavorite atIndex:row];
+ [aTableView reloadData];
+ // reset the prefs with the new order
+ NSMutableArray *reorderedFavorites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:favorites];
+ [reorderedFavorites removeObjectAtIndex:0];
+ [prefs setObject:reorderedFavorites forKey:SPFavorites];
+ [[[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
+ [reorderedFavorites release];
+ [self updateFavorites];
+ [aTableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ acceptedDrop = YES;
+ return acceptedDrop;
+ }*/
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark SplitView delegate methods
+ * When the split view is resized, trigger a resize in the hidden table
+ * width as well, to keep the connection view and connected view in synch.
+ * Use this rather than splitViewDidResizeSubviews: as the latter is not
+ * forwarded by the BWAnchoredButtonBar.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainSplitPosition:(CGFloat)proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ [databaseConnectionView setPosition:[[[connectionSplitView subviews] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0];
+ return proposedPosition;
+ * Return the maximum possible size of the splitview.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMax ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
+ return (proposedMax - 445);
+ * Return the minimum possible size of the splitview.
+ */
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMin ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
+ return (proposedMin + 80);
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Outline view datasource methods
+- (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
+ SPFavoriteNode *node = (item == nil ? favoritesRoot : (SPFavoriteNode *)item);
+ return [[node children] count];
+- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item
+ SPFavoriteNode *node = (item == nil ? favoritesRoot : (SPFavoriteNode *)item);
+ return [[node children] objectAtIndex:index];
+- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
+ return [(SPFavoriteNode *)item isGroup];
+- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
+ return [[(SPFavoriteNode *)item favorite] objectForKey:@"name"];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Outline view delegate methods
+- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isGroupItem:(id)item
+ return [(SPFavoriteNode *)item isGroup];
+- (void)outlineViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
+ if ([favoritesTable numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
+ [self updateFavoriteSelection:self];
+ [addToFavoritesButton setEnabled:NO];
+ }
+ else {
+ [addToFavoritesButton setEnabled:YES];
+ }
+- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
+ [(SPTableTextFieldCell *)cell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
+ if ([favoritesTable isEnabled]) {
+ [(SPTableTextFieldCell *)cell setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
+ }
+ else {
+ [(SPTableTextFieldCell *)cell setTextColor:[NSColor grayColor]];
+ }
+ [(SPTableTextFieldCell *)cell setImage:([(SPFavoriteNode *)item isGroup]) ? nil : [NSImage imageNamed:@"database-small"]];
+- (CGFloat)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView heightOfRowByItem:(id)item
+ return ([item isGroup]) ? 22 : 17;
+- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldSelectItem:(id)item
+ return (![item isGroup]);
diff --git a/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb1bbfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h
+// sequel-pro
+// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on October 29, 2010
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+ * @protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h
+ *
+ * @author Stuart Connolly http://stuconnolly.com/
+ *
+ * Connection controller delegate protocol.
+ */
+@protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol
+ * Called when the connection controller starts initiating the connection process.
+ *
+ * @param controller The calling connection controller
+ */
+- (void)connectionControllerInitiatingConnection:(id)controller;
+ * Called when the connection controller's connection attempt failed.
+ *
+ * @param controller The calling connection controller
+ */
+- (void)connectionControllerConnectAttemptFailed:(id)controller;
diff --git a/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.h b/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.h
index 35681506..31c35f7e 100644
--- a/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.h
+++ b/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.h
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
-@protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegate;
+@protocol SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol;
* The SPDatabaseDocument class controls the primary database view window.
-@interface SPDatabaseDocument : NSObject <NSUserInterfaceValidations, SPConnectionControllerDelegate>
+@interface SPDatabaseDocument : NSObject <NSUserInterfaceValidations, SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol>
// IBOutlets
IBOutlet id tablesListInstance;
diff --git a/Source/SPFavoriteNode.h b/Source/SPFavoriteNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..289958f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SPFavoriteNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPFavoriteNode.h
+// sequel-pro
+// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on November 8, 2010
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+@interface SPFavoriteNode : NSObject
+ BOOL isGroup;
+ NSDictionary *favorite;
+ NSMutableArray *children;
+@property (readwrite, assign) BOOL isGroup;
+@property (readwrite, retain) NSDictionary *favorite;
+@property (readwrite, retain) NSMutableArray *children;
diff --git a/Source/SPFavoriteNode.m b/Source/SPFavoriteNode.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b46ba80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SPFavoriteNode.m
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// $Id$
+// SPFavoriteNode.m
+// sequel-pro
+// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on November 8, 2010
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>
+#import "SPFavoriteNode.h"
+@implementation SPFavoriteNode
+@synthesize isGroup;
+@synthesize favorite;
+@synthesize children;
+- (id)init
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ [self setIsGroup:NO];
+ [self setFavorite:nil];
+ [self setChildren:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ if (favorite) [favorite release], favorite = nil;
+ if (children) [children release], children = nil;
+ [super dealloc];
diff --git a/Source/SPOutlineView.h b/Source/SPOutlineView.h
index 680638c9..5211d73f 100644
--- a/Source/SPOutlineView.h
+++ b/Source/SPOutlineView.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// $Id: SPUserManager.m 856 2009-06-12 05:31:39Z mltownsend $
+// $Id$
// SPOutlineView.h
// sequel-pro
diff --git a/Source/SPOutlineView.m b/Source/SPOutlineView.m
index 8eb55630..7ae50072 100644
--- a/Source/SPOutlineView.m
+++ b/Source/SPOutlineView.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// $Id: SPUserManager.m 856 2009-06-12 05:31:39Z mltownsend $
+// $Id$
// SPOutlineView.m
// sequel-pro
@@ -42,4 +42,40 @@
+ * Right-click at row will select that row before ordering out the contextual menu
+ * if not more than one row is selected.
+ */
+- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event
+ // If more than one row is selected only return the default contextual menu
+ if ([self numberOfSelectedRows] > 1) return [self menu];
+ // Right-click at a row will select that row before ordering out the context menu
+ NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint:[self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]];
+ if ((row >= 0) && (row < [self numberOfRows])) {
+ [self selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ [[self window] makeFirstResponder:self];
+ }
+ return [self menu];
+ * To prevent right-clicking in a column's 'group' heading, ask the delegate if we support selecting it
+ * as this normally doesn't apply to left-clicks. If we do support selecting this row, simply pass on the event.
+ */
+- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
+ if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:shouldSelectItem:)]) {
+ if ([[self delegate] outlineView:self shouldSelectItem:[self itemAtRow:[self rowAtPoint:[self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]]]]) {
+ [super rightMouseDown:event];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ [super rightMouseDown:event];
+ }