path: root/Source/TableContent.m
diff options
authorjakob <jakob@eggerapps.at>2009-03-26 19:06:23 +0000
committerjakob <jakob@eggerapps.at>2009-03-26 19:06:23 +0000
commitca29d20827a890b1f7bc88b7b66be2a57b800df0 (patch)
tree6f16c463bb8bff2b7f704adfdef773d92853a67f /Source/TableContent.m
parent77ac672f873c621a7aef3996de19a274842ef238 (diff)
- when loading texts/blobs is disabled, the table view now shows "(not loaded)" in a gray color rather than " - text or blob -"
-the remove and duplicate buttons in table and browse view are now disabled when nothing is selected
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/TableContent.m')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Source/TableContent.m b/Source/TableContent.m
index a7dfef7d..134e5234 100644
--- a/Source/TableContent.m
+++ b/Source/TableContent.m
@@ -267,10 +267,10 @@
[limitRowsText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"No limit", @"text showing that the result isn't limited")];
- // Enable the table buttons
+ // set the state of the table buttons
[addButton setEnabled:YES];
- [copyButton setEnabled:YES];
- [removeButton setEnabled:YES];
+ [copyButton setEnabled:NO];
+ [removeButton setEnabled:NO];
// Perform the data query and store the result as an array containing a dictionary per result row
query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT %@ FROM %@", [self fieldListForQuery], [selectedTable backtickQuotedString]];
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@
if ( [prefs boolForKey:@"dontShowBlob"] ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < [columns count] ; j++ ) {
if ( [tableDataInstance columnIsBlobOrText:[[columns objectAtIndex:j] objectForKey:@"name"] ] ) {
- [modifiedRow setObject:NSLocalizedString(@"- blob or text -", @"value shown for hidden blob and text fields") forKey:[[columns objectAtIndex:j] objectForKey:@"name"]];
+ [modifiedRow setObject:NSLocalizedString(@"(not loaded)", @"value shown for hidden blob and text fields") forKey:[[columns objectAtIndex:j] objectForKey:@"name"]];
@@ -1673,10 +1673,10 @@ objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
id theRow, theValue;
theRow = [filteredResult objectAtIndex:rowIndex];
theValue = [theRow objectForKey:[aTableColumn identifier]];
// Convert data objects to their string representation in the current encoding, falling back to ascii
if ( [theValue isKindOfClass:[NSData class]] ) {
NSString *dataRepresentation = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:theValue encoding:[mySQLConnection encoding]];
@@ -1686,8 +1686,59 @@ objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
else theValue = [NSString stringWithString:dataRepresentation];
if (dataRepresentation) [dataRepresentation release];
- return theValue;
+ return theValue;
+- (void)tableView: (CMCopyTable *)aTableView
+ willDisplayCell: (id)cell
+ forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn*)aTableColumn
+ row: (int)row
+ * This function changes the text color of
+ * text/blob fields which are not yet loaded to gray
+ */
+ // Check if loading of text/blob fields is disabled
+ // If not, all text fields are loaded and we don't have to make them gray
+ if ([prefs boolForKey:@"dontShowBlob"])
+ {
+ // Make sure that the cell actually responds to setTextColor:
+ // In the future, we might use different cells for the table view
+ // that don't support this selector
+ if ([cell respondsToSelector:@selector(setTextColor:)])
+ {
+ NSArray *columns = [tableDataInstance columns];
+ NSArray *columnNames = [tableDataInstance columnNames];
+ NSString *columnTypeGrouping;
+ NSUInteger indexOfColumn;
+ // We have to find the index of the current column
+ // Make sure we find it, otherwise return (We might decide in the future
+ // to add a column to the TableView that doesn't correspond to a column
+ // of the Mysql table...)
+ indexOfColumn = [columnNames indexOfObject:[aTableColumn identifier]];
+ if (indexOfColumn == NSNotFound) return;
+ // Test if the current column is a text or a blob field
+ columnTypeGrouping = [[columns objectAtIndex:indexOfColumn] objectForKey:@"typegrouping"];
+ if ([columnTypeGrouping isEqualToString:@"textdata"] || [columnTypeGrouping isEqualToString:@"blobdata"]) {
+ // now check if the field has been loaded already or not
+ if ([[cell stringValue] isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(@"(not loaded)", @"value shown for hidden blob and text fields")])
+ {
+ // change the text color of the cell to gray
+ [cell setTextColor: [NSColor grayColor]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Change the text color back to black
+ // This is necessary because NSTableView reuses
+ // the NSCell to draw further rows in the column
+ [cell setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
@@ -1799,9 +1850,14 @@ objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
if ( isEditingRow && [tableContentView selectedRow] != currentlyEditingRow && ![self saveRowOnDeselect] ) return;
// Update the row selection count
+ // and update the status of the delete/duplicate buttons
if ( [tableContentView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0 ) {
+ [copyButton setEnabled:YES];
+ [removeButton setEnabled:YES];
[countText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d of %d rows selected", @"Text showing how many rows are selected"), [tableContentView numberOfSelectedRows], [tableContentView numberOfRows]]];
} else {
+ [copyButton setEnabled:NO];
+ [removeButton setEnabled:NO];
[countText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d rows", @"Text showing how many rows are in the result"), [tableContentView numberOfRows]]];