path: root/Source/SPSQLParser.m
diff options
authorBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2009-06-04 14:11:55 +0000
committerBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2009-06-04 14:11:55 +0000
commitfa3a82bd89eee142c575e13e47eb6a7bd5e1fc89 (patch)
treeee2536c1bafc17235d0d9d68ed5df3e100236319 /Source/SPSQLParser.m
parentf3e421d2e4ba9ec54878968c34044dce89dc6f09 (diff)
• added support for the “delimiter” command
- added (NSArray *) splitSqlStringByCharacter:(unichar)character; (NSArray *) splitSqlStringIntoRangesByCharacter:(unichar)character; (long) firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter: to the SQLParser which recognize a “delimiter” command • queryAtPosition now works with ranges to speed it up - the current query ranges resp. the just activated query range are cached in order to avoid parsing if the user only navigates through the textView buffer, or if the user calls Run Prev/Current Query only • the "import dump" function makes usage of that new “delimiter” support - i.e. dumps with procs/funcs declaration could be imported IMPORTANT: Please check the new SQLParser exhaustively in order to prove that new approach
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPSQLParser.m')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPSQLParser.m b/Source/SPSQLParser.m
index 281c1b3d..ac59c2fc 100644
--- a/Source/SPSQLParser.m
+++ b/Source/SPSQLParser.m
@@ -44,54 +44,6 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
- * return an array of queries
- */
-- (NSArray *) parseQueries
- [self deleteComments];
- /* this is a hack so I could test the funcs and procs viewing, needed a way to get those in.
- * all this does is look for 'delimiter' in the text to trigger this parser. basically
- * it runs through the query, line by line, and sets the delimiter accordingly to break
- * out the individual queries. this is not very rebust but works for testing purposes.
- * I believe Hans is currently working on a more robust parser. :mtv
- */
- if( [string rangeOfString:@"delimiter" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound ) {
- NSString *delim = @";";
- NSString *thisLine = @"";
- NSMutableArray *nq = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- NSArray *lines = [self splitStringByCharacter:'\n'];
- for( NSString *line in lines ) {
- line = [line stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
- if( [line hasPrefix:@"delimiter"] ) {
- delim = [line substringFromIndex:9];
- delim = [delim stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
- NSLog( @"delimiter now [%@]", delim );
- continue;
- }
- if( [line hasSuffix:delim] ) {
- thisLine = [thisLine stringByAppendingString:line];
- [nq addObject:[thisLine substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,[thisLine length]-[delim length])]];
- NSLog( @"query: [%@]", [thisLine substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,[thisLine length]-[delim length])] );
- thisLine = @"";
- }
- else {
- thisLine = [thisLine stringByAppendingString:line];
- thisLine = [thisLine stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
- }
- }
- if( thisLine != @"" ) {
- [nq addObject:thisLine];
- NSLog( @"query: [%@]", thisLine );
- }
- return nq;
- } else {
- // just split as normal
- return [self splitStringByCharacter:';'];
- }
* Removes comments within the current string, trimming "#", "--[/s]", and "/* * /" style strings.
- (void) deleteComments
@@ -409,7 +361,6 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
return [self splitStringByCharacter:character skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
* As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over both bracketing and quoting.
@@ -438,73 +389,84 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
- * As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over quoting
- * - it recognises CREATE ... BEGIN ... END statements
- * - it can detect a SINGLE SQL statement in between
- * delimiter foo ... foo delimiter ;
- * ['delimiter ;' MUST be given!]
- * - it returns an array of ranges (as NSString "{loc, length}").
- * FromPosition: is needed if a subrange is passed to sync the ranges
- * according to the CQ textView ones.
+ * As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over both bracketing and quoting.
-- (NSArray *) splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueries
+- (NSArray *) splitSqlStringByCharacter:(unichar)character
- return [self splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueriesFromPosition:0];
+ NSMutableArray *resultsArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2000];
+ long stringIndex = -1, nextIndex = 0;
+ int queryLength;
+ // these delimiter variables will be set in firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:
+ delimiter = nil;
+ delimiterLength = 0; // is delimiter length minus 1
+ charIsDelimiter = YES; // flag if passed character is the current delimiter
+ isDelimiterCommand = NO;
+ IMP firstOccOfChar = [self methodForSelector:@selector(firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter:afterIndex:skippingBrackets:ignoringQuotedStrings:)];
+ IMP subString = [string methodForSelector:@selector(substringWithRange:)];
+ // Walk through the string finding the character to split by, and add all strings to the array.
+ while (1) {
+ nextIndex = (long)(*firstOccOfChar)(self, @selector(firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter:afterIndex:skippingBrackets:ignoringQuotedStrings:), character, stringIndex, NO, YES);
+ if (nextIndex == NSNotFound)
+ break;
+ stringIndex += 1;
+ // Ignore a delimiter command and check range length
+ queryLength = nextIndex - stringIndex - delimiterLength;
+ if(!isDelimiterCommand && queryLength > 0)
+ [resultsArray addObject:(NSString *)(*subString)(string, @selector(substringWithRange:), NSMakeRange(stringIndex, queryLength))];
+ if(isDelimiterCommand) isDelimiterCommand = NO;
+ stringIndex = nextIndex;
+ }
+ // Add the end of the string after the previously matched character where appropriate.
+ if (stringIndex + 1 < [string length])
+ [resultsArray addObject:[string substringFromIndex:stringIndex + 1]];
+ return resultsArray;
-- (NSArray *) splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueriesFromPosition:(long)position
+ * As splitStringByCharacter: but it returns only the ranges of queries as NSValues
+ */
+- (NSArray *) splitSqlStringIntoRangesByCharacter:(unichar)character
- NSMutableArray *resultsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSMutableArray *resultsArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2000];
+ long stringIndex = -1, nextIndex = 0;
+ int queryLength;
- //initialise flex
- yyuoffset = 0; yyuleng = 0;
- to_switch_to_buffer(to_scan_string([string UTF8String]));
+ // these delimiter variables will be set in firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:
+ delimiter = nil;
+ delimiterLength = 0; // is delimiter length minus 1
+ charIsDelimiter = YES; // flag if passed character is the current delimiter
+ isDelimiterCommand = NO;
- unsigned long token;
- unsigned long lastFoundToken = 0;
- unsigned long delimLength = 0;
- unsigned long commentStart = 0;
- unsigned long commentLength = 0;
+ IMP firstOccOfChar = [self methodForSelector:@selector(firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter:afterIndex:skippingBrackets:ignoringQuotedStrings:)];
- NSString *delimString;
+ // Walk through the string finding the character to split by, and add all strings to the array.
+ while (1) {
- //now loop through all queries
- while (token=tolex()){
- switch (token) {
- [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset-lastFoundToken]];
- break;
- commentStart = yyuoffset+position;
- commentLength = yyuleng;
- break;
- [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset-lastFoundToken-delimLength]];
- delimLength = 0;
- delimString = nil;
- break;
- delimString = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(yyuoffset,yyuleng)];
- // NSLog(@"del: %@", delimString);
- delimLength = yyuleng;
- break;
- [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset+yyuleng-lastFoundToken]];
- break;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- {
- lastFoundToken = yyuoffset+yyuleng;
- // ignore sinlge comment lines at the very beginning of a query
- if(commentStart == lastFoundToken)
- lastFoundToken += commentLength;
- }
- }
+ nextIndex = (long)(*firstOccOfChar)(self, @selector(firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter:afterIndex:skippingBrackets:ignoringQuotedStrings:), character, stringIndex, NO, YES);
+ if (nextIndex == NSNotFound)
+ break;
- // add the last text chunk as query
- if(lastFoundToken+1<[self length])
- [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, [self length]-lastFoundToken-delimLength]];
+ stringIndex += 1;
+ // Ignore a delimiter command and check range length
+ queryLength = nextIndex - stringIndex - delimiterLength;
+ if(!isDelimiterCommand && queryLength > 0)
+ [resultsArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(stringIndex, queryLength)]];
+ if(isDelimiterCommand) isDelimiterCommand = NO;
+ stringIndex = nextIndex;
+ }
+ // Add the end of the string after the previously matched character where appropriate.
+ if (stringIndex + 1 < [string length])
+ [resultsArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(stringIndex + 1, [string length] - stringIndex - 1)]];
return resultsArray;
@@ -526,10 +488,7 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
return [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character afterIndex:startIndex skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
- * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- */
- (long) firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:(unichar)character afterIndex:(long)startIndex skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
long currentStringIndex, quotedStringEndIndex;
@@ -605,6 +564,130 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
+ * Look for the first occurence of a char and reset the split char on runtime
+ * via “delimiter” command for splitSqlStringIntoRangesByCharacter: and splitSqlStringByCharacter.
+ */
+- (long) firstOccurrenceInSqlOfCharacter:(unichar)character afterIndex:(long)startIndex skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
+ long currentStringIndex, quotedStringEndIndex;
+ unichar currentCharacter;
+ long stringLength = [string length];
+ int bracketingLevel = 0;
+ // Cache frequently used selectors, avoiding dynamic binding overhead
+ IMP charAtIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(charAtIndex:)];
+ IMP endIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:startingAtIndex:)];
+ // Sanity check inputs
+ if (startIndex < -1) startIndex = -1;
+ // Walk along the string, processing characters
+ for (currentStringIndex = startIndex + 1; currentStringIndex < stringLength; currentStringIndex++) {
+ currentCharacter = (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex);
+ // Check for the ending character, and if it has been found and quoting/brackets is valid, return.
+ // no “delimiter” is set by the user
+ if (charIsDelimiter)
+ {
+ if(currentCharacter == character)
+ if (!skipBrackets || bracketingLevel <= 0)
+ return currentStringIndex;
+ }
+ // a “delimiter” other than 'character' is set by the user
+ else
+ {
+ if([[self substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex - delimiterLength, delimiterLength + 1)] isEqualToString:delimiter])
+ if (!skipBrackets || bracketingLevel <= 0)
+ return currentStringIndex;
+ }
+ // Process strings and comments as appropriate
+ switch (currentCharacter) {
+ // When quote characters are encountered and strings are not being ignored, walk to the end of the quoted string.
+ case '\'':
+ case '"':
+ case '`':
+ if (!ignoreQuotedStrings) break;
+ quotedStringEndIndex = (long)(*endIndex)(self, @selector(endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:startingAtIndex:), currentCharacter, currentStringIndex+1);
+ if (quotedStringEndIndex == NSNotFound) {
+ return NSNotFound;
+ }
+ currentStringIndex = quotedStringEndIndex;
+ break;
+ // For opening brackets increment the bracket count
+ case '(':
+ bracketingLevel++;
+ break;
+ // For closing brackets decrement the bracket count
+ case ')':
+ bracketingLevel--;
+ // For comments starting "--[\s]", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
+ case '-':
+ if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 2) break;
+ if ((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) != '-') break;
+ if (![[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet] characterIsMember:(unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+2)]) break;
+ currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPDoubleDashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPHashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
+ break;
+ // For comments starting "/*", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
+ case '/':
+ if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 1) break;
+ if ((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) != '*') break;
+ currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPCStyleComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D': // only parse to “deli” because there's no default command which begins with it; then check via regex
+ // Check for length of “elimiter x\s”
+ if (stringLength >= currentStringIndex + 11) {
+ // Check for “(^|\s)delimiter”
+ if(currentStringIndex == 0
+ || (currentStringIndex && [[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet] characterIsMember:(unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex-1)])) {
+ NSArray *delimiterString;
+ switch((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1)) {
+ case 'e':
+ case 'E':
+ switch((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+2)) {
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ switch((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+3)) {
+ case 'i':
+ case 'I':
+ if([self isMatchedByRegex:@"^(delimiter[ \\t]+(\\S+))(?=\\s)"
+ options:RKLCaseless
+ inRange:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex, stringLength - currentStringIndex)
+ error:nil]) {
+ isDelimiterCommand = YES;
+ delimiterString = [[self arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^(delimiter[ \\t]+(\\S+))(?=\\s)"
+ range:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex, stringLength - currentStringIndex)] objectAtIndex:0];
+ delimiter = [delimiterString objectAtIndex:2];
+ delimiterLength = [delimiter length] - 1;
+ charIsDelimiter = ([delimiter isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", character]]);
+ return currentStringIndex + [[delimiterString objectAtIndex:1] length] - delimiterLength;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If no matches have been made in this string, return NSNotFound.
+ return NSNotFound;
* A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:(unichar)quoteCharacter startingAtIndex:(long)index
@@ -753,8 +836,6 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
[self clearCharCache];
/* Required and primitive methods to allow subclassing class cluster */
#pragma mark -
- (id) init {
@@ -853,3 +934,76 @@ TO_BUFFER_STATE to_scan_string (const char *);
+ * As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over quoting
+ * - it recognises CREATE ... BEGIN ... END statements
+ * - it can detect a SINGLE SQL statement in between
+ * delimiter foo ... foo delimiter ;
+ * ['delimiter ;' MUST be given!]
+ * - it returns an array of ranges (as NSString "{loc, length}").
+ * FromPosition: is needed if a subrange is passed to sync the ranges
+ * according to the CQ textView ones.
+ */
+// - (NSArray *) splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueries
+// {
+// return [self splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueriesFromPosition:0];
+// }
+// - (NSArray *) splitStringIntoRangesOfSQLQueriesFromPosition:(long)position
+// {
+// NSMutableArray *resultsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
+// //initialise flex
+// yyuoffset = 0; yyuleng = 0;
+// to_switch_to_buffer(to_scan_string([string UTF8String]));
+// unsigned long token;
+// unsigned long lastFoundToken = 0;
+// unsigned long delimLength = 0;
+// unsigned long commentStart = 0;
+// unsigned long commentLength = 0;
+// NSString *delimString;
+// //now loop through all queries
+// while (token=tolex()){
+// switch (token) {
+// [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset-lastFoundToken]];
+// break;
+// commentStart = yyuoffset+position;
+// commentLength = yyuleng;
+// break;
+// [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset-lastFoundToken-delimLength]];
+// delimLength = 0;
+// delimString = nil;
+// break;
+// delimString = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(yyuoffset,yyuleng)];
+// // NSLog(@"del: %@", delimString);
+// delimLength = yyuleng;
+// break;
+// [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, yyuoffset+yyuleng-lastFoundToken]];
+// break;
+// default:
+// continue;
+// }
+// if(token<SP_SQL_TOKEN_IGNORE)
+// {
+// lastFoundToken = yyuoffset+yyuleng;
+// // ignore sinlge comment lines at the very beginning of a query
+// if(commentStart == lastFoundToken)
+// lastFoundToken += commentLength;
+// }
+// }
+// // add the last text chunk as query
+// if(lastFoundToken+1<[self length])
+// [resultsArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%d,%d}", lastFoundToken+position, [self length]-lastFoundToken-delimLength]];
+// return resultsArray;
+// }