path: root/Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m
diff options
authoravenjamin <avenjamin@gmail.com>2009-06-24 15:46:27 +0000
committeravenjamin <avenjamin@gmail.com>2009-06-24 15:46:27 +0000
commit5b05f3f15aa0676f91bc1d127d31f4fd95ef9f40 (patch)
treef0eaf423f2c13f2091fe9cfceaa2e0a6f2169723 /Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m
parent37bd86b2879c107ebb026954693540979cf25e2a (diff)
- Changed the way the BWToolkit framework was included to allow modifications to be made easily.
- Fixed show/hide info pane toggle button image states to now show correctly
Diffstat (limited to 'Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m')
1 files changed, 1433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m b/Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c3d089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/BWSplitView.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1433 @@
+// BWSplitView.m
+// BWToolkit
+// Created by Brandon Walkin (www.brandonwalkin.com) and Fraser Kuyvenhoven.
+// All code is provided under the New BSD license.
+#import "BWSplitView.h"
+#import "NSColor+BWAdditions.h"
+#import "NSEvent+BWAdditions.h"
+static NSGradient *gradient;
+static NSImage *dimpleImageBitmap, *dimpleImageVector;
+static NSColor *borderColor, *gradientStartColor, *gradientEndColor;
+static float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
+#define dimpleDimension 4.0f
+@interface BWSplitView (BWSVPrivate)
+- (void)drawDimpleInRect:(NSRect)aRect;
+- (void)drawGradientDividerInRect:(NSRect)aRect;
+- (int)resizableSubviews;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsResizable:(NSView *)subview;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsCollapsible:(NSView *)subview;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsCollapsed:(NSView *)subview;
+- (int)collapsibleSubviewIndex;
+- (NSView *)collapsibleSubview;
+- (BOOL)hasCollapsibleSubview;
+- (BOOL)collapsibleSubviewIsCollapsed;
+- (CGFloat)subviewMinimumSize:(int)subviewIndex;
+- (CGFloat)subviewMaximumSize:(int)subviewIndex;
+- (void)recalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+- (BOOL)validatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+- (void)validateAndCalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+- (void)clearPreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+- (void)resizeAndAdjustSubviews;
+@interface BWSplitView ()
+@property BOOL checkboxIsEnabled;
+@implementation BWSplitView
+@synthesize color, colorIsEnabled, checkboxIsEnabled, minValues, maxValues, minUnits, maxUnits, collapsiblePopupSelection, dividerCanCollapse, collapsibleSubviewCollapsed;
+@synthesize resizableSubviewPreferredProportion, nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize, stateForLastPreferredCalculations;
+@synthesize toggleCollapseButton;
++ (void)initialize;
+ borderColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:(165.0f / 255.0f) alpha:1] retain];
+ gradientStartColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:(253.0f / 255.0f) alpha:1] retain];
+ gradientEndColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:(222.0f / 255.0f) alpha:1] retain];
+ gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:gradientStartColor endingColor:gradientEndColor];
+ NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[BWSplitView class]];
+ dimpleImageBitmap = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[bundle pathForImageResource:@"GradientSplitViewDimpleBitmap.tif"]];
+ dimpleImageVector = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[bundle pathForImageResource:@"GradientSplitViewDimpleVector.pdf"]];
+ [dimpleImageBitmap setFlipped:YES];
+ [dimpleImageVector setFlipped:YES];
+- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder;
+ if ((self = [super initWithCoder:decoder]) != nil)
+ {
+ [self setColor:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"BWSVColor"]];
+ [self setColorIsEnabled:[decoder decodeBoolForKey:@"BWSVColorIsEnabled"]];
+ [self setMinValues:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"BWSVMinValues"]];
+ [self setMaxValues:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"BWSVMaxValues"]];
+ [self setMinUnits:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"BWSVMinUnits"]];
+ [self setMaxUnits:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"BWSVMaxUnits"]];
+ [self setCollapsiblePopupSelection:[decoder decodeIntForKey:@"BWSVCollapsiblePopupSelection"]];
+ [self setDividerCanCollapse:[decoder decodeBoolForKey:@"BWSVDividerCanCollapse"]];
+ // Delegate set in nib has been decoded, but we want that to be the secondary delegate
+ [self setDelegate:[super delegate]];
+ [super setDelegate:self];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder
+ // Temporarily change delegate
+ [super setDelegate:secondaryDelegate];
+ [super encodeWithCoder:coder];
+ [coder encodeObject:[self color] forKey:@"BWSVColor"];
+ [coder encodeBool:[self colorIsEnabled] forKey:@"BWSVColorIsEnabled"];
+ [coder encodeObject:[self minValues] forKey:@"BWSVMinValues"];
+ [coder encodeObject:[self maxValues] forKey:@"BWSVMaxValues"];
+ [coder encodeObject:[self minUnits] forKey:@"BWSVMinUnits"];
+ [coder encodeObject:[self maxUnits] forKey:@"BWSVMaxUnits"];
+ [coder encodeInt:[self collapsiblePopupSelection] forKey:@"BWSVCollapsiblePopupSelection"];
+ [coder encodeBool:[self dividerCanCollapse] forKey:@"BWSVDividerCanCollapse"];
+ // Set delegate back
+ [self setDelegate:[super delegate]];
+ [super setDelegate:self];
+- (void)awakeFromNib
+ scaleFactor = [[NSScreen mainScreen] userSpaceScaleFactor];
+- (void)drawDividerInRect:(NSRect)aRect
+ if ([self isVertical])
+ {
+ aRect.size.width = [self dividerThickness];
+ if (colorIsEnabled && color != nil)
+ [color drawSwatchInRect:aRect];
+ else
+ [super drawDividerInRect:aRect];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRect.size.height = [self dividerThickness];
+ if ([self dividerThickness] <= 1.01)
+ {
+ if (colorIsEnabled && color != nil)
+ [color drawSwatchInRect:aRect];
+ else
+ [super drawDividerInRect:aRect];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self drawGradientDividerInRect:aRect];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)drawGradientDividerInRect:(NSRect)aRect
+ aRect = [self centerScanRect:aRect];
+ // Draw gradient
+ NSRect gradRect = NSMakeRect(aRect.origin.x,aRect.origin.y + 1 / scaleFactor,aRect.size.width,aRect.size.height - 1 / scaleFactor);
+ [gradient drawInRect:gradRect angle:90];
+ // Draw top and bottom borders
+ [borderColor drawPixelThickLineAtPosition:0 withInset:0 inRect:aRect inView:self horizontal:YES flip:NO];
+ [borderColor drawPixelThickLineAtPosition:0 withInset:0 inRect:aRect inView:self horizontal:YES flip:YES];
+ [self drawDimpleInRect:aRect];
+- (void)drawDimpleInRect:(NSRect)aRect
+ float startY = aRect.origin.y + roundf((aRect.size.height / 2) - (dimpleDimension / 2));
+ float startX = aRect.origin.x + roundf((aRect.size.width / 2) - (dimpleDimension / 2));
+ NSRect destRect = NSMakeRect(startX,startY,dimpleDimension,dimpleDimension);
+ // Draw at pixel bounds
+ destRect = [self convertRectToBase:destRect];
+ destRect.origin.x = floor(destRect.origin.x);
+ double param, fractPart, intPart;
+ param = destRect.origin.y;
+ fractPart = modf(param, &intPart);
+ if (fractPart < 0.99)
+ destRect.origin.y = floor(destRect.origin.y);
+ destRect = [self convertRectFromBase:destRect];
+ if (scaleFactor == 1)
+ {
+ NSRect dimpleRect = NSMakeRect(0,0,dimpleDimension,dimpleDimension);
+ [dimpleImageBitmap drawInRect:destRect fromRect:dimpleRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSRect dimpleRect = NSMakeRect(0,0,[dimpleImageVector size].width,[dimpleImageVector size].height);
+ [dimpleImageVector drawInRect:destRect fromRect:dimpleRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1];
+ }
+- (CGFloat)dividerThickness
+ float thickness;
+ if ([self isVertical])
+ {
+ thickness = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ([super dividerThickness] < 1.01)
+ thickness = 1;
+ else
+ thickness = 10;
+ }
+ return thickness;
+- (void)setDelegate:(id)anObj
+ if (secondaryDelegate != self)
+ secondaryDelegate = anObj;
+ else
+ secondaryDelegate = nil;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsCollapsible:(NSView *)subview;
+ // check if this is the collapsible subview
+ int subviewIndex = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ BOOL isCollapsibleSubview = (([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 1 && subviewIndex == 0) || ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 2 && subviewIndex == [[self subviews] count] - 1));
+ return isCollapsibleSubview;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsCollapsed:(NSView *)subview;
+ BOOL isCollapsibleSubview = [self subviewIsCollapsible:subview];
+ return [super isSubviewCollapsed:subview] || (isCollapsibleSubview && collapsibleSubviewCollapsed);
+- (BOOL)collapsibleSubviewIsCollapsed;
+ return [self subviewIsCollapsed:[self collapsibleSubview]];
+- (int)collapsibleSubviewIndex;
+ switch ([self collapsiblePopupSelection]) {
+ case 1:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return [[self subviews] count] - 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ }
+- (NSView *)collapsibleSubview;
+ int index = [self collapsibleSubviewIndex];
+ if (index >= 0)
+ return [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:index];
+ else
+ return nil;
+- (BOOL)hasCollapsibleSubview;
+ return [self collapsiblePopupSelection] != 0;
+// This is done to support the use of Core Animation to collapse subviews
+- (void)adjustSubviews
+ [super adjustSubviews];
+ [[self window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:self];
+- (void)setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsedHelper:(NSNumber *)flag
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:[flag boolValue]];
+- (void)animationEnded
+ isAnimating = NO;
+- (float)animationDuration
+ if ([NSEvent shiftKeyIsDown])
+ return 2.0;
+ return 0.25;
+- (BOOL)hasCollapsibleDivider
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleSubview] && (dividerCanCollapse || [self dividerThickness] < 1.01))
+ return YES;
+ return NO;
+- (int)collapsibleDividerIndex
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleDivider])
+ {
+ if ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 1)
+ return 0;
+ else if ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 2)
+ return [self subviews].count - 2;
+ }
+ return -1;
+- (void)setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:(BOOL)flag
+ collapsibleSubviewCollapsed = flag;
+ if (flag)
+ [[self toggleCollapseButton] setState:0];
+ else
+ [[self toggleCollapseButton] setState:1];
+- (void)setMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview:(NSNumber *)minSize
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleSubview])
+ {
+ NSMutableDictionary *tempMinValues = [[self minValues] mutableCopy];
+ [tempMinValues setObject:minSize forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[self subviews] indexOfObject:[self collapsibleSubview]]]];
+ [self setMinValues:tempMinValues];
+ }
+- (void)removeMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleSubview])
+ {
+ NSMutableDictionary *tempMinValues = [[self minValues] mutableCopy];
+ [tempMinValues removeObjectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[self subviews] indexOfObject:[self collapsibleSubview]]]];
+ [self setMinValues:tempMinValues];
+ }
+- (IBAction)toggleCollapse:(id)sender
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(ibDidAddToDesignableDocument:)])
+ return;
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleSubview] == NO || [self collapsibleSubview] == nil)
+ return;
+ if (isAnimating)
+ return;
+ // Check to see if the collapsible subview has a minimum width/height and record it.
+ // We'll later remove the min size temporarily while animating and then restore it.
+ BOOL hasMinSize = NO;
+ NSNumber *minSize = [minValues objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[self subviews] indexOfObject:[self collapsibleSubview]]]];
+ minSize = [[minSize copy] autorelease];
+ if (minSize != nil || [minSize intValue] != 0)
+ hasMinSize = YES;
+ // Get a reference to the button and modify its behavior
+ if ([self toggleCollapseButton] == nil)
+ {
+ [self setToggleCollapseButton:sender];
+ [[toggleCollapseButton cell] setHighlightsBy:NSPushInCellMask];
+ [[toggleCollapseButton cell] setShowsStateBy:NSContentsCellMask];
+ }
+ // Temporary: For simplicty, there should only be 1 subview other than the collapsible subview that's resizable for the collapse to happen
+ NSView *resizableSubview = nil;
+ for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
+ {
+ if ([self subviewIsResizable:subview] && subview != [self collapsibleSubview])
+ {
+ resizableSubview = subview;
+ }
+ }
+ if (resizableSubview == nil)
+ return;
+ // Get the thickness of the collapsible divider. If the divider cannot collapse, we set it to 0 so it doesn't affect our calculations.
+ float collapsibleDividerThickness = [self dividerThickness];
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleDivider] == NO)
+ collapsibleDividerThickness = 0;
+ if ([self isVertical])
+ {
+ float constantHeight = [self collapsibleSubview].frame.size.height;
+ if ([self collapsibleSubviewCollapsed] == NO)
+ {
+ uncollapsedSize = [self collapsibleSubview].frame.size.width;
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self removeMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview];
+ [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
+ [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:([self animationDuration])];
+ [[[self collapsibleSubview] animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(0.0, constantHeight)];
+ [[resizableSubview animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(resizableSubview.frame.size.width + uncollapsedSize + collapsibleDividerThickness, constantHeight)];
+ [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview:) withObject:minSize afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsedHelper:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self removeMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview];
+ [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
+ [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:([self animationDuration])];
+ [[[self collapsibleSubview] animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(uncollapsedSize, constantHeight)];
+ [[resizableSubview animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(resizableSubview.frame.size.width - uncollapsedSize - collapsibleDividerThickness, constantHeight)];
+ [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview:) withObject:minSize afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:NO];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float constantWidth = [self collapsibleSubview].frame.size.width;
+ if ([self collapsibleSubviewCollapsed] == NO)
+ {
+ uncollapsedSize = [self collapsibleSubview].frame.size.height;
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self removeMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview];
+ [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
+ [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:([self animationDuration])];
+ [[[self collapsibleSubview] animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(constantWidth, 0.0)];
+ [[resizableSubview animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(constantWidth, resizableSubview.frame.size.height + uncollapsedSize + collapsibleDividerThickness)];
+ [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview:) withObject:minSize afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsedHelper:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self removeMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview];
+ [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
+ [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:([self animationDuration])];
+ [[[self collapsibleSubview] animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(constantWidth, uncollapsedSize)];
+ [[resizableSubview animator] setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(constantWidth, resizableSubview.frame.size.height - uncollapsedSize - collapsibleDividerThickness)];
+ [NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
+ if (hasMinSize)
+ [self performSelector:@selector(setMinSizeForCollapsibleSubview:) withObject:minSize afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:NO];
+ }
+ }
+ isAnimating = YES;
+ [self performSelector:@selector(animationEnded) withObject:nil afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+ [self performSelector:@selector(resizeAndAdjustSubviews) withObject:nil afterDelay:[self animationDuration]];
+#pragma mark NSSplitView Delegate Methods
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldHideDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:shouldHideDividerAtIndex:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:splitView shouldHideDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(ibDidAddToDesignableDocument:)] == NO)
+ {
+ if ([self hasCollapsibleDivider] && [self collapsibleDividerIndex] == dividerIndex)
+ {
+ [self setDividerCanCollapse:YES];
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ return NSZeroRect;
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender canCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:canCollapseSubview:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:sender canCollapseSubview:subview];
+ int subviewIndex = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(ibDidAddToDesignableDocument:)] == NO)
+ {
+ if ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 1 && subviewIndex == 0)
+ return YES;
+ else if ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 2 && subviewIndex == [[self subviews] count] - 1)
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:shouldCollapseSubview:forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:splitView shouldCollapseSubview:subview forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ int subviewIndex = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(ibDidAddToDesignableDocument:)] == NO)
+ {
+ if (([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 1 && subviewIndex == 0 && dividerIndex == 0) ||
+ ([self collapsiblePopupSelection] == 2 && subviewIndex == [[self subviews] count] - 1 && dividerIndex == [[splitView subviews] count] - 2))
+ {
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:YES];
+ // Cause the collapse ourselves by calling the resize method
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ // Since we manually did the resize above, we pretend that we don't want to collapse
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMax ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:sender constrainMaxCoordinate:proposedMax ofSubviewAt:offset];
+ // Max coordinate depends on max of subview offset, and the min of subview offset + 1
+ CGFloat newMaxFromThisSubview = proposedMax;
+ CGFloat newMaxFromNextSubview = proposedMax;
+ // Max from this subview
+ CGFloat maxValue = [self subviewMaximumSize:offset];
+ if (maxValue != FLT_MAX)
+ {
+ NSView *subview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:offset];
+ CGFloat originCoord = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].origin.x : [subview frame].origin.y;
+ newMaxFromThisSubview = originCoord + maxValue;
+ }
+ // Max from the next subview
+ int nextOffset = offset + 1;
+ if ([[self subviews] count] > nextOffset)
+ {
+ CGFloat minValue = [self subviewMinimumSize:nextOffset];
+ if (minValue != 0)
+ {
+ NSView *subview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:nextOffset];
+ CGFloat endCoord = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].origin.x + [subview frame].size.width : [subview frame].origin.y + [subview frame].size.height;
+ newMaxFromNextSubview = endCoord - minValue - [self dividerThickness];
+ // This could cause trouble when over constrained (TODO)
+ }
+ }
+ CGFloat newMax = fminf(newMaxFromThisSubview, newMaxFromNextSubview);
+ if (newMax < proposedMax)
+ return newMax;
+ return proposedMax;
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMin ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:sender constrainMinCoordinate:proposedMin ofSubviewAt:offset];
+ // Min coordinate depends on min of subview offset and the max of subview offset + 1
+ CGFloat newMinFromThisSubview = proposedMin;
+ CGFloat newMaxFromNextSubview = proposedMin;
+ // Min from this subview
+ CGFloat minValue = [self subviewMinimumSize:offset];
+ if (minValue != 0)
+ {
+ NSView *subview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:offset];
+ CGFloat originCoord = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].origin.x : [subview frame].origin.y;
+ newMinFromThisSubview = originCoord + minValue;
+ }
+ // Min from the next subview
+ int nextOffset = offset + 1;
+ if ([[self subviews] count] > nextOffset)
+ {
+ CGFloat maxValue = [self subviewMaximumSize:nextOffset];
+ if (maxValue != FLT_MAX)
+ {
+ NSView *subview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:nextOffset];
+ CGFloat endCoord = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].origin.x + [subview frame].size.width : [subview frame].origin.y + [subview frame].size.height;
+ newMaxFromNextSubview = endCoord - maxValue - [self dividerThickness];
+ // This could cause trouble when over constrained (TODO)
+ }
+ }
+ CGFloat newMin = fmaxf(newMinFromThisSubview, newMaxFromNextSubview);
+ if (newMin > proposedMin)
+ return newMin;
+ return proposedMin;
+- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainSplitPosition:(CGFloat)proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
+ [self clearPreferredProportionsAndSizes];
+ if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(ibDidAddToDesignableDocument:)])
+ return proposedPosition;
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:sender constrainSplitPosition:proposedPosition ofSubviewAt:offset];
+ return proposedPosition;
+- (NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView effectiveRect:(NSRect)proposedEffectiveRect forDrawnRect:(NSRect)drawnRect ofDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)dividerIndex
+ if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:effectiveRect:forDrawnRect:ofDividerAtIndex:)])
+ return [secondaryDelegate splitView:splitView effectiveRect:proposedEffectiveRect forDrawnRect:drawnRect ofDividerAtIndex:dividerIndex];
+ return proposedEffectiveRect;
+- (void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)aNotification
+ if (collapsibleSubviewCollapsed && ([self isVertical] ? [[self collapsibleSubview] frame].size.width > 0 : [[self collapsibleSubview] frame].size.height > 0))
+ {
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:NO];
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ }
+ else if (!collapsibleSubviewCollapsed && ([self isVertical] ? [[self collapsibleSubview] frame].size.width < 0.1 : [[self collapsibleSubview] frame].size.height < 0.1))
+ {
+ [self setCollapsibleSubviewCollapsed:YES];
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ }
+ else if ([self collapsibleSubviewIsCollapsed])
+ {
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ }
+ [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+#pragma mark - Resize Subviews Delegate Method and Helper Methods
+- (int)resizableSubviews
+ int resizableSubviews = 0;
+ for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
+ {
+ if ([self subviewIsResizable:subview])
+ resizableSubviews++;
+ }
+ return resizableSubviews;
+- (BOOL)subviewIsResizable:(NSView *)subview
+ if ([self isVertical] && [subview autoresizingMask] & NSViewWidthSizable)
+ return YES;
+ if (![self isVertical] && [subview autoresizingMask] & NSViewHeightSizable)
+ return YES;
+ return NO;
+- (CGFloat)subviewMinimumSize:(int)subviewIndex;
+ NSNumber *minNum = [minValues objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:subviewIndex]];
+ if (!minNum)
+ return 0;
+ int units = 0;
+ NSNumber *unitsNum = [minUnits objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:subviewIndex]];
+ if (unitsNum)
+ units = [unitsNum intValue];
+ CGFloat min = [minNum floatValue];
+ switch (units)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // Percent
+ CGFloat dividerThicknessTotal = [self dividerThickness] * ([[self subviews] count] - 1);
+ CGFloat totalSize = [self isVertical] ? [self frame].size.width : [self frame].size.height;
+ totalSize -= dividerThicknessTotal;
+ return roundf((min / 100.0) * totalSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ {
+ // Points
+ return min;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- (CGFloat)subviewMaximumSize:(int)subviewIndex;
+ NSNumber *maxNum = [maxValues objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:subviewIndex]];
+ if (!maxNum)
+ return FLT_MAX;
+ int units = 0;
+ NSNumber *unitsNum = [maxUnits objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:subviewIndex]];
+ if (unitsNum)
+ units = [unitsNum intValue];
+ CGFloat max = [maxNum floatValue];
+ switch (units)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // Percent
+ CGFloat dividerThicknessTotal = [self dividerThickness] * ([[self subviews] count] - 1);
+ CGFloat totalSize = [self isVertical] ? [self frame].size.width : [self frame].size.height;
+ totalSize -= dividerThicknessTotal;
+ return roundf((max / 100.0) * totalSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ {
+ // Points
+ return max;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// Preferred proportions (for resizable)
+// Need to store resizable subviews preferred proportions for calculating new sizes
+// Preferred sizes (for non-resizable)
+// If a non-resizable subview is ever forced larger or smaller than it prefers, we need to know it's preferred size
+// Need to recalculate both of the above whenever a divider is moved, or a subview is added/removed or changed between resizable/non-resizable
+- (void)recalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+ NSMutableArray *stateArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[[self subviews] count]];
+ NSMutableDictionary *preferredProportions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ NSMutableDictionary *preferredSizes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ // Total is only the sum of resizable subviews
+ CGFloat resizableTotal = 0;
+ // Calculate resizable total
+ for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
+ {
+ if ([self subviewIsResizable:subview])
+ resizableTotal += [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].size.width : [subview frame].size.height;
+ }
+ // Calculate resizable preferred propotions and set non-resizable preferred sizes
+ for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
+ {
+ int index = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ if ([self subviewIsResizable:subview])
+ {
+ CGFloat size = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].size.width : [subview frame].size.height;
+ CGFloat proportion = (resizableTotal > 0) ? (size / resizableTotal) : 0;
+ [preferredProportions setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:proportion]
+ forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:index]];
+ [stateArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CGFloat size = [self isVertical] ? [subview frame].size.width : [subview frame].size.height;
+ [preferredSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size]
+ forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:index]];
+ [stateArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
+ }
+ }
+ [self setResizableSubviewPreferredProportion:preferredProportions];
+ [self setNonresizableSubviewPreferredSize:preferredSizes];
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"resizableSubviewPreferredProportion: %@", resizableSubviewPreferredProportion);
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize: %@", nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize);
+ // Remember state to know when to recalculate
+ [self setStateForLastPreferredCalculations:stateArray];
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"stateForLastPreferredCalculations: %@", stateForLastPreferredCalculations);
+// Checks if the number or type of subviews has changed since we last recalculated
+- (BOOL)validatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"validating preferred proportions and sizes");
+ // Check if we even have saved proportions and sizes
+ if (![self resizableSubviewPreferredProportion] || ![self nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize])
+ return NO;
+ // Check if number of items has changed
+ if ([[self subviews] count] != [[self stateForLastPreferredCalculations] count])
+ return NO;
+ // Check if any of the subviews have changed between resizable and non-resizable
+ for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
+ {
+ int index = [[self subviews] indexOfObject:subview];
+ if ([self subviewIsResizable:subview] != [[[self stateForLastPreferredCalculations] objectAtIndex:index] boolValue])
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (void)correctCollapsiblePreferredProportionOrSize;
+ // TODO: Assuming that the collapsible subview does not change between resizable and non-resizable while collapsed
+ if (![self hasCollapsibleSubview])
+ return;
+ NSMutableDictionary *preferredProportions = [[self resizableSubviewPreferredProportion] mutableCopy];
+ NSMutableDictionary *preferredSizes = [[self nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize] mutableCopy];
+ NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self collapsibleSubviewIndex]];
+ NSView *subview = [self collapsibleSubview];
+ // If the collapsible subview is collapsed, we put aside its preferred propotion/size
+ if ([self subviewIsCollapsed:subview])
+ {
+ BOOL resizable = [self subviewIsResizable:subview];
+ if (!resizable)
+ {
+ NSNumber *sizeNum = [preferredSizes objectForKey:key];
+ if (sizeNum)
+ {
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"removing collapsible view from preferred sizes");
+ // TODO: Save the size for later
+ // Remove from preferred sizes
+ [preferredSizes removeObjectForKey:key];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSNumber *proportionNum = [preferredProportions objectForKey:key];
+ if (proportionNum)
+ {
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"removing collapsible view from preferred proportions");
+ CGFloat proportion = [proportionNum floatValue];
+ // TODO: Save the proportion for later
+ // Remove from preferred proportions
+ [preferredProportions removeObjectForKey:key];
+ // Recalculate other proportions
+ CGFloat proportionTotal = 1.0 - proportion;
+ if (proportionTotal > 0)
+ {
+ for (NSNumber *pkey in [preferredProportions allKeys])
+ {
+ CGFloat oldProportion = [[preferredProportions objectForKey:pkey] floatValue];
+ CGFloat newPropotion = oldProportion / proportionTotal;
+ [preferredProportions setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:newPropotion] forKey:pkey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [self setResizableSubviewPreferredProportion:preferredProportions];
+ [self setNonresizableSubviewPreferredSize:preferredSizes];
+ }
+ else // Otherwise, we reintegrate its preferred proportion/size
+ {
+ [self clearPreferredProportionsAndSizes];
+ [self recalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes];
+ }
+- (void)validateAndCalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+ if (![self validatePreferredProportionsAndSizes])
+ [self recalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes];
+ // Need to make sure the collapsed subviews preferred size/proportion is in the right place
+ [self correctCollapsiblePreferredProportionOrSize];
+- (void)clearPreferredProportionsAndSizes;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"clearing preferred proportions and sizes");
+ [self setResizableSubviewPreferredProportion:nil];
+ [self setNonresizableSubviewPreferredSize:nil];
+// non-resizable subviews are given preferred size
+// overall remaining size is calculated
+// resizable subviews are calculated based on remaining size and preferred proportions
+// resizable subviews are checked for min/max constraint violations
+// if violating constraint, set to valid size and remove from resizable subviews
+// recalculate other resizable subviews and repeat
+// if all resizable subviews reached constraints without meeting target size, need to resize non-resizable views
+// non-resizable subviews are adjusted proportionally to meet target size
+// non-resizable subviews are checked for min/max constraint violations
+// if violating constraint, set to valid size and remove from non-resizable subviews
+// recalculate other non-resizable subviews and repeat
+// if all subviews reached constraints without meeting target size, need to adjust all views to fit
+// proportionally resize all subviews to fit in target size, ignoring min/max constraints
+- (void)resizeAndAdjustSubviews;
+ // Temporary: for now, we will just remember the proportions the first time subviews are resized
+ // we should be remember them in the user defaults so they save across quits (TODO)
+ [self validateAndCalculatePreferredProportionsAndSizes];
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"resizeSubviews begins -----------------------------------------------------");
+ NSMutableDictionary *newSubviewSizes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[[self subviews] count]];
+ // Get new total size
+ CGFloat totalAvailableSize = [self isVertical] ? [self frame].size.width : [self frame].size.height;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"totalAvailableSize: %f", totalAvailableSize);
+ // Calculate non-resizable subviews total
+ CGFloat nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize = 0;
+ for (NSNumber *size in [nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize allValues])
+ nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize += [size floatValue];
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize: %f", nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize);
+ // Calculate divider thickness total
+ int dividerCount = [[self subviews] count] - 1;
+ if ([self collapsibleSubviewIsCollapsed] && dividerCanCollapse) dividerCount--;
+ CGFloat dividerThicknessTotal = [self dividerThickness] * dividerCount;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"dividerThicknessTotal: %f", dividerThicknessTotal);
+ // Calculate overall remaining size (could be negative)
+ CGFloat resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize = totalAvailableSize - nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize - dividerThicknessTotal;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize: %f", resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize);
+ // Special case for the collapsible subview
+ if ([self collapsibleSubviewIsCollapsed])
+ {
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0]
+ forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self collapsibleSubviewIndex]]];
+ }
+ // Set non-resizable subviews to preferred size
+ [newSubviewSizes addEntriesFromDictionary:nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize];
+ // Set sizes of resizable views based on proportions (could be negative)
+ CGFloat resizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed = 0;
+ int resizableSubviewCounter = 0;
+ int resizableSubviewCount = [resizableSubviewPreferredProportion count];
+ for (NSNumber *key in [resizableSubviewPreferredProportion allKeys])
+ {
+ resizableSubviewCounter++;
+ CGFloat proportion = [[resizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ CGFloat size = roundf(proportion * resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize);
+ resizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed += size;
+ if (resizableSubviewCounter == resizableSubviewCount)
+ {
+ // Make adjustment if necessary
+ size += (resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize - resizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed);
+ }
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size] forKey:key];
+ }
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"newSubviewSizes after resizable proportional resizing: %@", newSubviewSizes);
+ // TODO: Could add a special case for resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize <= 0 : just set all resizable subviews to minimum size
+ // Make array of all the resizable subviews indexes
+ NSMutableArray *resizableSubviewIndexes = [[resizableSubviewPreferredProportion allKeys] mutableCopy];
+ [resizableSubviewIndexes sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES] autorelease]]];
+ // Loop until none of the resizable subviews' constraints are violated
+ CGFloat proportionTotal = 1;
+ CGFloat resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize = resizableSubviewsTotalAvailableSize;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < [resizableSubviewIndexes count]; i++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *key = [resizableSubviewIndexes objectAtIndex:i];
+ CGFloat size = [[newSubviewSizes objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ CGFloat minSize = [self subviewMinimumSize:[key intValue]];
+ CGFloat maxSize = [self subviewMaximumSize:[key intValue]];
+ BOOL overMax = size > maxSize;
+ BOOL underMin = size < minSize;
+ // Check if current item in array violates constraints
+ if (underMin || overMax)
+ {
+ CGFloat constrainedSize = underMin ? minSize : maxSize;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"resizable subview %@ was %@, set to %f", key, (underMin ? @"under min" : @"over max"), constrainedSize);
+ // Give subview constrained size and remove from array
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:constrainedSize] forKey:key];
+ [resizableSubviewIndexes removeObject:key];
+ // Adjust total proportion and remaining available size
+ proportionTotal -= [[resizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize -= underMin ? minSize : maxSize;
+ // Recalculate remaining subview sizes
+ CGFloat resizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed = 0;
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < [resizableSubviewIndexes count]; j++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *jKey = [resizableSubviewIndexes objectAtIndex:j];
+ CGFloat proportion = 0;
+ if (proportionTotal > 0)
+ proportion = [[resizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:jKey] floatValue] / proportionTotal;
+ else
+ proportion = 1.0 / [resizableSubviewIndexes count];
+ CGFloat size = roundf(proportion * resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize);
+ resizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed += size;
+ if (j == [resizableSubviewIndexes count] - 1)
+ {
+ // Make adjustment if necessary
+ size += (resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize - resizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed);
+ }
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size] forKey:jKey];
+ // Reset outer loop to start from beginning
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"newSubviewSizes after resizable constraint fulfilling: %@", newSubviewSizes);
+ if ([resizableSubviewIndexes count] == 0 && resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize != 0)
+ {
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"entering nonresizable adjustment stage");
+ // All resizable subviews have reached constraints without reaching the target size
+ // First try to adjust non-resizable subviews, with resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize being the amount of adjustment needed
+ // Make array of non-resizable preferred proportions (normally go by preferred sizes)
+ NSMutableDictionary *nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ for (NSNumber *key in [nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize allKeys])
+ {
+ CGFloat proportion = [[nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize objectForKey:key] floatValue] / nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize;
+ [nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:proportion] forKey:key];
+ }
+ // ResizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize is the amount of adjustment needed
+ CGFloat nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize = nonresizableSubviewsTotalPreferredSize + resizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize;
+ // Set sizes of nonresizable views based on proportions (could be negative)
+ CGFloat nonresizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed = 0;
+ int nonresizableSubviewCounter = 0;
+ int nonresizableSubviewCount = [nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion count];
+ for (NSNumber *key in [nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion allKeys])
+ {
+ nonresizableSubviewCounter++;
+ CGFloat proportion = [[nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ CGFloat size = roundf(proportion * nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize);
+ nonresizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed += size;
+ if (nonresizableSubviewCounter == nonresizableSubviewCount)
+ {
+ // Make adjustment if necessary
+ size += (nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize - nonresizableSubviewAvailableSizeUsed);
+ }
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size] forKey:key];
+ }
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"newSubviewSizes after nonresizable proportional resizing: %@", newSubviewSizes);
+ // Make array of all the non-resizable subviews indexes
+ NSMutableArray *nonresizableSubviewIndexes = [[nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize allKeys] mutableCopy];
+ [nonresizableSubviewIndexes sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES] autorelease]]];
+ // Loop until none of the non-resizable subviews' constraints are violated
+ CGFloat proportionTotal = 1;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < [nonresizableSubviewIndexes count]; i++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *key = [nonresizableSubviewIndexes objectAtIndex:i];
+ CGFloat size = [[newSubviewSizes objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ CGFloat minSize = [self subviewMinimumSize:[key intValue]];
+ CGFloat maxSize = [self subviewMaximumSize:[key intValue]];
+ BOOL overMax = size > maxSize;
+ BOOL underMin = size < minSize;
+ // Check if current item in array violates constraints
+ if (underMin || overMax)
+ {
+ CGFloat constrainedSize = underMin ? minSize : maxSize;
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"nonresizable subview %@ was %@, set to %f", key, (underMin ? @"under min" : @"over max"), constrainedSize);
+ // Give subview constrained size and remove from array
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:constrainedSize] forKey:key];
+ [nonresizableSubviewIndexes removeObject:key];
+ // Adjust total proportion and remaining available size
+ proportionTotal -= [[nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize -= underMin ? minSize : maxSize;
+ // Recalculate remaining subview sizes
+ CGFloat nonresizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed = 0;
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < [nonresizableSubviewIndexes count]; j++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *jKey = [nonresizableSubviewIndexes objectAtIndex:j];
+ CGFloat proportion = 0;
+ if (proportionTotal > 0)
+ proportion = [[nonresizableSubviewPreferredProportion objectForKey:jKey] floatValue] / proportionTotal;
+ else
+ proportion = 1.0 / [nonresizableSubviewIndexes count];
+ CGFloat size = roundf(proportion * nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize);
+ nonresizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed += size;
+ if (j == [nonresizableSubviewIndexes count] - 1)
+ {
+ // Make adjustment if necessary
+ size += (nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize - nonresizableSubviewRemainingSizeUsed);
+ }
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size] forKey:jKey];
+ // Reset outer loop to start from beginning
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"newSubviewSizes after nonresizable constraint fulfilling: %@", newSubviewSizes);
+ // If there is still overall violation, resize everything proportionally to make up the difference
+ if ([resizableSubviewIndexes count] == 0 && nonresizableSubviewsRemainingAvailableSize != 0)
+ {
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"entering all subviews forced adjustment stage");
+ // Calculate current proportions and use to calculate new size
+ CGFloat allSubviewTotalCurrentSize = 0;
+ for (NSNumber *size in [newSubviewSizes allValues])
+ allSubviewTotalCurrentSize += [size floatValue];
+ CGFloat allSubviewRemainingSizeUsed = 0;
+ CGFloat allSubviewTotalSize = totalAvailableSize - dividerThicknessTotal;
+ // TODO: What to do if even the dividers don't fit?
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < [newSubviewSizes count]; k++)
+ {
+ NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithInt:k];
+ CGFloat currentSize = [[newSubviewSizes objectForKey:key] floatValue];
+ CGFloat proportion = currentSize / allSubviewTotalCurrentSize;
+ CGFloat size = roundf(proportion * allSubviewTotalSize);
+ allSubviewRemainingSizeUsed += size;
+ if (k == [newSubviewSizes count] - 1)
+ {
+ // Make adjustment if necessary
+ size += allSubviewTotalSize - allSubviewRemainingSizeUsed;
+ }
+ [newSubviewSizes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:size] forKey:key];
+ }
+ if (RESIZE_DEBUG_LOGS) NSLog(@"newSubviewSizes after all subviews forced adjustment: %@", newSubviewSizes);
+ }
+ // Otherwise there is still flexibiliy in the non-resizable views, so we are done
+ }
+ // Otherwise there is still flexibility in the resizable views, so we are done
+ // Set subview frames
+ CGFloat position = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < [[self subviews] count]; i++)
+ {
+ NSView *subview = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:i];
+ CGFloat size = [[newSubviewSizes objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]] floatValue];
+ NSRect subviewFrame = NSZeroRect;
+ if ([self isVertical])
+ {
+ subviewFrame.size.height = [self frame].size.height;
+ subviewFrame.size.width = size;
+ subviewFrame.origin.y = [subview frame].origin.y;
+ subviewFrame.origin.x = position;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ subviewFrame.size.height = size;
+ subviewFrame.size.width = [self frame].size.width;
+ subviewFrame.origin.y = position;
+ subviewFrame.origin.x = [subview frame].origin.x;
+ }
+ [subview setFrame:subviewFrame];
+ position += size;
+ if (dividerCanCollapse && [self subviewIsCollapsed:subview])
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ position += [self dividerThickness];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:(NSSize)oldSize
+ if ([secondaryDelegate isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"BWAnchoredButtonBar")])
+ {
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ }
+ else if ([secondaryDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:)])
+ {
+ [secondaryDelegate splitView:sender resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:oldSize];
+ }
+ else if (sender == self)
+ {
+ [self resizeAndAdjustSubviews];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [sender adjustSubviews];
+ }
+#pragma mark Force Vertical Splitters to Thin Appearance
+// This class doesn't have an appearance for wide vertical splitters, so we force all vertical splitters to thin.
+// We also post notifications that are used by the inspector to show & hide controls.
+- (void)setDividerStyle:(NSSplitViewDividerStyle)aStyle
+ BOOL styleChanged = NO;
+ if (aStyle != [self dividerStyle])
+ styleChanged = YES;
+ if ([self isVertical])
+ [super setDividerStyle:NSSplitViewDividerStyleThin];
+ else
+ [super setDividerStyle:aStyle];
+ // There can be sizing issues during design-time if we don't call this
+ [self adjustSubviews];
+ if (styleChanged)
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"BWSplitViewDividerThicknessChanged" object:self];
+- (void)setVertical:(BOOL)flag
+ BOOL orientationChanged = NO;
+ if (flag != [self isVertical])
+ orientationChanged = YES;
+ if (flag)
+ [super setDividerStyle:NSSplitViewDividerStyleThin];
+ [super setVertical:flag];
+ if (orientationChanged)
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"BWSplitViewOrientationChanged" object:self];
+#pragma mark IB Inspector Support Methods
+- (BOOL)checkboxIsEnabled
+ if (![self isVertical] && [super dividerThickness] > 1.01)
+ return NO;
+ return YES;
+- (void)setColorIsEnabled:(BOOL)flag
+ colorIsEnabled = flag;
+ [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+- (void)setColor:(NSColor *)aColor
+ if (color != aColor)
+ {
+ [color release];
+ color = [aColor copy];
+ }
+ [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+- (NSColor *)color
+ if (color == nil)
+ color = [[NSColor blackColor] retain];
+ return [[color retain] autorelease];
+- (NSMutableDictionary *)minValues
+ if (minValues == nil)
+ minValues = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ return [[minValues retain] autorelease];
+- (NSMutableDictionary *)maxValues
+ if (maxValues == nil)
+ maxValues = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ return [[maxValues retain] autorelease];
+- (NSMutableDictionary *)minUnits
+ if (minUnits == nil)
+ minUnits = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ return [[minUnits retain] autorelease];
+- (NSMutableDictionary *)maxUnits
+ if (maxUnits == nil)
+ maxUnits = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ return [[maxUnits retain] autorelease];
+- (void)dealloc
+ [color release];
+ [minValues release];
+ [maxValues release];
+ [minUnits release];
+ [maxUnits release];
+ [resizableSubviewPreferredProportion release];
+ [nonresizableSubviewPreferredSize release];
+ [toggleCollapseButton release];
+ [stateForLastPreferredCalculations release];
+ [super dealloc];