"gsxws/repairs.py" import re import sys import logging from core import GsxObject, validate from lookups import Lookup REPAIR_TYPES = ( ('CA', "Carry-In/Non-Replinished"), ('NE', "Return Before Replace"), ('NT', "No Trouble Found"), ('ON', "Onsite (Indirect/Direct)"), ('RR', "Repair Or Replace/Whole Unit Mail-In"), ('WH', "Mail-In"), ) class Customer(GsxObject): """ Customer address for GSX >>> Customer(adressLine1='blaa')._data {'adressLine1': 'blaa'} """ city = "" region = "" country = "" state = "ZZ" zipCode = "" lastName = "" firstName = "" adressLine1 = "" emailAddress = "" primaryPhone = "" class RepairOrderLine(GsxObject): partNumber = "" comptiaCode = "" comptiaModifier = "" class ServicePart(GsxObject): "A generic service part (for PartInfo and whatnot)" def __init__(self, number, *args, **kwargs): super(ServicePart, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not validate(number, "partNumber"): raise ValueError("Invalid part number: %s" % number) self.partNumber = number class Repair(GsxObject): "Base class for the different GSX Repair types" _namespace = "asp:" def __init__(self, number=None, **kwargs): super(Repair, self).__init__(**kwargs) if number is not None: self.dispatchId = number def update_sn(self, parts): """ Description The Update Serial Number API allows the service providers to update the module serial numbers. Context: The API is not applicable for whole unit replacement serial number entry (see KGB serial update). >>> Repair('G135762375').update_sn(ServicePart('661-4964', oldSerialNumber='W882300FK22YA')) """ self.partInfo = parts if hasattr(self, "dispatchId"): self.repairConfirmationNumber = self.dispatchId self._submit("repairData", "UpdateSerialNumber", "repairConfirmation") return self._req.objects[0] def update_kgb_sn(self, sn): """ Description: The KGB Serial Number Update API is always to be used on whole unit repairs that are in a released state. This API allows users to provide the KGB serial number for the whole unit exchange repairs. It also checks for the privilege to create/ update whole unit exchange repairs before updating the whole unit exchange repair. Context: The API is to be used on whole unit repairs that are in a released state. This API can be invoked only after carry-in repair creation API. """ self.serialNumber = sn self.repairConfirmationNumber = self.dispatchId self._submit("UpdateKGBSerialNumberRequest", "UpdateKGBSerialNumber", "UpdateKGBSerialNumberResponse") return self._req.objects[0] def lookup(self): """ Description: The Repair Lookup API mimics the front-end repair search functionality. It fetches up to 2500 repairs in a given criteria. Subsequently, the extended Repair Status API can be used to retrieve more details of the repair. >>> Repair(repairStatus='Open').lookup() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [>> Repair('G135773004').status().repairStatus u'Closed and Completed' """ self.repairConfirmationNumbers = self.dispatchId status = self._submit("RepairStatusRequest", "RepairStatus", "repairStatus")[0] self.repairStatus = status.repairStatus self._status = status return status def details(self): """ The Repair Details API includes the shipment information similar to the Repair Lookup API. >>> Repair('G135773004').details() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS >', p.deliveryTrackingNumber, p.carrierURL) details.partsInfo[i].carrierURL = url except AttributeError: pass self.details = details return details class CannotDuplicateRepair(Repair): """ The Create CND Repair API allows Service Providers to create a repair whenever the reported issue cannot be duplicated, and the repair requires no parts replacement. N01 Unable to Replicate N02 Software Update/Issue N03 Cable/Component Reseat N05 SMC Reset N06 PRAM Reset N07 Third Party Part N99 Other """ class CarryInRepair(Repair): """ GSX validates the information and if all of the validations go through, it obtains a quote for the repair and creates the carry-in repair >>> CarryInRepair(requestReviewByApple=True).requestReviewByApple 'Y' """ _namespace = "emea:" def create(self): """ GSX validates the information and if all of the validations go through, it obtains a quote for the repair and creates the carry-in repair. """ return self._submit("repairData", "CreateCarryIn", "repairConfirmation") def update(self, newdata): """ Description The Update Carry-In Repair API allows the service providers to update the existing open carry-in repairs. This API assists in addition/deletion of parts and addition of notes to a repair. On successful update, the repair confirmation number and quote for any newly added parts would be returned. In case of any validation error or unsuccessful update, a fault code is issued. Carry-In Repair Update Status Codes: AWTP Awaiting Parts AWTR Parts Allocated BEGR In Repair RFPU Ready for Pickup """ self._namespace = "asp:" # Merge old and new data (old data should have Dispatch ID) self._data.update(newdata) return self._submit("repairData", "UpdateCarryIn", "repairConfirmation") class IndirectOnsiteRepair(Repair): """ The Create Indirect Onsite Repair API is designed to create the indirect onsite repairs. When a service provider travels to the customer location to perform repair on a unit eligible for onsite service, they create an indirect repair. Once the repair is submitted, it is assigned a confirmation number, which is a reference number to identify the repair. """ _namespace = "asp:" def create(self): if getattr(self, "shipTo"): # Carry-In and OnSite use different field names! self.shippingLocation = self.shipTo del(self._data['shipTo']) if getattr(self, "poNumber"): self.purchaseOrderNumber = self.poNumber del(self._data['poNumber']) if getattr(self, "diagnosedByTechId"): self.technicianName = self.diagnosedByTechId del(self._data['diagnosedByTechId']) return self._submit("repairData", "CreateIndirectOnsiteRepair", "repairConfirmation") if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest from core import connect logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) connect(*sys.argv[1:]) doctest.testmod()