# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import logging import tempfile from datetime import date from core import GsxObject, connect class Lookup(GsxObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Lookup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._namespace = "asp:" def lookup(self, method, response="lookupResponseData"): result = self._submit("lookupRequestData", method, response) return [result] if isinstance(result, dict) else result def parts(self): """ The Parts Lookup API allows users to access part and part pricing data prior to creating a repair or order. Parts lookup is also a good way to search for part numbers by various attributes of a part (config code, EEE code, serial number, etc.). """ self._namespace = "core:" return self.lookup("PartsLookup", "parts") def repairs(self): """ The Repair Lookup API mimics the front-end repair search functionality. It fetches up to 2500 repairs in a given criteria. Subsequently, the extended Repair Status API can be used to retrieve more details of the repair. >>> Lookup(serialNumber='DGKFL06JDHJP').repairs() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'customerName': 'Lepalaan,Filipp',... """ return self.lookup("RepairLookup") def invoices(self): """ The Invoice ID Lookup API allows AASP users to fetch the invoice generated for last 24 hrs >>> Lookup(shipTo=677592, invoiceDate=date(2012,2,6)).invoices().invoiceID '9670348809' """ return self.lookup("InvoiceIDLookup") def invoice_details(self): """ The Invoice Details Lookup API allows AASP users to download invoice for a given invoice id. >>> Lookup(invoiceID=9670348809).invoice_details() """ result = self.lookup("InvoiceDetailsLookup") pdf = base64.b64decode(result.invoiceData) outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf', delete=False) outfile.write(pdf) result.invoiceData = outfile.name return result def component_check(self, parts=[]): """ The Component Check API allows service providers to send the information required to create a repair and check if the repair is eligible for component serial number verification for certain components listed in response. """ if parts: self.orderLines = parts return self._submit("repairData", "ComponentCheck", "componentCheckDetails") if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import doctest logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) connect(*sys.argv[1:]) doctest.testmod()