#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import re from suds.client import Client import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('suds.client').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) CLIENT = None SESSION = dict() # module-level variable def looks_like(value, what=None): """ Tries to guess the meaning of value """ result = None if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise ValueError('%s is not valid input') rex = { 'partNumber' : r'^([A-Z]{1,2})?\d{3}\-?(\d{4}|[A-Z]{2})(/[A-Z])?$', 'serialNumber' : r'^[A-Z0-9]{11,12}$', 'eeeCode' : r'^[A-Z0-9]{3,4}$', 'returnOrder' : r'^7\d{9}$', 'repairNumber' : r'^\d{12}$', 'dispatchId' : r'^G\d{9}$', 'alternateDeviceId' : r'^\d{15}$', 'diagnosticEventNumber': r'^\d{23}$', 'productName' : r'^i?Mac', } for k, v in rex.items(): if re.match(v, value): result = k return (result == what) if what else result class GsxObject(object): """ The thing that gets sent to and from GSX """ dt = 'ns3:authenticateRequestType' # The GSX datatype matching this object request_dt = 'ns3:authenticateRequestType' # The GSX datatype matching this request method = 'Authenticate' # The SOAP method to call on the GSX server def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.data = kwargs self.dt = CLIENT.factory.create(self.dt) self.request_dt = CLIENT.factory.create(self.request_dt) def set_method(self, new_method): self.method = new_method def set_type(self, new_dt): """ Sets the object's primary data type to new_dt """ self.dt = self.__make_type(new_dt) try: for k, v in self.data.items(): setattr(self.dt, k, v) except Exception, e: pass def set_request(self, new_dt=None, field=None): """ Sets the field of this object's request datatype to the new value """ if new_dt: self.request_dt = self.__make_type(new_dt) setattr(self.request_dt, field, self.dt) def submit(self, method): setattr(self.request_dt, 'userSession', SESSION) f = getattr(CLIENT.service, method) result = f(self.request_dt) return result def __make_type(self, new_dt): return CLIENT.factory.create(new_dt) class Lookup(GsxObject): def parts(self): """ The Parts Lookup API allows users to access part and part pricing data prior to creating a repair or order. Parts lookup is also a good way to search for part numbers by various attributes of a part (config code, EEE code, serial number, etc.). """ dt = CLIENT.factory.create('ns0:partsLookupRequestType') dt.userSession = SESSION dt.lookupRequestData = self.data result = CLIENT.service.PartsLookup(dt) return result.parts def repairs(self): dt = CLIENT.factory.create('ns6:repairLookupInfoType') dt.serialNumber = self.data['serialNumber'] request = CLIENT.factory.create('ns1:repairLookupRequestType') request.userSession = SESSION request.lookupRequestData = dt result = CLIENT.service.RepairLookup(request) return result.lookupResponseData class Diagnostics(GsxObject): def fetch(self): """ The Fetch Repair Diagnostics API allows the service providers/depot/carriers to fetch MRI/CPU diagnostic details from the Apple Diagnostic Repository OR diagnostic test details of iOS Devices. The ticket is generated within GSX system. """ if 'alternateDeviceId' in self.data: self.set_type('ns7:fetchIOSDiagnosticRequestDataType') self.set_request('ns3:fetchIOSDiagnosticRequestType', 'lookupRequestData') result = self.submit('FetchIOSDiagnostic') else: self.set_request('ns3:fetchRepairDiagnosticRequestType', 'lookupRequestData') class Returns(GsxObject): def get_report(self): """ The Return Report API returns a list of all parts that are returned or pending for return, based on the search criteria. """ def get_label(self): """ The Return Label API retrieves the Return Label for a given Return Order Number. """ def get_proforma(self): """ The View Bulk Return Proforma API allows you to view the proforma label for a given Bulk Return Id. You can create a parts bulk return by using the Register Parts for Bulk Return API. """ def register_parts(self): """ The Register Parts for Bulk Return API creates a bulk return for the registered parts. The API returns the Bulk Return Id with the packing list. """ def get_pending(self): """ The Parts Pending Return API returns a list of all parts that are pending for return, based on the search criteria. """ class Part(GsxObject): def lookup(self): lookup = Lookup(**self.data) return lookup.parts() class Escalation(GsxObject): def create(self): """ The Create General Escalation API allows users to create a general escalation in GSX. The API was earlier known as GSX Help. """ self.set_type('ns6:createGenEscRequestDataType') self.set_request('ns1:createGenEscRequestType', 'escalationRequest') result = self.submit('CreateGeneralEscalation') return result.escalationConfirmation def update(self): """ The Update General Escalation API allows Depot users to update a general escalation in GSX. """ self.set_type('ns6:updateGeneralEscRequestDataType') self.set_request('ns1:updateGeneralEscRequestType', 'escalationRequest') result = self.submit('UpdateGeneralEscalation') return result.escalationConfirmation class Repair(GsxObject): dt = 'ns6:repairLookupInfoType' request_dt = 'ns1:repairLookupRequestType' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Repair, self).__init__() self.data = kwargs def create_carryin(self): """ The Parts Pending Return API returns a list of all parts that are pending for return, based on the search criteria. """ self.set_type('ns2:emeaAspCreateCarryInRepairDataType') ca = CLIENT.factory.create('ns7:addressType') self.dt.customerAddress = self.data['customerAddress'] self.set_request('ns2:carryInRequestType', 'repairData') result = self.submit('CreateCarryInRepair') print result def create_cnd(self): """ The Create CND Repair API allows Service Providers to create a repair whenever the reported issue cannot be duplicated, and the repair requires no parts replacement. N01 Unable to Replicate N02 Software Update/Issue N03 Cable/Component Reseat N05 SMC Reset N06 PRAM Reset N07 Third Party Part N99 Other """ def update_carryin(self): """ The Update Carry-In Repair API allows the service providers to update the existing open carry-in repairs. This API assists in addition/deletion of parts and addition of notes to a repair. On successful update, the repair confirmation number and quote for any newly added parts would be returned. In case of any validation error or unsuccessful update, a fault code is issued. Carry-In Repair Update Status Codes: AWTP Awaiting Parts AWTR Parts Allocated BEGR In Repair RFPU Ready for Pickup """ pass def lookup(self): """ The Repair Lookup API mimics the front-end repair search functionality. It fetches up to 2500 repairs in a given criteria. Subsequently, the extended Repair Status API can be used to retrieve more details of the repair. """ for k, v in self.data.items(): setattr(self.dt, k, v) self.set_request(field='lookupRequestData') results = self.submit('RepairLookup') return results def mark_complete(self): """ The Mark Repair Complete API allows a single or an array of repair confirmation numbers to be submitted to GSX to be marked as complete. """ pass def delete(self): """ The Delete Repair API allows the service providers to delete the existing GSX Initiated Carry-In, Return Before Replace & Onsite repairs which are in Declined-Rejected By TSPS Approver state, that do not have an active repair id. """ pass def get_status(): """ The Repair Status API retrieves the status for the submitted repair confirmation number(s). """ pass def get_details(self): dt = CLIENT.factory.create('ns0:repairDetailsRequestType') dt.dispatchId = self.data['dispatchId'] dt.userSession = SESSION results = CLIENT.service.RepairDetails(dt) class Communication(GsxObject): def get_content(): """ The Fetch Communication Content API allows the service providers/depot/carriers to fetch the communication content by article ID from the service news channel. """ def get_articles(): """ The Fetch Communication Articles API allows the service partners to fetch all the active communication message IDs. """ class Product(GsxObject): dt = 'ns7:unitDetailType' def __init__(self, sn): super(Product, self).__init__() self.dt.serialNumber = sn self.sn = sn self.lookup = Lookup(serialNumber=self.sn) def get_model(self): """ This API allows Service Providers/Carriers to fetch Product Model information for the given serial number. """ self.set_request('ns3:fetchProductModelRequestType', 'productModelRequest') result = self.submit('FetchProductModel') return result def get_warranty(self, date_received=None, parts=[]): """ The Warranty Status API retrieves the same warranty details displayed on the GSX Coverage screen. If part information is provided, the part warranty information is returned. If you do not provide the optional part information in the warranty status request, the unit level warranty information is returned. """ self.set_request('ns3:warrantyStatusRequestType', 'unitDetail') result = self.submit('WarrantyStatus') return result.warrantyDetailInfo def get_activation(self): """ The Fetch iOS Activation Details API is used to fetch activation details of iOS Devices. """ dt = CLIENT.factory.create('ns3:fetchIOSActivationDetailsRequestType') dt.serialNumber = self.sn dt.userSession = SESSION result = CLIENT.service.FetchIOSActivationDetails(dt) return result.activationDetailsInfo def get_parts(self): return self.lookup.parts() def get_repairs(self): return self.lookup.repairs() def init(env='ut', region='emea'): global CLIENT envs = ('pr', 'it', 'ut',) hosts = {'pr': 'ws2', 'it': 'wsit', 'ut': 'wsut'} if env not in envs: raise ValueError('Environment should be one of: %s' % ','.join(envs)) url = 'https://gsx{env}.apple.com/wsdl/{region}Asp/gsx-{region}Asp.wsdl' url = url.format(env=hosts[env], region=region) CLIENT = Client(url) def connect(user_id, password, sold_to, lang='en', tz='CEST', env='ut', region='emea'): global SESSION SESSION = {} init(env, region) account = CLIENT.factory.create('ns3:authenticateRequestType') account.userId = user_id account.password = password account.languageCode = lang account.userTimeZone = tz account.serviceAccountNo = sold_to result = CLIENT.service.Authenticate(account) SESSION['userSessionId'] = result.userSessionId return SESSION def logout(): CLIENT.service.Logout() if __name__ == '__main__': import json import sys #connect(*sys.argv[1:4]) #f = 'tests/create_carryin_repair.json' #f = 'tests/update_escalation.json' #fp = open(f, 'r') #data = json.load(fp)