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<!-- pfSense packages -->
		<descr>Allows you to create and overwrite files from the GUI.</descr>
		<category>File Management</category>
		<name>File Manager</name>
		<descr>PHP File Manager</descr>
		<name>Country Block</name>
		<descr>Block countries</descr>
		<descr>IP-Blocklist is the new PeerBlock. IP lists are used to add deny/allow rules to the firewall for in &amp; out traffic.</descr>
		<descr>Ajax Interactive Shell - Have you ever wanted SSH or telnet access to your system from an internet desert - from behind a strict firewall, from an internet cafe, or even from a mobile phone? Anyterm is a combination of a web page and a process that runs on your web server that provides this access.  WARNING!  We suggest using Stunnel in combination with this package!</descr>
		<descr>The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer</descr>
		<descr>The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer</descr>
      <name>Proxy Server with mod_security</name>
      <descr>ModSecurity is a web application firewall that can work either embedded or as a reverse proxy. It provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis. In addition this package allows URL forwarding which can be convenient for hosting multiple websites behind pfSense using 1 IP address.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
	  <after_install_info>Please visit the ProxyServer settings tab and set the service up so that it may be started.</after_install_info>
      <descr>*DO NOT RUN THIS ON A FIREWALL. USE A DEDICATED MACHINE!* Pure FTPd Server is a fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server based on Troll-FTPd. It has no known vulnerabilities, is trivial to set up, and is especially designed for modern kernels. Features include PAM support, IPv6, chroot()ed home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', FXP protocol, anti-warez system, bandwidth throttling, restricted ports for passive downloads, an LDAP backend, XML output, and more.</descr>
      <descr>Avahi is a system which facilitates service discovery on a local network. This means that you can plug your laptop or computer into a network and instantly be able to view other people who you can chat with, find printers to print to or find files being shared. This kind of technology is already found in Apple MacOS X (branded Rendezvous, Bonjour and sometimes Zeroconf) and is very convenient. Avahi is mainly based on Lennart Poettering's flexmdns mDNS implementation for Linux which has been discontinued in favour of Avahi.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
	  <after_install_info>Please visit the Avahi settings tab and select which interfaces you do not wish Avahi to listen on and click save to start the service.</after_install_info>
      <descr>ntop is a network probe that shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes. In interactive mode, it displays the network status on the user's terminal. In Web mode it acts as a Web server, creating an HTML dump of the network status. It sports a NetFlow/sFlow emitter/collector, an HTTP-based client interface for creating ntop-centric monitoring applications, and RRD for persistently storing traffic statistics.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>pfSense release key</descr>
	<after_install_info>The pfSense release key has been updated.</after_install_info>
      <descr>Adds pfSense dashboard that will be included with 2.0. WARNING!  Cannot be deinstalled.</descr>
      <name>Dashboard Widget: Snort</name>
      <descr>Dashboard widget for Snort.</descr>
      <name>Dashboard Widget: HAVP</name>
      <descr>Dashboard widget for HAVP alerts.</descr>
      <name>Dashboard Widget: Antivirus Status</name>
      <descr>Dashboard widget for HAVP status.</descr>
      <descr>FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat driven products scaling from a soft-phone up to a soft-switch.  It can be used as a simple switching engine, a PBX, a media gateway or a media server to host IVR applications using simple scripts or XML to control the callflow. pfSense 1.2.3 or higher is recommended.</descr>
      <name>FreeSWITCH Dev</name>
      <descr>FreeSWITCH package development version.</descr>
      <descr>Track things you want to note for this system.</descr>
      <descr>Trivial File Transport Protocol is a very simple file transfer protocol. Often used with routers, voip phones and more.</descr>
      <descr>PHP run as a service it can do anything PHP can do including but not limited to monitoring files, CPU, RAM, and send alerts to the syslog.</descr>
      <descr>Tool to Backup and Restore files and directories.</descr>
      <descr>The cron utility is used to manage commands on a schedule.</descr>
      <descr>The shellcmd utility is used to manage commands on system startup.</descr>
      <descr>DenyHosts analyzes logs for SSH login attempts and blocks offending IP addresses.</descr>
      <name>DNS Blacklist</name>
      <descr>DNS Blacklist uses dnsmasq entries to block domain names by category.</descr>
      <descr>It is a web server package that can host HTML, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. It uses the lighttpd web server that is already installed. It uses PHP5 in FastCGI mode and has access to PHP Data Ojbects and PDO SQLite.</descr>
      <descr>WARNING: This is the old snort package. A few current snort.org rules are not supported in this package. This package will not be supported in Pfsense 2.0.</descr>
      <version> pkg v.1.8</version>
	  <after_install_info>Please visit the Snort settings tab and enter your oinkid code. Afterwards visit the update rules tab to download the snort rules.</after_install_info>
      <descr>Used by fortune 500 companies and governments Snort is the most widely deployed IDS/IPS technology worldwide. It features rules based logging and can perform content searching/matching in addition to being used to detect a variety of other attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, and much more.</descr>
      <version> pkg v. 1.35</version>
	  <after_install_info>Please visit the Snort settings tab and enter your oinkid code. Afterwards visit the update rules tab to download the snort rules.</after_install_info>
      <descr>Proxy for handling NAT of multiple SIP devices to a single public IP.</descr>
      <descr>OpenBGPD is a FREE implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4. It allows ordinary machines to be used as routers exchanging routes with other systems speaking the BGP protocol.</descr>
      <descr>High perfomance web proxy report. Requires squid.</descr>
      <version>1.7.1 pkg v.1.2</version>
      <descr>A console-based network traffic monitor + vnstat PHP frontend</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>PHPSysInfo is a customizable PHP Script that parses /proc, and formats information nicely. It will display information about system facts like Uptime, CPU, Memory, PCI devices, SCSI devices, IDE devices, Network adapters, Disk usage, and more.</descr>
      <descr>With Fit123 a small set of features can be added to pfSense 1.2.3 (Date)Adds current date to front page (LTSP)Adds 3th network boot option (After Filter Change) Clear states after filter reload (DNS Servers)Adds option for a 3th and 4th DNS Server (DDNS)A more customize way to update dynamic dns (CASS) Clear states for 1 voip client after dynamic ip update on wan.</descr>
      <descr>pfSense version of TinyDNS which features failover host support</descr>
      <descr>VMware Tools</descr>
      <descr>Automatically backs up your pfSense configuration.  All contents are encrypted on the server.  Requires pfSense Premium Support Portal Subscription from https://portal.pfsense.org</descr>
      <descr>Broadcasts a who-has ARP packet on the network and prints answers. </descr>
      <descr>NMap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering), version detection (determine what application/service is runing on a port), and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host OS or device identification). It also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy/stealth scanning, SunRPC scanning, and more. Most Unix and Windows platforms are supported in both GUI and command line modes. Several popular handheld devices are also supported, including the Sharp Zaurus and the iPAQ.</descr>
      <descr>OSPF routing protocol</descr>
      <version>4.6 pkg v0.5.2</version>
      <descr>IMSpector is an Instant Messenger transparent proxy with logging capabilities. Currently it supports MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo and IRC to different degrees.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>Network UPS Tools</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <version>2.2.2b pkg 1.4</version>
      <descr>Paul Taylors version of Diagnostics States which utilizes pftop.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>darkstat is a network statistics gatherer. It's a packet sniffer that runs as a background process on a cable/DSL router, gathers all sorts of statistics about network usage, and serves them over HTTP.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>pfflowd converts OpenBSD PF status messages (sent via the pfsync interface) to Cisco NetFlow datagrams. These datagrams may be sent (via UDP) to a host of one's choice. Utilising the OpenBSD stateful packet filter infrastructure means that flow tracking is very fast and accurate.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>RFC1413 auth/identd daemon with fixed fake reply</descr>
      <descr>A free implementation of the RADIUS protocol.</descr>
      <descr>BandwidthD tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds html files with graphs to display utilization. Charts are built by individual IPs, and by default display utilization over 2 day, 8 day, 40 day, and 400 day periods. Furthermore, each ip address's utilization can be logged out at intervals of 3.3 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour or 12 hours in cdf format, or to a backend database server. HTTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, VPN, and P2P traffic are color coded.</descr>
      <descr>An SSL encryption wrapper between remote client and local or remote servers. </descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>Iperf is a tool for testing network throughput, loss, and jitter.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>This is a network benchmark for DOS, OS/2 2.x, Windows NT/2000 and Unix. It measures the net throughput of a network via NetBIOS and/or TCP/IP protocols (Unix and DOS only support TCP/IP) using various different packet sizes.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>Enhanced traceroute replacement</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>High performance web proxy cache.</descr>
      <version>2.7.9 pkg v.4.3.1</version>
      <maintainer>fernando@netfilter.com.br seth.mos@dds.nl mfuchs77@googlemail.com</maintainer>
      <descr>DISCONTINUED on pfSense 1.2.x [EXPERIMENTAL! Not all directives are ported yet! High performance web proxy cache.]</descr>
      <status>DISCONTINUED on pfSense 1.2.x</status>
      <maintainer>fernando@netfilter.com.br seth.mos@dds.nl mfuchs77@googlemail.com</maintainer>
      <descr>LCD display driver</descr>
      <descr>Arpwatch monitors ethernet/ip address pairings. It also logs certain changes to syslog.</descr>
      <descr>High perfomance web proxy URL filter. Requires proxy Squid package.</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <version>1.4_3 pkg v.1.9</version>
      <name>Zabbix Agent</name>
      <descr>Monitoring agent.</descr>
      <name>Zabbix Proxy</name>
      <descr>Monitoring agent proxy.</descr>
      <name>OpenVPN Client Export Utility</name>
      <descr>Allows a pre-configured OpenVPN Windows Client or Mac OSX's Viscosity configuration bundle to be exported directly from pfSense.</descr>
      <name>HAVP antivirus</name> 
      <descr>Antivirus:  HAVP (HTTP Antivirus Proxy) is a proxy with a ClamAV anti-virus scanner. The main aims are continuous, non-blocking downloads and smooth scanning of dynamic and password protected HTTP traffic. Havp antivirus proxy has a parent and transparent proxy mode. It can be used with squid or standalone. And File Scanner for local files.</descr> 
      <category>Network Management</category> 
      <after_install_info>Please check the HAVP settings.</after_install_info>
      <descr>Patch to add Protocol options to Manual Outbound NAT. WARNING! Cannot be uninstalled.</descr>
   <descr>pfSense wrapper for jailctl - a jail management tool. Allows you to run jails on pfSense.</descr>
   <descr>Basic template for jails, probably requires pfJailctl to be useful. Includes 'base' and 'manpages' dists.</descr>
	<descr>An IGMP proxy for multicast traffic.</descr>
	<name>NRPE v2</name>
	<descr>NRPE is an addon for Nagios that allows you to execute plugins on remote Linux/Unix hosts. This is useful if you need to monitor local resources/attributes like disk usage, CPU load, memory usage, etc. on a remote host.</descr>
      <descr>Enhance OpenVPN with TLS-auth and client/server-options. WARNING! Cannot be uninstalled.</descr>
      <descr>This package adds a table of realtime bandwidth usage by IP address to Status -&gt; Traffic Graphs</descr>
      <category>Network Management</category>
      <descr>Allows you to use LEDs for network activity on supported platforms (ALIX, WRAP, Soekris, etc)</descr>
      <status>So Alpha it's Omega</status>
      <name>OpenVPN Status</name>
      <descr>OpenVPN Status Page, backported from 2.0</descr>
      <name>States Summary</name>
      <descr>States Summary Page, which will summarize firewall states by IP address and protocol.</descr>
      <name>IP Range Aliases</name>
      <descr>Patch to add IP Range support to Network Aliases. WARNING! Cannot be uninstalled. Probably does not play nice with URL Table patch.</descr>
      <name>URL Table Aliases</name>
      <descr>Patch to add URL Table alias support to pull a list of CIDRs/IPs from a file by URL into a persist table. WARNING! Cannot be uninstalled. Probably does not play nice with IP Range Aliases patch. This is NOT a way to add an alias for host URLs.</descr>
      <name>dnsmasq EDNS size increase</name>
      <descr>Patch to increase dnsmasq EDNS size to 4096 if needed. WARNING! Cannot be uninstalled.</descr>
      <name>Packet Capture Fix</name>
      <descr>Patch to fix packet capture on 1.2.3 embedded (NanoBSD)</descr>
      <name>RRD Summary</name>
      <descr>RRD Summary Page, which will give a total amount of traffic passed In/Out during this and the previous month.</descr>
      <name>Patch rc to leave filter_dirty</name>
      <descr>Patch to stop /etc/rc from removing /tmp/filter_dirty on boot. Fixes boot issues with some packages on certain platforms.</descr>
		<descr>Interface Bandwidth Stats.  Tracks data usage on each interface.  Helpful if your isp caps your montly data usage.  No dependancies (ie rrd).</descr>
		<name>Pre-2.0 Upgrade Check</name>
		<descr>Pre-2.0 Upgrade Check</descr>