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    <description>Describe your package here</description>
    <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
    <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>

        <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Destinations</title>

        <delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
        <addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>

                        <text>General settings</text>

                        <fielddescr>Destination name</fielddescr>
                        <fielddescr>Domain list</fielddescr>
                        <fielddescr>URL list</fielddescr>

                                Enter the unique name here.
                                Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
                                All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
                        <fielddescr>Domains list</fielddescr>
                                Enter destination domains here. For separate domains names use ' '(space).
                                &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'mail.ru e-mail.ru yahoo.com' .
                                Enter word fragments, what may be contains in destinations URL path.
                                For separate expression words use '|'.
                                &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'mail|casino|game' .
                        <fielddescr>URLs list</fielddescr>
                                Enter url's here.
                                For separate urls's use ' '(space).
                                &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'host.com/xxx' .
                        <fielddescr>Redirect mode</fielddescr>
                                Select redirect mode here.
                                &lt;br&gt; Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
<!--                                &lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt; int size limit  :&lt;/b&gt;    if content size 0 or > 'size limit', then client moved to 'blank image' page; -->
                                &lt;br&gt; Options:
                                &lt;A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" &gt;
                                &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt;ext url err page&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
                                &lt;A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" &gt;
                                &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url redirect&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
                                &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" &gt;
                                &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'move'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
                                &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" &gt;
                                &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'found'.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt;
                                <option><name>none</name>                                                <value>rmod_none</value></option>
                                <option><name>int error page (enter error message)</name>                <value>rmod_int</value></option>
                                <option><name>int blank page </name>                                        <value>rmod_int_bpg</value></option>
                                <option><name>int blank image</name>                                        <value>rmod_int_bim</value></option>
<!--                                <option><name>int size limit (enter size in bytes)</name>        <value>rmod_int_szl</value></option> -->
                                <option><name>ext url err page (enter URL)</name>                   <value>rmod_ext_err</value></option>
                                <option><name>ext url redirect (enter URL)</name>                   <value>rmod_ext_rdr</value></option>
                                <option><name>ext url move  (enter URL)</name>                         <value>rmod_ext_mov</value></option>
                                <option><name>ext url found (enter URL)</name>                         <value>rmod_ext_fnd</value></option>
                                Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
                        <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
                        <description>Check this for enable log.</description>
                        <description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).</description>

                squidguard_validate_destination($_POST, &amp;$input_errors);