Describe your package here Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. squidguardgeneral 1.2.0_1 Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: General settings /usr/local/pkg/ Proxy Content filter Modify the proxy server's filter settings
General settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&id=0 Default /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&id=0 ACL /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml Destinations /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml Times /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml Rewrites /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml Log /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml squidGuard Proxy server filter Service squidGuard /usr/local/www/ 0755 Enable squidguard_enable Check this for enable squidGuard checkbox Blacklist blacklist Check this for enable blacklist checkbox Blacklist proxy blacklist_proxy Blacklist upload proxy - enter here, or leave blank. Format: host:[port login:pass] . Default proxy port 1080. Example: ' user:pass' input 100 Blacklist URL blacklist_url Enter FTP, HTTP or LOCAL (pfSense) URL blacklist archive, or leave blank. input 100 Redirect mode redirect_mode Select redirect mode here. If you selected 'Internal', then will use internal 'sgerror.php' page. Else - all redirect url's will added 'as it is'. In this situation you can't use 'HTTP error codes', 'BLANK' and 'BLANK_IMG' extensions, only you self error page URL. select rmod_int Emulate error HTTP header emu_err_http_hdr Check this for enable emulation error code HTTP header, when proxy-filter deny access to URL with specified HTTP error code in 'Redirect' field's. This may change behaviour client's IE brouser and affiliated proxy. checkbox View GUI log view_gui_log Check this for view GUI log checkbox squidguard_before_form(&$pkg); squidGuard_print_javascript(); squidguard_resync(); squidguard_install_command(); squidguard_resync(); squidguard_deinstall_command();