squid.incsquidcacheProxy server: Cache managementGeneral settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid.xml&id=0Upstream proxy/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_upstream.xml&id=0Cache management/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_cache.xml&id=0Access control/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_nac.xml&id=0Traffic management/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_traffic.xml&id=0Auth settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_auth.xml&id=0Local users/pkg.php?xml=squid_users.xmlHard disk cache sizeharddisk_cache_sizeThis is the amount of disk space (in megabytes) to use for cached objects.100inputMemory cache sizememory_cache_sizeThis is the amount of physical RAM (in megabytes) to be used for negative cache and in-transit objects. This value should not exceed more than 50% of the installed RAM. The minimum value is 1MB.8inputMinimum object sizeminimum_object_sizeObjects smaller than the size specified (in kilobytes) will not be saved on disk. The default value is 0, meaning there is no minimum.0inputMaximum object sizemaximum_object_sizeObjects larger than the size specified (in kilobytes) will not be saved on disk. If you wish to increase speed more than you want to save bandwidth, this should be set to a low value.4inputLevel 1 subdirectorieslevel1_subdirsEach level 1 (L1) directory contains 256 subdirectories, so a value of 256 L1 directories will use a total of 65536 directories for the hard disk cache. This will significantly slow down the startup process of the proxy service, but can speed up the caching under certain conditions.16selectMemory replacement policymemory_replacementThe memory replacement policy determines which objects are purged from memory when space is needed. The default policy for memory replacement is GSDF.heap GSDFselectCache replacement policycache_replacementThe cache replacement policy decides which objects will remain in cache and which objects are replaced to create space for the new objects. The default policy for cache replacement is LFUDA.heap LFUDAselectDo not cachedonotcacheThe specified domains or IP addresses (separated by commas) will never be cached.textarea550Enable offline modeenable_offlineEnable this option and the proxy server will never try to validate cached objects. The offline mode also gives access to more cached information than the proposed feature would allow (stale cached versions, where the origin server should have been contacted).checkbox
squid_validate_cache($_POST, &$input_errors);