Services: SnortSnort2.6.0.2/usr/local/pkg/077 Settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=snort.xml&id=0Update Snort Rules/snort_download_rules.phpSnort Rulesets/snort_rulesets.phpSnort Blocked/snort_blocked.phpSnort Whitelist/pkg.php?xml=snort_whitelist.xmlSnort Alerts/snort_alerts.phpInterfaceiface_arraySelect all WAN type interfaceslantrue3interfaces_selectionPerformanceperformanceac method is the fastest startup but consumes more a lot more memory. acs/ac-banded and ac-sparsebands/mwm/lowmem methods use quite a bit less.selectOinkmaster codeoinkmastercodeObtain a Oinkmaster code and paste here.input60Block offendersblockoffendersAutomatically block hosts that generate a snort alert.checkbox60Update rules automaticallyautomaticrulesupdateAutomatically check for and update rules once a week from VPNs automaticallywhitelistvpnsChecking this option will install whitelists for all VPNs.checkboxConvert Snort alerts urls to clickable linksclickablalerteurlsChecking this option will automatically convert URLs in the Snort alerts tab to clickable links.checkboxAssociate events on Blocked tabassociatealertipChecking this option will automatically associate the blocked reason from the snort alerts file.checkboxSync Snort configuration to secondary cluster memberssyncxmlrpcChecking this option will automatically sync the snort configuration via XMLRPC to CARP cluster members.checkbox