nmap Services: PowerDNS true yes PowerDNS
pgsql Password password Enter the pgsql users password. password pgsql Password AGAIN passwordagain password IP Address ipaddress input ( to bind to all) Cache Time to Live cachettl input 20 Recommended value: 20 Master master select Slave slave select system("/usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -m immediate"); system("rm -rf /usr/local/pgsql"); system("/usr/sbin/pw userdel pgsql"); system("/usr/bin/killall -9 postgres"); echo "<p>"; echo "Reboot required... One moment..."; echo "<p>"; /* system("/sbin/shutdown -r now"); */ echo "<pre>"; echo "Creating DB..."; system("/usr/bin/su -l pgsql -c initdb"); system("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/010.pgsql.sh start"); system("/usr/bin/su -l pgsql -c \"dropdb powerdns\" "); system("/usr/bin/su -l pgsql -c \"createdb powerdns\" "); $fout = fopen("/usr/local/pkg/powerdns.schema","w"); /* DATABASE SCHEMA */ fwrite($fout, "create table domains (\n"); fwrite($fout, "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n"); fwrite($fout, "name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, "master VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, "last_check INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, "type VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, "notified_serial INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, "account VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL\n"); fwrite($fout, ");\n"); fwrite($fout, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name_index ON domains(name);\n"); fwrite($fout, "CREATE TABLE records (\n"); fwrite($fout, " id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n"); fwrite($fout, " domain_id INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " name VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " type VARCHAR(6) DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " content VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " ttl INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " prio INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " change_date INT DEFAULT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " CONSTRAINT domain_exists\n"); fwrite($fout, " FOREIGN KEY(domain_id) REFERENCES domains(id)\n"); fwrite($fout, " ON DELETE CASCADE\n"); fwrite($fout, ");\n"); fwrite($fout, "CREATE INDEX rec_name_index ON records(name);\n"); fwrite($fout, "CREATE INDEX nametype_index ON records(name,type);\n"); fwrite($fout, "CREATE INDEX domain_id ON records(domain_id);\n"); fwrite($fout, "create table supermasters (\n"); fwrite($fout, " ip VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " nameserver VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n"); fwrite($fout, " account VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL\n"); fwrite($fout, ");\n"); fwrite($fout, "GRANT SELECT ON supermasters TO pgsql;\n"); fwrite($fout, "GRANT ALL ON domains TO pgsql;\n"); fwrite($fout, "GRANT ALL ON domains_id_seq TO pgsql;\n"); fwrite($fout, "GRANT ALL ON records TO pgsql;\n"); fwrite($fout, "GRANT ALL ON records_id_seq TO pgsql;\n"); fclose($fout); system("cat /usr/local/pkg/powerdns.schema | /usr/bin/su -l pgsql -c \"psql powerdns\" "); echo "Installation completed!"; if($password == $passwordagain) { $fd = popen("/usr/sbin/pw usermod -n pgsql -H 0", "w"); $salt = md5(time()); $crypted_pw = crypt($_POST['password'],$salt); fwrite($fd, $crypted_pw); pclose($fd); $fout = fopen("/usr/local/etc/pdns.conf","w"); fwrite($fout, "launch=gpgsql\n"); fwrite($fout, "gpgsql-host=\n"); fwrite($fout, "gpgsql-dbname=powerdns\n"); fwrite($fout, "gpgsql-user=pgsql\n"); fwrite($fout, "gpgsql-password=" . $_POST['password'] . "\n"); fwrite($fout, "chroot=/var/empty\n"); fwrite($fout, "disable-tcp=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "guardian=yes\n"); fwrite($fout, "webserver=yes\n"); fwrite($fout, "webserver-address=\n"); fwrite($fout, "webserver-port=8081\n"); fwrite($fout, "local-address=" . $_POST['ipaddress'] . "\n"); fwrite($fout, "master=" . $_POST['master'] . "\n"); fwrite($fout, "slave=" . $_POST['slave'] . "\n"); fwrite($fout, "cache-ttl=" . $_POST['cachettl'] . "\n"); /* XXX: TODO */ fwrite($fout, "# allow-axfr-ips=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# allow-recursion=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# config-dir=/etc\n"); fwrite($fout, "# config-name=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# control-console=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# default-soa-name=ns.example.com\n"); fwrite($fout, "# disable-axfr=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# distributor-threads=3\n"); fwrite($fout, "# fancy-records=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# launch=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# lazy-recursion=yes\n"); fwrite($fout, "# load-modules=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# local-ipv6=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# local-port=53\n"); fwrite($fout, "# log-dns-details=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# log-failed-updates=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# logfile=pdns.log\n"); fwrite($fout, "# logging-facility=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# loglevel=4\n"); fwrite($fout, "# max-queue-length=5000\n"); fwrite($fout, "# max-tcp-connections=10\n"); fwrite($fout, "# module-dir=/usr/local/bin/../lib\n"); fwrite($fout, "# negquery-cache-ttl=60\n"); fwrite($fout, "# only-soa=org\n"); fwrite($fout, "# out-of-zone-additional-processing=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# query-cache-ttl=20\n"); fwrite($fout, "# query-logging=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# queue-limit=1500\n"); fwrite($fout, "# receiver-threads=1\n"); fwrite($fout, "# recursive-cache-ttl=10\n"); fwrite($fout, "# recursor=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# setgid=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# setuid=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# skip-cname=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# slave=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# slave-cycle-interval=60\n"); fwrite($fout, "# soa-minimum-ttl=3600\n"); fwrite($fout, "# soa-serial-offset=0\n"); fwrite($fout, "# socket-dir=/var/run\n"); fwrite($fout, "# strict-rfc-axfrs=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# urlredirector=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# use-logfile=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# webserver-password=\n"); fwrite($fout, "# webserver-print-arguments=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# wildcard-url=no\n"); fwrite($fout, "# wildcards=\n"); fclose($fout); system("/usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -m smart 2>/dev/null"); system("/usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile start 2>/dev/null"); } else { echo "Passwords do not much!"; exit; }