p3scanpfspam 1.0 Services: POP3 Proxy: SPAM Settings This <acronym title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</acronym> page uses default values, hence even if each field is set, you are still required to save this page if you are editing this page for the very first time! p3scan-pf.inc pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-spam.xml&id=0 Daemon Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf.xml&id=0 Message Processing pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-msg.xml&id=0 Emergency Contact /pkg.php?xml=p3scan-pf-emer.xml Virus Scanner Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-vir.xml&id=0 SPAM Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-spam.xml&id=0 ['installedpackages']['p3scanpf']['config']['spam'] Enable Spam Checking checkspam If set, will scan for Spam before scanning for a virus. checkbox true spamcheck SPAM Executable Command spamcheck The command (plus arguments) that should be invoked to check for SPAM messages. input 70 /usr/local/bin/dspam --user dspamuser --mode=teft --stdout --deliver=innocent,spam --feature=ch,no,wh sync_package_p3scan();