<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- change this if configpath works -->
  <title>Services: POP3 Proxy: Message Processing</title>
    This &lt;acronym title=&quot;Hypertext Markup Language&quot;&gt;HTML&lt;/acronym&gt; page uses default values, hence even if each field is 
    set, you are still required to save this page if you are editing this page
    for the very first time!
      <text>Daemon Settings</text>
      <text>Transparent Proxy Exclusion</text>
      <text>Message Processing</text>
      <active />
      <text>Emergency Contact</text>
      <text>Virus Scanner Settings</text>
      <text>SPAM Settings</text>
    configpath gets expanded out automatically and config items
    will be stored in that location
    fields gets invoked when the user adds or edits a item. The following items
    will be parsed and rendered for the user as a gui with input, and selectboxes.
      <fielddescr>Just Delete</fielddescr>
        Instead of keeping an infected message in the Virus Directory, delete it 
        after reporting it to the user.
      <fielddescr>Bytes Free</fielddescr>
      <description>The number of KB's there must be free before processing any mail.</description>
      <required />
      <fielddescr>Broken Email Clients</fielddescr>
        Some email clients may require special processing.
      <fielddescr>ISP Spam</fielddescr>
        This option allows you to set the string your &lt;acronym title=&quot;Internet Service Provider&quot;&gt;ISP&lt;/acronym&gt; uses if it processes 
        your email for SPAM. Leave this field blank if you are not going to use 
        this option.
      <default_value>-- Spam --</default_value>
        This option can be used to change the default subject line when 
        reporting a virus infected message.
      <default_value>Subject: "[Virus] found in a mail to you:" &lt;virus name&gt;</default_value>
      <required />
        This option can be used to change the default file deleted notification 
        that is displayed in the virus notification message when the 
        &quot;justdelete&quot; option is used.
      <default_value>Per instruction, the message has been deleted.</default_value>
      <required />
      <fielddescr>SMTP Reject</fielddescr>
        This option can be used to change the default &lt;acronym title=&quot;Simple Mail Transfer Protocol&quot;&gt;SMTP&lt;/acronym&gt; Reject message that 
        is sent to the client in the event a message is rejected due to a virus. 
        The error message will have a prefix of &quot;554&quot;.
      <default_value>Virus detected! P3scan rejected message!</default_value>
      <required />
      <fielddescr>Check SMTP size</fielddescr>
        This option can be used to set the maximum message size (in KBytes) 
        that p3scan will use to determine if it should scan an smtp submission. 
        Leave this field blank if you are not going to use this option.
        This option is used to add the virus definition info from your scanner 
        to an SMTP message. Leave this field blank if you are not going to use 
        this option.
      <default_value>/usr/local/bin/clamdscan -V</default_value>
    Arbitrary PHP Code, that gets executed if a certain event gets triggered.