Describe your package here Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. OpenBGPDNeighbors 1 Services: OpenBGPD Neighbors /usr/local/pkg/ Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=openbgpd.xml&id=0 Neighbors /pkg.php?xml=openbgpd_neighbors.xml Groups /pkg.php?xml=openbgpd_groups.xml Status /openbgpd_status.php Description descr Neighbor neighbor Description descr input 80 Neighbor neighbor Neighbor IP address input 25 Group groupname Add neighbor to BGP group. select none none rowhelper Paramaters paramaters Neighbor settings. Items ending with a X require a value. Leave the items without a trailing X's value blank. select Value parmvalue When the WAN MS ping time is surpassed, item will failover to next host input 15 $newoptions = array(); $new_groups = array(); foreach($config['installedpackages']['openbgpdgroups']['config'] as $item) $new_groups[] = $item['name']; $counter = 0; foreach($new_groups as $group) { $newoptions['option'][$counter]['name'] = $group; $newoptions['option'][$counter]['value'] = $group; $counter++; } $newoptions['option'][$counter]['name'] = ""; $newoptions['option'][$counter]['value'] = ""; $pkg['fields']['field'][2]['options'] = $newoptions; $counter = 0; foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if($field['name'] == "group") { $foundgroupid = $counter; echo "found it: $counter"; } $counter++; } openbgpd_install_conf();