lightsquid Services: Proxy server Report(LightSquid) -> Settings Status 1.7.1 Proxy server report Proxy filter statistic report
/pkg_edit.php?xml=lightsquid.xml&id=0 Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=lightsquid.xml&id=0 Lightsquid Report /lightsquid/index.cgi lightsquid_lang Language Select report language select lang_eng lightsquid_barcolor Bar color Select bar color select orange lightsquid_template Report scheme Select report scheme select base lightsquid_ip2name IP resolve method (future) Select IP to Name resolve method select dns lightsquid_refreshsheduler_time Refresh sheduler Select data refresh period. System will execute task every XX time as from 00:00 hours. <br> For example: if selected 2h - system wil start task at 0-2-4-..-24h. <br> Note: (!),(*) - use only for powerful system; (+) - recomended. <br> Press button below for start background refresh (this take some time). <br> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Refresh now"><br> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Refresh full"> select lhp_none lightsquid_squidrotatelog_sheduler_time Squid rotate log sheduler Select squid log rotate period. System will execute task every XX time as from 00:00 hours. <br> This option will allow the updating of the faster <br> For example: if selected '2 day' - system wil start task every 2 day of month. <br> This option will allow the updating of the faster <br> Note: You must choose from that the rate of filling dialogue access.log squid; <br> The more customers, the more often it should be the job. select lsr_none lightsquid_skipurl Skip url If you want skip some sites from stat, example our local www server Example, if you want skip LOCAL site, put it here|192.168.1.| textarea 60 5 lightsquid_resync(); lightsquid_install(); lightsquid_resync(); lightsquid_deinstall();