lightsquidServices: Proxy server Report(LightSquid) -> SettingsStatus1.7.1lightsquid.inc Report/lightsquid/index.cgilightsquid_langLanguageSelect report languageselectenglightsquid_barcolorBar colorSelect bar colorselectorangelightsquid_templateReport schemeSelect report schemeselectbaselightsquid_ip2nameIP resolve method (future)
<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 style="text-align: left;"> <tbody>
<tr><th colspan=2> Select IP to Name resolve method (take effect only on new data): </th><tr>
<tr><th> IP </th><td> - return IP </td><tr>
<tr><th> Demo </th><td> - return AUTHNAME, else DNSNAME, else IP </td><tr>
<tr><th> DNS </th><td> - return DNSNAME </td><tr>
<tr><th> Simple </th><td> - return AUTHNAME else IP </td><tr>
<tr><th> SMB </th><td> - return SMB name of pc </td><tr>
<tr><th> Squidauth </th><td> - return AUTHNAME else IP, allow cyrilyc name </td><tr>
</tbody> </table>
selectdnslightsquid_refreshsheduler_timeRefresh sheduler
Select data refresh period. System will execute task every XX time as from 00:00 hours. <br>
For example: if selected 2h - system wil start task at 0-2-4-..-24h. <br>
Note: (!),(*) - use only for powerful system; (+) - recomended. <br><br>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Refresh now"><br>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Refresh full">
<br> Press button for start background refresh (this take some time).
<br> <span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);"> Note after installation:
<br> On the first - enable log in squid package with "/var/squid/log" path.
<br> On the second - press Refresh button for create lightsquid reports, else you will have error diagnostic page.</span>
selectlhp_nonelightsquid_squidrotatelog_sheduler_timeSquid rotate log sheduler
Select squid log rotate period. System will execute task every XX time as from 00:00 hours. <br>
This option will allow the updating of the faster <br>
For example: if selected '2 day' - system wil start task every 2 day of month. <br>
This option will allow the updating of the faster <br>
Note: You must choose from that the rate of filling dialogue access.log squid; <br>
The more customers, the more often it should be the job.
selectlsr_nonelightsquid_skipurlSkip url
If you want skip some sites from stat, example our local www server
Example, if you want skip LOCAL site, put it here|192.168.1.|