All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // require_once(""); // require_once(""); require_once("/usr/local/pkg/"); require_once("/usr/local/www/includes/"); function get_uptime_stats() { exec("/usr/bin/uptime", $output, $ret); if(stristr($output[0], "day")) { $temp = explode(" ", $output[0]); $status = "$temp[2] $temp[3] $temp[4] $temp[5] $temp[6] $temp[7] $temp[8] ". substr($temp[9], 0, -1); } else { $temp = explode(" ", $output[0]); $status = "$temp[2] $temp[3] $temp[4] $temp[5] $temp[6] ". substr($temp[7], 0, -1); } return($status); } function get_loadavg_stats() { exec("/usr/bin/uptime", $output, $ret); if(stristr($output[0], "day")) { $temp = explode(" ", $output[0]); $status = "$temp[12] $temp[13] $temp[14]"; } else { $temp = explode(" ", $output[0]); $status = "$temp[10] $temp[11] $temp[12]"; } return($status); } function get_interfaces_stats() { global $g; global $config; $ifstatus = array(); $i = 0; $ifdescrs = array('wan' => 'WAN', 'lan' => 'LAN'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]['descr']; } foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname){ $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); if($ifinfo['status'] == "up") { $online = "Up"; } else { $online = "Down"; } if(!empty($ifinfo['ipaddr'])) { $ip = htmlspecialchars($ifinfo['ipaddr']); } else { $ip = "-"; } $ifstatus[] = htmlspecialchars($ifname) ." $online"; } $status = " ". implode(", ", $ifstatus); return($status); } function get_slbd_stats() { global $g; global $config; if (!is_array($config['load_balancer']['lbpool'])) { $config['load_balancer']['lbpool'] = array(); } $a_pool = &$config['load_balancer']['lbpool']; $slbd_logfile = "{$g['varlog_path']}/slbd.log"; $nentries = $config['syslog']['nentries']; if (!$nentries) $nentries = 50; $now = time(); $year = date("Y"); $pstatus = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($a_pool as $vipent) { $pstatus[] = "{$vipent['name']}"; if ($vipent['type'] == "gateway") { $poolfile = "{$g['tmp_path']}/{$vipent['name']}.pool"; if(file_exists("$poolfile")) { $poolstatus = file_get_contents("$poolfile"); } else { continue; } foreach ((array) $vipent['servers'] as $server) { $lastchange = ""; $svr = split("\|", $server); $monitorip = $svr[1]; if(stristr($poolstatus, $monitorip)) { $online = "Online"; } else { $online = "Offline"; } $pstatus[] = "[{$svr[0]}] {$online}"; } } else { $pstatus[] = "{$vipent['monitor']}"; } } if(count($a_pool) == 0) { $pstatus[] = "Disabled"; } $status = implode(", ", $pstatus); return($status); } function get_carp_stats () { global $g; global $config; if(is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { $carpint = 0; $initcount = 0; $mastercount = 0; $backupcount = 0; foreach($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $carp) { if ($carp['mode'] != "carp") { continue; } $ipaddress = $carp['subnet']; $password = $carp['password']; $netmask = $carp['subnet_bits']; $vhid = $carp['vhid']; $advskew = $carp['advskew']; $carp_int = find_carp_interface($ipaddress); $status = get_carp_interface_status($carp_int); switch($status) { case "MASTER": $mastercount++; break; case "BACKUP": $backupcount++; break; case "INIT": $initcount++; break; } } $status = "M/B/I {$mastercount}/{$backupcount}/{$initcount}"; } else { $status = "CARP Disabled"; } return($status); } function get_ipsec_tunnel_sad() { /* query SAD */ $fd = @popen("/sbin/setkey -D", "r"); $sad = array(); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { $line = chop(fgets($fd)); if (!$line) continue; if ($line == "No SAD entries.") break; if ($line[0] != "\t") { if (is_array($cursa)) $sad[] = $cursa; $cursa = array(); list($cursa['src'],$cursa['dst']) = explode(" ", $line); $i = 0; } else { $linea = explode(" ", trim($line)); if ($i == 1) { $cursa['proto'] = $linea[0]; $cursa['spi'] = substr($linea[2], strpos($linea[2], "x")+1, -1); } else if ($i == 2) { $cursa['ealgo'] = $linea[1]; } else if ($i == 3) { $cursa['aalgo'] = $linea[1]; } } $i++; } if (is_array($cursa) && count($cursa)) $sad[] = $cursa; pclose($fd); } return($sad); } function get_ipsec_tunnel_src($tunnel) { global $g, $config, $sad; $if = "WAN"; if ($tunnel['interface']) { $if = $tunnel['interface']; $realinterface = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($if); $interfaceip = find_interface_ip($realinterface); } return $interfaceip; } function output_ipsec_tunnel_status($tunnel) { global $g, $config, $sad; $if = "WAN"; $interfaceip = get_ipsec_tunnel_src($tunnel); $foundsrc = false; $founddst = false; if(!is_array($sad)) { /* we have no sad array, bail */ return(false); } foreach($sad as $sa) { if($sa['src'] == $interfaceip) $foundsrc = true; if($sa['dst'] == $tunnel['remote-gateway']) $founddst = true; } if($foundsrc && $founddst) { /* tunnel is up */ $iconfn = "pass"; return(true); } else { /* tunnel is down */ $iconfn = "reject"; return(false); } } function get_ipsec_stats() { global $g, $config, $sad; $sad = array(); $sad = get_ipsec_tunnel_sad(); $activecounter = 0; $inactivecounter = 0; $ipsec_detail_array = array(); foreach ($config['ipsec']['tunnel'] as $tunnel){ $ipsecstatus = false; $tun_disabled = "false"; $foundsrc = false; $founddst = false; if (isset($tunnel['disabled'])) { $tun_disabled = "true"; continue; } if(output_ipsec_tunnel_status($tunnel)) { /* tunnel is up */ $iconfn = "true"; $activecounter++; } else { /* tunnel is down */ $iconfn = "false"; $inactivecounter++; } $ipsec_detail_array[] = array('src' => $tunnel['interface'], 'dest' => $tunnel['remote-gateway'], 'remote-subnet' => $tunnel['remote-subnet'], 'descr' => $tunnel['descr'], 'status' => $iconfn, 'disabled' => $tun_disabled); } if (is_array($config['ipsec']['tunnel'])) { $status = "Up/Down $activecounter/$inactivecounter"; } else { $status = "IPSEC Disabled"; } return($status); } /* Define functions */ function send_lcd_commands($lcd, $lcd_cmds) { if(!is_array($lcd_cmds) || (empty($lcd_cmds))) { lcdproc_warn("Failed to interpret lcd commands"); return; } foreach($lcd_cmds as $lcd_cmd) { $cmd_output = ""; if(! fwrite($lcd, "$lcd_cmd\n")) { lcdproc_warn("Connection to LCDd process lost $errstr ($errno)"); die(); } $cmd_output = fgets($lcd, 4096); // FIXME: add support for interpreting menu commands here. if(preg_match("/^huh?/", $cmd_output)) { lcdproc_notice("LCDd output: \"$cmd_output\". Executed \"$lcd_cmd\""); } } } function build_interface($lcd) { global $g; global $config; $lcdproc_screens_config = $config['installedpackages']['lcdprocscreens']['config'][0]; $lcd_cmds = array(); $lcd_cmds[] = "hello"; $lcd_cmds[] = "client_set name pfSense"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add welcome_scr"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set welcome_scr heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set welcome_scr name welcome"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add welcome_scr title_wdgt title"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add welcome_scr text_wdgt scroller"; /* process screens to display */ if(is_array($lcdproc_screens_config)) { foreach($lcdproc_screens_config as $name => $screen) { if($screen == "on") { switch($name) { case "scr_time": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_uptime": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_hostname": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_system": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_disk": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_load": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_states": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_carp": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_ipsec": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_slbd": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; case "scr_interfaces": $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_add $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name heartbeat off"; $lcd_cmds[] = "screen_set $name name $name"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name title_wdgt string"; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_add $name text_wdgt scroller"; break; } } } } send_lcd_commands($lcd, $lcd_cmds); } function loop_status($lcd) { global $g; global $config; $lcdproc_screens_config = $config['installedpackages']['lcdprocscreens']['config'][0]; if(empty($g['product_name'])) { $g['product_name'] = "pfSense"; } $version = @file_get_contents("/etc/version"); /* keep a counter to see how many times we can loop */ $i = 1; while($i) { $lcd_cmds = array(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set welcome_scr title_wdgt \"Welcome to\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set welcome_scr text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"{$g['product_name']} $version\""; /* process screens to display */ foreach((array) $lcdproc_screens_config as $name => $screen) { if($screen != "on") { continue; } switch($name) { case "scr_time": $time = date ("n/j/Y H:i"); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ System Time\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$time\""; break; case "scr_uptime": $uptime = get_uptime_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ System Uptime\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$uptime\""; break; case "scr_hostname": exec("/bin/hostname", $output, $ret); $hostname = $output[0]; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ System Name\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$hostname\""; break; case "scr_system": $processor = cpu_usage(); $memory = mem_usage(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ System Stats\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"CPU {$processor}%, Mem {$memory}%\""; break; case "scr_disk": $disk = disk_usage(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ Disk Use\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"Disk {$disk}%\""; break; case "scr_load": $loadavg = get_loadavg_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ Load Averages\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$loadavg\""; break; case "scr_states": $states = get_pfstate(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ Traffic States\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"Curr/Max $states\""; break; case "scr_carp": $carp = get_carp_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ CARP State\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$carp\""; break; case "scr_ipsec": $ipsec = get_ipsec_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ IPsec Tunnels\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$ipsec\""; break; case "scr_slbd": $slbd = get_slbd_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ Load Balancer\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$slbd\""; break; case "scr_interfaces": $interfaces = get_interfaces_stats(); $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name title_wdgt 1 1 \"+ Interfaces\""; $lcd_cmds[] = "widget_set $name text_wdgt 1 2 16 2 h 2 \"$interfaces\""; break; } } send_lcd_commands($lcd, $lcd_cmds); sleep(5); $i++; } } /* Connect to the LCDd port and interface with the LCD */ $lcd = fsockopen(LCDPROC_HOST, LCDPROC_PORT, $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$lcd) { lcdproc_warn("Failed to connect to LCDd process $errstr ($errno)"); } else { build_interface($lcd); loop_status($lcd); /* loop exited? Close fd and wait for the script to kick in again */ fclose($lcd); } ?>