ifdepd 20050303 ifdepd: Settings ifdepd Modify ifdepd settings.
ifdepd.xml /pkg_edit.php?xml=ifdepd.xml&id=0
ifdepd ifdepd.sh ifdepd installedpackages->package->$packagename->configuration->settings Use default values usedefaults If this is checked ifdepd will monitor the WAN and LAN interfaces for connectivity and will disable carp0 and carp1 upon their failure. checkbox Source interfaces srcinterface Enter a colon seperated list of interfaces to monitor for connectivity. You must use the physical interface names. input Destination interfaces destinterface Enter a colon seperated list of interfaces to disable once one of the source interfaces loses connectivity. You must specify physical interface names. input function sync_package_ifdepd() { conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); global $config; $ifdepd_config =& $config['installedpackages']['ifdepd']['config']; if($ifdepd_config != "") { if(isset($ifdepd_config['usedefaults'])) { $lan_int = $config['interfaces']['lan']['if']; $wan_int = $config['interfaces']['wan']['if']; $start = "/usr/local/bin/ifdepd -d -S " . $lan_int . ":" . $wan_int . " -D carp0:carp1\n"; } else { $start = "/usr/local/bin/ifdepd -d -S " . $ifdepd_config['srcinterface'] . " -D " . $_POST['destinterface'] . "\n"; } write_rcfile(array( "file" => "ifdepd.sh", "start" => $start, "stop" => "/usr/bin/killall ifdepd" ) ); restart_service("ifdepd"); } conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } sync_package_ifdepd(); sync_package_ifdepd();