'WAN', 'lan' => 'LAN'); for ($j = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) { $ifdescrs['opt' . $j] = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]['descr']; } //get the interface ip addresses and try to connect to them foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname){ $ifinfo = get_interface_info($ifdescr); $interface_ip_address = $ifinfo['ipaddr']; if (strlen($interface_ip_address) > 0) { $fp = fsockopen($interface_ip_address, $port, $errno, $errdesc, 3); socket_set_blocking($fp,false); if (!$fp) { //connection failed continue through the loop testing other addresses //invalid handle } else { //connected to the socket return the handle while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 1024); usleep(100); //allow time for reponse if (trim($buffer) == "Content-Type: auth/request") { fputs($fp, "auth $password\n\n"); break; } } return $fp; } } //end if interface_ip_address } //end foreach } //end function function event_socket_request($fp, $cmd) { if ($fp) { fputs($fp, $cmd."\n\n"); usleep(100); //allow time for reponse $response = ""; $i = 0; $contentlength = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096); if ($contentlength > 0) { $response .= $buffer; } if ($contentlength == 0) { //if contentlenght is already don't process again if (strlen(trim($buffer)) > 0) { //run only if buffer has content $temparray = split(":", trim($buffer)); if ($temparray[0] == "Content-Length") { $contentlength = trim($temparray[1]); } } } usleep(100); //allow time for reponse //optional because of script timeout //don't let while loop become endless if ($i > 10000) { break; } if ($contentlength > 0) { //is contentlength set //stop reading if all content has been read. if (strlen($response) >= $contentlength) { break; } } $i++; } return $response; } else { echo "no handle"; } } function event_socket_request_cmd($cmd) { global $config; $password = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_password']; $port = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_port']; $host = $config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr']; if (pkg_is_service_running('freeswitch')) { $fp = event_socket_create($host, $port, $password); $response = event_socket_request($fp, $cmd); fclose($fp); } unset($host, $port, $password); } function byte_convert( $bytes ) { if ($bytes<=0) return '0 Byte'; $convention=1000; //[1000->10^x|1024->2^x] $s=array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB'); $e=floor(log($bytes,$convention)); return round($bytes/pow($convention,$e),2).' '.$s[$e]; } function recording_js() { global $config; $admin_pin = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['admin_pin']; $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/recordings.js","w"); $tmp = " var pin = \"".$admin_pin."\";\n"; $tmp .= " //var pin = \"\"; //don't require a pin\n"; $tmp .= " //if you choose not to require a pin then then you may want to add a dialplan condition for a specific caller id\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var digitmaxlength = 0;\n"; $tmp .= " var timeoutpin = 7500;\n"; $tmp .= " var timeouttransfer = 7500;\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate = new Date();\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var adjusthours = 0; //Adjust Server time that is set to GMT 7 hours\n"; $tmp .= " var adjustoperator = \"-\"; //+ or -\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if (adjustoperator == \"-\") {\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate2 = new Date(objdate.getFullYear(),objdate.getMonth(),objdate.getDate(),(objdate.getHours() - adjusthours),objdate.getMinutes(),objdate.getSeconds());\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " if (adjustoperator == \"+\") {\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate2 = new Date(objdate.getFullYear(),objdate.getMonth(),objdate.getDate(),(objdate.getHours() + adjusthours),objdate.getMinutes(),objdate.getSeconds());\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var Hours = objdate2.getHours();\n"; $tmp .= " var Mins = objdate2.getMinutes();\n"; $tmp .= " var Seconds = objdate2.getSeconds();\n"; $tmp .= " var Month = objdate2.getMonth() + 1;\n"; $tmp .= " var Date = objdate2.getDate();\n"; $tmp .= " var Year = objdate2.getYear()\n"; $tmp .= " var Day = objdate2.getDay()+1;\n"; $tmp .= " var exit = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " function mycb( session, type, data, arg ) {\n"; $tmp .= " if ( type == \"dtmf\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"digit: \"+data.digit+\"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " if ( data.digit == \"#\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"detected pound sign.\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " return( true );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += data.digit;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if ( dtmf.digits.length < digitmaxlength ) {\n"; $tmp .= " return( true );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " return( false );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"Recording Request\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var dtmf = new Object( );\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if ( session.ready( ) ) {\n"; $tmp .= " session.answer( );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if (pin.length > 0) {\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_engine=flite\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_voice=kal\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"speak\", \"Please enter your pin number now.\");\n"; $tmp .= " digitmaxlength = 6;\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"playback_terminators=#\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.streamFile( \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/please_enter_your_pin_number.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.collectInput( mycb, dtmf, timeoutpin );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if (dtmf.digits == pin || pin.length == 0) {\n"; //$tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"Recordings pin is correct\\n\" );\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_engine=flite\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_voice=kal\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"speak\", \"Begin recording.\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.streamFile( \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/begin_recording.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"playback_terminators=#\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"record\", \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/temp\"+Year+Month+Day+Hours+Mins+Seconds+\".wav 180 200\");\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " console_log( \"info\", \"Pin: \" + dtmf.digits + \" is incorrect\\n\" );\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_engine=flite\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"set\", \"tts_voice=kal\");\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"speak\", \"Your pin number is incorect, goodbye.\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.streamFile( \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/your_pin_number_is_incorect_goodbye.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " session.hangup();\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " }"; fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($tmp); fclose($fout); } function sync_package_freeswitch_settings() { global $config; if($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'] != "") { conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'] as $rowhelper) { $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/default.xml","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml, $event_socket_password); fclose($fout); $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/xml_rpc.conf","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml, $event_socket_password); fclose($fout); recording_js(); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } } function sync_package_freeswitch_dialplan() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplan']['config'][0]['dialplan_default_xml']) == 0) { /* dialplan not found in the pfsense config.xml get the default dialplan and save to config.xml. */ $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default.xml"; $fout = fopen($filename,"r"); $tmpxml = fread($fout, filesize($filename)); $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplan']['config'][0]['dialplan_default_xml'] = base64_encode($tmpxml); unset($filename, $dialplan); fclose($fout); } else { /* found the dialplan in the pfsense config.xml save it to default.xml. */ $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default.xml","w"); $tmpxml = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplan']['config'][0]['dialplan_default_xml']; fwrite($fout, base64_decode($tmpxml)); fclose($fout); unset($tmpxml); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function sync_package_freeswitch_extensions() { global $config; if($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchextensions']['config'] != "") { conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); /* delete all old extensions to prepare for new ones */ unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/1*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/2*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/3*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/4*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/5*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/6*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/7*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/8*.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/9*.xml"); foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchextensions']['config'] as $rowhelper) { $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/".$rowhelper['extension'].".xml","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; if (strlen($rowhelper['cidr']) == 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } else { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if (strlen($rowhelper['vm-mailto']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; switch ($rowhelper['vm-attach-file']) { case "true": $tmpxml .= " \n"; break; case "false": $tmpxml .= " \n"; break; default: $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['auth-acl']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if (strlen($rowhelper['effective_caller_id_number']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['outbound_caller_id_number']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } } function sync_package_freeswitch_gateways() { global $config; if($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchgateways']['config'] != "") { conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); /* delete all old gateways to prepare for new ones */ unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external/*.xml"); foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchgateways']['config'] as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper['enabled'] != "false") { $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external/".$rowhelper['gateway'].".xml","w"); $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if (strlen($rowhelper['username']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['password']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['realm']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['from-user']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['from-domain']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['proxy']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['expire-seconds']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['register']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['register-transport']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['retry-seconds']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['extension']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['context']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['caller-id-in-from']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($rowhelper['supress-cng']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); } } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api sofia profile external restart reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } } function sync_package_freeswitch_modules() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'] as $rowhelper) { $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml","w"); $tmpxml =""; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_console'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_logfile'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_syslog'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_yaml'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_enum'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_xml_rpc'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_xml_curl'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_xml_cdr'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_cdr_csv'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_event_multicast'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_event_socket'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_zeroconf'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_ldap'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_dingaling'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_iax'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_portaudio'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_alsa'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_sofia'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_loopback'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_wanpipe'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_woomera'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_openzap'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_commands'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_conference'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_dptools'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_expr'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_fifo'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_voicemail'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_limit'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_esf'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_fsv'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_snom'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_dialplan_directory'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_dialplan_xml'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_dialplan_asterisk'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_voipcodecs'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_g723_1'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_g729'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_amr'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_ilbc'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_speex'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_siren'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_celt'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_h26x'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_sndfile'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_native_file'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_shout'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_local_stream'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_tone_stream'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_spidermonkey'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_perl'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_python'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_java'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_lua'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_flite'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_pocketsphinx'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_cepstral'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_openmrcp'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_rss'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; if ($rowhelper['mod_say_en'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } if ($rowhelper['mod_say_zh'] == "enable"){ $tmpxml .= " \n"; } $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function sync_package_freeswitch_public() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchpublic']['config'][0]['public_xml']) == 0) { /* dialplan_public_xml not found in the pfsense config.xml get the default public.xml and save to config.xml. */ $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/public.xml"; $fout = fopen($filename,"r"); $tmpxml = fread($fout, filesize($filename)); $tmpxml = str_replace("", "", $tmpxml); $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchpublic']['config'][0]['public_xml'] = base64_encode($tmpxml); unset($filename, $tmpxml); fclose($fout); } else { /* found dialplan_public_xml in the pfsense config.xml save it to public.xml. */ $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/public.xml","w"); $tmpxml = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchpublic']['config'][0]['public_xml']; fwrite($fout, base64_decode($tmpxml)); fclose($fout); unset($tmpxml); } conf_mount_ro(); //$cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function sync_package_freeswitch_vars() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchvars']['config'][0]['vars_xml']) == 0) { /* dialplan not found in the pfsense config.xml get the default dialplan and save to config.xml. */ $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml"; $fout = fopen($filename,"r"); $tmpxml = fread($fout, filesize($filename)); $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchvars']['config'][0]['vars_xml'] = base64_encode($tmpxml); unset($filename, $dialplan); fclose($fout); } else { /* found the dialplan in the pfsense config.xml save it to default.xml. */ $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml","w"); $tmpxml = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchvars']['config'][0]['vars_xml']; fwrite($fout, base64_decode($tmpxml)); fclose($fout); unset($tmpxml); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function sync_package_freeswitch_internal() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchinternal']['config'][0]['internal_xml']) == 0) { /* internal_xml not found in the pfsense config.xml get the internal.xml and save to config.xml. */ $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml"; $fout = fopen($filename,"r"); $tmpxml = fread($fout, filesize($filename)); $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchinternal']['config'][0]['internal_xml'] = base64_encode($tmpxml); unset($filename, $dialplan); fclose($fout); } else { /* found the internal_xml in the pfsense config.xml save it to internal.xml. */ $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml","w"); $tmpxml = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchinternal']['config'][0]['internal_xml']; fwrite($fout, base64_decode($tmpxml)); fclose($fout); unset($tmpxml); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function sync_package_freeswitch_external() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchexternal']['config'][0]['external_xml']) == 0) { /* external_xml not found in the pfsense config.xml get the external.xml and save to config.xml. */ $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml"; $fout = fopen($filename,"r"); $tmpxml = fread($fout, filesize($filename)); $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchexternal']['config'][0]['external_xml'] = base64_encode($tmpxml); unset($filename, $dialplan); fclose($fout); } else { /* found the external_xml in the pfsense config.xml save it to external.xml. */ $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml","w"); $tmpxml = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchexternal']['config'][0]['external_xml']; fwrite($fout, base64_decode($tmpxml)); fclose($fout); unset($tmpxml); } conf_mount_ro(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); } function get_recording_filename($id) { global $config; $a_recordings = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchrecordings']['config']; if (count($a_recordings) > 0) { global $config; foreach($a_recordings as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper['recordingid'] == $id) { return $rowhelper['filename']; } } } } function sync_package_freeswitch_ivr() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); $a_ivr = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchivr']['config']; if (count($a_ivr) > 0) { foreach($a_ivr as $rowhelper) { /* $rowhelper['ivrid'] $rowhelper['ivrextension'] $rowhelper['ivrname'] $rowhelper['recordingid'] $rowhelper['ivrtimeout'] $rowhelper['ivrcontext'] $rowhelper['ivrconditionjs'] $rowhelper['ivrdescr'] */ $a_dialplan_includes = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludes']['config']; $a_dialplan_include_details = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludedetails']['config']; //add the IVR to the dialplan if (strlen($rowhelper['ivrid']) > 0) { $action = 'add'; //set default action to add $i = 0; if (count($a_dialplan_includes) > 0) { foreach($a_dialplan_includes as $row) { //$row['dialplanincludeid']; //$row['extensionname']; //$row['context']; //$row['enabled']; //echo "if (".$row['opt1name']." == \"ivrid\" && ".$row['opt1value']." == ".$rowhelper['ivrid'].") {\n"; if ($row['opt1name'] == "ivrid" && $row['opt1value'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']) { //update $action = 'update'; $dialplanincludeid = $row['dialplanincludeid']; $extensionname = $row['extensionname']; $order = $row['order']; $context = $row['context']; $enabled = $row['enabled']; $descr = $row['descr']; $opt1name = $row['opt1name']; $opt1value = $row['opt1value']; $id = $i; //echo "update".$i."
\n"; } $i++; } } $ent = array(); if ($action == 'add') { $dialplanincludeid = guid(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['extensionname'] = $rowhelper['ivrextension']; $ent['order'] = '9001'; //if update use the existing order number and extension name and desc $ent['context'] = $rowhelper['ivrcontext']; $ent['enabled'] = 'true'; $ent['descr'] = 'IVR'; $ent['opt1name'] = 'ivrid'; $ent['opt1value'] = $rowhelper['ivrid']; //add to the config $a_dialplan_includes[] = $ent; unset($ent); $ent = array(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['tag'] = 'condition'; //condition, action, antiaction $ent['fieldtype'] = 'destination_number'; $ent['fielddata'] = '^'.$rowhelper['ivrextension'].'$'; $a_dialplan_include_details[] = $ent; unset($ent); $ivrid = str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $rowhelper['ivrid']); $ent = array(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['tag'] = 'action'; //condition, action, antiaction $ent['fieldtype'] = 'javascript'; $ent['fielddata'] = 'ivr_'.$ivrid.'.js'; $a_dialplan_include_details[] = $ent; unset($ent); unset($ivrid); } if ($action == 'update') { $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['extensionname'] = $rowhelper['ivrextension']; $ent['order'] = $order; $ent['context'] = $context; $ent['enabled'] = $enabled; $ent['descr'] = $descr; $ent['opt1name'] = $opt1name; $ent['opt1value'] = $opt1value; //update the config $a_dialplan_includes[$id] = $ent; unset($ent); unset($extensionname); unset($order); unset($context); unset($enabled); unset($descr); unset($opt1name); unset($opt1value); unset($id); } write_config(); sync_package_freeswitch_dialplan_includes(); unset($dialplanincludeid); } //end if strlen ivrid; add the IVR to the dialplan // Build the IVR javascript $recording_action_filename = get_recording_filename($rowhelper['recordingidaction']); $recording_antiaction_filename = get_recording_filename($rowhelper['recordingidantiaction']); $password = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_password']; $port = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_port']; $host = $config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr']; if (pkg_is_service_running('freeswitch')) { $fp = event_socket_create($host, $port, $password); $cmd = "api global_getvar domain"; $domain = trim(event_socket_request($fp, $cmd)); } $tmp = ""; //make sure the variable starts with no value $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var condition = true;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var domain = \"".$domain."\"; //by default this is the ipv4 address of FreeSWITCH used for transfer to voicemail\n"; $tmp .= " var digitmaxlength = 0;\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate = new Date();\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var adjusthours = 0; //Adjust Server time that is set to GMT 7 hours\n"; $tmp .= " var adjustoperator = \"-\"; //+ or -\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if (adjustoperator == \"-\") {\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate2 = new Date(objdate.getFullYear(),objdate.getMonth(),objdate.getDate(),(objdate.getHours() - adjusthours),objdate.getMinutes(),objdate.getSeconds());\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " if (adjustoperator == \"+\") {\n"; $tmp .= " var objdate2 = new Date(objdate.getFullYear(),objdate.getMonth(),objdate.getDate(),(objdate.getHours() + adjusthours),objdate.getMinutes(),objdate.getSeconds());\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var Hours = objdate2.getHours();\n"; $tmp .= " var Mins = objdate2.getMinutes();\n"; $tmp .= " var Seconds = objdate2.getSeconds();\n"; $tmp .= " var Month = objdate2.getMonth() + 1;\n"; $tmp .= " var Date = objdate2.getDate();\n"; $tmp .= " var Year = objdate2.getYear()\n"; $tmp .= " var Day = objdate2.getDay()+1;\n"; $tmp .= " var exit = false;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "//console_log( \"info\", \"IVR Server Time is: \"+Hours+\":\"+Mins+\" \\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " function mycb( session, type, obj, arg ) {\n"; $tmp .= " try {\n"; $tmp .= " if ( type == \"dtmf\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= " console_log( \"info\", \"digit: \"+obj.digit+\"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " if ( obj.digit == \"#\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"detected pound sign.\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " exit = true;\n"; $tmp .= " return( false );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += obj.digit;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " if ( dtmf.digits.length >= digitmaxlength ) {\n"; $tmp .= " exit = true;\n"; $tmp .= " return( false );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " } catch (e) {\n"; $tmp .= " console_log( \"err\", e+\"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " return( true );\n"; $tmp .= " } //end function mycb\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= base64_decode($rowhelper['ivrconditionjs']); $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; //$tmp .= " //condition = true; //debugging\n"; $tmp .= " if (condition) {\n"; $tmp .= " //action\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"office hours\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= " var dtmf = new Object( );\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= " if ( session.ready( ) ) {\n"; $tmp .= " session.answer( );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " digitmaxlength = 1;\n"; $tmp .= " while (session.ready() && ! exit ) {\n"; $tmp .= " //session.streamFile( \"C:/Program Files/FreeSWITCH/sounds/".$recording_action_filename."\", mycb, \"dtmf ".$rowhelper['ivrtimeout']."\" );\n"; $tmp .= " session.streamFile( \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/".$recording_action_filename."\", mycb, \"dtmf ".$rowhelper['ivrtimeout']."\" );\n"; $tmp .= " if (session.ready()) {\n"; $tmp .= " if (dtmf.digits == 0) {\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += session.getDigits(1, \"#\", ".($rowhelper['ivrtimeout']*1000)."); // ".$rowhelper['ivrtimeout']." seconds\n"; $tmp .= " if (dtmf.digits == 0) {\n"; //$tmp .= " console_log( "info", "time out option: " + dtmf.digits + "\n" );\n"; $a_ivr_options = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchivroptions']['config']; //find the timeout IVR options with the correct action if (count($a_ivr_options) > 0) { foreach($a_ivr_options as $row) { if ($row['ivrid'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']) { if ($row['optionaction'] == "action") { if ($row['optionnumber'] == "t") { if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { $tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\"); //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; } } } //end anti-action } //end ivrid } //end for each } //if count $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " break; //dtmf found end the while loop\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " //pickup the remaining digits\n"; //$tmp .= " //http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Session_getDigits\n"; //$tmp .= " //getDigits(length, terminators, timeout, digit_timeout, abs_timeout)\n"; //$tmp .= " //dtmf.digits += session.getDigits(2, \"#\", 3000); //allow up to 3 digits\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += session.getDigits(3, \"#\", 3000); //allow up to 4 digits\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; //$tmp .= " console_log( \"info\", \"IVR Digit Pressed: \" + dtmf.digits + \"\\n\" );\n"; //action $tmpaction = ""; $tmp .= " if ( dtmf.digits.length > \"0\" ) {\n"; $x = 0; $a_ivr_options = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchivroptions']['config']; if (count($a_ivr_options) > 0) { foreach($a_ivr_options as $row) { /* $row['ivrid'] $row['optionnumber'] $row['optiontype'] $row['optionaction'] $row['optiondest'] $row['optiondescr'] */ $tmpactiondefault = ""; //find the correct IVR options with the correct action if ($row['ivrid'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']){ if ($row['optionaction'] == "action") { //$tmpaction .= "\n"; switch ($row['optionnumber']) { //case "t": //if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { // $tmpactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\"); //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; //} //if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { // //$tmpactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; // $tmpactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; //} //break; default: //$tmpaction .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"IVR Detected 1 digit \\n\" );\n"; if ($x == 0) { $tmpaction .= " if ( dtmf.digits == \"".$row['optionnumber']."\" ) { //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } else { $tmpaction .= " else if ( dtmf.digits == \"".$row['optionnumber']."\" ) { //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { $tmpaction .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { //$tmpaction .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; $tmpaction .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; } $tmpaction .= " }\n"; } $x++; } //end if action } //end ivrid } //end foreach } //end if count $tmp .= $tmpaction; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", dtmf.digits+\" XML default\");\n"; //$tmp .= $tmpactiondefault; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; unset($tmpaction); $tmp .= " } \n"; //$tmp .= " else if ( dtmf.digits.length == \"3\" ) {\n"; //$tmp .= " //Transfer to the extension the caller chose\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", dtmf.digits+\" XML default\");\n"; //$tmp .= " } else {\n"; //$tmp .= $tmpactiondefault; //$tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " } //end if session.ready\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " //anti-action\n"; $tmp .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"After hours\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " var dtmf = new Object( );\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= " if ( session.ready( ) ) {\n"; $tmp .= " session.answer( );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " digitmaxlength = 1;\n"; $tmp .= " while (session.ready() && ! exit ) {\n"; $tmp .= " session.streamFile( \"/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/".$recording_antiaction_filename."\", mycb, \"dtmf ".$rowhelper['ivrtimeout']."\" );\n"; $tmp .= " if (session.ready()) {\n"; $tmp .= " if (dtmf.digits == 0) {\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += session.getDigits(1, \"#\", ".($rowhelper['ivrtimeout']*1000)."); // ".$rowhelper['ivrtimeout']." seconds\n"; $tmp .= " if (dtmf.digits == 0) {\n"; //$tmp .= " console_log( "info", "time out option: " + dtmf.digits + "\n" );\n"; //find the timeout IVR options with the correct action if (count($a_ivr_options) > 0) { foreach($a_ivr_options as $row) { if ($row['ivrid'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']) { if ($row['optionaction'] == "anti-action") { if ($row['optionnumber'] == "t") { if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { $tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\"); //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; } } } //end anti-action } //end ivrid } //end for each } //if count $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " break; //dtmf found end the while loop\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " //pickup the remaining digits\n"; $tmp .= " //http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Session_getDigits\n"; $tmp .= " //getDigits(length, terminators, timeout, digit_timeout, abs_timeout)\n"; $tmp .= " dtmf.digits += session.getDigits(3, \"#\", 3000);\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " console_log( \"info\", \"IVR Digit Pressed: \" + dtmf.digits + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; //$antiactioncount = 0; //foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchivroptions']['config'] as $row) { // //find the correct IVR options with the correct action // if ($row['ivrid'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']) { // if ($row['optionaction'] == "anti-action") { // $antiactioncount++; // } // } //} //$tmp .= "anti-action count: ".$antiactioncount."
\n"; $tmpantiaction = ""; $tmp .= " if ( dtmf.digits.length > \"0\" ) {\n"; $x = 0; if (count($a_ivr_options) > 0) { foreach($a_ivr_options as $row) { /* $row['ivrid'] $row['optionnumber'] $row['optiontype'] $row['optionaction'] $row['optiondest'] $row['optiondescr'] */ //$tmpantiactiondefault = ""; //find the correct IVR options with the correct action if ($row['ivrid'] == $rowhelper['ivrid']) { if ($row['optionaction'] == "anti-action") { switch ($row['optionnumber']) { //case "t": //if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { // $tmpantiactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\"); //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; //} //if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { // //$tmpantiactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; // $tmpantiactiondefault .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; //} //break; default: //$tmpantiaction .= " //console_log( \"info\", \"IVR Detected 1 digit \\n\" );\n"; if ($x == 0) { $tmpantiaction .= " if ( dtmf.digits == \"".$row['optionnumber']."\" ) { //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } else { $tmpantiaction .= " else if ( dtmf.digits == \"".$row['optionnumber']."\" ) { //".$row['optiondescr']."\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "extension") { $tmpantiaction .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; } if ($row['optiontype'] == "voicemail") { //$tmpantiaction .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"".$row['optiondest']." XML default\");\n"; $tmpantiaction .= " session.execute(\"voicemail\", \"default \"+domain+\" ".$row['optiondest']."\");\n"; } $tmpantiaction .= " }\n"; } //end switch $x++; } //end anti-action } //end ivrid } //end for each } //if count $tmp .= $tmpantiaction; $tmp .= " else {\n"; $tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", dtmf.digits+\" XML default\");\n"; //$tmp .= $tmpantiactiondefault; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; unset($tmpantiaction); $tmp .= " } \n"; //$tmp .= " else if ( dtmf.digits.length == \"3\" ) {\n"; //$tmp .= " //Transfer to the extension the caller chose\n"; //$tmp .= " session.execute(\"transfer\", dtmf.digits+\" XML default\"); \n"; //$tmp .= " }\n"; //$tmp .= " else {\n"; //$tmp .= $tmpantiactiondefault; //$tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " } //end if session.ready\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " } //end if condition"; unset($tmpactiondefault); unset($tmpantiactiondefault); if (strlen($rowhelper['ivrid']) > 0) { $ivrfilename = "ivr_".str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $rowhelper['ivrid']).".js"; $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/".$ivrfilename,"w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($ivrfilename); fclose($fout); } } //end foreach } //end if count conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } //end function function sync_package_freeswitch_dialplan_includes() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); $a_dialplan_includes = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludes']['config']; $a_dialplan_include_details = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludedetails']['config']; if (count($a_dialplan_includes) > 0) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludes']['config'] as $rowhelper) { $tmp = ""; $tmp .= "\n"; //$rowhelper['dialplanincludeid']; //$rowhelper['extensionname']; //$rowhelper['context']; //$rowhelper['enabled']; $tmp = "\n"; if (count($a_dialplan_include_details) > 0) { $conditioncount = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "condition" && $rowhelper['dialplanincludeid'] == $ent['dialplanincludeid']) { $conditioncount++; $i++; } } $i = 1; foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "condition" && $rowhelper['dialplanincludeid'] == $ent['dialplanincludeid']) { if ($conditioncount == 1) { //single condition //start tag $tmp .= " \n"; } else { //more than one condition if ($i < $conditioncount) { //all tags should be self-closing except the last one $tmp .= " \n"; } else { //for the last tag use the start tag $tmp .= " \n"; } } $i++; } } //end for each } //end if count if (count($a_dialplan_include_details) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "action" && $rowhelper['dialplanincludeid'] == $ent['dialplanincludeid']) { $tmp .= " \n"; } $i++; } } if (count($a_dialplan_include_details) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "anti-action" && $rowhelper['dialplanincludeid'] == $ent['dialplanincludeid']) { $tmp .= " \n"; } $i++; } } //if (count($a_dialplan_include_details) > 0) { //foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { // $i = 0; // if ($ent['tag'] == "param" && $rowhelper['dialplanincludeid'] == $ent['dialplanincludeid']) { //$ent['tag'] //$ent['fieldtype'] //$ent['fielddata'] // } // $i++; // } //} if ($conditioncount > 0) { $tmp .= " \n"; } unset ($conditioncount); $tmp .= "\n"; if ($rowhelper['enabled'] == "true") { $dialplanincludefilename = $rowhelper['order']."_".$rowhelper['extensionname'].".xml"; $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default/".$dialplanincludefilename,"w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); fclose($fout); } unset($dialplanincludefilename); unset($tmp); } //end foreach } //if array count conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } function sync_package_freeswitch_public_includes() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); $a_public_includes = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchpublicincludes']['config']; $a_public_include_details = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchpublicincludedetails']['config']; if (count($a_public_includes) > 0) { foreach($a_public_includes as $rowhelper) { $tmp = ""; $tmp .= "\n"; //$rowhelper['publicincludeid']; //$rowhelper['extensionname']; //$rowhelper['context']; //$rowhelper['enabled']; $tmp = "\n"; if (count($a_public_include_details) > 0) { $conditioncount = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($a_public_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "condition" && $rowhelper['publicincludeid'] == $ent['publicincludeid']) { $conditioncount++; $i++; } } $i = 1; foreach ($a_public_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "condition" && $rowhelper['publicincludeid'] == $ent['publicincludeid']) { if ($conditioncount == 1) { //single condition //start tag $tmp .= " \n"; } else { //more than one condition if ($i < $conditioncount) { //all tags should be self-closing except the last one $tmp .= " \n"; } else { //for the last tag use the start tag $tmp .= " \n"; } } $i++; } } //end for each } //end if count if (count($a_public_include_details) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_public_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "action" && $rowhelper['publicincludeid'] == $ent['publicincludeid']) { $tmp .= " \n"; } $i++; } } if (count($a_public_include_details) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_public_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['tag'] == "anti-action" && $rowhelper['publicincludeid'] == $ent['publicincludeid']) { $tmp .= " \n"; } $i++; } } //if (count($a_public_include_details) > 0) { //foreach ($a_public_include_details as $ent) { // $i = 0; // if ($ent['tag'] == "param" && $rowhelper['publicincludeid'] == $ent['publicincludeid']) { //$ent['tag'] //$ent['fieldtype'] //$ent['fielddata'] // } // $i++; // } //} if ($conditioncount > 0) { $tmp .= " \n"; } unset ($conditioncount); $tmp .= "\n"; if ($rowhelper['enabled'] == "true") { $publicincludefilename = $rowhelper['order']."_".$rowhelper['extensionname'].".xml"; $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/public/".$publicincludefilename,"w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); fclose($fout); } unset($publicincludefilename); unset($tmp); } //end foreach } //end if count conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } function sync_package_freeswitch() { global $config; sync_package_freeswitch_settings(); sync_package_freeswitch_dialplan(); sync_package_freeswitch_dialplan_includes(); sync_package_freeswitch_extensions(); sync_package_freeswitch_gateways(); sync_package_freeswitch_modules(); sync_package_freeswitch_public(); sync_package_freeswitch_public_includes(); sync_package_freeswitch_vars(); sync_package_freeswitch_internal(); sync_package_freeswitch_external(); //sync_package_freeswitch_recordings(); if (pkg_is_service_running('freeswitch')) { sync_package_freeswitch_ivr(); } } function freeswitch_php_install_command() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); if (!is_dir('/usr/local/www/freeswitch/')) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/www/freeswitch/"); } exec("tar zxvf /tmp/freeswitch.tgz -C /usr/local/"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch.tgz"); //remove some default config files that are not needed unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default/01_example.com.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/public/00_inbound_did.xml"); //copy audio files exec("cp /tmp/please_enter_your_pin_number.wav /usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/please_enter_your_pin_number.wav"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/please_enter_your_pin_number.wav"); exec("cp /tmp/begin_recording.wav /usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/begin_recording.wav"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/begin_recording.wav"); exec("cp /tmp/your_pin_number_is_incorect_goodbye.wav /usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/your_pin_number_is_incorect_goodbye.wav"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/your_pin_number_is_incorect_goodbye.wav"); //rename PHP files from .tmp to .php exec("cp /tmp/class.smtp.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/class.smtp.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/class.smtp.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/class.phpmailer.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/class.phpmailer.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/class.phpmailer.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_cmd.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_cmd.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_cmd.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_extensions.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_extensions.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_extensions.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_extensions_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_extensions_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_extensions_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_gateways.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_gateways.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_gateways.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_gateways_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_gateways_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_gateways_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_ivr.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_ivr.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_ivr_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_ivr_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_ivr_options.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_options.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_ivr_options.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_ivr_options_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_options_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_ivr_options_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_public_includes.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_public_includes.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_details.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_details.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_details.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_details_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_details_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_public_includes_details_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_mailto.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_mailto.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_mailto.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_recordings.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_recordings.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_recordings_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_recordings_edit.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_recordings_play.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings_play.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_recordings_play.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_status.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_status.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_status.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_time_conditions.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_time_conditions.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_time_conditions.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/freeswitch_time_conditions_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_time_conditions_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch_time_conditions_edit.tmp"); /* freeswitch settings defaults */ if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['numbering_plan']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['numbering_plan'] = "US"; } if(strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_password']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_password'] = "ClueCon"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_port']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_port'] = "8021"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_http_port']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_http_port'] = "8787"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_realm']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_realm'] = "freeswitch"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_user']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_user'] = "freeswitch"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_pass']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_pass'] = "works"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['admin_pin']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['admin_pin'] = "7575"; } $numbering_plan = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['numbering_plan']; $event_socket_password = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_password']; $event_socket_port = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['event_socket_port']; $xml_rpc_http_port = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_http_port']; $xml_rpc_auth_realm = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_realm']; $xml_rpc_auth_user = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_user']; $xml_rpc_auth_pass = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['xml_rpc_auth_pass']; $admin_pin = $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['admin_pin']; //write the recording.js script recording_js(); //add recording.js to the dialplan $a_dialplan_includes = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludes']['config']; $a_dialplan_include_details = &$config['installedpackages']['freeswitchdialplanincludedetails']['config']; //delete dialplan recording from the previous install if (count($a_dialplan_includes) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_dialplan_includes as $ent) { if ($ent['extensionname'] == "Recordings") { unset($a_dialplan_includes[$i]); } $i++; } } //delete the recording dialplan details if (count($a_dialplan_include_details) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a_dialplan_include_details as $ent) { if ($ent['fielddata'] == "^732673$") { unset($a_dialplan_include_details[$i]); } if ($ent['fielddata'] == "recordings.js") { unset($a_dialplan_include_details[$i]); } $i++; } } $dialplanincludeid = guid(); $ent = array(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['extensionname'] = 'Recordings'; $ent['order'] = '9000'; $ent['context'] = 'default'; $ent['enabled'] = 'true'; $ent['descr'] = 'Default system recordings tool'; $a_dialplan_includes[] = $ent; unset($ent); $ent = array(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['tag'] = 'condition'; //condition, action, antiaction $ent['fieldtype'] = 'destination_number'; $ent['fielddata'] = '^732673$'; $a_dialplan_include_details[] = $ent; unset($ent); $ent = array(); $ent['dialplanincludeid'] = $dialplanincludeid; $ent['tag'] = 'action'; //condition, action, antiaction $ent['fieldtype'] = 'javascript'; $ent['fielddata'] = 'recordings.js'; $a_dialplan_include_details[] = $ent; unset($ent); write_config(); //prepare switch.conf.xml for voicemail to email $filename = "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml"; $handle = fopen($filename,"rb"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); $handle = fopen($filename,"w"); $contents = str_replace("", "", $contents); $contents = str_replace("", "", $contents); fwrite($handle, $contents); unset($contents); fclose($fout); unset($filename); //prepare shout.conf.xml for mod_shout $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/shout.conf.xml","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); $fout = fopen("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml","w"); $tmpxml = "\n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= " \n"; $tmpxml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); /* freeswitch modules defaults */ if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_console']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_console'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_logfile']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_logfile'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_syslog']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_syslog'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_yaml']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_yaml'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_enum']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_enum'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_rpc']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_rpc'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_curl']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_curl'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_cdr']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_xml_cdr'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_cdr_csv']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_cdr_csv'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_event_multicast']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_event_multicast'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_event_socket']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_event_socket'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_zeroconf']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_zeroconf'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_ldap']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_ldap'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dingaling']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dingaling'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_iax']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_iax'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_portaudio']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_portaudio'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_alsa']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_alsa'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_sofia']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_sofia'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_loopback']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_loopback'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_wanpipe']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_wanpipe'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_woomera']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_woomera'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_openzap']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_openzap'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_commands']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_commands'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_conference']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_conference'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dptools']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dptools'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_expr']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_expr'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_fifo']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_fifo'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_voicemail']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_voicemail'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_limit']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_limit'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_esf']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_esf'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_fsv']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_fsv'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_snom']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_snom'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_directory']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_directory'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_xml']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_xml'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_asterisk']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_dialplan_asterisk'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_voipcodecs']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_voipcodecs'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_g723_1']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_g723_1'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_g729']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_g729'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_amr']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_amr'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_ilbc']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_ilbc'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_speex']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_speex'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_siren']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_siren'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_celt']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_celt'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_h26x']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_h26x'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_sndfile']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_sndfile'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_native_file']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_native_file'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_shout']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_shout'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_local_stream']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_local_stream'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_tone_stream']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_tone_stream'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_spidermonkey']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_spidermonkey'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_perl']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_perl'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_python']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_python'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_java']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_java'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_lua']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_lua'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_flite']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_flite'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_pocketsphinx']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_pocketsphinx'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_cepstral']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_cepstral'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_openmrcp']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_openmrcp'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_rss']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_rss'] = "disable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_say_en']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_say_en'] = "enable"; } if (strlen($config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_say_zh']) == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchmodules']['config'][0]['mod_say_zh'] = "disable"; } // if backup file exists restore it $filename = 'freeswitch.bak.tgz'; //extract a specific directory to /usr/local/freeswitch if (file_exists('/tmp/'.$filename)) { //echo "The file $filename exists"; //Recommended system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/db/'); system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/log/'); system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/recordings/'); system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/scripts/'); system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/storage/'); system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/sounds/music/8000/'); //Optional //system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/conf/'); //system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/grammar/'); //system('cd /usr/local; tar xvpfz /tmp/'.$filename.' freeswitch/htdocs/'); unset($filename); } write_rcfile(array( "file" => "freeswitch.sh", "start" => "/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/./freeswitch -nc", "stop" => "/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/./freeswitch -stop" ) ); exec("rm -R /freeswitch"); exec("cp /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/brian.xml /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/brian.xml.noload"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/brian.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/example.com.xml"); write_rcfile(array( "file" => "freeswitch.sh", "start" => "/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/./freeswitch -nc", "stop" => "/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/./freeswitch -stop" ) ); sync_package_freeswitch(); $handle = popen("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/freeswitch.sh start", "r"); pclose($handle); if (pkg_is_service_running('freeswitch')) { sync_package_freeswitch_ivr(); } $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['freeswitch_version'] = "1.0.1 revision 10638."; $config['installedpackages']['freeswitchsettings']['config'][0]['freeswitch_package_version'] = ""; conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } function freeswitch_deinstall_command() { conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); exec("killall -9 freeswitch"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch.inc"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_dialplan.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_extensions.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_external.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_internal.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_modules.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_public.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/freeswitch_vars.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/class.smtp.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/class.phpmailer.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_cmd.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_dialplan_includes_details_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_extensions.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_extensions_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_options_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_ivr_options.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_gateways.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_gateways_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_mailto.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_details.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_public_includes_details_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_recordings_play.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_time_conditions.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_time_conditions_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/freeswitch/freeswitch_status.php"); exec("rm -R /usr/local/freeswitch/"); exec("rm -R /usr/local/www/freeswitch/"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/freeswitch.sh"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/freeswitch.tar.gz"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/pkg_mgr_FreeSWITCH.log"); conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } ?>