p3scanpfspam 1.0 Services: POP3 Proxy: SPAM Settings This <acronym title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</acronym> page uses default values, hence even if each field is set, you are still required to save this page if you are editing this page for the very first time! /usr/local/pkg/p3scan.inc pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-spam.xml&id=0 Daemon Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf.xml&id=0 Message Processing pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-msg.xml&id=0 Emergency Contact /pkg.php?xml=p3scan-pf-emer.xml Virus Scanner Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-vir.xml&id=0 SPAM Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=p3scan-pf-spam.xml&id=0 ['installedpackages']['p3scanpf']['config']['spam'] Enable Spam Checking checkspam If set, will scan for Spam before scanning for a virus. checkbox true spamcheck SPAM Executable Command spamcheck The command (plus arguments) that should be invoked to check for SPAM messages. input 70 /usr/local/bin/dspam --user dspamuser --mode=teft --stdout --deliver=innocent,spam --feature=ch,no,wh sync_package_p3scan();