Carp Interface |
Virtual IP |
Status |
foreach($config['installedpackages']['carp']['config'] as $carp) {
$ipaddress = $carp['ipaddress'];
$premption = $carp['premption'];
$password = $carp['password'];
$netmask = $carp['netmask'];
$vhid = $carp['vhid'];
$advskew = $carp['advskew'];
$pfsync = $carp['pfsync'];
$synciface = $carp['synciface'];
$carp_int = find_carp_interface($ipaddress);
// XXX - billm - should really 'ifconfig -a |grep carp:' and assign each interface found to an array
// using vhid as identifier and pull from that instead of hitting ifconfig every time through this loop
$status = get_carp_interface_status($carp_int);
if(isset($carp['balancing'])) $balancing = "true"; else $balancing = "false";
if(isset($carp['premption'])) $premption = "true"; else $premption = "false";
// if($synciface <> "") $sync_status = get_pfsync_interface_status($synciface);
echo "";
echo "" . $carp_int . " | ";
echo "" . $ipaddress . " | ";
echo "" . $status . " | ";
echo " ";
Nodes syncing: ";
echo "";
system("/sbin/pfctl -vvss | /usr/bin/grep creator | /usr/bin/cut -d\" \" -f7 | /usr/bin/sort -u");
echo " ";