carpsettings 0.1.0 Services: CARP Settings ['installedpackages']['carpsettings']['config'] pkg_edit.php?xml=carp_settings.xml&id=0 CARP (failover) CARP is a tool to help achieve system redundancy, by having multiple computers creating a single, virtual network interface between them, so that if any machine fails, another can respond instead, and/or allowing a degree of load sharing between systems. CARP is an improvement over the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) standard. It was developed after VRRP was deemed to be not free enough because of a possibly-overlapping Cisco patent.
CARP Virtual IPs /pkg.php?xml=carp.xml CARP Status carp_status.php CARP Settings pkg_edit.php?xml=carp_settings.xml&id=0 PFSync Enabled pfsyncenabled PFSync IP pfsyncip PFSync Interface pfsyncinterface Load Balancing balancing checkbox Preemption premption checkbox Synchrnoize Enabled pfsyncenabled PFSync transfers state insertion, update, and deletion messages between firewalls. Each firewall sends these messages out via multicast on a specified interface, using the PFSYNC protocol (IP Protocol 240). It also listens on that interface for similar messages from other firewalls, and imports them into the local state table. checkbox Synchronize Interface pfsyncinterface interfaces_selection If Synchronize State is enabled, it will utilize this interface for communication. NOTE! You must define a IP on each machin participating in this failver group. NOTE: You must have an IP assigned to the interface on any participating sync nodes. Load Balancing balancing If this feature is enabled, CARP source-hashes the originating IP of a request. The hash is then used to select a virtual host from the available pool to handle the request. This is disabled by default. checkbox Preemption premption When preemption is enabled, each CARP host will look at the advskew (Advertising Frequency) parameter in the advertisements it receives from the master, to try to determine whether it can advertise more frequently. If so, it will begin advertising, and the current master, seeing that there is another host with a lower advskew, will bow out. checkbox Synchronize rules synchronizerules When this option is enabled, this system will automatically sync the firewalls rules over to the other carp host every 5 minutes. checkbox Synchronize aliases synchronizealiases When this option is enabled, this system will automatically sync the aliases over to the other carp host every 5 minutes. checkbox Synchronize nat synchronizenat When this option is enabled, this system will automatically sync the nat rules over to the other carp host every 5 minutes. checkbox Synchronize to IP synchronizetoip Enter the IP address of the firewall you would like to synchornize your rules to. input Known Hosts knownhosts Paste in your authorized hosts file generated from OpenSSH. 4 50 textarea Authorized Keys authorizedkeys Paste in your Authorized Keys file generated from OpenSSH. 4 50 textarea Install keys installkeys Check this option and enter a password below of the remote box if you would like to automatically install the keys on the remote machine. checkbox Install keys password installkeyspassword Enter the password of the remote machine that you would like to copy the keys to. password system("/bin/mkdir -p /root/.ssh"); if($_POST['knownhosts'] != "") { $fout = fopen("/root/.ssh/known_hosts","w"); fwrite($fout, $_POST['knownhosts']); fclose($fout); } if($_POST['authorizedkeys'] != "") { $fout = fopen("/root/.ssh/authorized_keys","w"); fwrite($fout, $_POST['authorizedkeys']); fclose($fout); } if($_POST['installkeys'] != "") { $httpport = "80"; $cmd = "/bin/mkdir /root/.ssh"; /* make sure /root/.ssh exists */ $vararrays = array("cmd" => "mkdir -p /root/.ssh"); http_post($synchronizetoip, $httpport, "/exec_raw.php", $vararrays); /* populate /root/.ssh/known_hosts */ $vararrays = array("cmd" => "echo \"{$_POST['knownhosts']}\" > /root.ssh/known_hosts"); http_post($synchronizetoip, $httpport, "/exec_raw.php", $vararrays); /* populate /root/.ssh/authorized_keys */ $vararrays = array("cmd" => "echo \"{$_POST['authorizedkeys']}\" > /root.ssh/authorized_keys"); http_post($synchronizetoip, $httpport, "/exec_raw.php", $vararrays); }