<?php /* $Id$ */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* zabbix-lts.inc part of the Zabbix package for pfSense Copyright (C) 2013 Danilo G. Baio Copyright (C) 2013 Marcello Coutinho All rights reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ========================================================================== */ require_once("util.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); require_once("pkg-utils.inc"); require_once("globals.inc"); function php_install_zabbix_lts(){ sync_package_zabbix_lts(); } function php_deinstall_zabbix_agent_lts(){ global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); define('ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE', '/usr/pbi/zabbix-agent-lts-' . php_uname("m")); exec("/usr/bin/killall zabbix_agentd"); unlink_if_exists(ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd_lts.sh"); unlink_if_exists(ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_agentd.conf"); unlink_if_exists("/var/log/zabbix-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.log"); unlink_if_exists("/var/run/zabbix-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.pid"); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['zabbixproxylts'])){ if (is_dir("/var/log/zabbix-lts")) exec("/bin/rm -r /var/log/zabbix-lts/"); if (is_dir("/var/run/zabbix-lts")) exec("/bin/rm -r /var/run/zabbix-lts/"); } conf_mount_ro(); } function php_deinstall_zabbix_proxy_lts(){ global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); define('ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE', '/usr/pbi/zabbix-proxy-lts-' . php_uname("m")); exec("/usr/bin/killall zabbix_proxy"); unlink_if_exists(ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/etc/rc.d/zabbix_proxy_lts.sh"); unlink_if_exists(ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_proxy.conf"); unlink_if_exists("/var/log/zabbix-lts/zabbix_proxy_lts.log"); unlink_if_exists("/var/run/zabbix-lts/zabbix_proxy_lts.pid"); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['zabbixagentlts'])){ if (is_dir("/var/log/zabbix-lts")) exec("/bin/rm -r /var/log/zabbix-lts/"); if (is_dir("/var/run/zabbix-lts")) exec("/bin/rm -r /var/run/zabbix-lts/"); } if (is_dir("/var/db/zabbix-lts")) exec("/bin/rm -r /var/db/zabbix-lts/"); conf_mount_ro(); } function validate_input_zabbix_lts($post, &$input_errors){ if (isset($post['proxyenabled'])){ if (!is_numericint($post['serverport'])) { $input_errors[]='Server Port is not numeric.'.$ServerPort; } if (!is_numericint($post['configfrequency'])) { $input_errors[]='Config Frequency is not numeric.'; } } if (isset($post['agentenabled'])){ if (!preg_match("/\w+/", $post['server'])) { $input_errors[]='Server field is required.'; } if (!preg_match("/\w+/", $post['hostname'])) { $input_errors[]='Hostname field is required.'; } if ($post['listenip'] != '') { if (!is_ipaddr_configured($post['listenip']) && !preg_match("/(|",$post['listenip'])) { $input_errors[]='Listen IP is not a configured IP address.'; } } if ($post['listenport'] != '') { if (!preg_match("/^\d+$/", $post['listenport'])) { $input_errors[]='Listen Port is not numeric.'; } } if ($post['refreshactchecks'] != '') { if (!preg_match("/^\d+$/", $post['refreshactchecks'])) { $input_errors[]='Refresh Active Checks is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['refreshactchecks'] < 60 || $post['refreshactchecks'] > 3600 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Refresh Active Checks\''; } } if ($post['timeout'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['timeout'])) { $input_errors[]='Timeout is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['timeout'] < 1 || $post['timeout'] > 30 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Timeout\''; } } if ($post['buffersend'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['buffersend'])) { $input_errors[]='Buffer Send is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['buffersend'] < 1 || $post['buffersend'] > 3600 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Buffer Send\''; } } if ($post['buffersize'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['buffersize'])) { $input_errors[]='Bufer Size is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['buffersize'] < 2 || $post['buffersize'] > 65535 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Buffer Size\''; } } if ($post['startagents'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['startagents'])) { $input_errors[]='Start Agents is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['startagents'] < 0 || $post['startagents'] > 100 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Start Agents\''; } } } } function sync_package_zabbix_lts(){ global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); define('ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE', '/usr/pbi/zabbix-agent-lts-' . php_uname("m")); define('ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE', '/usr/pbi/zabbix-proxy-lts-' . php_uname("m")); #check zabbix proxy config if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['zabbixproxylts'])){ $zbproxy_config = $config['installedpackages']['zabbixproxylts']['config'][0]; if ($zbproxy_config['proxyenabled']=="on"){ $Mode=(is_numericint($zbproxy_config['proxymode'])?$zbproxy_config['proxymode'] : 0); $AdvancedParams=base64_decode($zbproxy_config['advancedparams']); $zbproxy_conf_file = <<< EOF Server={$zbproxy_config['server']} ServerPort={$zbproxy_config['serverport']} Hostname={$zbproxy_config['hostname']} PidFile=/var/run/zabbix-lts/zabbix_proxy_lts.pid DBName=/var/db/zabbix-lts/proxy.db LogFile=/var/log/zabbix-lts/zabbix_proxy_lts.log ConfigFrequency={$zbproxy_config['configfrequency']} FpingLocation=/usr/local/sbin/fping #there's currently no fping6 (IPv6) dependency in the package, but if there was, the binary would likely also be in /usr/local/sbin Fping6Location=/usr/local/sbin/fping6 ProxyMode={$Mode} {$AdvancedParams} EOF; file_put_contents(ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_proxy.conf", strtr($zbproxy_conf_file, array("\r" => ""))); } } /* check zabbix agent settings*/ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['zabbixagentlts'])){ $zbagent_config = $config['installedpackages']['zabbixagent']['config'][0]; if ($zbagent_config['agentenabled']=="on"){ $RefreshActChecks=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['refreshactchecks'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "120"); $BufferSend=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['buffersend'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "5" ); $BufferSize=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['buffersize'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "100"); $StartAgents=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['startagents'],$matches)? $matches[1] :"3" ); $UserParams=base64_decode($zbagent_config['userparams']); $ListenIp=($zbagent_config['listenip'] != ''? $zbagent_config['listenip'] : ""); $ListenPort=($zbagent_config['listenport'] != ''? $zbagent_config['listenport'] : "10050"); $TimeOut=($zbagent_config['timeout'] != ''? $zbagent_config['timeout'] : "3"); $zbagent_conf_file = <<< EOF Server={$zbagent_config['server']} ServerActive={$zbagent_config['serveractive']} Hostname={$zbagent_config['hostname']} ListenIP={$ListenIp} ListenPort={$ListenPort} RefreshActiveChecks={$RefreshActChecks} DebugLevel=3 PidFile=/var/run/zabbix-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.pid LogFile=/var/log/zabbix-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.log LogFileSize=1 Timeout={$TimeOut} BufferSend={$BufferSend} BufferSize={$BufferSize} StartAgents={$StartAgents} {$UserParams} EOF; file_put_contents(ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_agentd.conf", strtr($zbagent_conf_file, array("\r" => ""))); } } $want_sysctls = array( 'kern.ipc.shmall' => '2097152', 'kern.ipc.shmmax' => '2147483648', 'kern.ipc.semmsl' => '250' ); $sysctls = array(); #check sysctl file values $sc_file=""; if (file_exists("/etc/sysctl.conf")) { $sc = file("/etc/sysctl.conf"); foreach ($sc as $line) { list($sysk, $sysv) = explode("=", $line, 2); if (preg_match("/\w/",$line) && !array_key_exists($sysk, $want_sysctls)) $sc_file.=$line; } } foreach ($want_sysctls as $ws=> $wv) { $sc_file .= "{$ws}={$wv}\n"; exec("/sbin/sysctl {$ws}={$wv}"); } file_put_contents("/etc/sysctl.conf", $sc_file); #check bootloader values $lt_file=""; $want_tunables = array( 'kern.ipc.semopm' => '100', 'kern.ipc.semmni' => '128', 'kern.ipc.semmns' => '32000', 'kern.ipc.shmmni' => '4096' ); $tunables = array(); if (file_exists("/boot/loader.conf")) { $lt = file("/boot/loader.conf"); foreach ($lt as $line) { list($tunable, $val) = explode("=", $line, 2); if (preg_match("/\w/",$line) && !array_key_exists($tunable, $want_tunables)) $lt_file.=$line; } } foreach ($want_tunables as $wt => $wv) { $lt_file.= "{$wt}={$wv}\n"; } file_put_contents("/boot/loader.conf", $lt_file); /*check startup script files*/ /* create a few directories and ensure the sample files are in place */ if (!is_dir(ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22")) exec("/bin/mkdir -p " . ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22"); $dir_checks = <<< EOF if [ ! -d /var/log/zabbix-lts ] then /bin/mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix-lts /usr/sbin/chmod 755 /var/log/zabbix-lts fi /usr/sbin/chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-lts if [ ! -d /var/run/zabbix-lts ] then /bin/mkdir -p /var/run/zabbix-lts /usr/sbin/chmod 755 /var/run/zabbix-lts fi /usr/sbin/chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/run/zabbix-lts if [ ! -d /var/db/zabbix-lts ] then /bin/mkdir -p /var/db/zabbix-lts /usr/sbin/chmod 755 /var/db/zabbix-lts fi /usr/sbin/chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/db/zabbix-lts EOF; $zproxy_rcfile="/usr/local/etc/rc.d/zabbix_proxy_lts.sh"; if (is_array($zbproxy_config) && $zbproxy_config['proxyenabled']=="on"){ $zproxy_start= strtr($dir_checks, array("\r" => "")). "\necho \"Starting Zabbix Proxy LTS\"...\n"; /* start zabbix proxy */ $zproxy_start .= ZABBIX_PROXY_BASE . "/sbin/zabbix_proxy\n"; $zproxy_stop = "echo \"Stopping Zabbix Proxy LTS\"\n"; $zproxy_stop .= "/usr/bin/killall zabbix_proxy\n"; $zproxy_stop .= "/bin/sleep 5\n"; /* write out rc.d start/stop file */ write_rcfile(array( "file" => "zabbix_proxy_lts.sh", "start" => $zproxy_start, "stop" => $zproxy_stop ) ); mwexec("{$zproxy_rcfile} restart"); }else{ if (file_exists($zproxy_rcfile)){ mwexec("{$zproxy_rcfile} stop"); unlink($zproxy_rcfile); } } $zagent_rcfile="/usr/local/etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd_lts.sh"; if (is_array($zbagent_config) && $zbagent_config['agentenabled']=="on"){ $zagent_start .= strtr($dir_checks, array("\r" => "")). "\necho \"Starting Zabbix Agent LTS...\"\n"; $zagent_start .= ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/sbin/zabbix_agentd\n"; $zagent_stop = "echo \"Stopping Zabbix Agent LTS...\"\n"; $zagent_stop .= "/usr/bin/killall zabbix_agentd\n"; $zagent_stop .= "/bin/sleep 5\n"; /* write out rc.d start/stop file */ write_rcfile(array( "file" => "zabbix_agentd_lts.sh", "start" => "$zagent_start", "stop" => "$zagent_stop" ) ); mwexec("{$zagent_rcfile} restart"); }else{ if (file_exists($zagent_rcfile)){ mwexec("{$zagent_rcfile} stop"); unlink($zagent_rcfile); } } conf_mount_ro(); } ?>