3600 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Refresh Active Checks\''; } } if ($post['timeout'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['timeout'])) { $input_errors[]='Timeout is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['timeout'] < 1 || $post['timeout'] > 30 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Timeout\''; } } if ($post['buffersend'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['buffersend'])) { $input_errors[]='Buffer Send is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['buffersend'] < 1 || $post['buffersend'] > 3600 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Buffer Send\''; } } if ($post['buffersize'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['buffersize'])) { $input_errors[]='Bufer Size is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['buffersize'] < 2 || $post['buffersize'] > 65535 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Buffer Size\''; } } if ($post['startagents'] != '') { if (!is_numericint($post['startagents'])) { $input_errors[]='Start Agents is not numeric.'; } elseif ( $post['startagents'] < 0 || $post['startagents'] > 100 ) { $input_errors[]='You must enter a valid value for \'Start Agents\''; } } } } function sync_package_zabbix_agent_lts(){ global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); /* check zabbix agent settings*/ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['zabbixagentlts'])){ $zbagent_config = $config['installedpackages']['zabbixagentlts']['config'][0]; if ($zbagent_config['agentenabled']=="on"){ $RefreshActChecks=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['refreshactchecks'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "120"); $BufferSend=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['buffersend'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "5" ); $BufferSize=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['buffersize'],$matches)? $matches[1] : "100"); $StartAgents=(preg_match("/(\d+)/",$zbagent_config['startagents'],$matches)? $matches[1] :"3" ); $UserParams=base64_decode($zbagent_config['userparams']); $ListenIp=($zbagent_config['listenip'] != ''? $zbagent_config['listenip'] : ""); $ListenPort=($zbagent_config['listenport'] != ''? $zbagent_config['listenport'] : "10050"); $TimeOut=($zbagent_config['timeout'] != ''? $zbagent_config['timeout'] : "3"); $zbagent_conf_file = <<< EOF Server={$zbagent_config['server']} ServerActive={$zbagent_config['serveractive']} Hostname={$zbagent_config['hostname']} ListenIP={$ListenIp} ListenPort={$ListenPort} RefreshActiveChecks={$RefreshActChecks} DebugLevel=3 PidFile=/var/run/zabbix-agent-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.pid LogFile=/var/log/zabbix-agent-lts/zabbix_agentd_lts.log LogFileSize=1 Timeout={$TimeOut} BufferSend={$BufferSend} BufferSize={$BufferSize} StartAgents={$StartAgents} {$UserParams} EOF; file_put_contents(ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_agentd.conf", strtr($zbagent_conf_file, array("\r" => ""))); } } $want_sysctls = array( 'kern.ipc.shmall' => '2097152', 'kern.ipc.shmmax' => '2147483648', 'kern.ipc.semmsl' => '250' ); $sysctls = array(); #check sysctl file values $sc_file=""; if (file_exists("/etc/sysctl.conf")) { $sc = file("/etc/sysctl.conf"); foreach ($sc as $line) { list($sysk, $sysv) = explode("=", $line, 2); if (preg_match("/\w/",$line) && !array_key_exists($sysk, $want_sysctls)) $sc_file.=$line; } } foreach ($want_sysctls as $ws=> $wv) { $sc_file .= "{$ws}={$wv}\n"; exec("/sbin/sysctl {$ws}={$wv}"); } file_put_contents("/etc/sysctl.conf", $sc_file); #check bootloader values $lt_file=""; $want_tunables = array( 'kern.ipc.semopm' => '100', 'kern.ipc.semmni' => '128', 'kern.ipc.semmns' => '32000', 'kern.ipc.shmmni' => '4096' ); $tunables = array(); if (file_exists("/boot/loader.conf")) { $lt = file("/boot/loader.conf"); foreach ($lt as $line) { list($tunable, $val) = explode("=", $line, 2); if (preg_match("/\w/",$line) && !array_key_exists($tunable, $want_tunables)) $lt_file.=$line; } } foreach ($want_tunables as $wt => $wv) { $lt_file.= "{$wt}={$wv}\n"; } file_put_contents("/boot/loader.conf", $lt_file); /*check startup script files*/ /* create a few directories and ensure the sample files are in place */ if (!is_dir(ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22")) exec("/bin/mkdir -p " . ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/etc/zabbix22"); $dir_checks = <<< EOF if [ ! -d /var/log/zabbix-agent-lts ] then /bin/mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix-agent-lts /usr/sbin/chmod 755 /var/log/zabbix-agent-lts fi /usr/sbin/chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix-agent-lts if [ ! -d /var/run/zabbix-agent-lts ] then /bin/mkdir -p /var/run/zabbix-agent-lts /usr/sbin/chmod 755 /var/run/zabbix-agent-lts fi /usr/sbin/chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/run/zabbix-agent-lts EOF; $zagent_rcfile="/usr/local/etc/rc.d/zabbix_agentd_lts.sh"; if (is_array($zbagent_config) && $zbagent_config['agentenabled']=="on"){ $zagent_start .= strtr($dir_checks, array("\r" => "")). "\necho \"Starting Zabbix Agent LTS...\"\n"; $zagent_start .= ZABBIX_AGENT_BASE . "/sbin/zabbix_agentd\n"; $zagent_stop = "echo \"Stopping Zabbix Agent LTS...\"\n"; $zagent_stop .= "/usr/bin/killall zabbix_agentd\n"; $zagent_stop .= "/bin/sleep 5\n"; /* write out rc.d start/stop file */ write_rcfile(array( "file" => "zabbix_agentd_lts.sh", "start" => "$zagent_start", "stop" => "$zagent_stop" ) ); mwexec("{$zagent_rcfile} restart"); }else{ if (file_exists($zagent_rcfile)){ mwexec("{$zagent_rcfile} stop"); unlink($zagent_rcfile); } } conf_mount_ro(); } ?>