<script src="/javascript/sorttable.js"></script> <?php /* pfSense_MODULE: header */ require_once("globals.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); /* $Id$ */ /* Determine automated help URL. Should output the page name and parameters separately */ $uri_split = ""; preg_match("/\/(.*)\?(.*)/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $uri_split); /* If there was no match, there were no parameters, just grab the filename Otherwise, use the matched filename from above. */ if (empty($uri_split[0])) { $pagename = ltrim($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/'); } else { $pagename = $uri_split[1]; } /* If the page name is still empty, the user must have requested / (index.php) */ if (empty($pagename)) { $pagename = "index.php"; } /* If the filename is pkg_edit.php or wizard.php, reparse looking for the .xml filename */ if (($pagename == "pkg.php") || ($pagename == "pkg_edit.php") || ($pagename == "wizard.php")) { $param_split = explode('&', $uri_split[2]); foreach ($param_split as $param) { if (substr($param, 0, 4) == "xml=") { $xmlfile = explode('=', $param); $pagename = $xmlfile[1]; } } } /* Build the full help URL. */ $helpurl .= "{$g['help_base_url']}?page={$pagename}"; function return_ext_menu($section) { global $config; $htmltext = ""; $extarray = array(); if($config['installedpackages']['menu'] <> "") { foreach($config['installedpackages']['menu'] as $menuitem) { if($menuitem['section'] != $section) continue; if($menuitem['url'] <> "") { $addresswithport = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); $colonpos = strpos($addresswithport, ":"); if ($colonpos !== False){ //my url is actually just the IP address of the pfsense box $myurl = substr($addresswithport, 0, $colonpos); } else { $myurl = $addresswithport; } $description = str_replace('$myurl', $myurl, $menuitem['url']); } else { $description = '/pkg.php?xml=' . $menuitem['configfile']; } $extarray[] = array($menuitem['name'], $description); } } return $extarray; } function output_menu($arrayitem, $target="") { foreach($arrayitem as $item) { if($target) $targetinfo = "target='{$target}'"; echo '<li><a ' . $targetinfo. ' href="' . $item[1] . '" class="navlnk">' . $item[0] . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } // System $system_menu = array(); $system_menu[] = array("Advanced", "/system_advanced_admin.php"); $system_menu[] = array("Firmware", "/system_firmware.php"); $system_menu[] = array("General Setup", "/system.php"); $system_menu[] = array("Logout", "/index.php?logout"); if ($g['platform'] == "pfSense" or $g['platform'] == "nanobsd") $system_menu[] = array("Packages", "/pkg_mgr_installed.php"); $system_menu[] = array("Setup Wizard", "/wizard.php?xml=setup_wizard.xml"); $system_menu[] = array("Routing", "/system_gateways.php"); $system_menu[] = array("Cert Manager", "/system_camanager.php"); $system_menu[] = array("User Manager", "/system_usermanager.php"); $system_menu = msort(array_merge($system_menu, return_ext_menu("System")),0); // Interfaces $interfaces_menu = array(); if (!isset($config['system']['webgui']['noassigninterfaces'])) $interfaces_menu[] = array("(assign)", "/interfaces_assign.php"); $opts = get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true); foreach ($opts as $oif => $odescr) if (!isset($config['interfaces'][$oif]['ovpn'])) $interfaces_menu[] = array(htmlspecialchars($odescr), "/interfaces.php?if={$oif}"); $interfaces_menu = msort(array_merge($interfaces_menu, return_ext_menu("Interfaces")),0); // Firewall $firewall_menu = array(); $firewall_menu[] = array("Aliases", "/firewall_aliases.php"); $firewall_menu[] = array("NAT", "/firewall_nat.php"); $firewall_menu[] = array("Rules", "/firewall_rules.php"); $firewall_menu[] = array("Schedules", "/firewall_schedule.php"); $firewall_menu[] = array("Traffic Shaper", "/firewall_shaper.php"); $firewall_menu[] = array("Virtual IPs", "/firewall_virtual_ip.php"); $firewall_menu = msort(array_merge($firewall_menu, return_ext_menu("Firewall")),0); // Services $services_menu = array(); $services_menu[] = array("Captive Portal", "/services_captiveportal.php"); $services_menu[] = array("DNS Forwarder", "/services_dnsmasq.php"); $services_menu[] = array("DHCP Relay", "/services_dhcp_relay.php"); if($g['services_dhcp_server_enable']) $services_menu[] = array("DHCP Server", "/services_dhcp.php"); $services_menu[] = array("Dynamic DNS", "/services_dyndns.php"); $services_menu[] = array("IGMP proxy", "/services_igmpproxy.php"); $services_menu[] = array("Load Balancer", "/load_balancer_pool.php"); $services_menu[] = array("OLSR", "/pkg_edit.php?xml=olsrd.xml&id=0"); $services_menu[] = array("PPPoE Server", "/vpn_pppoe.php"); $services_menu[] = array("RIP", "/pkg_edit.php?xml=routed.xml&id=0"); $services_menu[] = array("SNMP", "/services_snmp.php"); if(count($config['interfaces']) > 1) { /* no use for UPnP in single-interface deployments remove to reduce user confusion */ $services_menu[] = array("UPnP & NAT-PMP", "/pkg_edit.php?xml=miniupnpd.xml&id=0"); } $services_menu[] = array("OpenNTPD", "/pkg_edit.php?xml=openntpd.xml&id=0"); $services_menu[] = array("Wake on LAN", "/services_wol.php"); $services_menu = msort(array_merge($services_menu, return_ext_menu("Services")),0); // VPN $vpn_menu = array(); $vpn_menu[] = array("IPsec", "/vpn_ipsec.php"); $vpn_menu[] = array("OpenVPN", "/vpn_openvpn_server.php"); $vpn_menu[] = array("PPTP", "/vpn_pptp.php"); $vpn_menu[] = array("L2TP", "/vpn_l2tp.php"); $vpn_menu = msort(array_merge($vpn_menu, return_ext_menu("VPN")),0); // Status $status_menu = array(); if (isset($config['captiveportal']['enable'])) $status_menu[] = array("Captive Portal", "/status_captiveportal.php"); $status_menu[] = array("CARP (failover)", "/carp_status.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Dashboard", "/index.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Gateways", "/status_gateways.php"); $status_menu[] = array("DHCP Leases", "/status_dhcp_leases.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Filter Reload", "/status_filter_reload.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Interfaces", "/status_interfaces.php"); $status_menu[] = array("IPsec", "/diag_ipsec.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Load Balancer", "/status_lb_pool.php"); $status_menu[] = array("OpenVPN", "/status_openvpn.php"); if ($g['platform'] == "pfSense") $status_menu[] = array("Package Logs", "/diag_pkglogs.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Queues", "/status_queues.php"); $status_menu[] = array("RRD Graphs", "/status_rrd_graph.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Services", "/status_services.php"); $status_menu[] = array("System Logs", "/diag_logs.php"); $status_menu[] = array("Traffic Graph", "/status_graph.php?if=wan"); if(count($config['interfaces']) > 1) $status_menu[] = array("UPnP & NAT-PMP", "/status_upnp.php"); $ifentries = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($ifentries as $ent => $entdesc) { if (is_array($config['interfaces'][$ent]['wireless']) && preg_match($g['wireless_regex'], $config['interfaces'][$ent]['if'])) $ifdescrs[$ent] = $entdesc; } if (count($ifdescrs) > 0) $status_menu[] = array("Wireless", "/status_wireless.php"); $status_menu = msort(array_merge($status_menu, return_ext_menu("Status")),0); // Diagnostics $diagnostics_menu = array(); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("ARP Tables", "/diag_arp.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Authentication", "/diag_authentication.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Backup/Restore", "/diag_backup.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Command Prompt", "/exec.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("DNS Lookup", "/diag_dns.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Edit File", "/edit.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Factory Defaults", "/diag_defaults.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Halt System", "/halt.php" ); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Limiter Info", "/diag_limiter_info.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("NDP Table", "/diag_ndp.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Ping", "/diag_ping.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("pfInfo", "/diag_pf_info.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("pfTOP", "/diag_system_pftop.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Reboot", "/reboot.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Routes", "/diag_routes.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("SMART Status", "/diag_smart.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("States", "/diag_dump_states.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("States Summary", "/diag_states_summary.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("System Activity", "/diag_system_activity.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Tables", "/diag_tables.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Traceroute", "/diag_traceroute.php"); $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Packet Capture", "/diag_packet_capture.php"); if($g['platform'] == "nanobsd") $diagnostics_menu[] = array("NanoBSD", "/diag_nanobsd.php"); if (isset($config['system']['developer'])) { echo "<li><hr width=\"80%\"/></li>"; $diagnostics_menu[] = array("Restart HTTPD", "/restart_httpd.php"); } $diagnostics_menu = msort(array_merge($diagnostics_menu, return_ext_menu("Diagnostics")),0); if(! $g['disablehelpmenu']) { $help_menu = array(); $help_menu[] = array("About this Page", $helpurl); $help_menu[] = array("User Forum", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=forum"); $help_menu[] = array("Documentation", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=doc"); $help_menu[] = array("Developers Wiki", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=devwiki"); $help_menu[] = array("Paid Support", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=portal"); $help_menu[] = array("pfSense Book", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=book"); $help_menu[] = array("Search portal", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=searchportal"); $help_menu[] = array("FreeBSD Handbook", "http://www.pfsense.org/j.php?jumpto=fbsdhandbook"); $help_menu = msort(array_merge($help_menu, return_ext_menu("Help")),0); } /* NOTICE ACKNOWLEDGE CODE by Erik Kristensen */ if ($_REQUEST['noticeaction'] == 'acknowledge') { $notice_id = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['noticeid']); close_notice($notice_id); } /**********************************************/ ?> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <div id="header-left"><a href="index.php" id="status-link"><img src="/themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/transparent.gif" border="0"></a></div> <div id="header-leftright"> <div id="header-right"> <div class="container"> <div class="left">webConfigurator</div> <div class="right"> <? if (are_notices_pending()) { $notices = get_notices(); $requests=array(); ## Get Query Arguments from URL ### foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if ($key != "PHPSESSID") $requests[] = $key.'='.$value; } if(is_array($requests)) $request_string = implode("&", $requests); if(is_array($notices)) { foreach ($notices as $key => $value) { $date = date("m-d-y H:i:s", $key); $noticemsg = str_replace("'", "", $value['notice']); $noticemsg = str_replace('"', "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("\n", "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("<p>", "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("<pre>", "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("</pre>", "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("</p>", "", $noticemsg); $noticemsg = str_replace("<br>", "", $noticemsg); $extra_args = ""; if($_GET['xml']) $extraargs="&xml=" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['xml']); if($_POST['xml']) $extraargs="&xml=" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['xml']); if($_GET['id']) $extraargs="&xml=" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); if($_POST['id']) $extraargs="&xml=" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['id']); $notice_msgs = '<a href="?noticeaction=acknowledge¬iceid=all' . $extraargs . '">Acknowledge All</a> .:. '; if ($value['url']) { $notice_msgs .= $date.' - <a href="'.$url.'?' . htmlspecialchars($request_string) . '¬iceaction=acknowledge¬iceid='.$key.'">['.$value['id'].']</a>'; } else { $notice_msgs .= $date.' - <a href="?' . htmlspecialchars($request_string) . '¬iceaction=acknowledge¬iceid='.$key.'">['.$value['id'].']'.htmlspecialchars($noticemsg).'</a>'; } $notice_msgs .= " .:. "; } } ?> <div id="alerts"> <script type="text/javascript"> var content='<div id="marquee-text"><?= $notice_msgs; ?></div>' </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/ticker.js"></script> </div> <? } else { ?> <div id="hostname"> <? print $config['system']['hostname'] . "." . $config['system']['domain']; ?> </div> <? } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="navigation" style="z-index:1000"> <ul id="menu"> <li class="firstdrop"> <div>System</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <?php output_menu($system_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>Interfaces</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <?php output_menu($interfaces_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>Firewall</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <?php output_menu($firewall_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>Services</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <? output_menu($services_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>VPN</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <?php output_menu($vpn_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>Status</div> <ul class="subdrop"> <?php output_menu($status_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <li class="drop"> <div>Diagnostics</div> <ul id="diag" class="subdrop"> <? output_menu($diagnostics_menu); ?> </ul> </li> <?php if(! $g['disablehelpmenu']): ?> <li class="lastdrop"> <div>Help</div> <ul id="help" class="subdrop"> <? output_menu($help_menu, "_new"); ?> </ul> </li> <?php endif; ?> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Header DIV --> <div id="content"> <div id="left"> </div> <!-- Left DIV --> <div id="right"> <?php /* display a top alert bar if need be */ $need_alert_display = false; $found_notices = are_notices_pending(); if($found_notices == true) { $notices = get_notices(); if(!$notices) { $need_alert_display = true; $display_text = print_notices() . "<br>"; } } if($need_alert_display == true) { echo "<div style=\"background-color:#000000\" id=\"roundalert\">"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=\"#ffffff\">"; echo " <img align=\"middle\" src=\"/top_notification.gif\"> "; echo $display_text; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; } function add_to_menu($url, $name) { if (isAllowedPage($url)) echo "<li><a href=\"{$url}\" class=\"navlnk\">{$name}</a></li>\n"; } ?> <div> <span class="pgtitle"><a href="<?= $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>"><?=genhtmltitle($pgtitle);?></a></span> <span style="float:right; margin: 0 0 20px 20px;"> <?php if(! empty($statusurl)): ?> <a href="<?php echo $statusurl; ?>" target="_new" title="Status of items on this page."><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/status.png" border="0"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(! empty($logurl)): ?> <a href="<?php echo $logurl; ?>" target="_new" title="Log entries for items on this page."><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/log.png" border="0"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(! $g['disablehelpicon']): ?> <a href="<?php echo $helpurl; ?>" target="_new" title="Help for items on this page."><img src="/themes/<?php echo $g['theme']; ?>/images/help.png" border="0"></a> <?php endif; ?> </span> </div> <br /> <?php $pgtitle_output = true; ?>