0) { $y++; } if ($_GET['id'] == $x) { // Return the id $id = $x; $host = $rowhelper['host']; $ipaddress = $rowhelper['ipaddress']; $port = $rowhelper['port']; $directory = $rowhelper['directory']; if (strlen($rowhelper['certificate']) > 0) { $ssl = true; $ssl_id = $y; } else { $ssl = false; } } $x++; } // Delete vhosts entry unset($a_vhosts[$_GET['id']]); // Delete the SSL files and service if ($ssl) { unlink_if_exists("/var/etc/vhosts-{$ipaddress}-{$port}-ssl.conf"); unlink_if_exists("/var/etc/cert-vhosts-{$ipaddress}-{$port}.pem"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/vhosts-{$ipaddress}-{$port}-ssl.sh"); $service_id = get_service_id ($a_service, 'rcfile', "vhosts-{$ipaddress}-{$port}-ssl.sh"); if (is_int($service_id)) { exec("kill `cat /var/run/vhosts-{$ipaddress}-{$port}-ssl.pid`"); unset($config['installedpackages']['service'][$service_id]); } } write_config(); header("Location: vhosts_php.php"); exit; } } } if (isset($id) && $a_vhosts[$id]) { $pconfig['host'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['host']; $pconfig['ipaddress'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['ipaddress']; $pconfig['port'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['port']; $pconfig['directory'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['directory']; if (strlen($a_vhosts[$id]['certificate']) > 0) { $pconfig['certificate'] = base64_decode($a_vhosts[$id]['certificate']); } if (strlen($a_vhosts[$id]['privatekey']) > 0) { $pconfig['privatekey'] = base64_decode($a_vhosts[$id]['privatekey']); } $pconfig['enabled'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['enabled']; $pconfig['description'] = $a_vhosts[$id]['description']; } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; if (!$input_errors) { $ent = array(); $ent['host'] = $_POST['host']; $ent['ipaddress'] = $_POST['ipaddress']; $ent['port'] = $_POST['port']; $ent['directory'] = $_POST['directory']; if (strlen($_POST['certificate']) > 0) { $ent['certificate'] = base64_encode($_POST['certificate']); } else { $ent['certificate'] = ''; } if (strlen($_POST['privatekey']) > 0) { $ent['privatekey'] = base64_encode($_POST['privatekey']); } else { $ent['privatekey'] = ''; } $ent['enabled'] = $_POST['enabled']; $ent['description'] = $_POST['description']; if (isset($id) && $a_vhosts[$id]) { // Update $a_vhosts[$id] = $ent; } else { // Add $a_vhosts[] = $ent; } write_config(); vhosts_sync_package(); header("Location: vhosts_php.php"); exit; } } $pgtitle = "vHosts: Edit"; include("head.inc"); ?>

Required. If the host is intended for internal you can use the DNS forwarder to set a host name that is valid inside the local network. default: vhost01.local
IP Address
Required. Make sure the IP and Port combination does not conflict with the local system. example:
Make sure the IP and Port combination does not conflict with the local system. default: 8001
This vHosts directory is located in /usr/local/vhosts. The default directory is the host name.
example: vhost01.local
Paste a signed certificate in X.509 PEM format here. Create certificates automatically.
Paste an RSA private key in PEM format here.
Enabled \n"; echo "\t\n"; switch (htmlspecialchars($pconfig['enabled'])) { case "true": echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; break; case "false": echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; break; default: echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; } echo "\n"; ?>
Enter the description here.