vHosts is a web server package that can host HTML, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. It creates another instance of the lighttpd web server  that is already installed. It uses PHP5 in FastCGI mode and has access to PHP Data Ojbects and PDO SQLite. To use SFTP enable SSH from  System -> Advanced -> Enable Secure Shell. Then SFTP can be used to access the files at /usr/local/vhosts.
After adding or updating an entry make sure to restart the service to apply the settings.

0) { // Sort array if (!function_exists('sort_host')) { function sort_host($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["host"], $b["host"]); } } foreach ($a_vhosts as $ent) { $host = $ent['host']; $port = $ent['port']; if (strlen($ent['certificate']) == 0) { $http_protocol = 'http'; } else { $http_protocol = 'https'; } if ($http_protocol == 'http' && $port == '80') { $port = ''; } if ($http_protocol == 'https' && $port == '443') { $port = ''; } if (strlen($port) > 0) { $port = ':'.$port; } $vhost_url = $http_protocol.'://'.$host.$port; ?>
Host Port SSL Enabled Description