<?php /* $Id$ */ /* /* ========================================================================== */ /* vhosts.inc Copyright (C) 2008 Mark J Crane All rights reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ //show errors ini_set('display_errors', '1'); //error_reporting (E_ALL); // Report everything //error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Report everything error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING ); //hide notices and warnings if (!function_exists("pkg_is_service_running")) { function pkg_is_service_running($servicename) { exec("/bin/ps ax | awk '{ print $5 }'", $psout); array_shift($psout); foreach($psout as $line) { $ps[] = trim(array_pop(explode(' ', array_pop(explode('/', $line))))); } if(is_service_running($servicename, $ps) or is_process_running($servicename) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("byte_convert")) { function byte_convert( $bytes ) { if ($bytes<=0) return '0 Byte'; $convention=1000; //[1000->10^x|1024->2^x] $s=array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB'); $e=floor(log($bytes,$convention)); return round($bytes/pow($convention,$e),2).' '.$s[$e]; } } //sort array function sort_host($a, $b){ return strcmp($a["host"], $b["host"]); } function sort_port($a, $b){ return strcmp($a["port"], $b["port"]); } function sort_ip_address($a, $b){ return natsort($a["ipaddress"], $b["ipaddress"]); } //check to see if the service is installed if it is return the id function get_service_id ($service_array, $fieldname, $fieldvalue) { $x = 0; $id = ''; foreach($service_array as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper[$fieldname] == $fieldvalue) { $id = $x; //return the id } $x++; } if (strlen($id) > 0) { return ($id); } else { return false; } } function vhosts_sync_package_php() { global $config; if($config['installedpackages']['vhosts']['config'] != "") { conf_mount_rw(); config_unlock(); //sort the vhosts array $vhostarray = $config['installedpackages']['vhosts']['config']; if (count(vhostarray) > 1) { usort($vhostarray, 'sort_ipaddress'); usort($vhostarray, 'sort_host'); usort($vhostarray, 'sort_port'); } $vhostarray_http = ''; $vhostarray_https = ''; $x = 0; foreach($vhostarray as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper['enabled'] != "false") { if (strlen($rowhelper['certificate']) > 0 && strlen($rowhelper['privatekey']) > 0) { $vhostarray_https[$x]['host'] = $rowhelper['host']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['ipaddress'] = $rowhelper['ipaddress']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['port'] = $rowhelper['port']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['directory'] = $rowhelper['directory']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['certificate'] = $rowhelper['certificate']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['privatekey'] = $rowhelper['privatekey']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['enabled'] = $rowhelper['enabled']; $vhostarray_https[$x]['description'] = $rowhelper['description']; } else { $vhostarray_http[$x]['host'] = $rowhelper['host']; $vhostarray_http[$x]['ipaddress'] = $rowhelper['ipaddress']; $vhostarray_http[$x]['port'] = $rowhelper['port']; $vhostarray_http[$x]['directory'] = $rowhelper['directory']; $vhostarray_http[$x]['certificate'] = ''; $vhostarray_http[$x]['privatekey'] = ''; $vhostarray_http[$x]['enabled'] = $rowhelper['enabled']; $vhostarray_http[$x]['description'] = $rowhelper['description']; $server_port = $rowhelper['port']; } $x++; } } unset($x); //HTTP configuration if (count($vhostarray_http) > 0) { $tmp = "#\n"; $tmp .= "# lighttpd configuration file\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "# use a it as base for lighttpd 1.0.0 and above\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "############ Options you really have to take care of ####################\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## FreeBSD!\n"; $tmp .= "server.event-handler = \"freebsd-kqueue\"\n"; $tmp .= "server.network-backend = \"writev\" ## Fixes 7.x upload issues\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## modules to load\n"; $tmp .= "server.modules = (\n"; $tmp .= " \"mod_access\", \"mod_accesslog\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"mod_fastcgi\", \"mod_cgi\",\"mod_rewrite\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## Unused modules\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_setenv\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_compress\"\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_redirect\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_rewrite\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_ssi\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_usertrack\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_expire\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_secdownload\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_rrdtool\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_auth\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_status\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_alias\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_proxy\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_simple_vhost\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_evhost\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_userdir\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_cgi\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_accesslog\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## a static document-root, for virtual-hosting take look at the\n"; $tmp .= "## server.virtual-* options\n"; $tmp .= "server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# Maximum idle time with nothing being written (php downloading)\n"; $tmp .= "server.max-write-idle = 999\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## where to send error-messages to\n"; $tmp .= "server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd.error.log\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# files to check for if .../ is requested\n"; $tmp .= "server.indexfiles = ( \"index.php\", \"index.html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"index.htm\", \"default.htm\" )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# mimetype mapping\n"; $tmp .= "mimetype.assign = (\n"; $tmp .= " \".pdf\" => \"application/pdf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".sig\" => \"application/pgp-signature\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".spl\" => \"application/futuresplash\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".class\" => \"application/octet-stream\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".ps\" => \"application/postscript\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".torrent\" => \"application/x-bittorrent\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".dvi\" => \"application/x-dvi\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".gz\" => \"application/x-gzip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".pac\" => \"application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".swf\" => \"application/x-shockwave-flash\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar.gz\" => \"application/x-tgz\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tgz\" => \"application/x-tgz\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar\" => \"application/x-tar\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".zip\" => \"application/zip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mp3\" => \"audio/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".m3u\" => \"audio/x-mpegurl\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wma\" => \"audio/x-ms-wma\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wax\" => \"audio/x-ms-wax\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".ogg\" => \"audio/x-wav\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wav\" => \"audio/x-wav\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".gif\" => \"image/gif\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".jpeg\" => \"image/jpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".png\" => \"image/png\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xbm\" => \"image/x-xbitmap\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xpm\" => \"image/x-xpixmap\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xwd\" => \"image/x-xwindowdump\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".css\" => \"text/css\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".html\" => \"text/html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".htm\" => \"text/html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".js\" => \"text/javascript\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asc\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".c\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".conf\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".text\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".txt\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".dtd\" => \"text/xml\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xml\" => \"text/xml\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mpeg\" => \"video/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mpg\" => \"video/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mov\" => \"video/quicktime\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".qt\" => \"video/quicktime\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".avi\" => \"video/x-msvideo\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asf\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asx\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wmv\" => \"video/x-ms-wmv\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tbz\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar.bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# Use the \"Content-Type\" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible\n"; $tmp .= "#mimetypes.use-xattr = \"enable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### accesslog module\n"; $tmp .= "#accesslog.filename = \"/dev/null\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## deny access the file-extensions\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "# ~ is for backupfiles from vi, emacs, joe, ...\n"; $tmp .= "# .inc is often used for code includes which should in general not be part\n"; $tmp .= "# of the document-root\n"; $tmp .= "url.access-deny = ( \"~\", \".db\" )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "######### Options that are good to be but not neccesary to be changed #######\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## bind to port (default: 80)\n"; $tmp .= "server.port = $server_port\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#the regex method isn't working\n"; $tmp .= "#\$HTTP[\"host\"] =~ \"(^|\\.)host01\\.com\$\" {\n"; $tmp .= "# server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/host01\"\n"; $tmp .= "#}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $ipaddress_previous_value = ''; $host_previous_value = ''; $port_previous_value = ''; $ipaddress_and_port_previous_value = ''; $x=1; foreach($vhostarray_http as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper['enabled'] != "false") { $host = $rowhelper['host']; $ipaddress = $rowhelper['ipaddress']; $port = $rowhelper['port']; $directory = $rowhelper['directory']; if (strlen($rowhelper['certificate']) > 0) { $certificate = base64_decode($rowhelper['certificate']); } if (strlen($rowhelper['privatekey']) > 0) { $privatekey = base64_decode($rowhelper['privatekey']); } //set directory default to the host if (strlen($directory) == 0) { $directory = $host; } //if the vhost directory doesn't exist then create it //echo '/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'<br />'; if (!is_dir('/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory)) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/vhosts/".$directory); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'/index.php')) { $index_file = '/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'/index.php'; $index_tmp = "<?php\n"; $index_tmp .= " echo phpinfo();\n"; $index_tmp .= "?>\n"; $fout = fopen($index_file,"w"); fwrite($fout, $index_tmp); fclose($fout); unset($index_file); } //set the default port if (strlen($port) == 0) { $port = '8001'; } if ($ipaddress.':'.$port != $ipaddress_and_port_previous_value) { if ($x > 1) { $tmp .= "}\n\n"; } $tmp .= "\$SERVER[\"socket\"] == \"".$ipaddress.":".$port."\" {\n"; } $tmp .= " \$HTTP[\"host\"] == \"".$host."\" {\n"; $tmp .= " server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/".$directory."\"\n"; //enable ssl if the cert and key were both provided if (strlen($rowhelper['certificate']) > 0 && strlen($rowhelper['privatekey']) > 0) { $pem_file = "/var/etc/cert-vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port.".pem"; $fout = fopen($pem_file,"w"); fwrite($fout, $certificate.$privatekey); fclose($fout); $tmp .= " ssl.pemfile = \"".$pem_file."\"\n"; $tmp .= " ssl.engine = \"enable\"\n"; unset($pem_file); } if (count($vhostarray_http) > 0) { $tmp .= " }\n"; } $ipaddress_previous_value = $ipaddress; $host_previous_value = $host; $port_previous_value = $port; $ipaddress_and_port_previous_value = $ipaddress.':'.$port; $x++; } } $tmp .= "}\n"; /* $tmp .= "\$SERVER[\"socket\"] == \"\" {\n"; $tmp .= " \$HTTP[\"host\"] == \"vhost01.com\" {\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.pemfile = \"/var/www/certs/localhost.pem\"\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.engine = \"enable\"\n"; $tmp .= " server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/host01\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/error.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #accesslog.filename = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/access.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.error-handler-404 = \"/e404.php\"\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= " \$HTTP[\"host\"] == \"vhost03.com\" {\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.pemfile = \"/var/www/certs/localhost.pem\"\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.engine = \"enable\"\n"; $tmp .= " server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/host03\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/error.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #accesslog.filename = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/access.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.error-handler-404 = \"/e404.php\"\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\$SERVER[\"socket\"] == \"\" {\n"; $tmp .= " \$HTTP[\"host\"] == \"vhost02.com\" {\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.pemfile = \"/var/www/certs/localhost.pem\"\n"; $tmp .= " #ssl.engine = \"enable\"\n"; $tmp .= " server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/host02\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/error.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #accesslog.filename = \"/var/log/lighttpd/nixcraft/access.log\"\n"; $tmp .= " #server.error-handler-404 = \"/e404.php\"\n"; $tmp .= " }\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; */ $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## error-handler for status 404\n"; $tmp .= "#server.error-handler-404 = \"/error-handler.html\"\n"; $tmp .= "#server.error-handler-404 = \"/error-handler.php\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## to help the rc.scripts\n"; $tmp .= "server.pid-file = \"/var/run/vhosts-http.pid\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## virtual directory listings\n"; $tmp .= "server.dir-listing = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## enable debugging\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-request-header = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-response-header = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-request-handling = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-file-not-found = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### compress module\n"; $tmp .= "#compress.cache-dir = \"/tmp/lighttpd/cache/compress/\"\n"; $tmp .= "#compress.filetype = (\"text/plain\", \"text/html\")\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#server.network-backend = \"writev\"\n"; $tmp .= "server.upload-dirs = ( \"/root/\", \"/tmp/\", \"/var/\" )\n"; $tmp .= "server.max-request-size = 2097152\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### fastcgi module\n"; $tmp .= "## read fastcgi.txt for more info\n"; $tmp .= "fastcgi.server = ( \".php\" =>\n"; $tmp .= " ( \"localhost\" =>\n"; $tmp .= " (\n"; $tmp .= " \"socket\" => \"/tmp/php5-fastcgi.socket\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"min-procs\" => 1,\n"; $tmp .= " \"max-procs\" => 1,\n"; $tmp .= " \"idle-timeout\" => 0,\n"; $tmp .= " \"bin-environment\" => (\n"; $tmp .= " \"PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS\" => \"500\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN\" => \"1\"\n"; $tmp .= " ),\n"; $tmp .= " \"bin-path\" => \"/usr/local/bin/php\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= ")\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### CGI module\n"; $tmp .= "cgi.assign = ( \".cgi\" => \"\" )\n"; $fout = fopen("/var/etc/vhosts-http.conf","w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($tmp); fclose($fout); } //end (if count(vhostarray_http) > 0) //HTTPS configuration $ipaddress_previous_value = ''; $host_previous_value = ''; $port_previous_value = ''; $ipaddress_and_port_previous_value = ''; $x=1; if (count($vhostarray_https) > 0) { foreach($vhostarray_https as $rowhelper) { if ($rowhelper['enabled'] != "false") { $host = $rowhelper['host']; $ipaddress = $rowhelper['ipaddress']; $port = $rowhelper['port']; $directory = $rowhelper['directory']; $description = $rowhelper['description']; if (strlen($rowhelper['certificate']) > 0) { $certificate = base64_decode($rowhelper['certificate']); } if (strlen($rowhelper['privatekey']) > 0) { $privatekey = base64_decode($rowhelper['privatekey']); } //set directory default to the host if (strlen($directory) == 0) { $directory = $host; } //if the vhost directory doesn't exist then create it //echo '/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'<br />'; if (!is_dir('/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory)) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/vhosts/".$directory); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'/index.php')) { $index_file = '/usr/local/vhosts/'.$directory.'/index.php'; $index_tmp = "<?php\n"; $index_tmp .= " echo phpinfo();\n"; $index_tmp .= "?>\n"; $fout = fopen($index_file,"w"); fwrite($fout, $index_tmp); fclose($fout); unset($index_file); } //set the default port if (strlen($port) == 0) { $port = '443'; } $tmp = "#\n"; $tmp .= "# lighttpd configuration file\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "# use a it as base for lighttpd 1.0.0 and above\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "############ Options you really have to take care of ####################\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## FreeBSD!\n"; $tmp .= "server.event-handler = \"freebsd-kqueue\"\n"; $tmp .= "server.network-backend = \"writev\" ## Fixes 7.x upload issues\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## modules to load\n"; $tmp .= "server.modules = (\n"; $tmp .= " \"mod_accesslog\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"mod_access\", \"mod_accesslog\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"mod_fastcgi\", \"mod_cgi\",\"mod_rewrite\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## Unused modules\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_setenv\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_compress\"\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_redirect\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_rewrite\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_ssi\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_usertrack\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_expire\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_secdownload\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_rrdtool\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_auth\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_status\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_alias\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_proxy\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_simple_vhost\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_evhost\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_userdir\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_cgi\",\n"; $tmp .= "# \"mod_accesslog\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## a static document-root, for virtual-hosting take look at the\n"; $tmp .= "## server.virtual-* options\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## ".$description." \n\n"; $tmp .= "server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/".$directory."\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# Maximum idle time with nothing being written (php downloading)\n"; $tmp .= "server.max-write-idle = 999\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## where to send error-messages to\n"; $tmp .= "server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd.error.log\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# files to check for if .../ is requested\n"; $tmp .= "server.indexfiles = ( \"index.php\", \"index.html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"index.htm\", \"default.htm\" )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# mimetype mapping\n"; $tmp .= "mimetype.assign = (\n"; $tmp .= " \".pdf\" => \"application/pdf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".sig\" => \"application/pgp-signature\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".spl\" => \"application/futuresplash\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".class\" => \"application/octet-stream\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".ps\" => \"application/postscript\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".torrent\" => \"application/x-bittorrent\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".dvi\" => \"application/x-dvi\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".gz\" => \"application/x-gzip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".pac\" => \"application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".swf\" => \"application/x-shockwave-flash\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar.gz\" => \"application/x-tgz\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tgz\" => \"application/x-tgz\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar\" => \"application/x-tar\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".zip\" => \"application/zip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mp3\" => \"audio/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".m3u\" => \"audio/x-mpegurl\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wma\" => \"audio/x-ms-wma\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wax\" => \"audio/x-ms-wax\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".ogg\" => \"audio/x-wav\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wav\" => \"audio/x-wav\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".gif\" => \"image/gif\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".jpeg\" => \"image/jpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".png\" => \"image/png\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xbm\" => \"image/x-xbitmap\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xpm\" => \"image/x-xpixmap\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xwd\" => \"image/x-xwindowdump\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".css\" => \"text/css\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".html\" => \"text/html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".htm\" => \"text/html\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".js\" => \"text/javascript\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asc\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".c\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".conf\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".text\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".txt\" => \"text/plain\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".dtd\" => \"text/xml\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".xml\" => \"text/xml\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mpeg\" => \"video/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mpg\" => \"video/mpeg\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".mov\" => \"video/quicktime\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".qt\" => \"video/quicktime\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".avi\" => \"video/x-msvideo\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asf\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".asx\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".wmv\" => \"video/x-ms-wmv\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tbz\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\",\n"; $tmp .= " \".tar.bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "# Use the \"Content-Type\" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible\n"; $tmp .= "#mimetypes.use-xattr = \"enable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### accesslog module\n"; $tmp .= "#accesslog.filename = \"/dev/null\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## deny access the file-extensions\n"; $tmp .= "#\n"; $tmp .= "# ~ is for backupfiles from vi, emacs, joe, ...\n"; $tmp .= "# .inc is often used for code includes which should in general not be part\n"; $tmp .= "# of the document-root\n"; $tmp .= "url.access-deny = ( \"~\", \".db\" )\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "######### Options that are good to be but not neccesary to be changed #######\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## bind to port (default: 80)\n"; $tmp .= "server.port = ".$port."\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#the regex method isn't working\n"; $tmp .= "#\$HTTP[\"host\"] =~ \"(^|\\.)host01\\.com\$\" {\n"; $tmp .= "# server.document-root = \"/usr/local/vhosts/host01\"\n"; $tmp .= "#}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; //enable ssl if the cert and key were both provided $pem_file = "/var/etc/cert-vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port.".pem"; $fout = fopen($pem_file,"w"); //echo $certificate; //exit; fwrite($fout, $certificate.$privatekey); fclose($fout); $tmp .= "## ssl configuration\n"; $tmp .= "ssl.pemfile = \"".$pem_file."\"\n"; $tmp .= "ssl.engine = \"enable\"\n"; unset($pem_file); $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## error-handler for status 404\n"; $tmp .= "#server.error-handler-404 = \"/error-handler.html\"\n"; $tmp .= "#server.error-handler-404 = \"/error-handler.php\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## to help the rc.scripts\n"; $tmp .= "server.pid-file = \"/var/run/vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.pid\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## virtual directory listings\n"; $tmp .= "server.dir-listing = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "## enable debugging\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-request-header = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-response-header = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-request-handling = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "debug.log-file-not-found = \"disable\"\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### compress module\n"; $tmp .= "#compress.cache-dir = \"/tmp/lighttpd/cache/compress/\"\n"; $tmp .= "#compress.filetype = (\"text/plain\", \"text/html\")\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#server.network-backend = \"writev\"\n"; $tmp .= "server.upload-dirs = ( \"/root/\", \"/tmp/\", \"/var/\" )\n"; $tmp .= "server.max-request-size = 2097152\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### fastcgi module\n"; $tmp .= "## read fastcgi.txt for more info\n"; $tmp .= "fastcgi.server = ( \".php\" =>\n"; $tmp .= " ( \"localhost\" =>\n"; $tmp .= " (\n"; $tmp .= " \"socket\" => \"/tmp/php5-fastcgi.socket\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"min-procs\" => 1,\n"; $tmp .= " \"max-procs\" => 1,\n"; $tmp .= " \"idle-timeout\" => 0,\n"; $tmp .= " \"bin-environment\" => (\n"; $tmp .= " \"PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS\" => \"500\",\n"; $tmp .= " \"PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN\" => \"1\"\n"; $tmp .= " ),\n"; $tmp .= " \"bin-path\" => \"/usr/local/php5/php-cgi\"\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= " )\n"; $tmp .= ")\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "#### CGI module\n"; $tmp .= "cgi.assign = ( \".cgi\" => \"\" )\n"; $fout = fopen("/var/etc/vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.conf","w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); unset($tmp); fclose($fout); if (!function_exists('write_rcfile')) { require("/etc/inc/service-utils.inc"); } write_rcfile(array( "file" => "vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.sh", "start" => "/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.conf", "stop" => "kill `cat /var/run/vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.pid`" ) ); //add or update a service $a_service = &$config['installedpackages']['service']; $ent['name'] = "vhosts-ssl-$x"; $ent['rcfile'] = "vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl.sh"; $ent['executable'] = "vhosts-".$ipaddress."-".$port."-ssl"; $ent['description'] = "vHosts SSL, Host: $host, IP Address: ".$ipaddress.", port: ".$port." desc: ".$description; $a_service = $config['installedpackages']['service']; $service_id = get_service_id ($a_service, 'name', "vhosts-ssl-$x"); if (is_int($service_id)) { //update $a_service[$service_id] = $ent; } else { //add $a_service[] = $ent; } } //if enabled $x++; } //end for each } //end if array count write_config(); conf_mount_ro(); } } function vhosts_sync_package() { global $config; vhosts_sync_package_php(); } function vhosts_install_command() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); if (!is_dir('/usr/local/www/packages/')) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/www/packages/"); } if (!is_dir('/usr/local/www/packages/vhosts/')) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/www/packages/vhosts/"); } if (!is_dir('/usr/local/vhosts/')) { exec("mkdir /usr/local/vhosts/"); } if(stristr(php_uname('r'), '7.2') == TRUE) { if (!file_exists('/usr/local/php5')) { chdir('/usr/local/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd7.2/php5.tar.gz"); exec("tar zxvf /usr/local/php5.tar.gz -C /usr/local/"); exec("rm /usr/local/php5.tar.gz"); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lib/libxml2.so.5')) { chdir('/usr/local/lib/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd7.2/usr.local.lib/libxml2.so.5"); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lib/libxml2.so')) { chdir('/usr/local/lib/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd7.2/usr.local.lib/libxml2.so"); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lib/libxml2.la')) { chdir('/usr/local/lib/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd7.2/usr.local.lib/libxml2.la"); } if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lib/libxml2.a')) { chdir('/usr/local/lib/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd7.2/usr.local.lib/lib/libxml2.a"); } } if(stristr(php_uname('r'), '8.1') == TRUE) { if (!file_exists('/usr/local/php5')) { chdir('/usr/local/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/freebsd8.0/php5.tar.gz"); exec("tar zxvf /usr/local/php5.tar.gz -C /usr/local/"); exec("rm /usr/local/php5.tar.gz"); } } //rename PHP files from .tmp to .php exec("cp /tmp/vhosts_php.tmp /usr/local/www/packages/vhosts/vhosts_php.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/vhosts_php.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/vhosts_php_edit.tmp /usr/local/www/packages/vhosts/vhosts_php_edit.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/vhosts_php_edit.tmp"); chdir('/tmp/'); exec ("fetch http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/vhosts/system_advanced_create_certs.tmp"); exec("cp /tmp/system_advanced_create_certs.tmp /usr/local/www/packages/vhosts/system_advanced_create_certs.php"); unlink_if_exists("/tmp/system_advanced_create_certs.tmp"); //write_config(); if (!function_exists('write_rcfile')) { require("/etc/inc/service-utils.inc"); } write_rcfile(array( "file" => "vhosts-http.sh", "start" => "/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/vhosts-http.conf", "stop" => "kill `cat /var/run/vhosts-http.pid`" ) ); vhosts_sync_package(); //if (pkg_is_service_running('vhosts')) { //documentation purposes //} conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } function vhosts_deinstall_command() { conf_mount_rw(); config_lock(); $handle = popen("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/vhosts.sh stop", "r"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/vhosts.xml"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/vhosts.inc"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/www/vhosts.inc"); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/vhosts-http.sh"); exec ("rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/vhosts*"); exec ("rm /var/etc/vhosts*"); exec("rm -R /usr/local/www/packages/vhosts"); exec("rm -R /usr/local/php5"); conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } ?>