Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.unbound1.4.6Services: Unbound DNS Forwarder/usr/local/pkg/unbound.incunboundunbound.shunboundUnbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver./usr/local/pkg/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound.inc/usr/local/pkg/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound.xml/usr/local/www/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound_status.phpUnbound DNS Settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=unbound.xml&id=0Unbound DNS Status/unbound_status.phpUnbound DNS Settingslisttopicunbound_statusEnable UnboundEnable the use of Unbound as your DNS forwarder.checkboxNetwork interfaceactive_interfaceThe network interface(s) the Unbound DNS server will queries from.interfaces_selectionwandnssec_statusEnable DNSSECEnable the use of DNSSEC. <br/>
<b>Note:</b> It is recommended that when enabling DNSSEC you disable the use of forwarding mode and allow Unbound to do the resolving. This is to ensure that DNS replies are valid and authentic.checkboxonforwarding_modeEnable forwarding modeConfigure the server to make use of the DNS servers configured in <a href="system.php">System: General setup</a>. <br/>
<b>Note:</b> Disabling this will cause Unbound to perform DNS queries without
using the upstream configured DNS servers.checkboxonregdhcpstaticRegister DHCP static mappingsIf this option is set, then DHCP static mappings will be registered in the DNS forwarder, so that their name can be resolved. You should also set the domain in <a href="system.php">System: General setup</a> to the proper value.checkboxUnbound StatisticslisttopicstatsEnable StatisticsUnbound will log the number of queries that the resolver handles.checkboxstats_interval,cumulative_stats,extended_statsstats_intervalStatistics IntervalSelect the time as to when statistics will be written to the Unbound log file.select3600cumulative_statsEnable Cumulative StatisticsOnce unbound is started, the statistics collected are cumulative and are not cleared after each report has been logged.selectnoextended_statsEnable Extended StatisticsIn addition to collecting the total number of queries also collect what type of queries are handled by the resolver.checkbox