Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.unbound1.4.6Services: Unbound DNS Forwarder/usr/local/pkg/unbound.incunboundunbound.shunboundUnbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver./usr/local/pkg/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound.inc/usr/local/pkg/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound.xml/usr/local/www/0644http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/unbound/unbound_status.phpUnbound DNS Settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=unbound.xml&id=0Unbound DNS Status/unbound_status.phpUnbound DNS Settingslisttopicunbound_statusEnable UnboundEnable the use of Unbound as your DNS forwarder.checkboxNetwork interfaceactive_interfaceThe network interface(s) the Unbound DNS server will queries from.interfaces_selectionwandnssec_statusEnable DNSSECEnable the use of DNSSEC. <br/>
<b>Note:</b> It is recommended that when enabling DNSSEC you disable the use of forwarding mode and allow Unbound to do the resolving. This is to ensure that DNS replies are valid and authentic.checkboxonforwarding_modeEnable forwarding modeConfigure the server to make use of the DNS servers configured in <a href="system.php">System: General setup</a>. <br/>
<b>Note:</b> Disabling this will cause Unbound to perform DNS queries without
using the upstream configured DNS servers.checkboxonstatsEnable StatisticsUnbound will log the number of queries that the resolver handles.checkboxstats_interval,cumulative_stats,extended_statsstats_intervalStatistics IntervalSelect the time as to when statistics will be written to the Unbound log file.select3600cumulative_statsEnable Cumulative StatisticsOnce unbound is started, the statistics collected are cumulative and are not cleared after each report has been logged.selectnoextended_statsEnable Extended StatisticsIn addition to collecting the total number of queries also collect what type of queries are handled by the resolver.checkbox