A self-contained VPN solution designed to connect multiple sites together in a secure way. tinc 1.2.4 VPN: Tinc: Settings /usr/local/pkg/tinc.inc ['installedpackages']['package']['$packagename']['config'] tinc
tinc.xml /pkg_edit.php?xml=tinc.xml
Tinc VPN
tinc tinc.sh tincd Tinc Mesh VPN Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=tinc.xml Hosts /pkg.php?xml=tinc_hosts.xml /usr/local/pkg/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/tinc/tinc.inc /etc/inc/priv/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/tinc/tinc.priv.inc /usr/local/pkg/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/tinc/tinc_hosts.xml /usr/local/www/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/tinc/status_tinc.php /usr/local/www/shortcuts/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/tinc/pkg_tinc.inc enabled Basic Settings listtopic Enable Tinc VPN enable Check this to enable tinc mesh VPN. checkbox Name name It must be unique for the virtual private network this daemon will connect to. ]]> input Local IP localip This is often the same IP as your routers LAN address. (Example: ]]> input Local Subnet localsubnet This is usually your LAN subnet. (Example: ]]> input VPN Netmask vpnnetmask It is usually broader then your local netmask. (Example: ]]> input Address Family addressfamily If "Any" is selected, then - depending on the operating system - either both IPv4 and IPv6 or just IPv6 listening sockets will be created. ]]> select RSA Private Key cert_key Include the BEGIN and END lines.
textarea base64 7 70
RSA Public Key cert_pub Include the BEGIN and END lines.
textarea base64 7 70
Generate RSA Key Pair gen_rsa This will generate a new RSA key pair in the fields above. checkbox Extra Tinc Parameters extra ]]> textarea base64 8 70 Extra Host Parameters host_extra ]]> textarea base64 8 70 Interface Up Script tinc_up By default, a tinc-up file is created that brings up the tinc interface with the IP Address and Netmask specified above and adds it to the tinc interface group.
Note: Entering a value here complely replaces the default script; be sure to bring up the interface in this script! ]]>
textarea base64 8 70
Interface Down Script tinc_down This script is executed right before the tinc daemon is going to close. textarea base64 8 70 Host Up Script host_up This script is executed when any host becomes reachable. textarea base64 8 70 Host Down Script host_down This script is executed when any host becomes unreachable. textarea base64 8 70 Subnet Up Script subnet_up This script is executed when any subnet becomes reachable. textarea base64 8 70 Subnet Down Script subnet_down This script is executed when any subnet becomes unreachable. textarea base64 8 70
tinc_install(); tinc_deinstall(); tinc_save(); tinc_validate_input($_POST, $input_errors);