&1'); } patch_erase($patch); conf_mount_ro(); return $output; } /* Attempt to apply a patch */ function patch_apply($patch) { return patch_commit($patch, "apply", false); } /* Attempt to revert a patch */ function patch_revert($patch) { return patch_commit($patch, "revert", false); } /* Test if a patch would apply cleanly */ function patch_test_apply($patch, $fulldetail=false) { return patch_commit($patch, "apply", true, $fulldetail); } /* Test if a patch would revert cleanly */ function patch_test_revert($patch, $fulldetail=false) { return patch_commit($patch, "revert", true, $fulldetail); } /* Fetch a patch from a URL or github */ function patch_fetch(& $patch) { global $g; $url = patch_fixup_url($patch['location']); $temp_filename = tempnam("{$g['tmp_path']}/", "system_patches"); /* * Backwards compatibility with older 2.1.x pfSense versions * that did not contain download_file() function in pfsense-utils.inc */ if (!function_exists("download_file")) { download_file_with_progress_bar($url, $temp_filename); } else { download_file($url, $temp_filename); } $text = @file_get_contents($temp_filename); unlink($temp_filename); if (empty($text)) { return false; } else { $patch['patch'] = base64_encode($text); // Detect pfSense move from / to /src and fix pathstrip if (is_github_url($patch['location']) && $patch['pathstrip'] == 1 && preg_match('/\n--- a\/src\//', $text)) { $patch['pathstrip'] = 2; } write_config("Fetched patch {$patch['descr']}"); return true; } } /* Write a patch file out to $patch_dir */ function patch_write($patch) { global $patch_dir, $patch_suffix; if (!file_exists($patch_dir)) { safe_mkdir($patch_dir); } if (empty($patch['patch'])) { return false; } else { $text = base64_decode($patch['patch']); $filename = $patch_dir . '/' . $patch['uniqid'] . $patch_suffix; return (file_put_contents($filename, $text) > 0); } } function patch_erase($patch) { global $patch_dir, $patch_suffix; if (!file_exists($patch_dir)) { return true; } $filename = $patch_dir . '/' . $patch['uniqid'] . $patch_suffix; return @unlink($filename); } /* Detect a github URL or commit ID and fix it up */ function patch_fixup_url($url) { global $git_root_url, $patch_suffix; // If it's a commit id then prepend git url, and add .patch if (is_commit_id($url)) { $url = $git_root_url . $url . $patch_suffix; } elseif (is_URL($url)) { $urlbits = explode("/", $url); if (substr($urlbits[2], -10) == "github.com") { // If it's a github url and does not already end in .patch, add it if (substr($url, -strlen($patch_suffix)) != $patch_suffix) { // Make sure it's really a URL to a commit id before adding .patch if (is_commit_id(array_pop($urlbits))) { $url .= $patch_suffix; } } } } return $url; } function is_commit_id($str) { return preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{5,40}$/", $str); } function is_github_url($url) { $urlbits = explode("/", $url); return (substr($urlbits[2], -10) == "github.com"); } function bootup_apply_patches() { global $config; $a_patches = &$config['installedpackages']['patches']['item']; foreach ($a_patches as $patch) { /* Skip the patch if it should not be automatically applied. */ if (!isset($patch['autoapply'])) { continue; } /* If the patch can be reverted it is already applied, so skip it. */ if (!patch_test_revert($patch)) { /* Only attempt to apply if it can be applied. */ if (patch_test_apply($patch)) { patch_apply($patch); } } } } function patch_add_shellcmd() { global $config; $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (!is_array($a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = array(); } $found = false; foreach ($a_earlyshellcmd as $idx => $cmd) { if (stristr($cmd, "apply_patches.php")) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { $a_earlyshellcmd[] = "/usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/bin/apply_patches.php"; write_config("System Patches package added a shellcmd"); } } function patch_remove_shellcmd() { global $config; $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (!is_array($a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = array(); } $removed = false; foreach ($a_earlyshellcmd as $idx => $cmd) { if (stristr($cmd, "apply_patches.php")) { unset($a_earlyshellcmd[$idx]); $removed = true; } } if ($removed) { write_config("System Patches package removed a shellcmd"); } } ?>