<?php /* * suricata_rules.php * * Significant portions of this code are based on original work done * for the Snort package for pfSense from the following contributors: * * Copyright (C) 2005 Bill Marquette <bill.marquette@gmail.com>. * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>. * Copyright (C) 2006 Scott Ullrich * Copyright (C) 2009 Robert Zelaya Sr. Developer * Copyright (C) 2012 Ermal Luci * All rights reserved. * * Adapted for Suricata by: * Copyright (C) 2014 Bill Meeks * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("/usr/local/pkg/suricata/suricata.inc"); global $g, $rebuild_rules; $suricatadir = SURICATADIR; $rules_map = array(); $pconfig = array(); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule'])) $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule'] = array(); $a_rule = &$config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule']; if (isset($_POST['id']) && is_numericint($_POST['id'])) $id = $_POST['id']; elseif (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numericint($_GET['id'])) $id = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); if (is_null($id)) { $id = 0; } if (isset($id) && $a_rule[$id]) { $pconfig['interface'] = $a_rule[$id]['interface']; $pconfig['rulesets'] = $a_rule[$id]['rulesets']; $pconfig['customrules'] = base64_decode($a_rule[$id]['customrules']); } function add_title_attribute($tag, $title) { /******************************** * This function adds a "title" * * attribute to the passed tag * * and sets the value to the * * value specified by "$title". * ********************************/ $result = ""; if (empty($tag)) { // If passed an empty element tag, then // just create a <span> tag with title $result = "<span title=\"" . $title . "\">"; } else { // Find the ending ">" for the element tag $pos = strpos($tag, ">"); if ($pos !== false) { // We found the ">" delimter, so add "title" // attribute and close the element tag $result = substr($tag, 0, $pos) . " title=\"" . $title . "\">"; } else { // We did not find the ">" delimiter, so // something is wrong, just return the // tag "as-is" $result = $tag; } } return $result; } /* convert fake interfaces to real */ $if_real = get_real_interface($pconfig['interface']); $suricata_uuid = $a_rule[$id]['uuid']; $suricatacfgdir = "{$suricatadir}suricata_{$suricata_uuid}_{$if_real}"; $snortdownload = $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['enable_vrt_rules']; $emergingdownload = $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['enable_etopen_rules']; $etpro = $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['enable_etpro_rules']; $categories = explode("||", $pconfig['rulesets']); // Add any previously saved rules files to the categories array if (!empty($pconfig['rulesets'])) $categories = explode("||", $pconfig['rulesets']); if ($_GET['openruleset']) $currentruleset = htmlspecialchars($_GET['openruleset'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401); elseif ($_POST['selectbox']) $currentruleset = $_POST['selectbox']; elseif ($_POST['openruleset']) $currentruleset = $_POST['openruleset']; else $currentruleset = $categories[0]; if (empty($categories[0]) && ($currentruleset != "custom.rules") && ($currentruleset != "Auto-Flowbit Rules")) { if (!empty($a_rule[$id]['ips_policy'])) $currentruleset = "IPS Policy - " . ucfirst($a_rule[$id]['ips_policy']); else $currentruleset = "custom.rules"; } /* One last sanity check -- if the rules directory is empty, default to loading custom rules */ $tmp = glob("{$suricatadir}rules/*.rules"); if (empty($tmp)) $currentruleset = "custom.rules"; $ruledir = "{$suricatadir}rules"; $rulefile = "{$ruledir}/{$currentruleset}"; if ($currentruleset != 'custom.rules') { // Read the current rules file into our rules map array. // If it is the auto-flowbits file, set the full path. if ($currentruleset == "Auto-Flowbit Rules") $rulefile = "{$suricatacfgdir}/rules/" . FLOWBITS_FILENAME; // Test for the special case of an IPS Policy file. if (substr($currentruleset, 0, 10) == "IPS Policy") $rules_map = suricata_load_vrt_policy($a_rule[$id]['ips_policy']); elseif (!file_exists($rulefile)) $input_errors[] = gettext("{$currentruleset} seems to be missing!!! Please verify rules files have been downloaded, then go to the Categories tab and save the rule set again."); else $rules_map = suricata_load_rules_map($rulefile); } /* Load up our enablesid and disablesid arrays with enabled or disabled SIDs */ $enablesid = suricata_load_sid_mods($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); $disablesid = suricata_load_sid_mods($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); if ($_POST['toggle'] && is_numeric($_POST['sid']) && is_numeric($_POST['gid']) && !empty($rules_map)) { // Get the GID:SID tags embedded in the clicked rule icon. $gid = $_POST['gid']; $sid = $_POST['sid']; // See if the target SID is in our list of modified SIDs, // and toggle it back to default if present; otherwise, // add it to the appropriate modified SID list. if (isset($enablesid[$gid][$sid])) unset($enablesid[$gid][$sid]); elseif (isset($disablesid[$gid][$sid])) unset($disablesid[$gid][$sid]); else { if ($rules_map[$gid][$sid]['disabled'] == 1) $enablesid[$gid][$sid] = "enablesid"; else $disablesid[$gid][$sid] = "disablesid"; } // Write the updated enablesid and disablesid values to the config file. $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($enablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($enablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($disablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($disablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); /* Update the config.xml file. */ write_config(); $anchor = "rule_{$gid}_{$sid}"; } elseif ($_POST['disable_all'] && !empty($rules_map)) { // Mark all rules in the currently selected category "disabled". foreach (array_keys($rules_map) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($rules_map[$k1]) as $k2) { if (isset($enablesid[$k1][$k2])) unset($enablesid[$k1][$k2]); $disablesid[$k1][$k2] = "disablesid"; } } // Write the updated enablesid and disablesid values to the config file. $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($enablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($enablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($disablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($disablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); write_config(); } elseif ($_POST['enable_all'] && !empty($rules_map)) { // Mark all rules in the currently selected category "enabled". foreach (array_keys($rules_map) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($rules_map[$k1]) as $k2) { if (isset($disablesid[$k1][$k2])) unset($disablesid[$k1][$k2]); $enablesid[$k1][$k2] = "enablesid"; } } // Write the updated enablesid and disablesid values to the config file. $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($enablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($enablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($disablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($disablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); write_config(); } elseif ($_POST['resetcategory'] && !empty($rules_map)) { // Reset any modified SIDs in the current rule category to their defaults. foreach (array_keys($rules_map) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($rules_map[$k1]) as $k2) { if (isset($enablesid[$k1][$k2])) unset($enablesid[$k1][$k2]); if (isset($disablesid[$k1][$k2])) unset($disablesid[$k1][$k2]); } } // Write the updated enablesid and disablesid values to the config file. $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($enablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($enablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); $tmp = ""; foreach (array_keys($disablesid) as $k1) { foreach (array_keys($disablesid[$k1]) as $k2) $tmp .= "{$k1}:{$k2}||"; } $tmp = rtrim($tmp, "||"); if (!empty($tmp)) $a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = $tmp; else unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); write_config(); } elseif ($_POST['resetall'] && !empty($rules_map)) { // Remove all modified SIDs from config.xml and save the changes. unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_on']); unset($a_rule[$id]['rule_sid_off']); /* Update the config.xml file. */ write_config(); } elseif ($_POST['clear']) { unset($a_rule[$id]['customrules']); write_config(); $rebuild_rules = true; suricata_generate_yaml($a_rule[$id]); $rebuild_rules = false; $pconfig['customrules'] = ''; } elseif ($_POST['cancel']) { $pconfig['customrules'] = base64_decode($a_rule[$id]['customrules']); } elseif ($_POST['save']) { $pconfig['customrules'] = $_POST['customrules']; if ($_POST['customrules']) $a_rule[$id]['customrules'] = base64_encode($_POST['customrules']); else unset($a_rule[$id]['customrules']); write_config(); $rebuild_rules = true; suricata_generate_yaml($a_rule[$id]); $rebuild_rules = false; /* Signal Suricata to "live reload" the rules */ suricata_reload_config($a_rule[$id]); } elseif ($_POST['apply']) { /* Save new configuration */ write_config(); /*************************************************/ /* Update the suricata.yaml file and rebuild the */ /* rules for this interface. */ /*************************************************/ $rebuild_rules = true; suricata_generate_yaml($a_rule[$id]); $rebuild_rules = false; /* Signal Suricata to "live reload" the rules */ suricata_reload_config($a_rule[$id]); } require_once("guiconfig.inc"); include_once("head.inc"); $if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($pconfig['interface']); $pgtitle = gettext("Suricata: Interface {$if_friendly} - Rules: {$currentruleset}"); ?> <body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC"> <?php include("fbegin.inc"); /* Display error or save messages if present */ if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); // TODO: add checks } if ($savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg); } ?> <form action='/suricata/suricata_rules.php' method='post' name='iform' id='iform'> <input type='hidden' name='id' id='id' value='<?=$id;?>'/> <input type='hidden' name='openruleset' id='openruleset' value='<?=$currentruleset;?>'/> <input type='hidden' name='sid' id='sid' value=''/> <input type='hidden' name='gid' id='gid' value=''/> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td> <?php $tab_array = array(); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Suricata Interfaces"), false, "/suricata/suricata_interfaces.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Global Settings"), false, "/suricata/suricata_global.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Update Rules"), false, "/suricata/suricata_download_updates.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Alerts"), false, "/suricata/suricata_alerts.php?instance={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Blocked"), false, "/suricata/suricata_blocked.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Pass Lists"), false, "/suricata/suricata_passlist.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Suppress"), false, "/suricata/suricata_suppress.php"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Logs Browser"), false, "/suricata/suricata_logs_browser.php?instance={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array(gettext("Logs Mgmt"), false, "/suricata/suricata_logs_mgmt.php"); display_top_tabs($tab_array, true); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="tabnavtbl">'; $menu_iface=($if_friendly?substr($if_friendly,0,5)." ":"Iface ");; $tab_array = array(); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Settings"), false, "/suricata/suricata_interfaces_edit.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Categories"), false, "/suricata/suricata_rulesets.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Rules"), true, "/suricata/suricata_rules.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Flow/Stream"), false, "/suricata/suricata_flow_stream.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("App Parsers"), false, "/suricata/suricata_app_parsers.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Variables"), false, "/suricata/suricata_define_vars.php?id={$id}"); $tab_array[] = array($menu_iface . gettext("Barnyard2"), false, "/suricata/suricata_barnyard.php?id={$id}"); display_top_tabs($tab_array, true); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td><div id="mainarea"> <table id="maintable" class="tabcont" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="listtopic"><?php echo gettext("Available Rule Categories"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vncell" height="30px"><strong><?php echo gettext("Category:"); ?></strong> <select id="selectbox" name="selectbox" class="formselect" onChange="go();"> <option value='custom.rules'>custom.rules</option> <?php $files = explode("||", $pconfig['rulesets']); if ($a_rule[$id]['ips_policy_enable'] == 'on') $files[] = "IPS Policy - " . ucfirst($a_rule[$id]['ips_policy']); if ($a_rule[$id]['autoflowbitrules'] == 'on') $files[] = "Auto-Flowbit Rules"; natcasesort($files); foreach ($files as $value) { if ($snortdownload != 'on' && substr($value, 0, mb_strlen(VRT_FILE_PREFIX)) == VRT_FILE_PREFIX) continue; if ($emergingdownload != 'on' && substr($value, 0, mb_strlen(ET_OPEN_FILE_PREFIX)) == ET_OPEN_FILE_PREFIX) continue; if ($etpro != 'on' && substr($value, 0, mb_strlen(ET_PRO_FILE_PREFIX)) == ET_PRO_FILE_PREFIX) continue; if (empty($value)) continue; echo "<option value='{$value}' "; if ($value == $currentruleset) echo "selected"; echo ">{$value}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <?php echo gettext("Select the rule category to view"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($currentruleset == 'custom.rules'): ?> <tr> <td class="listtopic"><?php echo gettext("Defined Custom Rules"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" class="vtable"> <textarea wrap="soft" cols="90" rows="40" name="customrules"><?=$pconfig['customrules'];?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input name="save" type="submit" class="formbtn" id="save" value="<?php echo gettext(" Save "); ?>" title=" <?php echo gettext("Save custom rules"); ?>"/> <input name="cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" id="cancel" value="<?php echo gettext("Cancel"); ?>" title="<?php echo gettext("Cancel all changes made prior to last save"); ?>"/> <input name="clear" type="submit" class="formbtn" id="clear" value="<?php echo gettext("Clear"); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo gettext("This will erase all custom rules for the interface. Are you sure?"); ?>')" title="<?php echo gettext("Deletes all custom rules"); ?>"/> </td> </tr> <?php else: ?> <tr> <td class="listtopic"><?php echo gettext("Rule Signature ID (SID) Enable/Disable Overrides"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vncell"> <table width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td rowspan="5" width="48%" valign="middle"><input type="submit" name="apply" id="apply" value="<?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?>" class="formbtn" title="<?php echo gettext("Click to rebuild the rules with your changes"); ?>"/><br/><br/> <span class="vexpl"><span class="red"><strong><?php echo gettext("Note: ") . "</strong></span>" . gettext("When finished, click APPLY to send any SID enable/disable changes made on this tab to the running Suricata process."); ?></span></td> <td class="vexpl" valign="middle"><?php echo "<input type='image' name='resetcategory[]' src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" onmouseout='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\"' onmouseover='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x_mo.gif\"' border='0' title='" . gettext("Click to remove enable/disable changes for rules in the selected category only") . "'/>"?> <?php echo gettext("Remove Enable/Disable changes in the current Category"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vexpl" valign="middle"><?php echo "<input type='image' name='resetall[]' src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" onmouseout='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\"' onmouseover='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x_mo.gif\"' border='0' title='" . gettext("Click to remove all enable/disable changes for rules in all categories") . "'/>"?> <?php echo gettext("Remove all Enable/Disable changes in all Categories"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vexpl" valign="middle"><?php echo "<input type='image' name='disable_all[]' src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" onmouseout='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif\"' onmouseover='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x_mo.gif\"' border='0' title='" . gettext("Click to disable all rules in the selected category") . "'/>"?> <?php echo gettext("Disable all rules in the current Category"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vexpl" valign="middle"><?php echo "<input type='image' name='enable_all[]' src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_plus.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" onmouseout='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_plus.gif\"' onmouseover='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_plus_mo.gif\"' border='0' title='" . gettext("Click to enable all rules in the selected category") . "'/>"?> <?php echo gettext("Enable all rules in the current Category"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vexpl" valign="middle"><a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id=<?=$id;?>&openruleset=<?=$currentruleset;?>','FileViewer',800,600)"> <img src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_service_restart.gif" width="15" height="15" <?php echo "onmouseover='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_services_restart_mo.gif\"' onmouseout='this.src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_service_restart.gif\"' ";?> title="<?php echo gettext("Click to view full text of all the category rules"); ?>" width="17" height="17" border="0"></a> <?php echo gettext("View full file contents for the current Category"); ?></td> </tr> <?php if ($currentruleset == 'Auto-Flowbit Rules'): ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="vexpl" align="center"><?php echo "<span class=\"red\"><b>" . gettext("WARNING: ") . "</b></span>" . gettext("You should not disable flowbit rules! Add Suppress List entries for them instead by ") . "<a href='suricata_rules_flowbits.php?id={$id}' title=\"" . gettext("Add Suppress List entry for Flowbit Rule") . "\">" . gettext("clicking here") . ".</a>";?></td> </tr> <?php endif;?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="listtopic"><?php echo gettext("Selected Category's Rules"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="myTable" class="sortable" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <colgroup> <col width="14" align="left" valign="middle"> <col width="6%" align="center" axis="number"> <col width="9%" align="center" axis="number"> <col width="52" align="center" axis="string"> <col width="14%" align="center" axis="string"> <col width="10%" align="center" axis="string"> <col width="14%" align="center" axis="string"> <col width="10%" align="center" axis="string"> <col axis="string"> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th class="list"> </th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("GID"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("SID"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("Proto"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("Source"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("SPort"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("Destination"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("DPort"); ?></th> <th class="listhdrr"><?php echo gettext("Message"); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $counter = $enable_cnt = $disable_cnt = 0; foreach ($rules_map as $k1 => $rulem) { foreach ($rulem as $k2 => $v) { $sid = suricata_get_sid($v['rule']); $gid = suricata_get_gid($v['rule']); if (isset($disablesid[$gid][$sid])) { $textss = "<span class=\"gray\">"; $textse = "</span>"; $iconb = "icon_reject_d.gif"; $disable_cnt++; $title = gettext("Disabled by user. Click to toggle to default state"); } elseif (($v['disabled'] == 1) && (!isset($enablesid[$gid][$sid]))) { $textss = "<span class=\"gray\">"; $textse = "</span>"; $iconb = "icon_block_d.gif"; $disable_cnt++; $title = gettext("Disabled by default. Click to toggle to enabled state"); } elseif (isset($enablesid[$gid][$sid])) { $textss = $textse = ""; $iconb = "icon_reject.gif"; $enable_cnt++; $title = gettext("Enabled by user. Click to toggle to default state"); } else { $textss = $textse = ""; $iconb = "icon_block.gif"; $enable_cnt++; $title = gettext("Enabled by default. Click to toggle to disabled state"); } // Pick off the first section of the rule (prior to the start of the MSG field), // and then use a REGX split to isolate the remaining fields into an array. $tmp = substr($v['rule'], 0, strpos($v['rule'], "(")); $tmp = trim(preg_replace('/^\s*#+\s*/', '', $tmp)); $rule_content = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $tmp); // Create custom <span> tags for some of the fields so we can // have a "title" attribute for tooltips to show the full string. $srcspan = add_title_attribute($textss, $rule_content[2]); $srcprtspan = add_title_attribute($textss, $rule_content[3]); $dstspan = add_title_attribute($textss, $rule_content[5]); $dstprtspan = add_title_attribute($textss, $rule_content[6]); $protocol = $rule_content[1]; //protocol field $source = $rule_content[2]; //source field $source_port = $rule_content[3]; //source port field $destination = $rule_content[5]; //destination field $destination_port = $rule_content[6]; //destination port field $message = suricata_get_msg($v['rule']); $sid_tooltip = gettext("View the raw text for this rule"); echo "<tr><td class=\"listt\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" sorttable_customkey=\"\">{$textss} <a id=\"rule_{$gid}_{$sid}\" href='#'><input type=\"image\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('sid').value='{$sid}'; document.getElementById('gid').value='{$gid}';\" src=\"../themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/{$iconb}\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\" title='{$title}' name=\"toggle[]\"/></a>{$textse} </td> <td class=\"listr\" style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$textss}{$gid}{$textse} </td> <td class=\"listr\" style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> <a href=\"javascript: void(0)\" onclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\" title='{$sid_tooltip}'>{$textss}{$sid}{$textse}</a> </td> <td class=\"listr\" style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$textss}{$protocol}{$textse} </td> <td class=\"listr ellipsis\" nowrap style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$srcspan}{$source}</span> </td> <td class=\"listr ellipsis\" nowrap style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$srcprtspan}{$source_port}</span> </td> <td class=\"listr ellipsis\" nowrap style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$dstspan}{$destination}</span> </td> <td class=\"listr ellipsis\" nowrap style=\"text-align:center;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$dstprtspan}{$destination_port}</span> </td> <td class=\"listbg\" style=\"word-wrap:break-word; whitespace:pre-line;\" ondblclick=\"wopen('suricata_rules_edit.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$currentruleset}&sid={$sid}&gid={$gid}','FileViewer',800,600);\"> {$textss}{$message}{$textse} </td> </tr>"; $counter++; } } unset($rulem, $v); ?> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="16"></td> <td class="vexpl" height="35" valign="top"> <strong><?php echo gettext("--- Category Rules Summary ---") . "</strong><br/>" . gettext("Total Rules: {$counter}") . " " . gettext("Enabled: {$enable_cnt}") . " " . gettext("Disabled: {$disable_cnt}"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="16"><img src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_block.gif" width="11" height="11"></td> <td><?php echo gettext("Rule default is Enabled"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="16"><img src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_block_d.gif" width="11" height="11"></td> <td nowrap><?php echo gettext("Rule default is Disabled"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="16"><img src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_reject.gif" width="11" height="11"></td> <td nowrap><?php echo gettext("Rule changed to Enabled by user"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="16"><img src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_reject_d.gif" width="11" height="11"></td> <td nowrap><?php echo gettext("Rule changed to Disabled by user"); ?></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php endif;?> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function go() { var box = document.getElementById("selectbox"); var ruleset = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value; if (ruleset) document.getElementById("openruleset").value = ruleset; document.getElementById("iform").submit(); } function wopen(url, name, w, h) { // Fudge factors for window decoration space. // In my tests these work well on all platforms & browsers. w += 32; h += 96; var win = window.open(url, name, 'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' + 'location=no, menubar=no, ' + 'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'); win.resizeTo(w, h); win.focus(); } <?php if (!empty($anchor)): ?> // Scroll the last enabled/disabled SID into view window.location.hash = "<?=$anchor; ?>"; window.scrollBy(0,-60); <?php endif;?> </script> <?php include("fend.inc"); ?> </body> </html>