"default", "bind_to" => "all", "personality" => "IDS", "request-body-limit" => 4096, "response-body-limit" => 4096, "double-decode-path" => "no", "double-decode-query" => "no" ); $pconfig['libhtp_policy']['item'] = array(); $pconfig['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $default; if (!is_array($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'])) $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'] = array(); $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $default; write_config(); $libhtp_engine_next_id++; } else $pconfig['libhtp_policy'] = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']; } // Check for "import or select alias mode" and set flags if TRUE. // "selectalias", when true, displays radio buttons to limit // multiple selections. if ($_POST['import_alias']) { $importalias = true; $selectalias = false; $title = "HTTP Server Policy"; } elseif ($_POST['select_alias']) { $importalias = true; $selectalias = true; $title = "HTTP Server Policy"; // Preserve current Libhtp Policy Engine settings $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; $eng_name = $_POST['policy_name']; $eng_bind = $_POST['policy_bind_to']; $eng_personality = $_POST['personality']; $eng_req_body_limit = $_POST['req_body_limit']; $eng_resp_body_limit = $_POST['resp_body_limit']; $eng_enable_double_decode_path = $_POST['enable_double_decode_path']; $eng_enable_double_decode_query = $_POST['enable_double_decode_query']; $mode = "add_edit_libhtp_policy"; } if ($_POST['save_libhtp_policy']) { if ($_POST['eng_id'] != "") { $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; // Grab all the POST values and save in new temp array $engine = array(); $policy_name = trim($_POST['policy_name']); if ($policy_name) { $engine['name'] = $policy_name; } else $input_errors[] = gettext("The 'Policy Name' value cannot be blank."); if ($_POST['policy_bind_to']) { if (is_alias($_POST['policy_bind_to'])) $engine['bind_to'] = $_POST['policy_bind_to']; elseif (strtolower(trim($_POST['policy_bind_to'])) == "all") $engine['bind_to'] = "all"; else $input_errors[] = gettext("You must provide a valid Alias or the reserved keyword 'all' for the 'Bind-To IP Address' value."); } else $input_errors[] = gettext("The 'Bind-To IP Address' value cannot be blank. Provide a valid Alias or the reserved keyword 'all'."); if ($_POST['personality']) { $engine['personality'] = $_POST['personality']; } else { $engine['personality'] = "bsd"; } if (is_numeric($_POST['req_body_limit']) && $_POST['req_body_limit'] >= 0) $engine['request-body-limit'] = $_POST['req_body_limit']; else $input_errors[] = gettext("The value for 'Request Body Limit' must be all numbers and greater than or equal to zero."); if (is_numeric($_POST['resp_body_limit']) && $_POST['resp_body_limit'] >= 0) $engine['response-body-limit'] = $_POST['resp_body_limit']; else $input_errors[] = gettext("The value for 'Response Body Limit' must be all numbers and greater than or equal to zero."); if ($_POST['enable_double_decode_path']) { $engine['double-decode-path'] = 'yes'; }else{ $engine['double-decode-path'] = 'no'; } if ($_POST['enable_double_decode_query']) { $engine['double-decode-query'] = 'yes'; }else{ $engine['double-decode-query'] = 'no'; } // Can only have one "all" Bind_To address if ($engine['bind_to'] == "all" && $engine['name'] <> "default") $input_errors[] = gettext("Only one default OS-Policy Engine can be bound to all addresses."); // if no errors, write new entry to conf if (!$input_errors) { if (isset($eng_id) && $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$eng_id]) { $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$eng_id] = $engine; } else $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $engine; /* Reorder the engine array to ensure the */ /* 'bind_to=all' entry is at the bottom */ /* if it contains more than one entry. */ if (count($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']) > 1) { $i = -1; foreach ($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'] as $f => $v) { if ($v['bind_to'] == "all") { $i = $f; break; } } /* Only relocate the entry if we */ /* found it, and it's not already */ /* at the end. */ if ($i > -1 && ($i < (count($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']) - 1))) { $tmp = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$i]; unset($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$i]); $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $tmp; } } // Now write the new engine array to conf write_config(); $pconfig['libhtp_policy']['item'] = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']; } else { $add_edit_libhtp_policy = true; $pengcfg = $engine; } } } elseif ($_POST['add_libhtp_policy']) { $add_edit_libhtp_policy = true; $pengcfg = array( "name" => "engine_{$libhtp_engine_next_id}", "bind_to" => "", "personality" => "IDS", "request-body-limit" => "4096", "response-body-limit" => "4096", "double-decode-path" => "no", "double-decode-query" => "no" ); $eng_id = $libhtp_engine_next_id; } elseif ($_POST['edit_libhtp_policy']) { if ($_POST['eng_id'] != "") { $add_edit_libhtp_policy = true; $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; $pengcfg = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$eng_id]; } } elseif ($_POST['del_libhtp_policy']) { $natent = array(); $natent = $pconfig; if ($_POST['eng_id'] != "") { unset($natent['libhtp_policy']['item'][$_POST['eng_id']]); $pconfig = $natent; } if (isset($id) && $a_nat[$id]) { $a_nat[$id] = $natent; write_config(); } } elseif ($_POST['cancel_libhtp_policy']) { $add_edit_libhtp_policy = false; } elseif ($_POST['ResetAll']) { /* Reset all the settings to defaults */ $pconfig['asn1_max_frames'] = "256"; /* Log a message at the top of the page to inform the user */ $savemsg = gettext("All flow and stream settings have been reset to their defaults."); } elseif ($_POST['save_import_alias']) { // If saving out of "select alias" mode, // then return to Libhtp Policy Engine edit // page. if ($_POST['mode'] == 'add_edit_libhtp_policy') { $pengcfg = array(); $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; $pengcfg['name'] = $_POST['eng_name']; $pengcfg['bind_to'] = $_POST['eng_bind']; $pengcfg['personality'] = $_POST['eng_personality']; $pengcfg['request-body-limit'] = $_POST['eng_req_body_limit']; $pengcfg['response-body-limit'] = $_POST['eng_resp_body_limit']; $pengcfg['double-decode-path'] = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_path']; $pengcfg['double-decode-query'] = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_query']; $add_edit_libhtp_policy = true; $mode = "add_edit_libhtp_policy"; if (is_array($_POST['aliastoimport']) && count($_POST['aliastoimport']) == 1) { $pengcfg['bind_to'] = $_POST['aliastoimport'][0]; $importalias = false; $selectalias = false; } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("No Alias is selected for import. Nothing to SAVE."); $importalias = true; $selectalias = true; $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; $eng_name = $_POST['eng_name']; $eng_bind = $_POST['eng_bind']; $eng_personality = $_POST['eng_personality']; $eng_req_body_limit = $_POST['eng_req_body_limit']; $eng_resp_body_limit = $_POST['eng_resp_body_limit']; $eng_enable_double_decode_path = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_path']; $eng_enable_double_decode_query = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_query']; } } else { $engine = array( "name" => "", "bind_to" => "", "personality" => "IDS", "request-body-limit" => "4096", "response-body-limit" => "4096", "double-decode-path" => "no", "double-decode-query" => "no" ); // See if anything was checked to import if (is_array($_POST['aliastoimport']) && count($_POST['aliastoimport']) > 0) { foreach ($_POST['aliastoimport'] as $item) { $engine['name'] = strtolower($item); $engine['bind_to'] = $item; $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $engine; } } else { $input_errors[] = gettext("No entries were selected for import. Please select one or more Aliases for import and click SAVE."); $importalias = true; } // if no errors, write new entry to conf if (!$input_errors) { // Reorder the engine array to ensure the // 'bind_to=all' entry is at the bottom if // the array contains more than one entry. if (count($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']) > 1) { $i = -1; foreach ($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'] as $f => $v) { if ($v['bind_to'] == "all") { $i = $f; break; } } // Only relocate the entry if we // found it, and it's not already // at the end. if ($i > -1 && ($i < (count($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']) - 1))) { $tmp = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$i]; unset($a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][$i]); $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item'][] = $tmp; } $pconfig['libhtp_policy']['item'] = $a_nat[$id]['libhtp_policy']['item']; } // Write the new engine array to config file write_config(); $importalias = false; } } } elseif ($_POST['cancel_import_alias']) { $importalias = false; $selectalias = false; $eng_id = $_POST['eng_id']; // If cancelling out of "select alias" mode, // then return to Libhtp Policy Engine edit // page. if ($_POST['mode'] == 'add_edit_libhtp_policy') { $pengcfg = array(); $pengcfg['name'] = $_POST['eng_name']; $pengcfg['bind_to'] = $_POST['eng_bind']; $pengcfg['personality'] = $_POST['eng_personality']; $pengcfg['request-body-limit'] = $_POST['eng_req_body_limit']; $pengcfg['response-body-limit'] = $_POST['eng_resp_body_limit']; $pengcfg['double-decode-path'] = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_path']; $pengcfg['double-decode-query'] = $_POST['eng_enable_double_decode_query']; $add_edit_libhtp_policy = true; } } elseif ($_POST['save']) { $natent = array(); $natent = $pconfig; // TODO: validate input values if (!is_numeric($_POST['asn1_max_frames'] ) || $_POST['asn1_max_frames'] < 1) $input_errors[] = gettext("The value for 'ASN1 Max Frames' must be all numbers and greater than 0."); /* if no errors write to conf */ if (!$input_errors) { if ($_POST['asn1_max_frames'] != "") { $natent['asn1_max_frames'] = $_POST['asn1_max_frames']; }else{ $natent['asn1_max_frames'] = "256"; } /**************************************************/ /* If we have a valid rule ID, save configuration */ /* then update the suricata.conf file and rebuild */ /* the rules for this interface. */ /**************************************************/ if (isset($id) && $a_nat[$id]) { $a_nat[$id] = $natent; write_config(); $rebuild_rules = true; suricata_generate_yaml($natent); $rebuild_rules = false; } header( 'Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' ); header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); header("Location: suricata_app_parsers.php?id=$id"); exit; } } $if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($pconfig['interface']); $pgtitle = gettext("Suricata: Interface {$if_friendly} - Layer 7 Application Parsers"); include_once("head.inc"); ?>